= Ogre = From [[http://www.ogre3d.org/about]]: What Is OGRE? OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware-accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. == Issues == === Ubuntu 9.04 === ==== Sample Tutorials ==== ===== Sample Code ===== Sample code is not included in the development headers. This means that you won't be able to compile any code that included the base classes from {{{ExampleFrameListener.h}}}, or {{{ExampleApplication.h}}} To work around this, you must check out the code from SVN, or snag a source tarball to get to the files needed for the tutorials. ===== Dependencies ===== The first few tutorials require {{{libois-dev}}}. You may install this [[apt:libois-dev|here]] Ogre also requires {{{zziplib}}}. You may install binaries [[apt:libzzip-0-13|here]], and headers [[apt:libzzip-dev|here]]. ===== resources.cfg ===== resources.cfg will also be missing when you compile in a new directory tree. This can be worked around. Following is my resources.cfg {{{ # Resource locations to be added to the 'boostrap' path # This also contains the minimum you need to use the Ogre example framework [Bootstrap] Zip=./Media/packs/OgreCore.zip # Resource locations to be added to the default path [General] FileSystem=./Media FileSystem=./Media/fonts FileSystem=./Media/materials/programs FileSystem=./Media/materials/scripts FileSystem=./Media/materials/textures FileSystem=./Media/models FileSystem=./Media/overlays FileSystem=./Media/particle FileSystem=./Media/gui FileSystem=./Media/DeferredShadingMedia Zip=./Media/packs/cubemap.zip Zip=./Media/packs/cubemapsJS.zip Zip=./Media/packs/dragon.zip Zip=./Media/packs/fresneldemo.zip Zip=./Media/packs/ogretestmap.zip Zip=./Media/packs/skybox.zip }}} This also provides there is a folder {{{ Media }}} in the current directory. You will need this from the example folder. ===== Empty Menu, and exit on click ===== You are most likely missing {{{ plugins.cfg }}}, and would do well to copy it to the local directory. ===== Error on path to /usr/local/lib ===== /usr/local/lib, in this case should be changed to /usr/lib ===== Error with Plugin_CgProgramManager.so ( UNRESOLVED ) ===== ===== Using Ogre Source Install ===== This tutorial should solve any issues you run into with Linked Libraries and Setting up CodeBlocks IDE for OGRE on Ubuntu 9.04 and above: http://www.cipherhive.org/ubuntu-904-ogre-source-install