## page was renamed from OhioTeam/Events/OhioUbucon08 ## page was renamed from OhioTeam/OhioUbucon08 <> == Ohio Ubucon '08! == Date: Ubucon has been postponed until 2009 to prepare for Ohio Linux Fest. Place: TBD * Possibly Columbus Metropolitan Library (Hilliard?) IRC Channels: #ubuntu-us-oh, #ohio-ubucon == General Ideas == === What Should We Show / Include? / Do? === Have an idea? Add it! If you like the idea, vote for it and leave your name with it, and we can add the popular / accepted ideas into their own section for working on them. * Theme-centric Booths: Many people think Linux is boring, let's show them what it can do! - I'm thinking more for display than interaction, but we would still need support from hardware vendors. [[AnthonyHall| Anthony Hall]] * Talks, Speeches, Presentations? - Who should we invite? {*} People behind Ubuntu Studio {*} People behind Full Circle Magazine {*} People behind Ubuntu Podcast * Food, Drink, Swag! - Maybe order from a local pizza shop? - [[AnthonyHall| Anthony Hall]] * Partner With LUGs / LUG booths - LUGs are powerful units that I believe could contribute a great deal with Ubucon, and reserve a section for Ohio-based LUGs to set up a table or booth for themselves to help put people from all around Ohio in touch with more Linux fans in their area. - [[AnthonyHall| Anthony Hall]] * Kids Area - Area for kids to play games and show off different kids games for Ubuntu. - Show Edubuntu - I definitely vote for this idea! Edubuntu can be very valuable showing that Ubuntu as a general purpose operating system can be great for kids also. - [[AnthonyHall| Anthony Hall]] === Approved Ideas === * Gaming Booths - Linux Game Publishing has agreed to send 200 game demos, as well as boxed full versions to be played on machines. - We are still in need of hardware support for the gaming booths: if anyone would like to contact hardware vendors for sponsorship or would like to allow use of their machine in the gaming area, please note so here. - System 76 has offered some hardware for demo purposes. * Purchase Booths - For selling anything such as LGP games, accessories, clothing, and give aways. * Install Team - Will be lead by seisen, will also be using the server donated by Michigan LoCo. === Equipment Needed === * Surge protectors * Wireless routers and switches * Patch cables * Server (seisen) * Extra keyboards, mice, power cords * Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu CDs (Delvien) == Partners / Potentials == Ohio LoCo is not an exclusive part of the Ubuntu community, and it goes a long way to help forge relationships and partners with other entities in the Ubuntu community. For Ubucon, there has been some activity to help bring together partners to give the greatest showing possible, for both Ubuntu and the wonderful community around it (including the businesses, start ups, and hopefuls). Please leave any suggestions in the list! Also if you want to or are contacting a company on the list, please note it also. === Suggested Partners === * Dell * System76 - Will provide hardware for demonstration purposes. - Currently being contacted by [[Tnseditor]] * Canonical * ZaReason, Inc - Currently being contacted by [[AnthonyHall| Anthony Hall]] * LUGs {*} Central Ohio Linux User Group - pending. {*} Akron Linux Users Group {*} Ubuntu Chicago Local Users Group (pending) {*} Lima LUG (pending) * Ohio based companies that support Ubuntu - Contacted by [[Inoculant]] 2/21/08 === Accepted Partners === {*} Google {*} Linux Game Publishing -In Contact with [[AnthonyHall| Anthony Hall]] -Have agreed to the following: * 200 Demo DVD's * Boxed versions of select games for installation on gaming booths * Boxed versions after installation may be given away as freebies or prizes. == Marketing Ideas == Please leave any suggestions on how to get the word out about Ohio Ubucon '08! == Fundraising == Goal: $TBD So far: $0 Donation Please? Check out the [[http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/|Ohio LoCo Website]] and click on Donate.