

   1 2010-04-21T01:01:55  <cprofitt> Meeting will come to order
   2 2010-04-21T01:02:00  <paultag_> Ha!
   3 2010-04-21T01:02:04  <cprofitt> can everyone here say here
   4 2010-04-21T01:02:14  <JamesAdams> here
   5 2010-04-21T01:02:23  <cprofitt> and all those not here say not here :-)
   6 2010-04-21T01:02:28  <cprofitt> good to see you JamesAdams
   7 2010-04-21T01:02:28  <asymptote> here
   8 2010-04-21T01:02:31  <marnold> here
   9 2010-04-21T01:02:38  <cprofitt> hey asymptote and marnold
  10 2010-04-21T01:03:01  <cprofitt> slick6661: do you want to do somethign official with the bot?
  11 2010-04-21T01:03:21  <JonathanD> howdy cprofitt. and good night ;)
  12 2010-04-21T01:03:28  <cprofitt> Good JonathanD good...
  13 2010-04-21T01:03:52  <cprofitt> Well... not sure if Slick666 needs to do something with the bot...
  14 2010-04-21T01:03:58  <cprofitt> but lets move on to our first topic
  15 2010-04-21T01:04:23  <cprofitt> I have asked paultag_,leader of Ohio, to come and talk to us a bit about how he has reorganized Ohio
  16 2010-04-21T01:04:25  <cprofitt> paultag_:
  17 2010-04-21T01:04:27  <paultag_> shalom shalom
  18 2010-04-21T01:04:28  <cprofitt> welcome
  19 2010-04-21T01:04:45  <paultag_> I'll go over it in general then field some questions, if that will work :)
  20 2010-04-21T01:04:47  <cprofitt> would you like to tell us a bit about the challenge and the solutions
  21 2010-04-21T01:04:53  <paultag_> I'd be glad to cprofitt
  22 2010-04-21T01:04:55  * cprofitt nods
  23 2010-04-21T01:05:39  <slick6661> the bot is for loggin :)
  24 2010-04-21T01:05:48  <paultag_> So, Ohio is much like NY in that we have a lot of turf to cover. As a result, we have had issues with running the team in the past
  25 2010-04-21T01:06:10  <paultag_> what I have done to help with this is switch and decentralize the process, and create "ReLoCOs"
  26 2010-04-21T01:06:37  <paultag_> ReLoCo stands for Really Local Community, and every major population center is able to have one "ReLoCo"
  27 2010-04-21T01:07:26  <paultag_> Each ReLoCo is able to govern the area without too much issue, and only very light reporting back to the contact. I check up about once a month and get a status report ( sitrep )
  28 2010-04-21T01:08:17  <paultag_> The team is governed very transparently, with most decisions made by the ReLoCo leads. Wide team calls are voted on by the Contact, Ubuntu Members, ReLoCo leads and Canonical Employees
  29 2010-04-21T01:08:41  <paultag_> ( we have about 300 members, this was a fair way to make it easier to vote )
  30 2010-04-21T01:09:10  <paultag_> discussion takes place on the mailing list before any vote, but situations like that rarely crop up
  31 2010-04-21T01:09:37  <paultag_> That is the basics, perhaps I can field some questions, if that's ok cprofitt
  32 2010-04-21T01:09:42  <cprofitt> yes...
  33 2010-04-21T01:09:48  <cprofitt> that was an excellent summary
  34 2010-04-21T01:09:53  <idahoclint> wow
  35 2010-04-21T01:09:56  <cprofitt> does anyone have any questions?
  36 2010-04-21T01:10:10  <JamesAdams> how big is a typical ReLoco ?
  37 2010-04-21T01:10:45  <paultag_> JamesAdams: My ReLoCo ( Cleveland ) is about 14 active members. Columbus has about 50 or so, and they are the biggest ( also as a result of the old contacts running the team from Columbus and not any other cities )
  38 2010-04-21T01:11:09  <paultag_> JamesAdams: the rest are spread about the other cities, the smallest is about 5 or so
  39 2010-04-21T01:11:43  <cprofitt> Does the state LoCo still have central events like launch parties and jams -- or is that decentralized too?
  40 2010-04-21T01:12:47  <paultag_> cprofitt: that is decentralized, but we are working on getting everyone on video with eachother. People tend to flock to the bigger ReLoCos for big events ( other then Ubuntu Hour every other week ), so we end up with Two or Three major events.
  41 2010-04-21T01:13:05  <marnold> What are the requirements for setting a ReLoco up?
