Discussion Points


Dec 06 20:12:01 <Vor-oh> I was surprised by the number of people who joined the team.
Dec 06 20:12:19 <PWill> What's the current count?
Dec 06 20:12:21 <jacobmp92> I was surprised that there were this many Ohio Ubuntu users
Dec 06 20:12:44 <Vor-oh> 25 members to date
Dec 06 20:12:49 <Vor-oh> And...
Dec 06 20:12:52 <danbuch929> and growing!
Dec 06 20:12:54 <danbuch929>
Dec 06 20:13:07 <Vor-oh> Since we are really just getting going we do not have a road map per se
Dec 06 20:13:39 <Vor-oh> The primary purpose of the LoCo team is to advocate Ubuntu in local areas
Dec 06 20:14:06 <PWill> I've converted 4 people in the past 6 months :-)
Dec 06 20:14:20 <jacobmp92> 3 here
Dec 06 20:14:47 <danbuch929> 3 if you count my wife :-)
Dec 06 20:14:48 * Vor-oh gives a shout out!
Dec 06 20:15:32 <PWill> I think we should discuss the website
Dec 06 20:15:43 <jacobmp92> good idea
Dec 06 20:16:07 <Vor-oh> OK, then whats next
Dec 06 20:16:17 <danbuch929> jacobmp92: you've got web chops....
Dec 06 20:16:23 <danbuch929> care to lead?
Dec 06 20:16:24 <jacobmp92> :)
Dec 06 20:16:27 <jacobmp92> sure
Dec 06 20:16:57 <ichthyoboy> PWill: thanks for the gpg help
Dec 06 20:17:02 <jacobmp92> as for the Canonical hosting, has there been any updates on that?
Dec 06 20:17:05 <PWill> Joomla! is my suggestion. The free hosting from Canonical meets the minimum requirements for Joomla! (PHP4, MySQL, Apache 1.3)
Dec 06 20:17:11 <PWill> ichthyoboy: No problem
Dec 06 20:17:24 <Vor-oh> Here's what I have : *silence*
Dec 06 20:17:26 <jacobmp92> PWill, I still could never get a grasp of joomla
Dec 06 20:17:28 <jacobmp92> lol
Dec 06 20:17:41 <lumpki> what about drupal?
Dec 06 20:17:42 <PWill> jacobmp92: Heh. How come?
Dec 06 20:17:58 <danbuch929> yes, what 'bout drupal? does it need php5?
Dec 06 20:18:06 <jacobmp92> Drupal seems like a more "simple" option, although I think a CMS is overblowing it
Dec 06 20:18:19 <lumpki> no, it runs on ver4
Dec 06 20:18:27 <jacobmp92> dan: we can get PHP5 if we need, there is CGI support :)
Dec 06 20:18:28 <PWill> http://drupal.org/requirements
Dec 06 20:18:44 <danbuch929> jacobmp92: that's right! CGI!
Dec 06 20:18:46 <jacobmp92> i only wish there was SSH access
Dec 06 20:18:48 <lumpki> its pretty small
Dec 06 20:18:56 <jacobmp92> that would make it a heck of a lot easier
Dec 06 20:19:10 <danbuch929> well.... can we at least decide who should man the web team?
Dec 06 20:19:11 <PWill> Well, someone said they had 199 gigs of storage on their server.
Dec 06 20:19:16 <jacobmp92> that was me :)
Dec 06 20:19:24 <Vor-oh> we only get 500mb
Dec 06 20:19:28 <PWill> danbuch929: I can do the site design, and be an admin
Dec 06 20:19:45 <jacobmp92> i technically dont have that much space instantly available, but its there to use
Dec 06 20:19:54 <jacobmp92> my host oversells
Dec 06 20:20:10 <PWill> danbuch929: I'm fluent in CSS/XHTML, and am capable with PHP
Dec 06 20:20:19 <jacobmp92> im a PHP/SQL nerd
Dec 06 20:20:38 <danbuch929> PWill, jacobmp92: that's great! Are you two willing to get things in motion?
