= Agenda = When adding agenda items please "sign" them, place ``@``SIG``@ after each of your items.If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed. * Fall Release Party -- Waterloo area for Syracuse, Rochester and Ithaca * Discussion of goals for 2010 -- [[LaunchpadHome:cprofitt]] <> * Expand local area meet-ups * Syracuse * Fingerlakes * Ithaca * Capitol District * New York City * Attend state-wide events * Ed Tech Day 2010 * Obtain own booth next to IFSA * Develop presentation(s) * Work with IFSA to develop program * Hold or contribute to install and information fests * Rochester -- will work with RCSI Linux SIG and LUGOR to hold at least one Linux Fest * Fingerlakes * can we get a location that will accommodate an install fest? * can we get enough experts to attend? * Syracuse * Work with SYRLUG or hold our own? * Hold NYS Bug Jam - try to get Syracuse, Fingerlakes and Rochester to meet on same day and have live communication between groups * Spring 'agenda' ideas -- [[LaunchpadHome:cprofitt]] <> * GIMP presentation * Backup options for Ubuntu * Ubuntu 'genius' days * Ubuntu educators events (Fingerlakes, Rochester, Ithaca, Syracuse) * Spring 'release party' -- [[LaunchpadHome:cprofitt]] <> * 2009 Officer Nominations and Elections {{{ (09:00:38 PM) ausimage: 9:00 (09:00:41 PM) cprofitt: k - boss man -- kick the tires and light the fires (09:00:41 PM) ausimage: :) (09:00:54 PM) ausimage: alrighty.... (09:01:01 PM) ausimage: Old business... (09:01:02 PM) cprofitt: # TOPIC Fall Release Party - Waterloo (09:01:05 PM) ausimage: yup (09:01:30 PM) ausimage: I am in negotiations with the wife as to when will be the best time (09:01:34 PM) ausimage: :/ (09:02:06 PM) ausimage: We can get the HI again if decided... (09:02:20 PM) ausimage: I think we can get a room in front too (09:02:37 PM) cprofitt: what was your tentative date again ausimage ? (09:02:43 PM) cprofitt: Slick666, you here? (09:03:18 PM) ausimage: tenative is the 7th or 8th of Novemeber (09:04:07 PM) cprofitt: Rochester will be holding a VirtualBox presentation on the 6th (09:04:08 PM) ausimage: It is also the most likely weeked for the kids birthday too... hence the negotiations... (09:04:37 PM) ausimage: I think we keep it similar to last year... but move the demo machines;) (09:05:00 PM) cprofitt: Yes... I would like to have the demo machine not in the presentation room (09:05:03 PM) ausimage: If in front at the HI I think we could be in the hall (09:05:36 PM) cprofitt: actually the presentation in on the 5th (09:05:43 PM) ausimage: only cause other events have used it, but that would need checking (09:05:58 PM) cprofitt: hall> (09:06:10 PM) cprofitt: you mean the demo units would be in the hallway? (09:06:17 PM) ***Slick666 is trying to stay in meeting and cook (09:06:18 PM) ausimage: We just need a few um guinea pigs to speak ;) (09:06:21 PM) Slick666: sry (09:06:25 PM) Slick666: I AM following (09:06:49 PM) cprofitt: I am sure we can get people out there... (09:06:50 PM) ausimage: That was a thought of mine... those coming into the hotel would see them and maybe interested (09:07:06 PM) cprofitt: maybe... too bad we can not use the college though (09:07:11 PM) cprofitt: might be more traffic there (09:07:30 PM) ausimage: It is there... but not as trafficked :/ IMHO (09:07:49 PM) cprofitt: HI is more trafficked than the college? (09:07:51 PM) ausimage: and in the middle of campus and hike from the lot (09:07:52 PM) cprofitt: woah (09:08:10 PM) cprofitt: if HI is better traffic that be the place then (09:08:22 PM) cprofitt: any more on that before I move in