= Agenda = When adding agenda items please "sign" them, place ``@``SIG``@ after each of your items.If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed. * EdTech Day 2010 update -- [[LaunchpadHome:cprofitt]] <> * 10.04 Launch plans (Waterloo) update from ausimage -- [[LaunchpadHome:cprofitt]] <> * Global Bug Jam Plans update from slick666 -- [[LaunchpadHome:cprofitt]] <> * Discuss changes to membership process -- [[LaunchpadHome:cprofitt]] <> * Discuss role of wiki and website -- [[LaunchpadHome:cprofitt]] <> * IRC channel etiquette and how to handle conversations and support professionally. --[[LaunchpadHome:ducky12432]] = Notes = {{{ 2010-03-17T09:00:18 cprofitt: meeting is now 2010-03-17T09:00:55 ***ausimage is listening :) 2010-03-17T09:00:57 cprofitt: trying to load the wiki 2010-03-17T09:01:04 cprofitt: it appears to be struggling 2010-03-17T09:01:10 ducky: yea ts slow 2010-03-17T09:01:13 cprofitt: k 2010-03-17T09:01:14 cprofitt: gotit 2010-03-17T09:01:19 cprofitt: first Topic -- EdTech Day 2010-03-17T09:01:23 ducky: k hang on need to start the meeting 2010-03-17T09:01:26 DavidLevin: cprofitt, I'm here, mainly observing since this is my first one. Happy to help out in any way I can 2010-03-17T09:01:28 slickBot left the room (quit: Quit: Ctrl-C at console.). 2010-03-17T09:01:33 cprofitt: thanks DavidLevin 2010-03-17T09:01:36 ducky: gaaaa 2010-03-17T09:01:54 ducky: slickbot is gone... 2010-03-17T09:02:22 cprofitt: We will have Carl, Joe, Brian from Rochester, and Donald and Landon from Syracuse going to EdTechDay 2010 in Ithaca NY 2010-03-17T09:02:26 cprofitt: next Thursday 2010-03-17T09:02:44 cprofitt: we have a booth which is in addition to the Ithaca Free Software Association's booth 2010-03-17T09:02:49 cprofitt: (so two FOSS booths) 2010-03-17T09:03:01 cprofitt: we have 600+ CDs to hand out 2010-03-17T01:03:19 *** slickBot has joined #ubuntu-us-ny 2010-03-17T01:03:27 a promotional poster board that I made last year and several stand-up signs I purchased last year as well. 2010-03-17T01:03:45 I will also be giving a presentation on ISTE 21st Century skills and FOSS 2010-03-17T01:04:08 in which I will be integrating parts of the US DoE NETP 2010 recommendations which were just released on March 5th 2010-03-17T01:04:21 Last year we were mobbed with people asking questions 2010-03-17T01:04:29 sounds like we're well prepared at this point, what do we have to do between now and then 2010-03-17T01:04:47 and I suspect, given the fiscal climate, that we will have even more questions 2010-03-17T01:05:04 I wish aCat and I could go, but we'll be at New Hampshire Liberty Forum, also spreading the word about open source 2010-03-17T01:05:16 I will be contacting the Rochester group this weekend with a time and place to meet for a carpool 2010-03-17T01:05:25 any questions on EdTechDay? 2010-03-17T01:06:02 ok... 2010-03-17T01:06:04 moving on... 2010-03-17T01:06:09 :D 2010-03-17T01:06:20 Ausimage in conjunction with a small team has been planning our third release party 2010-03-17T01:06:26 ausimage: can you give us an update? 2010-03-17T01:07:29 Yeah... The room is set.... we still need a speaker, and I assume ducky and slick have the install fest under control 2010-03-17T01:07:42 I can, as offered before, speak 2010-03-17T01:07:45 * ducky nods 2010-03-17T01:07:46 I have a flyer made for the event... 2010-03-17T01:08:01 I would like to see others get experience doing that... but I can do it with minimal notice 2010-03-17T01:08:17 that is good cproffit 2010-03-17T01:08:46 I REALLY just need to know what everyone is helping with and to see what all they can handle... :) 2010-03-17T01:09:10 * ducky raises hand 2010-03-17T01:09:16 I am just struggling abit here with stuff... so help is very much appreciated. 