
Here is a full Ogre Source Install for Ubuntu.

I wanted to briefly show how I was able to successfully compile and install the latest v1-6 ogre. All libraries were compiled on a cleanly installed version of Ubuntu x86_64. These steps worked for me; however it is possible you will run into conflicts with other pre-installed libraries. I assume you have used subversion before; if not simply enter:

sudo apt-get install subversion

To acquire the latest of Ogre Shoggoth v1-6:

svn co https://svn.ogre3d.org/svnroot/ogre/branches/v1-6 ogre

Before compiling we will install CEGUI.

sudo apt-get install libcegui-mk2-1 libcegui-mk2-1-dbg libcegui-mk2-dev libcegui-mk2-doc

One more library before compiling Ogre! Get the latest version of OIS here:


Now open up the OIS tar file and run these commands within ois:

./bootstrap && ./configure

sudo make && make install

sudo ldconfig

OK! Compile OGRE: the subversion download made a ogre folder, cd into it and run these commands:

sudo ./bootstrap && ./configure

sudo make && make install

sudo ldconfig

Are we there yet? NO! There are some very important tasks that must be done for your new Ogre environment. View the OGRE Samples here first to ensure Ogre is running correctly then continue on:


One of the more confusing setup items about OGRE is getting the libraries and headers to talk with your IDE and even with your linked libraries. Try one or both of these tasks. First verify RenderSystem_GL.so can be seen:

locate RenderSystem_GL.so Nothing right? If your library shows RenderSystem_GL.so at /usr/local/lib/OGRE then you have one up on me. However, I was not able to properly link these libraries even after adding /usr/local/lib to my /etc/ld.so.conf. If you have a better solution please comment below and correct me. For the time being this worked for me. My ld.so.conf looks like this:

include /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf include /usr/local/lib include /usr/local/lib/OGRE

This did not in fact assist me with an error claiming RenderSystem_GL.so can not be found. Here is my workaround until I am corrected by someone more educated than myself. I have added this to my home directory .bashrc:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/OGRE

I hope this will work for you after running:

sudo ldconfig

Make sure to close and open a new terminal window after editing the .bashrc so it sees the newly linked libraries.

Please view the complete tutorial here for CodeBlocks IDE and Config file setup:


OgreSource (last edited 2009-10-03 16:41:49 by 24-176-131-207)