to the next part ausimage ? (09:08:39 PM) ausimage: any volunteers ???? (09:08:45 PM) Slick666: Has anyone inquired with marnold about his college connection and what might be available? (09:08:53 PM) ausimage: to help with coordination and speaking (09:09:02 PM) cprofitt: I have not... but he is in Morrisville right? (09:09:04 PM) ausimage: Slick666: I prefer Waterloo (09:09:16 PM) ausimage: It is central to the three (09:09:20 PM) ausimage: his is not (09:09:43 PM) Slick666: true (09:09:50 PM) ausimage: make sense??? (09:09:54 PM) Slick666: but I would say he is more central than say RIT (09:10:01 PM) cprofitt: Slick666, true... (09:10:15 PM) cprofitt: ausimage, I can speak again -- if I can come... (09:10:24 PM) cprofitt: I will know more once we clear September (09:10:28 PM) Slick666: I don't have an SU connection yet ut that seems ideal (09:10:28 PM) ausimage: you may come cprofitt ;) (09:10:33 PM) cprofitt: the Fall is busy... (09:10:44 PM) ausimage: SU sucks IMHO (09:10:45 PM) Slick666: The issue is can that setting offer more space/internet/etc (09:10:52 PM) cprofitt: if I end up with my presentation accepted for NYSCATE I may be involved in getting that set (09:11:25 PM) ausimage: I liked Waterloo for the fact that it is an hour from three major locations (09:11:53 PM) ausimage: Next topic??? (09:11:57 PM) Slick666: do you know of any other venues int he area other than the HI? (09:12:00 PM) Slick666: ok (09:12:03 PM) cprofitt: 2010 goals (09:12:14 PM) ausimage: yes HWS but that has drawbacks too (09:12:19 PM) ausimage: IMHO (09:12:30 PM) cprofitt: I would like to ensure that we expand the meetups in Syracuse, Fingerlakes, Ithaca, Albany and NYC (09:12:42 PM) cprofitt: or at least do what we can to promote it (09:12:44 PM) ausimage: I second (09:13:07 PM) ausimage: cprofitt: No buffalo? (09:13:12 PM) cprofitt: I would like to have the 'core' team make some appearances or presentations in locations relatively close to where they live (09:13:21 PM) cprofitt: ausimage, we have not had activity in Buffalo (09:13:28 PM) ausimage: :/ (09:13:28 PM) cprofitt: I would like to 'have meetups' there (09:13:34 PM) cprofitt: but not 'expand' (09:13:34 PM) ausimage: what about Rock County (09:13:37 PM) Slick666: I think Syracuse is well on it's way to becoming independently organizing (09:13:48 PM) cprofitt: I lump Rock County as NYC (09:13:52 PM) ausimage: ahh (09:14:07 PM) cprofitt: Slick666, would it help if ausimage or myself were to attend a meeting in Syracuse? (09:14:10 PM) ausimage: I think FL is moving slowly in that direction (09:14:15 PM) cprofitt: meaning the VP or P (09:14:19 PM) cprofitt: vs. the two of us (09:14:24 PM) ***cprofitt later on the agenda (09:14:45 PM) Slick666: possibly (09:14:54 PM) cprofitt: or would it help to just have a 'LoCo' member come speak (09:14:58 PM) cprofitt: and officers do not matter (09:15:39 PM) ausimage: Slick666: did you not say syrlug was so lockstep ??? (09:15:43 PM) Slick666: personally, I was satisfied with the tone and output of the last meeting and I got a positive response from the local LUG (09:15:59 PM) cprofitt: good... (09:16:22 PM) cprofitt: I would like to try and make one of the meeting in Syracuse, but time of meeting may play a factor in that... (09:16:33 PM) cprofitt: I can easily make a meeting in the FLs (09:16:36 PM) Slick666: SyrLUG has a rhythm that works for them (09:17:01 PM) cprofitt: I think we need to work on getting more 'polished' presenters able to work with the LUGs (09:17:12 PM) Slick666: the Loco meeting are very different in tone and focus and I think they