2010-03-17T01:09:31 I did post the event on fingerlakes1 and loco.u.c 2010-03-17T01:09:32 ausimage: who do you have assisting you? 2010-03-17T01:09:48 we are planning to have a lucid party in New Paltz at SlashRoot, but we don't have a date set yet. We may be able to help with yours and do ours the following weekend or something? 2010-03-17T01:10:02 I asked ducky, slick666, hal14450 and cws-roc 2010-03-17T01:10:10 but I have not heard much 2010-03-17T01:10:14 jMyles: that would be great... where is New Paltz 2010-03-17T01:10:21 only bits and pieces 2010-03-17T01:10:24 Mid-Hudson valley, an hour from NYC 2010-03-17T01:10:35 jMyles: we need that on our event list ;)\ 2010-03-17T01:10:36 it may be too far for me to get to an event down there, but perhaps we can get another officer there 2010-03-17T01:10:48 and yes, please add it to the wiki's event list 2010-03-17T01:10:58 I can assist you with the details of adding it to the wiki 2010-03-17T01:11:02 both slick666 and myself are working out the instal fest. we still need a room layout to plad the setup 2010-03-17T01:11:12 So, the Rochester one is May 1, right? (My birthday) :-) 2010-03-17T01:11:22 ducky: stop over sometime ;) 2010-03-17T01:11:26 jMyles: well the Central/Westerny NY is 2010-03-17T01:11:34 its between Syracuse and Rochester in Waterloo 2010-03-17T01:11:50 and not far from ithaca either 2010-03-17T01:11:52 ausimage perhaps we all should get together and do a prelim walk through 2010-03-17T01:11:55 ahh cool 2010-03-17T01:12:13 yeah... give me a date or two and I will see what works 2010-03-17T01:12:30 any more about the launch parties? 2010-03-17T01:12:36 cprofitt: you think you can push the flyer to sys76 ??? 2010-03-17T01:12:51 for the record I am very excited to see activity near NYC jMyles 2010-03-17T01:12:57 so can have some to hand out by April? 2010-03-17T01:13:00 I appreciate the effort you are putting in 2010-03-17T01:13:07 ausimage: I can try... 2010-03-17T01:13:17 I may not get to it until after EdTechDay 2010-03-17T01:13:18 cprofitt: Somewhat tangential, but yeah SlashRoot is going reasonably well - see http://www.watershedpost.com/2010/fresh-root-grassroots-tech-cafe 2010-03-17T01:13:28 jMyles: feel free to post on the list about what you are doing too ;) 2010-03-17T01:13:38 ok... 2010-03-17T01:13:41 you bring out a few more people 2010-03-17T01:13:53 Global Bug Jam -- slick666 can you give us an update on this 2010-03-17T01:14:01 sure 2010-03-17T01:14:11 wiki page it up 2010-03-17T01:14:28 we've got people covering the room at all times 2010-03-17T01:14:43 for those that don't know the time is from 10am to 6pm 2010-03-17T01:15:03 For the record I will be attending the event -- though I may not be there at the start due to coming from Rochester 2010-03-17T01:15:03 ducky is working on broadcasting the event via camera 2010-03-17T01:15:12 Wow GBJ is like upon us 2010-03-17T01:15:24 yep -- next weekend 2010-03-17T01:15:25 not this weekend but next weekend :D 2010-03-17T01:15:55 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Events/20100327 2010-03-17T01:16:17 food will be allowed and I expect it to be a nice low key event 2010-03-17T01:16:37 awesome 2010-03-17T01:16:45 any questions? 