This is the 18th IRC General meeting of the NewYorkTeam, starting at 6:00 PM EST and finishing at 7:30 EST When adding new agenda items please "sign" them, place @SIG@ (without the escape - marks) after each of your items. If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed.




IRC Logs

(06:03:11 PM) ausimage: Well lets get this meeting going !
(06:03:25 PM) ausimage: <== follow along here....
(06:03:40 PM) ausimage: I may only mention some topics.... to get the deep ones...
(06:04:00 PM) ausimage: So the first topic are Meet Ups....
(06:04:22 PM) ausimage: Rochester has set aside the first Thursday of the month for meetups....
(06:04:43 PM) ausimage: The next is this Thursday at Victor's Unos
(06:04:51 PM) ausimage: it starts at 7pm
(06:05:07 PM) ausimage: The next meetup is in Brooklyn for NYC
(06:05:31 PM) ausimage: Bossmanbeta has setup this Saturday at 2pm at k-Dog cafe for a meetup
(06:05:34 PM) Dave123: hey
(06:05:44 PM) Gnu_Joe: anyone in the Hudson Valley is welcome at our LUG meeting tomorrow at 6:3-pm =>
(06:05:57 PM) ausimage: Awesome Gnu_Joe
(06:06:17 PM) Dave123: lugor in rochster on the third thursday at rit
(06:06:33 PM) Gnu_Joe: now 70% of our members are running some form of Ubuntu ;-)
(06:06:40 PM) ausimage: I think we should be working on encouraging more meetups in other communities
(06:06:52 PM) Gnu_Joe: I second that!
(06:07:24 PM) ausimage: Anyone that wants to start one in their community, you can get all the moral support from IRC and SIP....
(06:08:04 PM) ausimage: We should probably ensure all the linux meetings are listed on the LUG page ;)
(06:08:12 PM) Dave123: I'm on 5000 if anyone wants to jump on
(06:08:15 PM) ausimage: and of course when they meet...
(06:08:59 PM) ausimage: Next is an announcement that I have redesigned the team website....
(06:09:18 PM) ausimage: the new version is up at
(06:09:30 PM) ausimage: feedback and suggestions are welcome
(06:09:31 PM) psychoneil: looks kickass ausimage
(06:09:35 PM) ausimage: thanks
(06:09:42 PM) infinityxi`work left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection).
(06:09:45 PM) Dave123: yes very nice job
(06:10:02 PM) ausimage: Now the big TOPIC.... Community Advocay and Support
(06:10:04 PM) ausimage: :S
(06:10:47 PM) Gnu_Joe: Avidemux
(06:11:02 PM) Gnu_Joe: sorry wrong keyboard ;-(
(06:11:30 PM) ausimage: First on that is Rochester Refurbishing Computers
(06:12:19 PM) psychoneil: great idea, will be interested in helping if i can
(06:12:27 PM) ausimage: hal14450_ and Dave123 have started collecting computers
(06:12:42 PM) Dave123: ausimage, want me to give an update?
(06:12:58 PM) ausimage: They are now looking for recipients
(06:13:23 PM) Dave123: we have collected 8 complete systems - keyboard, mouse, tower, 17" crt
(06:13:25 PM) ausimage: Rochester is looking organizations that help the needy or educational places
(06:13:39 PM) Dave123: and we have a 9th without a monitor
(06:13:46 PM) Dave123: and a proliant server
(06:14:15 PM) psychoneil: i might be able to give you my gf's old crt.  ill ask her tonight
(06:14:16 PM) Dave123: we also can have 2 sun microsystems boxes if we want them
(06:14:38 PM) ausimage: Rochester sees this as a project that could be done in other regions in NY
(06:14:49 PM) Dave123: I think hal14450_ and I are going to meetup on saturday and play with the server
(06:15:13 PM) Dave123: psychoneil, we can provide some systems if you have contacts
(06:15:32 PM) ausimage: The group has however run into a situation...
(06:15:42 PM) psychoneil: dont know anyone offhand who needs them, but i might get more donations for you
(06:16:05 PM) ausimage: Some donators want there write-offf
(06:16:35 PM) ausimage: I think this is a very big topic.... that has had mixed reviews....
(06:17:04 PM) ausimage: So perhaps a comittee should be formed to examine our needs....
(06:17:36 PM) ausimage: If you noticed... the Conference committee is looking at the same situation too...
(06:18:17 PM) ausimage: How does the group feel about this?
(06:19:04 PM) ausimage: having committee form to explore the benefits and challenges... 