Dec 06 20:20:44 <jacobmp92> sure
Dec 06 20:20:46 <PWill> danbuch929: Sure
Dec 06 20:21:19 <PWill> Do we want a domain? Or are we gonna leech a subdomain off of Canonical?
Dec 06 20:21:32 <jacobmp92> Canonical provides the domain I think
Dec 06 20:21:35 <Vor-oh> what do you think we should do?
Dec 06 20:21:39 <danbuch929> PWill, jacobmp92: I'm working on SpreadUbuntu right now, and I can recommend using bzr with LaunchPad for project mgmt
Dec 06 20:21:51 <jacobmp92> ic
Dec 06 20:21:55 <Vor-oh> I would get a domain if we are set on something specific?
Dec 06 20:22:01 <PWill> ubuntu-oh.com is available
Dec 06 20:22:05 <ichthyoboy> what about content? What type of information do we want the site to contain?
Dec 06 20:22:26 <Vor-oh> I like ubuntu-ohio.org
Dec 06 20:22:27 <jacobmp92> .org would be a 'better' ext, since we are an organization
Dec 06 20:22:29 <jacobmp92> yeah
Dec 06 20:22:30 <PWill> ichthyoboy: Blog, calendar, maybe a wiki
Dec 06 20:22:34 <danbuch929> icthyoboy: do you have good writing/editing skills?
Dec 06 20:22:50 <ichthyoboy> Somewhat...definitely good editing skills
Dec 06 20:22:55 <jacobmp92> i'd go for news, maybe a Planet, calender, wiki, etc
Dec 06 20:22:59 <ichthyoboy> and my writing chops are improving
Dec 06 20:23:21 <danbuch929> ichthyoboy: would you be willing to volunteer as something of a team journalist/editor?
Dec 06 20:23:29 <ichthyoboy> sure
Dec 06 20:23:41 <PWill> I'm a grammar nazi, so I can also deal with writing as well.
Dec 06 20:23:41 <danbuch929> a person to whom potential content is submitted?
Dec 06 20:23:48 <ichthyoboy> what about info on local LUGs throughout OH
Dec 06 20:23:57 <danbuch929> PWill: plus you'll have your hands on the CSS .... so it's a good match
Dec 06 20:23:59 <jacobmp92> COLUG?
Dec 06 20:24:10 <danbuch929> yeah, where's skippy?
Dec 06 20:24:12 <PWill> w00t for COLUG
Dec 06 20:24:14 <danbuch929> speaking of COLUG
Dec 06 20:24:29 <PWill> skippy was supposed to be here. He's majorly involved in COLUG
Dec 06 20:24:33 <Vor-oh> good idea, we should incorp the columbus loco as well
Dec 06 20:25:06 <danbuch929> PWill, jacobmp92, ichthyoboy: have you all posted your email addr's on LP?
Dec 06 20:25:10 <jacobmp92> yep
Dec 06 20:25:12 <ichthyoboy> yup
Dec 06 20:25:19 <PWill> danbuch929: yep
Dec 06 20:25:33 <PWill> danbuch929: https://launchpad.net/people/paulwilliams
Dec 06 20:25:48 <danbuch929> jacobmp92: given Vor's guidance/input on Canonical's hosting info...
Dec 06 20:26:00 <danbuch929> would you be willing to head up the discussion on the mailing list?
Dec 06 20:26:11 <jacobmp92> sure
Dec 06 20:26:11 <danbuch929> so that those not present here can stay abreast...
Dec 06 20:26:22 <jacobmp92> ok
Dec 06 20:26:23 <PWill> jacobmp92, danbuch929, ichthyoboy: Do you all have Jabber or AIM?
Dec 06 20:26:28 <danbuch929> jabber
Dec 06 20:26:31 <danbuch929> via gmail
Dec 06 20:26:34 <jacobmp92> yes, my jabber is jacobmp92@gmail.com
Dec 06 20:27:09 <Vor-oh> this is what I think our site should look like... http://chi.ubuntu-us.org/
Dec 06 20:27:28 <PWill> I can do that.
Dec 06 20:27:58 <PWill> It's basically ubuntu.com's CSS. Heh.
Dec 06 20:28:14 <danbuch929> the chicago LoCo's doing great work ... any chance we can get a subdomain of ubuntu-us for a litttle bit of consistency?