2010-03-17T01:16:50 I can say that the facility is very nice from being there for the install fest 2010-03-17T01:17:03 I am excited as this is our second event held in Syracuse 2010-03-17T01:17:11 we will be downstairs in the youth room with lots of couches, pool, stereo 2010-03-17T01:17:23 Thanks to both ducky and slick666 for getting the snow ball rolling in the 'cuse 2010-03-17T01:17:31 and a sick screen that will mesmerise 2010-03-17T01:17:42 Laptop locks will be available for free to rent so you can step out and get something to eat 2010-03-17T01:17:48 hey lou_ good to see you 2010-03-17T01:18:13 ok moving along 2010-03-17T01:18:17 sounds awesome 2010-03-17T01:18:21 membership process 2010-03-17T01:18:31 cprofitt: I have been thinking on this 2010-03-17T01:18:33 :D 2010-03-17T01:18:34 we had an informal discussion about the current process to joing the team 2010-03-17T01:18:57 I think we should just demote the use of launchpad a little 2010-03-17T01:19:10 encourage them to get involved first. 2010-03-17T01:19:39 then they should feel better about signing up on launchpad and sharing there location 2010-03-17T01:19:50 I brought it up informally because the process was seen as intimidating by some folks that talked to me about it 2010-03-17T01:20:09 I have been mulling over some text modifications to launchpad intro... 2010-03-17T01:20:21 *** Pendulum has joined #ubuntu-us-ny 2010-03-17T01:20:33 Currently if a person applies to join the team on launchpad they must send an email to with their location, etc 2010-03-17T01:20:48 personally I see this as something that is not really necessary 2010-03-17T01:21:16 I see it as important because they need to be involved at the local level.... 2010-03-17T01:21:21 I would like to suggest that we simply allow folks to join on launchap with an approval from any officer in the loco 2010-03-17T01:21:32 question: 2010-03-17T01:21:33 ausimage: can I have you wait to present your ideas 2010-03-17T01:21:33 and how can they be involved if they don't know who is local 2010-03-17T01:21:44 must you give a location when joining LP? 2010-03-17T01:21:45 I am losing focus and it might be difficult for folks to follow both 2010-03-17T01:22:07 hold on for a second slick666 2010-03-17T01:22:19 The whole thing about a loco team is to be the human face for ubuntu in NYS :/ 2010-03-17T01:22:49 while it should be noted that people must be in NYS - it must be noted that there is no reason to believe that a person is dishonest if they do not give us a location 2010-03-17T01:22:50 and not knowing or willing to expose oneself makes this ability difficult 2010-03-17T01:22:58 * cprofitt please ausimage 2010-03-17T01:23:11 I really would like to not have people follow two thoughts 2010-03-17T01:23:24 :/ 2010-03-17T01:23:28 why don't you finish your peace and then I can talk 2010-03-17T01:24:00 Essentially I am thinking we already have members signed up on LP and no action.... 2010-03-17T01:24:34 I disagree with modifying the current process as making things easier or perhaps productive 2010-03-17T01:24:53 people just do not understand the purpose of being a loco member IMHO 2010-03-17T01:25:21 ausimage: What are the disadvantages of having few or no barriers to entry? 2010-03-17T01:25:23 thank you ausimage anything further? 2010-03-17T01:25:28 I think just saying you do not have to sign up on launchpad to get involved is best 2010-03-17T01:25:43 may I try to explain my thoughts now ausimage ? 2010-03-17T01:26:09 You already had... and I still donot think they make a difference 2010-03-17T01:26:30 ausimage: I have not been given the opportunity to discuss it with everyone here 2010-03-17T01:26:38 Wait, I'm not sure I understand ausimage's point first 2010-03-17T01:26:48 I would appreciate you being courteous and allowing me to do so 2010-03-17T01:26:53 jMyles: ok 2010-03-17T01:27:06 let me know when I can let people know what my thoughts are 2010-03-17T01:27:07 what about?? 2010-03-17T01:27:32 21:25 < jMyles> ausimage: What are the disadvantages of having few or no barriers to entry? 