<> ## This wiki should help use break down how we can accomplish our long (longer than a release cycle to complete) and short term (release cycle) goals by documenting the next steps and how we plan to achieve these goals. Feel free to edit this with your own ideas, however please do not change lines, only add new lines or sub-topics, and please sign all changes with your wikiname. -- [[LaunchpadHome:akgraner]] <> == Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team Road Map == The [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorthCarolinaTeam/Roadmap | '''road map''']] will detail our future goals for the LoCo team. == Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team Plan of Action == * Bi - Monthly meetings * Wiki Maintenance * Education / New User * Marketing * Meetings * Meetup in centralized locations for interested members * Meet face-to-face for socialization, break down geographic barriers * Work through ideas in person * Revisit goals and agendas for team *Responsibilities *Agendas *Ideas * Discuss other mini-meetings to learn about Ubuntu, Linux and OSS