  42 2010-04-21T01:13:10  <paultag_> cprofitt: We all get together for stuff like OLF every once in a while, but we all idle together
  43 2010-04-21T01:13:33  <paultag_> marnold: one person willing to become the "contact", time to manage, and a few interested members in the area
  44 2010-04-21T01:14:06  <paultag_> marnold: they will be able to get a slice of the team resources according to their membership or how active they are. I'll mail out stuff to other ReLoCos ( as the contact ) to make sure they have CDs
  45 2010-04-21T01:14:12  <cprofitt> what kind of support is offered to the ReLoco teams?
  46 2010-04-21T01:14:58  <asymptote> paultag_: you said "Each ReLoCo is able to govern the area"...what does that mean - what type of things do you govern?
  47 2010-04-21T01:15:08  <paultag_> cprofitt: It can get rough. No one in the team major is here pushing for ReLoCos in every city. If the lead drops off, so will the team. We have a drop box and share flyers that we create and images as well
  48 2010-04-21T01:15:32  <paultag_> cprofitt: we try and help eachother out as much as we can, but we don't have a system for making sure they thrive.
  49 2010-04-21T01:16:11  <cprofitt> I meant more in terms of helping them get speakers, books from publishers, etc
  50 2010-04-21T01:16:13  <paultag_> asymptote: They are able to make all the decisions locally. I ask that they run an Ubuntu Hour as much as they can, but they control membership, what events they wish to run, and where / when.
  51 2010-04-21T01:16:42  <asymptote> paultag_: understood - ty for the reply
  52 2010-04-21T01:16:48  <paultag_> sure thing asymptote
  53 2010-04-21T01:17:04  <paultag_> cprofitt: they are able to present themselfs as an administrator of the team
  54 2010-04-21T01:17:21  <paultag_> cprofitt: if there is something that needs contact status, I will do my best to help them, but most of the stuff seems to work it's self out
  55 2010-04-21T01:17:29  * cprofitt nods
  56 2010-04-21T01:18:11  <cprofitt> any other questions for paultag_ -- slick6661 Slick666
  57 2010-04-21T01:18:23  <slick6661> not atm
  58 2010-04-21T01:18:26  <cprofitt> k
  59 2010-04-21T01:18:42  <paultag_> <--
  60 2010-04-21T01:18:47  <slick6661> It sounds interesting but I wonder how each groups orgnises for state wide events
  61 2010-04-21T01:18:57  <cprofitt> paultag_: I thank you for sharing this with us... it has been fantastic watching how this worked in Ohio
  62 2010-04-21T01:19:09  <paultag_> This is the post that I wrote when I first started.  I have followed it fairly closely ( sed s/LoLoCo/ReLoCo/ )
  63 2010-04-21T01:19:25  <paultag_> slick6661: they don't for the most part. The contact does state wide, ReLoCo does local :)
  64 2010-04-21T01:19:34  <paultag_> cprofitt: sure thing :) -- It's my pleasure
  65 2010-04-21T01:19:56  <cprofitt> NY folks -- I would like us to consider this style as we move forward
  66 2010-04-21T01:20:24  <cprofitt> we are a bit smaller in number presently... but I thought it worth taking a look at how things were changing in another state
  67 2010-04-21T01:20:31  <cprofitt> one that is close to us and similar to us as well
  68 2010-04-21T01:20:39  <paultag_> As one sidenote, I love feedback, and any ideas regarding how I run, or if you choose to use a system that is similar would really be taken well :)
  69 2010-04-21T01:20:55  <slick6661> cprofitt I think we might be closer to that model than you think
  70 2010-04-21T01:20:57  <paultag_> thanks cprofitt, it's all you. I'm all set, I'll stick around for the rest of the meeting :)
  71 2010-04-21T01:21:14  <slick6661> thanks for sharing paultag_
  72 2010-04-21T01:21:16  <cprofitt> slick6661: I agree... I think we are operating very close to that model
  73 2010-04-21T01:21:25  <asymptote> paultag_: see ya
  74 2010-04-21T01:21:26  <cprofitt> but not formally -- not by our bylaws
  75 2010-04-21T01:21:28  <paultag_> sure thing. Thanks for listening slick6661
  76 2010-04-21T01:21:37  <marnold> mmm
  77 2010-04-21T01:21:47  <cprofitt> ok... is ducky_laptop present?