2010-03-17T01:27:41 sup all 2010-03-17T01:27:46 sorry I am late 2010-03-17T01:27:48 hey Dave123-road meeting right now 2010-03-17T01:27:51 ausimage: has the floor 2010-03-17T01:28:06 ausimage: Are you saying that the process of signing up on launchpad as a member of the team should be more involved, and that we should steer people toward simply being involved (but not formally part of the team) 2010-03-17T01:28:15 um I see them as it makes more unclear as to the team purpose... 2010-03-17T01:28:53 jMyles: I am saying that cprofitt feels people are intimidated by disclosing location information... 2010-03-17T01:29:14 and giving them an opportunity to get involved first negates that 2010-03-17T01:29:42 does that answer ausimage's points for you jMyles ? 2010-03-17T01:29:44 besides we have had several people get involved first without signing up on launchpad... 2010-03-17T01:30:08 ausimage: So do I accurately characterize your position then? That being on the team should mean giving specific details about your location (perhaps among other things) and that for those who are uncomfortable with this, we suggest involvement short of team membership? 2010-03-17T01:30:40 lp team membership at least... 2010-03-17T01:30:56 besides we have many on the list that are not on the lp team 2010-03-17T01:31:09 and I expect the same for the forums 2010-03-17T01:31:15 and to your way of thinking, what is the disadvantage of this? 2010-03-17T01:31:22 what's the point of making a loco team membership (whether it's mailing list or forums or IRC or launchpad) exclusive? 2010-03-17T01:32:00 its not really exclusive... just share your county or borrough location 2010-03-17T01:32:04 * cprofitt I would like to avoid an open argument 2010-03-17T01:32:48 I am just addressing the raised concern 2010-03-17T01:33:04 jMyles: are you ok with me proceeding? 2010-03-17T01:33:21 cprofitt: yes :-) 2010-03-17T01:33:21 I think saying just get involved is more important than being on any list 2010-03-17T01:33:25 ok thanks 2010-03-17T01:33:36 I lost track a bit of what I was thinking... and saying... 2010-03-17T01:33:41 but let me try to get back on track 2010-03-17T01:33:52 currently some folks have seen the process as intimidating 2010-03-17T01:34:00 Pendulum: is one such person 2010-03-17T01:34:11 if after I finish anyone would like to ask Pendulum about it they can 2010-03-17T01:34:27 I understand ausimage's desire to get location information 2010-03-17T01:34:35 but I think that can be done post the person joining 2010-03-17T01:34:53 I also think a person that wants to hide their identity/location can despite us asking them for the details 2010-03-17T01:34:53 * slick666 would like to make a suggestion 2010-03-17T01:35:02 there is nothing that would force them to give us a real location 2010-03-17T01:35:20 in the interest of lowering the possibility of a person being intimidated 2010-03-17T01:35:28 and allowing people to feel a part of a team 2010-03-17T01:35:39 I would like to suggest removing the requirement 2010-03-17T01:35:52 and simply allow any officer to approve a join request 2010-03-17T01:36:08 after verifying that the profile looks legitimate and not spam 2010-03-17T01:36:21 if this causes a significant problem we can always revery 2010-03-17T01:36:23 revert 2010-03-17T01:36:29 that negates the majority then :/ 2010-03-17T01:36:49 cprofitt: you study the profiles on the lp list? 2010-03-17T01:36:54 as ausimage said our current process has not ensured any level of involvement so it really serves no purpose in that respect 2010-03-17T01:36:59 most are bare bones 2010-03-17T01:37:03 ausimage: I was silent while you spoke 2010-03-17T01:37:08 please be considerate 2010-03-17T01:37:19 just raising a point 2010-03-17T01:37:35 While this may not help... I think trying it is worth the effort 2010-03-17T01:37:43 * cprofitt ends his idea 