(06:19:06 PM) psychoneil: seems like our major problem there is canonical not responding to our requests?
(06:19:27 PM) psychoneil: or not understanding what we are trying to do here
(06:19:48 PM) ausimage: well psychoneil, jono the canonical community rep does not see the need for a legal organization....
(06:19:49 PM) infinityxi left the room (quit: "Do you Ubuntu?").
(06:19:58 PM) ausimage: that is what I have been told...
(06:20:22 PM) ausimage: But we keep running into the need of a legal organization.....
(06:20:36 PM) ausimage: whether we partner or form our own
(06:21:10 PM) ausimage: I see this as something that needs serious thought... that cannot be resolved immediately...
(06:21:19 PM) WeblionX: You have to form a non-profit so people who donate can get write-offs.
(06:21:26 PM) psychoneil: arent there other locos trying large scale projects like this?  this issue hasnt come up before?
(06:21:54 PM) ausimage: psychoneil: they partner with large coorporations to usuall put on conferences
(06:22:19 PM) ausimage: but I am not sure if they have attempted a computer project like ours
(06:22:47 PM) Gnu_Joe: is in the City they spoke at Ubucon...
(06:23:07 PM) Gnu_Joe: maybe they can help?
(06:23:17 PM) ausimage: Yeah... possibly...
(06:23:59 PM) ausimage: If there are several members willing to meet a few times to discuss this..... and resolve the issues.... I think this is the best route
(06:24:24 PM) ausimage: I am willing to be apart the committee... to look at this.
(06:24:44 PM) ausimage: anyone else like to join me?
(06:25:02 PM) psychoneil: i will
(06:25:09 PM) ausimage: cool....
(06:25:49 PM) ausimage: Anyone can participate with committee... 
(06:25:51 PM) Dave123: I can be on the comittee
(06:25:58 PM) ausimage: awesome...
(06:26:20 PM) ausimage: Lets move on... if you want to be listed on the committee let me know
(06:26:44 PM) ausimage: The next item is developing more activities through out NY state
(06:27:18 PM) ausimage: Somehow we need to develop membership and activities in other areas of the state....
(06:27:56 PM) ausimage: I can see  Buffalo, Syracuse, Ithaca, Corning, Albany etc having active groups doing community activities and meetups
(06:28:17 PM) ausimage: but the question is how to make this a reality
(06:28:21 PM) Gnu_Joe: hay Poughkeepsie is on that list
(06:28:39 PM) ausimage: I will make a note of that Gnu_Joe
(06:29:10 PM) ausimage: I think one thing is to get our community calendar up to date and post the events on the list
(06:29:34 PM) ausimage: Any event related to the Team or Linux should be noted...
(06:30:06 PM) ausimage: So we can see and let everyone else know
(06:30:43 PM) ausimage: Feel free to chime in
(06:31:38 PM) ausimage: Well... lets try and post to our list the events happening in our communities as a start :)
(06:33:06 PM) ausimage: Um next Encouraging Member Participation....
(06:33:06 PM) psychoneil: can we make a calendar downloadable to korganizer?
(06:33:26 PM) ausimage: Um that should be possible with the google apps calendar;)
(06:33:47 PM) ausimage: The calendar just needs lots of loving....
(06:33:49 PM) psychoneil: dont think it is.  not yet at least
(06:34:12 PM) ausimage: hmmm.... I thought it had the ics export....
(06:34:38 PM) ausimage: I mean google... I have google calendars in evolution here
(06:35:10 PM) ausimage: psychoneil: I will look at with you after the meeting...
(06:35:15 PM) ausimage: :)
(06:35:26 PM) psychoneil: k
(06:35:36 PM) ausimage: On Member Participation.....
(06:36:12 PM) ausimage: I think there are several things that could be done to improve things
(06:36:26 PM) ***ausimage not sure about that sentence :S
(06:37:15 PM) ausimage: The first important one is to get members to share what they are currently doing.... even if it is installing and encouraging ubuntu among freinds and family....
(06:38:14 PM) ausimage: It is nice for those who are putting forth effort for the team
(06:38:31 PM) ausimage: to see that others are doing things as well :)
(06:39:09 PM) ausimage: It has been suggested that we work on phone or email trees in the various regions....
(06:39:31 PM) ausimage: they could work to encourage one another with their projects....
(06:40:41 PM) ausimage: The other idea is that members should not have to expect to do the whole project themselves....
(06:41:20 PM) ausimage: Developing micro or mini-tasks that make up the project might help those with only a little time....