  78 2010-04-21T01:21:59  <cprofitt> the next topic was his
  79 2010-04-21T01:22:06  <cprofitt> IRC channel etiguette
  80 2010-04-21T01:22:23  <marnold> thats how we've been operating since i've been a member
  81 2010-04-21T01:22:58  <cprofitt> ok... slick6661 can you take the 10.04 plans in Waterloo
  82 2010-04-21T01:23:07  <cprofitt> that was also ducky_laptop but since he is not here
  83 2010-04-21T01:23:11  <cprofitt> perhaps you can take that one
  84 2010-04-21T01:23:32  <slick6661> ducky said he's sorry
  85 2010-04-21T01:23:37  <cprofitt> no problem
  86 2010-04-21T01:23:38  * slick6661 just called him
  87 2010-04-21T01:23:54  <slick6661> ok, 10.04 plans
  88 2010-04-21T01:23:56  <cprofitt> my fault for not sending out the email earlier
  89 2010-04-21T01:24:24  <slick6661> ducky ad I are working on the hardware needed for the event
  90 2010-04-21T01:24:57  <slick6661> right now we're going on the assumption that we will be getting no demo systems outside the group and are working on setting up a couple of systems
  91 2010-04-21T01:25:07  <slick6661> server and networking are comming together
  92 2010-04-21T01:25:34  <slick6661> we have two speakers signed up as well and ausimage has the food covered
  93 2010-04-21T01:25:45  <slick6661> are there any specific questions
  94 2010-04-21T01:26:07  <cprofitt> no... but thanks for all the effort to get this done
  95 2010-04-21T01:26:09  <asymptote> who's paying for the food
  96 2010-04-21T01:26:13  <asymptote> or do we pay at the door
  97 2010-04-21T01:26:18  <cprofitt> very sorry to hear that system76 is not coming through
  98 2010-04-21T01:26:29  <cprofitt> asymptote: we pay -- slick6661 how much this year?
  99 2010-04-21T01:27:00  <slick6661> I think this year the total costs will be around $100 dollars
 100 2010-04-21T01:27:12  <asymptote> k well I'll try to make it - depends
 101 2010-04-21T01:27:21  <cprofitt> I was thinking more of what are we asking people for individually for the food
 102 2010-04-21T01:27:26  <marnold> I'm going up
 103 2010-04-21T01:27:30  <slick6661> ausimage will be garunteering the food.
 104 2010-04-21T01:27:31  <asymptote> ya I figured
 105 2010-04-21T01:27:43  <cprofitt> ok
 106 2010-04-21T01:27:59  <marnold> asymptote, if you wanna stand in the main quad with your thumb out
 107 2010-04-21T01:28:05  <cprofitt> any other questions for slick?
 108 2010-04-21T01:28:15  <slick6661> we'll be relying on donations to compensate ausimage
 109 2010-04-21T01:28:31  <cprofitt> Next topic is wiki and website
 110 2010-04-21T01:28:53  <cprofitt> Ducky has a suggestion and we will table that until next time, but I will give the basics for those here
 111 2010-04-21T01:29:08  <cprofitt> I would like to see our website be kept current and up-to-date
 112 2010-04-21T01:29:34  <cprofitt> and also would like to not see duplication of data (at least large amounts of it) between the two sites
 113 2010-04-21T01:29:36  <asymptote> marnold: did you get my pm - I don't see it going through
 114 2010-04-21T01:29:58  <cprofitt> I know that ausimage could use some folks to help him with the website as well
 115 2010-04-21T01:30:11  <cprofitt> does anyone have any questions on that?
 116 2010-04-21T01:30:47  <cprofitt> alright...
 117 2010-04-21T01:31:01  <slick6661> lol
 118 2010-04-21T01:31:07  <cprofitt> the last topic was ausimage
 119 2010-04-21T01:31:10  <cprofitt> and he is not here
 120 2010-04-21T01:31:18  <cprofitt> so we will table that until next time as well
 121 2010-04-21T01:31:31  <cprofitt> does anyone have any thing they would like to bring up?
 122 2010-04-21T01:31:48  <cprofitt> I would like to remind people that anyone is free to add an agenda item
 123 2010-04-21T01:32:33  <cprofitt> the next one is here -
 124 2010-04-21T01:33:00  <cprofitt> last call for topics
 125 2010-04-21T01:33:11  <cprofitt> meeting is adjourned

NewYorkTeam/Meetings/20100420 (last edited 2010-04-21 01:53:08 by cpe-74-79-185-168)