2010-03-17T01:38:00 slick666: you had a comment 2010-03-17T01:38:01 cprofitt: many do not have 'profiles' 2010-03-17T01:38:10 slick666: has the floor 2010-03-17T01:38:10 what then? 2010-03-17T01:38:17 please wait ausimage 2010-03-17T01:38:51 My point was that we may want to make a flowchart type page that explains the membership process 2010-03-17T01:39:18 something obvious that helps walk people through the process 2010-03-17T01:39:26 slick666: that would be a good idea regardless of the process used... an excellent addition to the wiki. 2010-03-17T01:39:31 Let them know how things work and how to get involved 2010-03-17T01:39:35 I like the idea 2010-03-17T01:39:53 http://main.newyork-ubuntu.com/Main/GetStarted 2010-03-17T01:40:14 no disrespect ausimage 2010-03-17T01:40:18 I know it's there 2010-03-17T01:40:35 It could use some love of course 2010-03-17T01:40:37 and it is linked to from the wiki currently. 2010-03-17T01:40:39 I'm just thinking we may be able to revise it in a graphical way that's more inviting 2010-03-17T01:41:07 sounds good slick666 2010-03-17T01:41:10 may i raise a point? 2010-03-17T01:41:14 yes please 2010-03-17T01:41:26 I'll add it to my todo list if there are no other comments 2010-03-17T01:41:39 and if Pendulum would like to share thoughts on the process please feel free too as well. 2010-03-17T01:41:42 in reality there are by far more people here that are just here to be here 2010-03-17T01:41:46 give me a ping and I can update the website too 2010-03-17T01:41:55 they really dont want to "be involved" 2010-03-17T01:42:15 i dont see shy we are twisting their arm to do it 2010-03-17T01:42:21 why* 2010-03-17T01:42:32 ducky: that raise the point I suggested... 2010-03-17T01:42:36 I agree ducky -- even those that have given us their location are not more active 2010-03-17T01:42:46 * jMyles does not understand the point of contention. What is the current policy, who proposes changing it, and to what? 2010-03-17T01:42:51 but we do have an idea where they are 2010-03-17T01:42:59 to me getting their location before or after the join is not important 2010-03-17T01:43:24 if they dont want to get involved why do we care who or where they are? 2010-03-17T01:43:31 the current policy jMyles is that a prospective members applies on the LP page and is required to send an email with specific information 2010-03-17T01:43:38 that email currently goes to ausimage 2010-03-17T01:43:48 and if they send the email ausimage approved them 2010-03-17T01:44:02 I am suggesting that the requirement to send an email be dropped 2010-03-17T01:44:11 we can gather that information after they join 2010-03-17T01:44:23 cprofitt: I can forward that email to additional members too 2010-03-17T01:44:26 and they can choose to give us the information or not 2010-03-17T01:44:41 even if it is forwarded ausimage it is an additional step 2010-03-17T01:44:54 that I think does not assist us in the process of attracting new members 2010-03-17T01:44:54 not to mention that not everyone wants their e-mail forwarded 2010-03-17T01:44:57 then say put it on their profile ;) 2010-03-17T01:45:09 I do not care to require location 2010-03-17T01:45:23 I will trust a person to be in NY State if they ask to join 2010-03-17T01:45:24 cprofitt: new members does not equal more help 2010-03-17T01:45:37 er more involvement 2010-03-17T01:45:46 I am not concerned with more help -- requiring the location does not help with involvement either 2010-03-17T01:45:52 local activity has helped 2010-03-17T01:46:10 anyway I would like to ask the folks here to vote... 2010-03-17T01:46:21 then why wory about the lp thing 2010-03-17T01:46:37 just to clarify for the meeting group this is for Launchpad membership only correct? 