have enough unique appeal to bring people back (09:17:14 PM) cprofitt: to make us a 'benefit' to them (09:17:23 PM) Slick666: as well as bring in new people that might not go to SyrLUG (09:17:31 PM) cprofitt: Slick666, sounds good... (09:17:36 PM) Slick666: I agree (09:17:42 PM) cprofitt: are you shooting for every month or every other? (09:17:48 PM) Slick666: I would love to see more LUG input int the Install Fest (09:18:05 PM) cprofitt: -- k (09:18:17 PM) cprofitt: need to move along to the next topic... (09:18:25 PM) cprofitt: # Statewide events (09:18:29 PM) Slick666: kk (09:18:39 PM) cprofitt: I have contacted the folks at Ithaca and asked for our own booth this year (09:18:47 PM) cprofitt: my hope is to be located near the IFSA folks (09:19:03 PM) cprofitt: I would also like to submit 4+ presentation topics for them (09:19:15 PM) cprofitt: LTSP, Why FOSS, Backup for Linux, etc (09:19:46 PM) cprofitt: I would also like to work towards being able to attend NYSCATE for 2010 (09:20:01 PM) cprofitt: we could not get any sponsors for 2009 and could not afford the $700 booth cost (09:20:08 PM) cprofitt: but we can work on things for 2010 (09:20:20 PM) cprofitt: # Install Fests (09:20:36 PM) cprofitt: I would like to have an install fest in the Fingerlakes adn in Syracuse (09:20:39 PM) ausimage: who is going to be our 501c3 sponsor? (09:20:44 PM) cprofitt: is that possible guys? (09:20:54 PM) cprofitt: ausimage, why do I need a 501c3 sponsor? (09:21:02 PM) ausimage: yeah that might doable here... (09:21:33 PM) ausimage: cprofitt: to raise money with (09:22:09 PM) cprofitt: I was looking to get an actual sponsor -- like System76 (09:22:17 PM) ausimage: oh cool... (09:22:18 PM) Slick666: The way I understand it if we want to do that there may be a way in Syracuse (09:22:23 PM) cprofitt: if I need an umbrella I can work with RCSi (09:22:37 PM) cprofitt: # back to install fests (09:22:38 PM) ausimage: good to here... (09:22:50 PM) Slick666: The DEC User's group still exists in somesmall fashion and already has 501c3 status (09:22:54 PM) cprofitt: I would like to either work with the LUG or have our own (09:23:02 PM) Slick666: we could form a group under them (09:23:06 PM) Slick666: let me know (09:23:08 PM) cprofitt: k (09:23:24 PM) cprofitt: if we hold the install fest on a Saturday I can make that in Syracuse (09:23:38 PM) cprofitt: -- I would like to consider a name other than install fest... (09:23:48 PM) cprofitt: like perhaps just Linux Festival (09:23:59 PM) cprofitt: and have both an install lab and a few presentations (09:24:11 PM) cprofitt: that way we get existing and new people thinking they can come (09:24:15 PM) cprofitt: how does that sound? (09:24:22 PM) ausimage: good... (09:24:58 PM) Slick666: perhaps Release Party helps sum up the spirit (09:25:00 PM) ausimage: you think ifsa might join in Ithaca? (09:25:01 PM) cprofitt: ausimage, do you want to tie the install fest in with the launch? (09:25:20 PM) cprofitt: if we hold one in Ithaca they would be the people sponsoring it and finding the location (09:25:26 PM) ausimage: I do not see them as inclusive of each other (09:25:30 PM) cprofitt: they are not very responsive... (09:25:37 PM) cprofitt: to email at times though (09:26:31 PM) cprofitt: I will work on doing one there... ausimage (09:26:54 PM) cprofitt: so did you want to tie the Linux Fest in with the launch? (09:26:55 PM) ausimage: oh Fall ;) (09:26:59 PM) cprofitt: and offer to do installs? (09:27:11 PM) cprofitt: or wait until later in the year (09:27:27 PM) ausimage: Not sure... (09:27:40 PM) cprofitt: k -- think on it (09:27:44 PM) ausimage: Perhaps raising interest and support is key (09:27:57 PM) ausimage: then later offer install fest (09:28:00 PM) cprofitt: if we do installs we need to line up 'experts' willing to assist... (09:28:05 PM) cprofitt: and have 'stations' setup (09:28:19 PM) ausimage: I am just thinking of last year (09:28:29 PM) cprofitt: it might go hand in hand with your desire for a two day affair (09:28:37 PM) ausimage: ah true (09:28:47 PM) cprofitt: offer installs first day -- presentations / classes second day (09:29:06 PM) cprofitt: Slick666, do you have a time frame in your mind for an Linux Festival / Install Fest (09:29:15 PM) ausimage: Not sure If I can squeeze that out this time, though :/ (09:29:30 PM) ***deejoe has a simple kind of installfest: Here's your bootable DVD/CD/USB keychain. Done. (09:29:46 PM) cprofitt: lol (09:30:01 PM) ausimage: no hand holding... reassurances they can do it ??? (09:30:04 PM) ausimage: :D (09:30:16 PM) cprofitt: next topic (09:30:22 PM) cprofitt: and I look to Slick666 to take the lead here (09:30:26 PM) cprofitt: BUGJAM - NYS (09:30:53 PM) cprofitt: I would like to work for a spring bug jam with Syracuse / Rochester / FL / ?? all holding them on the same day (09:31:07 PM) Slick666: hmmmm (09:31:15 PM) ausimage: perhaps... (09:31:24 PM) cprofitt: I would like to have it not focus on the public side of things... but on the actual bug side of things with experience Linux users (09:31:39 PM) cprofitt: and the various locations get 'hooked' up via some method (09:31:45 PM) Slick666: ah (09:31:49 PM) Slick666: agreed (09:31:59 PM) cprofitt: video, irc, shared text editing (09:32:01 PM) cprofitt: IDK (09:32:07 PM) ausimage: sounds good (09:32:33 PM) cprofitt: can you take on trying to get that put together Slick666 ? (09:32:42 PM) cprofitt: hey deejoe (09:33:19 PM) cprofitt: # Presentation Ideas (09:33:21 PM) Slick666: statewide or in the 'cuse? (09:33:35 PM) cprofitt: the overall statewide part... + cuse (09:33:36 PM) deejoe: hmm? (09:33:37 PM) ***Slick666 burned dinner and made a mess Fing A! (09:33:38 PM) ausimage: Slick666: the whole enchilda ;) (09:33:42 PM) Slick666: ok (09:33:46 PM) cprofitt: I can take Rochester (09:33:50 PM) cprofitt: for the local part... (09:33:55 PM) cprofitt: and ausimage could do local FL (09:34:07 PM) cprofitt: but you would do Syracuse and the 'communication' component (09:34:14 PM) Slick666: will need to coordinate (09:34:25 PM) ausimage: yeah... but I will look to Slick666 for guidance and direction ;) (09:34:25 PM) cprofitt: yeah... it will be a team effort with you as the 'lead' (09:34:27 PM) Slick666: phone?1 (09:34:42 PM) cprofitt: I think that means he has a phone call... (09:34:46 PM) cprofitt: ok (09:34:57 PM) cprofitt: # Presentation Ideas... (09:35:08 PM) cprofitt: the first two on the agenda page are specific... (09:35:11 PM) cprofitt: the last two are not... (09:35:17 PM) cprofitt: so I want to discuss the last two (09:35:21 PM) cprofitt: 'genius' days (09:35:37 PM) cprofitt: I was inspired by pleia2's friend doctormo (09:35:57 PM) cprofitt: they have a weekend location where they 'sit' and offer classes or assistance (09:36:14 PM) cprofitt: I think it might be difficult for us to do that... but I like the idea (09:36:23 PM) deejoe: applecider does that (09:36:27 PM) cprofitt: and thought that perhaps we should schedule some 'genius' days (09:36:43 PM) ausimage: cprofitt: I think MA is different than NY :S (09:36:46 PM) cprofitt: where we would just offer assistance to the community and LUG members (09:36:53 PM) cprofitt: ausimage, it