#format wiki #language en #pragma Description Nigerian Community Wiki Users of Ubuntu #pragma keywords Ubuntu-NG, ng ubuntu, ubuntu-ng, Nigerian ubuntu, ubuntu Nigeria, NG UBUNTU, UBUNTU-NG, Ubuntu in Nigeria, Nigerian community of user ubuntu <> <
> = The Nigerian Community of Ubuntu users = {{http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/1807/footo.png}} ||<>|| == Introduction == The NigeriaTeam is aimed at showcasing the numerous advantages of Open-Source Software especially the Ubuntu operating system and it's relevance in the development of IT within the country. We are targeting future policy and decision makers - undergraduates and all kinds of people interested in making a difference. Convincing them to use open-source software's packaged along with Ubuntu for every day activities such as email,music etc. and even in their businesses. == How To Join == A. Simply sign up to our mailing list by logging on to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-ng A. A mail would be send to you from ubuntu-ng@lists.ubuntu.com follow the instruction to complete your registration A. Attend a LoCo meeting (Information about meetings will be communicated through ubuntu-ng@lists.ubuntu.com) === Participating in LoCo Activities. === All you need do is to turn up for our LoCo meetings and you can help work with us in building Ubuntu and spreading the message around. You can also communicate through the mailing lists ubuntu-ng@lists.ubuntu.com and on irc. == Members and Contacts == 1. [LawalAdekunle] ; e-mail: lawaladekunle@gmail.com 2. [IyowuMuyiwa] ; e-mail: muyiwaiyowu@gmail.com <
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