{{{ (07:01:56 PM) ausimage: hal14450: so lets make this a quickie ;) (07:02:20 PM) hal14450: okay lol (07:02:25 PM) ausimage: I know I talked about doing a few things that have just slipped... :/ (07:02:46 PM) ausimage: We do need a leadership... er coordinating meeting ;) (07:03:10 PM) ausimage: um.. that was the thing I wanted to get done this month... (07:03:27 PM) ausimage: um hows the market day thing in Roch? (07:03:52 PM) hal14450: we're off until fathers day and so far no takers for volunteers (07:04:13 PM) hal14450: understandable though (07:04:38 PM) ausimage: ahh... thats a little bummer (07:05:16 PM) ausimage: um... another thing I talked of was in person meetings.... (07:05:30 PM) ***ausimage thinks that is going to be more difficult now :( (07:05:43 PM) hal14450: for those that don't know about the PSF http://www.linux.com/feature/134393?theme=print (07:06:03 PM) ausimage: Gas is getting outrageous (07:06:21 PM) ausimage: I saw that bit in a blog somewhere... (07:06:39 PM) hal14450: that's a promising new york based grass roots get the software to the people organization (07:07:32 PM) ausimage: ahh.. Ny Based? (07:08:15 PM) hal14450: yep it's a project that Todd & Karlie are trying to get off the ground (07:08:25 PM) ausimage: ahh Ondisk (07:08:27 PM) ausimage: :0 (07:08:29 PM) ausimage: :) (07:08:31 PM) hal14450: yeh (07:08:48 PM) ausimage: cool... I heard something about shirts I think??? (07:09:16 PM) hal14450: yep those are pretty cool ;-) (07:09:29 PM) hal14450: i think i might order a few (07:09:40 PM) ausimage: link??? (07:09:52 PM) hal14450: it's on the mailing list (07:10:08 PM) ***ausimage will have to dig it out then :/ (07:10:29 PM) ausimage: hmm is there any important things that need to be addressed? (07:11:06 PM) ausimage: #1 I am not sure as to what is happening at the moment... that being Loco Recognition ;) (07:11:45 PM) hal14450: well that will come when it comes i guess (07:11:47 PM) ausimage: I can say that the CC has passed some of their responsibilities to Regional LoCo Councils (07:12:22 PM) hal14450: i don't worry about the politics anymore the important thing is to be active (07:12:36 PM) ausimage: yeah... (07:12:43 PM) hal14450: linux is linux any way you slice it (07:12:46 PM) ausimage: I guess... (07:12:59 PM) ausimage: any ideas to share on that??? (07:13:27 PM) hal14450: on the community council? (07:14:03 PM) ausimage: no on being ACTIVE... and ADVOCATING ;) (07:14:37 PM) hal14450: oh, yeah, actually... (07:14:47 PM) ausimage: cool... do share ;) (07:15:10 PM) hal14450: get cd's and hand them out show off ubuntu to friends and the like (07:15:21 PM) hal14450: compiz really helps (07:15:50 PM) ***ausimage guess on that compiz stuff :S (07:15:58 PM) hal14450: basically just be active in showing what linux is capable of (07:16:23 PM) hal14450: eye candy like compiz is a crowd pleaser (07:16:53 PM) ausimage: sounds good... (07:17:08 PM) ausimage: anything else... we need to cover? (07:17:31 PM) hal14450: still working on getting with nate about 501c3 (07:17:57 PM) ausimage: thats good too... (07:18:03 PM) hal14450: damn life gets in the way of everything (07:18:11 PM) ausimage: yup;) (07:18:42 PM) ausimage: I may not be communicating but I will do my best to return any communication directed to me ;) (07:19:11 PM) hal14450: cool (07:19:24 PM) hal14450: everything okay ? (07:19:37 PM) hal14450: life wise i mean (07:19:56 PM) ausimage: anything else... if not lets adjourn :) }}}