2010-03-17T01:46:41 if officers know where members are they can be approved 2010-03-17T01:46:41 PROPOSAL: Remove the requirement to send additional information in an email as a requirement to join the LP team 2010-03-17T01:46:44 yes ducky 2010-03-17T01:46:49 -1 2010-03-17T01:46:58 please vote with a +1 for yes 2010-03-17T01:47:02 0 for abstain 2010-03-17T01:47:05 -1 for negative 2010-03-17T01:47:07 +1 2010-03-17T01:47:12 +1 2010-03-17T01:47:16 +1 2010-03-17T01:47:44 please feel free to vote jMyles Dave123-road and DavidLevin 2010-03-17T01:47:55 make things worse :( 2010-03-17T01:48:00 -1 2010-03-17T01:48:00 * slick666 All members are welcome to participate 2010-03-17T01:48:03 +1 2010-03-17T01:48:20 I think that is everyone but Dave123-road 2010-03-17T01:48:33 is hal14450 around 2010-03-17T01:48:44 so the measure passes 4 yea 0 abstains 2 nea 2010-03-17T01:48:50 * jMyles does not feel passionate about this issue, but hasn't thought out the consequences enough to vote for change. 2010-03-17T01:49:00 unless Dave123-road or hal14450 are around 2010-03-17T01:49:10 jMyles: we can always revert if we are unhappy 2010-03-17T01:49:10 I really think we losing something very valueable 2010-03-17T01:49:19 and is VERY BIG mistake 2010-03-17T01:49:23 and most other teams do not require location prior to joining the LP team 2010-03-17T01:49:36 what are we losing ausimage ? 2010-03-17T01:49:40 do you always do what other do cprofitt??? 2010-03-17T01:49:49 I do not see what we are losing 2010-03-17T01:50:03 you lose ability to know where to focuse energy 2010-03-17T01:50:09 ausimage: no, but I do look at what others are doing for guidance in making a decision on what to do 2010-03-17T01:50:19 how so ausimage - we can get people's locations later 2010-03-17T01:50:21 you lose the ability to help direct new members to other local members 2010-03-17T01:50:23 I must object 2010-03-17T01:50:28 guys 2010-03-17T01:50:31 we've had a vote 2010-03-17T01:50:36 Having location information is nice. If people are compelled to provide it, they (usually will). Maybe an opt-out provision is in order, but I think collecting information is important if we are going to be a solid movement. 2010-03-17T01:50:38 we can bring this up again next month 2010-03-17T01:50:39 I really do not agree at all 2010-03-17T01:50:41 ok, yeah slick666 is right 2010-03-17T01:50:44 you are correct slick666 sorry 2010-03-17T01:50:47 my apology 2010-03-17T01:50:56 I will make the change on LP after the meeting 2010-03-17T01:51:08 ausimage I think you and cprofitt should take this offline 2010-03-17T01:51:10 I am just saying this make things more difficult for me... :( 2010-03-17T01:51:11 I would ask us to move any potential discussion to the mailing list or forums 2010-03-17T01:51:18 we can always address this again but I don't want to loose focus 2010-03-17T01:51:27 cprofitt already knew my stance prior 2010-03-17T01:51:35 next topic is another large one. 2010-03-17T01:51:40 I will not debate it here 2010-03-17T01:51:41 I will put it on the agenda every month 2010-03-17T01:51:45 Just to interject, I think some basic location info is helpful so people can see where users are based out of in case they want to have additional meetings. I suggest requesting information but not making it mandatory. Just a thought. 