* 7 jan. : [[http://podcast.softwarelibre.org.ni/?p=78|POSOL's golden logo poll]]. * 10 jan. : Recording of POSOL episode 3. [[http://picasaweb.google.com/nacross/Posol3#|Neville's photos]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/11440969@N05/|Batusaikun's photos]]. * 15 jan. : Public release of [[http://podcast.softwarelibre.org.ni/?p=86|POSOL episode 3]]. * 16 jan. : [[http://www.linuxtour.org/Bar-Camp-10.1|Ubuntu-ni Barcamp 10.1|]] * 21 jan. : [[http://josernestodavila.blogspot.com/|José Ernesto Dávila]] became the third official Ubuntu Member of our community. * 21 jan. : [[http://podcast.softwarelibre.org.ni/?p=78|POSOL's goden logo poll results]]. * 22 jan. : [[http://www.linuxtour.org/Pizza-Bash-1.1|Pizza Bash 1.1]]. * 23 jan. : Members of Ubuntu-ni participating first ever Spanish [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiaDelUsuarioUbuntu|Ubuntu User Day]]. * 24 jan. : Recording of POSOL episode 4. [[http://picasaweb.google.com/josernestodavila/Posol#|Alucardni's photos]]. * 27 jan. : Meeting with [[http://www.simas.org.ni/|SIMAS]] and [[http://www.guegue.com/|Guegue]], in order to explore future collaboration between NGO, private sector and community. * 30 jan. : Public release of [[http://podcast.softwarelibre.org.ni/?p=108|POSOL episode 4]].