Special Bylaw Meeting for New York Team....


(08:02:13 PM) ausimage: OK so who is here besides samiam010203 and NickGarvey??
(08:02:47 PM) ausimage: BrianG, Dave123, deejoe, rockets, TheDukeNY ????
(08:03:13 PM) rockets: whats up ausimage
(08:03:26 PM) NickGarvey:  /topic
(08:03:29 PM) ausimage: hey discussing the bylaws...
(08:03:54 PM) ausimage: I think you were the one who suggested a later meeting??
(08:03:57 PM) rockets: cool
(08:04:05 PM) rockets: wait
(08:04:08 PM) rockets: this is an official meeting?
(08:04:08 PM) rockets: haha
(08:04:10 PM) rockets: im just here by chance.
(08:04:20 PM) rockets: But I'm happy to participate.
(08:04:21 PM) samiam010203: yes its official meeting
(08:04:31 PM) samiam010203: but your welcome non the less
(08:04:37 PM) ausimage: yeah... official enough... work will be accomplished if we have member participation
(08:04:52 PM) samiam010203: thats starting to get on my nerves ausi :(
(08:05:09 PM) ausimage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/503c/bylaw are the bylaws....
(08:05:10 PM) samiam010203: people sign up for the team and then never are arround
(08:05:31 PM) ausimage: I know... samiam010203 I am slightly irritated by that as well...
(08:05:40 PM) samiam010203: grrrhhh
(08:06:05 PM) ausimage: rockets: did you get chance to look at the link before tonight?
(08:06:28 PM) ***ausimage knows it was brought up at the regular meeting...
(08:06:54 PM) rockets: ausimage, nope. . . been kinda busy . . . moving into a new place
(08:07:30 PM) samiam010203: so how many people are active tonight ? if so say yah
(08:07:41 PM) rockets: yah
(08:07:47 PM) rockets: lol.
(08:07:51 PM) samiam010203: hahah
(08:08:02 PM) ausimage: well... rockets have a look... if you have questions... let me know...
(08:08:22 PM) rockets: im reading right now
(08:09:44 PM) rockets: seems pretty simple.
(08:09:50 PM) samiam010203: it is
(08:09:59 PM) samiam010203: its not that complecated at all
(08:10:08 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: I feel the bylaws will have had sufficient review after this meeting... Next step is a general meeting where there are approved... after that we need to fill out the state certification... which we may ask for legal review for...
(08:10:10 PM) rockets: I have one small question. Not important really
(08:10:14 PM) rockets: what does ### mean
(08:10:20 PM) rockets: e.g.
(08:10:21 PM) rockets: These bylaws were ### at a meeting of membership and leadership by a 2/3(two-thirds) majority vote on ###.
(08:10:37 PM) ausimage: ahhh they are place holders....
(08:10:55 PM) rockets: ok
(08:11:02 PM) rockets: That's what I thought
(08:11:12 PM) samiam010203: so who should we have legaly review the laws ausi?
(08:11:43 PM) rockets: My cousin is a contract lawyer for a large firm . . . maybe he could do it? I don't remember the firm but if I said the name you'd recognize it
(08:12:01 PM) samiam010203: cool
(08:12:28 PM) rockets: I'll shoot him an email.
(08:12:29 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: I think once the team approves them we can call the state bar... and request a free consultation
(08:12:37 PM) samiam010203: ok
(08:12:49 PM) rockets: cool.
(08:13:11 PM) ausimage: At least most states bars offer that...
(08:14:14 PM) ausimage: http://www.dos.state.ny.us/corp/nfpcorp.html is the process samiam010203
(08:14:30 PM) samiam010203: thanks ausi
(08:15:36 PM) ausimage: yeah... no problems... that document says you can do it without legal consultation but you know me I like to make sure all I's and T's are correct ;)
(08:15:54 PM) samiam010203: yes
(08:15:56 PM) samiam010203: i know
(08:15:58 PM) samiam010203: hahaha
(08:17:29 PM) ausimage: so cool... I think an email need to go out to set a date for the team to convene and approve the bylaws... I will leave it up to you whether you chose to allow approvals by email if they can't make it...