is... its more like Ithaca (09:36:59 PM) deejoe: ausimage: pleia2 is in PA, no? (09:37:04 PM) cprofitt: pleia2, is in PA (09:37:11 PM) cprofitt: but doctormo and she are friends... (09:37:14 PM) ausimage: yeah DoctorMO is MA ;) (09:37:15 PM) cprofitt: doctormo is in Boston (09:37:20 PM) deejoe: ah (09:37:42 PM) cprofitt: the other idea, near to my heart ofcourse, is to offer support to educators (09:37:50 PM) cprofitt: and advertise it as such (09:38:03 PM) deejoe: uh oh (09:38:15 PM) deejoe: cprofitt is going to start monologueing? ;-) (09:38:19 PM) cprofitt: I think part of the path to breaking the MS / Apple strangle hold on the desktop is to get another option in front of kids (09:38:27 PM) ausimage: Wonder if FLCC or some other school would sponsor? (09:38:30 PM) cprofitt: and that means making teachers comfortable with the options (09:38:58 PM) cprofitt: so having classes on 'Linux basics' and showing them how to use the programs in Edubutu, etc would be helpful (09:39:09 PM) ausimage: cprofitt: it would be interesting if the educator events offered Con Ed credits ;) (09:39:13 PM) deejoe: FLCC, or MCC here (09:39:16 PM) cprofitt: there are also many cross-platform programs we can 'teach' them about (09:39:23 PM) cprofitt: ausimage, it would be... (09:39:34 PM) cprofitt: that can be arranged through K-12 teacher centers... (09:39:38 PM) ausimage: that would get teachers interested quickly :) (09:39:39 PM) cprofitt: if we do it professionally enough (09:39:52 PM) ausimage: of course (09:39:59 PM) cprofitt: for graduate credit we would need people with masters degrees (09:40:05 PM) cprofitt: and a college willing to offer the course (09:40:19 PM) ***ausimage thinking of the carrot for the teachers (09:40:20 PM) ***cprofitt I am thinking of getting my Masters but do not have one (09:40:38 PM) cprofitt: so... would like people to consider the 'genius' days and 'educator' days (09:40:52 PM) ausimage: think they are seperate sorta (09:40:57 PM) cprofitt: let it tumble around in the brain for a while and see if we can not develop a 'structure' for them (09:41:01 PM) cprofitt: they are (09:41:06 PM) ausimage: as Teacher's might have different needs (09:41:09 PM) cprofitt: one is focused how to use classes (09:41:30 PM) cprofitt: the other is more like being an Apple genius and taking people in by appointment or off the street if we have people availalbe (09:41:43 PM) cprofitt: # Spring Release party (09:42:00 PM) ausimage: Late April ;) (09:42:02 PM) cprofitt: ausimage, with the fall release party are you still wanting to do a central Spring Party? (09:42:10 PM) ausimage: yeah (09:42:17 PM) deejoe: is there a name for 10.04 yet? (09:42:23 PM) ausimage: I think it helps stretch resources (09:42:23 PM) cprofitt: I would say first week of May would be best ausimage (09:42:33 PM) cprofitt: but if we can do it... that would be good... (09:42:46 PM) ausimage: Last Wkend April First Wknd May (09:42:52 PM) cprofitt: we can start planning 10.04 when 9.10 is released (09:42:57 PM) cprofitt: last topic (09:43:00 PM) ausimage: yeah (09:43:08 PM) cprofitt: # 2009 Officer Nominations and Elections (09:43:14 PM) cprofitt: I will send a notice out on the list... (09:43:27 PM) cprofitt: We will take nominations (send to ausimage or myself) (09:43:46 PM) cprofitt: the positions open are President and Secretary (09:44:05 PM) cprofitt: ausimage, do we want to declare treasurer as open since the person filling that is MIA? (09:44:25 PM) ausimage: If I am encourage I will accept my old position (09:44:29 PM) ausimage: yeah I think so (09:44:33 PM) cprofitt: in 2007 the vote was on October 30th (09:44:48 PM) cprofitt: do we want to schedule this one to be then as well... or make it November? (09:45:01 PM) ausimage: so either 3rd Monday Oct or Nov I guess (09:45:21 PM) ausimage: opinions?? (09:45:29 PM) cprofitt: lets go for 3rd Monday in October then (09:46:01 PM) cprofitt: I made a wiki page for the nominations to be listed (09:46:11 PM) cprofitt: what about treasurer ausimage ? (09:46:21 PM) cprofitt: is that going to be open with thestace being MIA? (09:46:30 PM) ausimage: it is open AFAIC (09:46:58 PM) ***Slick666 is back from the phone (09:47:09 PM) cprofitt: ok... I will send that out to the list tomorrow then (09:47:19 PM) cprofitt: hey Slick666 we are discussing officer elections (09:47:28 PM) Slick666: ah (09:47:29 PM) cprofitt: nominations, etc (09:47:33 PM) Slick666: I'm following (09:47:47 PM) cprofitt: ausimage, do we want to have my position up as well... to put them all back on the same time line (09:47:55 PM) cprofitt: I was kind of a 'fill-in' for another MIA (09:48:10 PM) cprofitt: and I think we should keep them together... but was not sure of everyone else's thoughts (09:48:13 PM) ausimage: I prefer staggering (09:48:54 PM) cprofitt: Slick666, deejoe - staggered officers? (09:50:09 PM) ***cprofitt pauses (09:50:14 PM) Slick666: I like (09:50:23 PM) cprofitt: ok .. staggered it is. (09:50:36 PM) cprofitt: now... not saying this is an issue... (09:50:59 PM) cprofitt: but what do we do if officer x who has 1yr left is nominated for officer spot y (09:50:59 PM) Slick666: ok? (09:51:19 PM) cprofitt: I would argue a person can not hold both... (09:51:23 PM) ausimage: it opens I think (09:51:30 PM) cprofitt: how would we fill a vacancy (09:51:35 PM) cprofitt: immediate vote? (09:51:41 PM) cprofitt: the following month? (09:51:47 PM) ausimage: following month perhaps (09:52:01 PM) Slick666: I think that soundsgood (09:52:07 PM) cprofitt: I know it is a formality... but our constitution makes us rather formal... (09:52:11 PM) cprofitt: ok... cool... (09:52:37 PM) cprofitt: I will send out a letter tomorrow and make that modification to the constitution -- or do we need a vote on the constitution modification ausimage ? (09:52:54 PM) ausimage: it needs to be voted... (09:52:58 PM) ausimage: :/ (09:53:07 PM) Slick666: I agree (09:53:23 PM) ausimage: Not sure if there are addendums still hanging now that you mention them... (09:53:35 PM) Slick666: I think it would be cool if we could vote by e-mail (using gpg) (09:53:39 PM) cprofitt: k... so we can hold that up for vote in September (09:53:47 PM) cprofitt: I will put both in the email (09:53:55 PM) ausimage: gpg? how do we verify? (09:54:01 PM) cprofitt: it would be nice to allow votes by email... but I like to have people here... (09:54:07 PM) cprofitt: to have 'active' members vote (09:54:14 PM) Slick666: true (09:54:24 PM) ausimage: I have in the past... (09:54:29 PM) cprofitt: thought IRC should not be the sole method for activity (09:54:30 PM) Slick666: I think of it as e-voting, but the open way, you know one thats secure and works ;) (09:54:37 PM) cprofitt: gpg signatures should work (09:55:10 PM) ausimage: end of the agenda??? (09:55:15 PM) cprofitt: would be interesting to have a web based secure system that required a GPG sig verification (09:55:29 PM) cprofitt: and one that verified that they are members via launchpad openID (09:55:37 PM) cprofitt: # end of agenda (09:55:38 PM) ***Slick666 smells a new open source project brewing (09:55:46 PM) Slick666: ;) (09:56:23 PM) ausimage: meeting adjourned then :) }}}