2010-03-17T01:51:46 EVERY MONTH 2010-03-17T01:52:07 I agree DavidLevin -- I just think we can get that information afterwards 2010-03-17T01:52:35 I would like to have people discuss the role of the wiki and the webpage on the mailing list over the course of this next month 2010-03-17T01:52:59 Currently we duplicate efforts and I would like to eliminate the duplication 2010-03-17T01:53:12 so I would like to have the team decide what content goes on which 2010-03-17T01:53:12 AFAIC put everything on the damn dog of a wiki if you think it is best 2010-03-17T01:53:15 Sound like a plan, I will contribute where I can 2010-03-17T01:53:26 you wont listen anyway 2010-03-17T01:53:29 knowing that the wiki must exist as part of the Ubuntu world 2010-03-17T01:53:38 it can be a shell or it can be full... 2010-03-17T01:53:48 I will initiate that discussion on the list after the meeting 2010-03-17T01:53:55 * ausimage is sorry but is not in the best mood... and sees what cprofitt is doing :(:(:( 2010-03-17T01:54:02 *** ausimage has left #ubuntu-us-ny 2010-03-17T01:54:05 ducky: you have the next topic - etiguette 2010-03-17T01:54:20 ok well we can see we need to work on this 2010-03-17T01:54:25 yes 2010-03-17T01:54:48 I apologize for the behavior there... I have not had a LoCo officer rage quit a meeting before 2010-03-17T01:54:51 this si not only for everyone buit especially officers 2010-03-17T01:55:35 everyone should show respect for everyone else in the channell 2010-03-17T01:55:44 * slick666 agrees 2010-03-17T01:55:51 but this doesnt actualy reflect tonights events 2010-03-17T01:56:02 this topic has been stwewing for months 2010-03-17T01:56:14 * cprofitt nods 2010-03-17T01:56:20 we have had a few members get out of hand... 2010-03-17T01:56:22 the situation that this stemms from was dealt with 2010-03-17T01:56:31 for those that are recent to our meetings / channel 2010-03-17T01:56:37 IRC channels are tough for emotional topics. 2010-03-17T01:56:46 +1 jMyles 2010-03-17T01:57:01 but how it was handled was not necissarily handled properly 2010-03-17T01:57:33 i am barring tonights events from this discussion 2010-03-17T01:57:42 we will not discuss it any more 2010-03-17T01:57:49 * cprofitt nods 2010-03-17T01:57:51 thanks ducky 2010-03-17T01:58:02 we all have to remember we are doing this to spread Ubuntu 2010-03-17T01:58:03 we need to discuss how we handle other s who are distuptive 2010-03-17T01:58:11 we are supporting the community 2010-03-17T01:58:30 and how to handle any and all support "calls" 2010-03-17T01:59:16 in the past we have just done a perma ban and hoped we got the point across 2010-03-17T01:59:33 i would like to see a change from this 2010-03-17T01:59:40 it sends the wrong message 2010-03-17T02:00:04 PLEASE DISCUSS: 2010-03-17T02:00:06 * slick666 asks for the floor 2010-03-17T02:00:14 slick666 go 2010-03-17T02:00:18 I think we should derive our etiquette from the Ubuntu Code of conduct 2010-03-17T02:00:39 * ducky nods 2010-03-17T02:00:46 I would like to see a formal process written up on the wiki where we can point people 2010-03-17T02:00:54 http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct 2010-03-17T02:01:03 and have a staged level of consequence for breaking the rules 2010-03-17T02:01:27 so when someone steps over the line they are warned 2010-03-17T02:01:30 * jMyles is thankful that this channel is more mature than #ubuntu-offtopic, in which I have seen kicks or even bans handed out by seemingly 12-year old power tripping ops who can't handle real adult discussions of important issues. 2010-03-17T02:01:51 we try jMyles 2010-03-17T02:02:01 we all have a great deal of respect for each other here 2010-03-17T02:02:12 agreed 2010-03-17T02:02:35 I think we should propose an IRC code fo conduct for net meeting to be voted upon by everyone 2010-03-17T02:02:51 i agree 2010-03-17T02:03:05 * slick666 sits back down 2010-03-17T02:03:15 slick666: If the CoC is enough we should likely just make people aware that we are going to enforce that in this channel 2010-03-17T02:03:40 cprofitt I think we may need to go a step beyond that 2010-03-17T02:04:05 I think we would need to have a