(06:42:23 PM) ausimage: I have heard from some members they don't have much time.... if those could find 15 minutes a week to microtask.... it would help us alot
(06:42:38 PM) ***ausimage notices I am the only talking :S
(06:43:16 PM) psychoneil: just taking notes here :P
(06:43:20 PM) ausimage: I am bringing up suggestions.... and would love to hear responses
(06:43:23 PM) ausimage: :D
(06:43:43 PM) ausimage: OK... next item is Leadership ......
(06:44:00 PM) ausimage: Dave123 has suggested we hold a leadership meeting....
(06:44:14 PM) ausimage: Dave123: mind explaining the idea?
(06:44:30 PM) Dave123: my idea was to meet in the center of the state, in line utica or bingamton
(06:44:56 PM) Gnu_Joe: yes we need to invite all the Linux Dons
(06:45:01 PM) Dave123: invite everyone from the state for an afternoon to meet face to face somewhere
(06:45:23 PM) Dave123: and discuss the future of the group
(06:45:26 PM) ausimage: I think that would be great...
(06:45:41 PM) psychoneil: nods sounds like fun to me
(06:45:47 PM) Dave123: i.e. projects, leadrship, regional management, etc.
(06:46:11 PM) Dave123: we even meet at a resturant/bar type place for a few hours to reduce cost
(06:46:14 PM) ausimage: I think I told dave we would carpool from my area;)
(06:46:36 PM) ausimage: er could
(06:46:44 PM) Dave123: and then people can't piss and moan that nothing gets done
(06:46:59 PM) Gnu_Joe: Is the center of the state we want or the shortest distance for all?
(06:47:06 PM) psychoneil: great idea... but it'll never get done :P
(06:47:22 PM) Gnu_Joe: since I don't think we have any far out places
(06:47:24 PM) ausimage: It would be great to see the active members....
(06:47:35 PM) Dave123: Gnu_Joe, utica or binghampton is the center of the state
(06:47:40 PM) ausimage: Buffalo and Rochester :)
(06:47:52 PM) Dave123: we have a very active western ny group
(06:48:17 PM) Dave123: so we are trying to be accomidating to all
(06:48:28 PM) ausimage: I think there is a member in Binghampton that works at university linux lab
(06:48:41 PM) Gnu_Joe: just want to make sure it's truly central
(06:49:09 PM) Dave123: yes binghamton is about half way (3 hours) between nyc and rochester
(06:49:52 PM) Gnu_Joe: my old school know it well
(06:50:03 PM) Dave123: yes
(06:50:18 PM) Gnu_Joe: does anyone know anyone at BCC?
(06:50:45 PM) ausimage: Gnu_Joe: there is member from University Binghampton
(06:50:56 PM) Gnu_Joe: parking at BU is still a bitch
(06:51:09 PM) ausimage: it is?
(06:51:41 PM) Gnu_Joe: Well weekends were not so bad, but 15K students and only 5k parking spaces
(06:52:20 PM) Dave123: we were thinking of meeting saturday november 17th
(06:52:58 PM) Dave123: we probably would like some rsvps of who will show in case we need to adjust
(06:53:00 PM) ausimage: does anyone have objections to gathering in binghampton?
(06:53:34 PM) Dave123: not i
(06:53:38 PM) Dave123: :)
(06:53:45 PM) Gnu_Joe: Binghamton has the IBM-LTC there I can see if they can assist
(06:53:58 PM) psychoneil: sounds good
(06:54:00 PM) ausimage: Cool
(06:54:17 PM) ausimage: I have the addie of a guy in the linux lab there
(06:54:32 PM) Gnu_Joe: should be the same lab
(06:54:38 PM) Dave123: worse comes to worse we rent a hotel conf room with 20 seats
(06:54:42 PM) ausimage: Awesome lets set 2pm on the 17th of Nov 2007
(06:54:54 PM) ausimage: in Binghampton... Location TBD
(06:55:20 PM) ausimage: Full details... to be posted to the list
(06:55:28 PM) ausimage: Sounds good?
(06:55:36 PM) ausimage: ack +1
(06:55:41 PM) psychoneil: +1
(06:56:04 PM) Dave123: +1
(06:56:14 PM) ausimage: Gnu_Joe: ?
(06:56:48 PM) isacklow_afk is now known as isacklow
(06:56:52 PM) ausimage: hmmmm....
(06:57:11 PM) ausimage: OK... then I think that is the majority at the meeting
(06:57:34 PM) ausimage: Next Topic is the conference....
(06:58:00 PM) ausimage: The major point is going to be looked at with the committee that was formed....
(06:58:30 PM) ausimage: But the other point is that it would be nice to locate sponsors to help defray costs of the event...