(08:17:37 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: ^^^
(08:17:50 PM) samiam010203: approval by email would be fine as well ausi
(08:18:46 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: the only draw back would be that we would need nearly 30 approvals if it was by email :/
(08:19:13 PM) rockets: so itll take a few days
(08:19:15 PM) samiam010203: no what i meen is that a meeting is good but if they cant make it they can approve by email in advance
(08:19:18 PM) rockets: no big deal
(08:19:43 PM) ausimage: yeah rockets... it will be awhile...
(08:19:59 PM) samiam010203: we can send out a mailing on the list and tell people the meeting date/time and that if they cant make it to psend there vote to the list
(08:20:32 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: ok just got confused by your wording... yeah that sounds like a plan...
(08:20:39 PM) samiam010203: cool
(08:20:50 PM) samiam010203: so me and you should now set the date for the meeting
(08:21:21 PM) ausimage: yeah probably a regular meeting say the first one in September...
(08:21:46 PM) samiam010203: so what about an irc meeting on the 6th
(08:21:51 PM) samiam010203: at say 6pm
(08:21:58 PM) samiam010203: hows that for u ausi
(08:22:28 PM) ausimage: samiam010203:  do you want me to be the acting secretary... oh you mean 9-6-07 ?
(08:22:51 PM) ausimage: no... wait
(08:23:03 PM) samiam010203: 08-06-2007
(08:23:13 PM) ausimage: 9-4-07 at 6pm
(08:23:25 PM) samiam010203: no 8-6-2007 at 6pm
(08:23:39 PM) samiam010203: augest 6th is the next meeting
(08:23:54 PM) samiam010203: oh, my mistake i sayd september by accendent
(08:24:02 PM) ausimage: I was going to give the team time... hmmm but I guess that would be fine....
(08:24:17 PM) samiam010203: so next week on the 6th at 6pm
(08:24:22 PM) samiam010203: hows that for you ausi
(08:24:22 PM) ausimage: Need to ensure sufficient notice is provided though
(08:24:34 PM) samiam010203: we will send out notice on the mailing list
(08:24:46 PM) ausimage: samiam010203:  I thought meetings were on tuesday?
(08:24:55 PM) ausimage: 1st and 3rd
(08:25:09 PM) samiam010203: well because we are dealing with the bylaws and you say monday is better for you thats why
(08:25:24 PM) ausimage: so I would prefer the 21st of august over the 7th...
(08:25:39 PM) samiam010203: ok so the end of augost then on the 21st
(08:25:43 PM) samiam010203: at what time
(08:25:56 PM) ausimage: 6pm... sounds good...
(08:25:59 PM) samiam010203: cool
(08:26:13 PM) samiam010203: so on the 7th we will have our weekly irc general meeting then
(08:26:20 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: I am consider the acting secretary ???
(08:26:21 PM) samiam010203: and on the 21st the bylaws approval
(08:26:28 PM) samiam010203: yes
(08:26:31 PM) samiam010203: you r ausi
(08:27:00 PM) ausimage: Ok then I will need to get some addresses from you or yharrow_ samiam010203
(08:27:18 PM) samiam010203: what do u need
(08:28:11 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: I will print the final document here and sign it then mail it too you... so you have the copies to bring to a lawyer or keep for your records...
(08:28:51 PM) samiam010203: ok
(08:29:03 PM) samiam010203: whats your im then
(08:29:08 PM) ausimage: I probably set up a pgp sign doc too...
(08:29:15 PM) ausimage: im??? 
(08:29:23 PM) samiam010203: instant messenger name
(08:29:29 PM) ausimage: I am ausimage most places...
(08:29:52 PM) ausimage: samiam010203:  /msg me
(08:30:26 PM) samiam010203: [Away] ausimage is away: I'm not here right now
(08:30:47 PM) ausimage: ahh... hmmm
(08:31:17 PM) ausimage: there... sorry I keep it set away or distracted mostly...
(08:34:15 PM) ausimage: I guess that concludes this meeting... bylaws to be voted on the 21st of next month
(08:34:20 PM) samiam010203: cool
(08:34:27 PM) samiam010203: see you on the 21st ausi
(08:34:41 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: I will attempt to go through the application for state cert and send that at the same time...

NewYorkTeam/Meetings/20070730 (last edited 2008-11-14 01:50:31 by pool-70-16-60-167)