guide for officers -- as to what to do if the CoC is out of control here 2010-03-17T02:04:08 i.e. if you violate the rules you wil be warned once, 2010-03-17T02:04:08 Second time you get banned for a week 2010-03-17T02:04:24 third time banned for two weeks 2010-03-17T02:04:26 etc. 2010-03-17T02:04:28 The most important principle is that people don't feel censored. The FOSS movement sucks a lot of time out of our lives, and most of the time we happily and proudly give it. But the upshot is that we are very emotionally invested in these issues, and when people start feeling censored, we lose everything that FOSS stands for in the first place. 2010-03-17T02:05:00 jMyles, we are not talking about censorship 2010-03-17T02:05:11 I would like to thank all the new users who showed up for our meeting tonight 2010-03-17T02:05:15 we are talking about trolling and being rude 2010-03-17T02:05:32 * ducky agrees with cprofitt 2010-03-17T02:05:37 it is a rare and special thing to have you all take time out of your busy lives to meet and discuss stuff with us 2010-03-17T02:05:38 jMyles I think you have a great point 2010-03-17T02:05:38 I think that if we keep to the code of conduct we will not risk censoring people 2010-03-17T02:05:51 I apologize for the rather heated discussion tonight 2010-03-17T02:06:03 That is not normal... and it should not have happened 2010-03-17T02:06:16 If I was out of line in anyway you have my apology 2010-03-17T02:06:26 are there any other topics on the floor? 2010-03-17T02:06:44 * slick666 proposes we set up a rough draft this month to present at next month's meeting 2010-03-17T02:06:55 that sounds good... 2010-03-17T02:06:59 do you want to draft that slick666 ? 2010-03-17T02:07:28 I can start but I think all the officers should comment before the meeting 2010-03-17T02:07:38 sounds good -- start a discussion in the mailing list 2010-03-17T02:07:50 it is likely a good thing to start discussion on the mailing list 2010-03-17T02:08:03 and then with some consensus we can move on things in the meetings 2010-03-17T02:08:09 sounds like a plan 2010-03-17T02:08:21 we can also use the forum, but not all our users make use of the forums 2010-03-17T02:08:45 any other items on the floor? 2010-03-17T02:08:53 * jMyles reads the mailing list religiously, but is so busy with the opening of SlashRoot that finding time to respond is impossible 2010-03-17T02:09:04 jMyles: we can understand that... 2010-03-17T02:09:12 I really appreciate your efforst downstate 2010-03-17T02:09:17 we have needed to get some activity there 2010-03-17T02:09:34 * slick666 Notes the time 2010-03-17T02:09:37 if we succeed there we will have become approved... gotten the 'cuse active... and downstate active... 2010-03-17T02:09:41 yes... 2010-03-17T02:09:47 I motion to close the meeting 2010-03-17T02:09:50 any seconds? 2010-03-17T02:09:54 * slick666 seconds 2010-03-17T02:10:00 the meeting is adjourned 2010-03-17T02:10:02 * ducky nods 2010-03-17T02:10:07 thank you very much eveyone 2010-03-17T02:10:22 Next month will again be the third Tuesday at 9pm 2010-03-17T02:10:32 this was awesome to have so many people in the meeting 2010-03-17T02:10:46 meeting notes for this month will be posted on the wiki shortly 2010-03-17T02:10:51 slick666: and ducky: can you post the minutes 2010-03-17T02:10:53 thanks!! 2010-03-17T02:10:57 way to go guys! 2010-03-17T02:10:57 will do 2010-03-17T02:10:59 Have a good evening everyone. Please feel free to reach out to me if you want to chat if you see me on IRC 2010-03-17T02:11:06 * slick666 has to see how the bot did 2010-03-17T02:11:11 thank for attending DavidLevin 2010-03-17T02:11:37 * jMyles starts the cashout at SlashRoot :-) 2010-03-17T02:11:39 Meeting adjourned! }}}