


IRC Logs

(07:01:52 PM) ausimage: I have only a few items to discuss...
(07:02:12 PM) CyberMatt: i know i've never seen that many
(07:02:13 PM) ausimage: Meetups, Release Party, Future activities
(07:02:57 PM) ausimage: I cannot comment on the past events: Meetup, Party
(07:03:04 PM) ausimage: was not able to get to them
(07:03:17 PM) ausimage: Future activities though...
(07:03:42 PM) ausimage: I would love to so more activities in more places :)
(07:04:20 PM) ausimage: perhaps even using our VOIP some too
(07:04:37 PM) ausimage: CyberMatt: anything you want to discuss?
(07:04:53 PM) CyberMatt: well i may try a sip conference for the syracuse people
(07:04:54 PM) ausimage: it is hard to discuss with oneself;)
(07:05:07 PM) ausimage: that would be nice...
(07:05:39 PM) CyberMatt: i know there's some that don't go to meetings
(07:05:56 PM) ausimage: yeah...
(07:06:16 PM) CyberMatt: they lurk about on forums and such
(07:06:36 PM) ausimage: have you put something in our forum?
(07:07:01 PM) CyberMatt: not yet been busy of late
(07:07:03 PM) ***ausimage does not use forums... would probably never leave :S
(07:07:13 PM) ausimage: ok
(07:07:22 PM) CyberMatt: but i shall
(07:07:31 PM) ausimage: good...
(07:07:46 PM) RobNyc [n=RobNyc@nylug/member/RobNyc] entered the room.
(07:07:49 PM) ausimage: It would be nice to get two active groups upstate;)
(07:07:55 PM) ausimage: hey RobNyc
(07:08:10 PM) CyberMatt: so whats going on up at rodchester
(07:08:33 PM) ausimage: I believe they held their meetup and party as planned
(07:08:52 PM) ***ausimage thinks psychoneil was there at the party
(07:09:23 PM) ***ausimage lives a good 45 min from Rochester
(07:09:57 PM) ausimage: .. and 45 min from Syracuse
(07:10:27 PM) ausimage: :)
(07:11:00 PM) CyberMatt: i might get up there sometime this summer
(07:11:18 PM) ausimage: cool... is there anything else to add?
(07:11:29 PM) Weblion left the room ("Leaving").
(07:11:32 PM) CyberMatt: no not really
(07:11:48 PM) ausimage: k... wrapped up and adjourned...

NewYorkTeam/Meetings/20080508 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:35:45 by localhost)