(06:58:57 PM) Gnu_Joe: can someone send a note to all the NY LUGs infoming them of the meeting when we have a location?
(06:59:12 PM) ausimage: If you know of any that might be willing let the team know....
(06:59:26 PM) ausimage: Yeah Gnu_Joe I can CC the lugs....
(06:59:38 PM) Gnu_Joe: ty
(07:00:21 PM) ausimage: OK Getting near the end :)
(07:00:55 PM) ausimage: I would like to remind everyone that Gutsy is to be released the 18th of this month :)
(07:01:36 PM) ausimage: Many groups like to celebrate the release.... If your region is planning a release party please post it the list
(07:02:15 PM) Bossmanbeta [] entered the room.
(07:02:25 PM) Bossmanbeta: greets
(07:02:37 PM) ausimage: Bossmanbeta: Meeting in progess :)
(07:02:38 PM) Dave123: greets Bossmanbeta
(07:02:40 PM) Bossmanbeta: tried to make sure I made it for the meeting
(07:02:54 PM) Bossmanbeta: had to work later than normal today so ..
(07:03:03 PM) Bossmanbeta: we meeting on the conference or in irc
(07:03:09 PM) Dave123: no here on irc
(07:03:12 PM) ausimage: in IRC
(07:03:12 PM) Bossmanbeta: ah ok
(07:03:18 PM) ***Bossmanbeta takes a seat
(07:03:44 PM) ausimage: I think we leave the next topic for when Hendirxski and Deejoe are here....
(07:04:23 PM) ausimage: It is on incident resolution and they proposed the topic
(07:04:24 PM) Bossmanbeta: anything already discussed involved NYC ?
(07:05:04 PM) ausimage: ummm... actually everything involves NYC;)
(07:05:05 PM) Dave123: just that you are habing a metting
(07:05:13 PM) Bossmanbeta: oh
(07:05:14 PM) Bossmanbeta: ok
(07:05:19 PM) Bossmanbeta: well not much, then.. :)
(07:05:32 PM) Dave123: Bossmanbeta, call 5000 and i'll fill you in
(07:05:33 PM) Bossmanbeta: ausimage, NYC or NYS ? :)
(07:05:45 PM) Bossmanbeta: ok dave 1 sec
(07:06:09 PM) ausimage: The last topic is to let everyone know that I have started the team application for official recognition...
(07:06:31 PM) psychoneil: yay!
(07:06:45 PM) ausimage: This is an important doc that Community Council looks at to determine if we should be official or not....
(07:06:54 PM) ***deejoe did not propose the incident resolution topic
(07:06:56 PM) Bossmanbeta: what is "official" recognition?:
(07:07:11 PM) ausimage: I am not sure if I have everything current yet....
(07:07:16 PM) ausimage: please check it out
(07:07:55 PM) ausimage: Bossmanbeta: it is where you get official recogntion and express services from Ubuntu
(07:08:05 PM) ausimage: a special domain too
(07:08:14 PM) Bossmanbeta: what is express services?
(07:08:34 PM) ausimage: ummm... with ShipIt and Cd deliveries
(07:09:07 PM) Bossmanbeta: i cannot seem to call into 5000
(07:09:16 PM) Bossmanbeta: (nothing but trouble that's been for me... oh well)
(07:09:28 PM) ausimage:
(07:09:32 PM) Bossmanbeta: yea yea I know
(07:09:40 PM) ausimage: hmmm
(07:09:51 PM) Bossmanbeta: either no one can hear me, or I get dropped calls, or i cannot successfully connect... always something
(07:10:00 PM) ausimage: Oh well that is all I have for the agenda....
(07:10:11 PM) ausimage: Are there other questions?
(07:10:25 PM) ausimage: or additions to the agenda?
(07:10:48 PM) Bossmanbeta: are there any specific responsibilities for people in diff areas of NYS?
(07:10:48 PM) Dave123: nope
(07:11:03 PM) Bossmanbeta: designated responsibilities, and if so who determines who does what and for how long
(07:11:16 PM) Dave123: Bossmanbeta, we are going to have a leadership meeting
(07:11:22 PM) Dave123: face to face
(07:11:32 PM) ausimage: Um.... let me fill you in a little after the meeting
(07:11:34 PM) Bossmanbeta: that'll be hard with NY state being as big as it is
(07:11:55 PM) Bossmanbeta: ok ausimage
(07:11:57 PM) ausimage: the meeting is adjourned
(07:11:59 PM) ausimage: :D

NewYorkTeam/Meetings/20071002 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:19:10 by localhost)