Dec 06 20:28:24 <Vor-oh> clean
Dec 06 20:28:40 <PWill> danbuch929: We should have a domain that redirects there.
Dec 06 20:29:04 <Vor-oh> I'll follow up with Matthew on the hosting
Dec 06 20:29:06 <PWill> danbuch929: newbs don't like subdomains. They're hard to remember, for some.
Dec 06 20:29:19 <danbuch929> PWill: noted :-D
Dec 06 20:29:33 <jacobmp92> @Vor, if for some reason we can't be hosted on the Canonical servers, contact me ;)
Dec 06 20:29:46 <Vor-oh> Great :-D
Dec 06 20:29:50 <PWill> Check out http://drupal.org/project/Modules
Dec 06 20:30:02 <PWill> Which of these can you see us using?
Dec 06 20:30:22 <Vor-oh> Moodle? (Dan, lets finish this)
Dec 06 20:30:41 <danbuch929> ah! Moodle!
Dec 06 20:30:47 <PWill> meh
Dec 06 20:30:52 <danbuch929> Vor had a great idea about using Moodle for something else
Dec 06 20:30:56 <danbuch929> hear the man out!
Dec 06 20:31:06 <danbuch929> ... not necessarily for the LoCo
Dec 06 20:31:18 <Vor-oh> I think this would give us a great opportunity to teach people linux
Dec 06 20:31:21 <danbuch929> ...but possibly as a project our Team can take ownership of
Dec 06 20:31:23 <danbuch929> yes
Dec 06 20:31:33 <jacobmp92> i see
Dec 06 20:32:17 * __lynX (n=mark@MW-ESR1-72-49-210-155.fuse.net) has joined #ubuntu-ohio
Dec 06 20:32:25 <Vor-oh> Hey mark!
Dec 06 20:32:28 <danbuch929> jacobmp92: before we find out about hosting, I can recommend contacting Mitch (I think) at http://devubuntu.com
Dec 06 20:32:36 <__lynX> Hey! I'm a little late, but still here. :)
Dec 06 20:32:51 <danbuch929> __ahoy __lynX!
Dec 06 20:32:57 <__lynX> How's it going?
Dec 06 20:33:01 <jacobmp92> @dan: ok
Dec 06 20:33:33 <danbuch929> jacobmp92: he provides some nice space for getting things honed
Dec 06 20:33:44 <PWill> danbuch929: What's your GMail address?
Dec 06 20:33:47 <jacobmp92> cool
Dec 06 20:34:03 <danbuch929> daniel.buch@gmail.com
Dec 06 20:34:29 <Vor-oh> so anything else on the website?
Dec 06 20:34:44 <Vor-oh> how about horde
Dec 06 20:34:55 <jacobmp92> @dan: fyi, I do have a free domain left in my account, plus my massive 200 gigs of space and 2 tb of bandwidth (i love my host :))
Dec 06 20:35:05 <danbuch929> schweeet
Dec 06 20:35:09 <Vor-oh> Not on the site of course
Dec 06 20:35:29 <PWill> jacobmp92: Who is your host?
Dec 06 20:35:33 <jacobmp92> DreamHost
Dec 06 20:35:35 <PWill> ah
Dec 06 20:35:40 <danbuch929> jacobmp92: is that something you'd be willing to "donate" to the LoCo?
Dec 06 20:35:41 <jacobmp92> lemme find a link for the plans
Dec 06 20:35:43 <jacobmp92> sure
Dec 06 20:35:48 <PWill> Ah! They have SSH, don't they?
Dec 06 20:35:54 <ichthyoboy> PWill: Jabber via gmail
Dec 06 20:36:03 <danbuch929> jacobmp92: very generous of you :-)
Dec 06 20:36:05 <jacobmp92> @pwill, yes, that is one of ther reasons why i love them
Dec 06 20:36:18 <Vor-oh> so, should we skip on canonical?
Dec 06 20:36:19 <jacobmp92> i can open up some SSH accounts for the site
Dec 06 20:36:41 <danbuch929> Vor-oh: sounds like a pretty arsome deal
Dec 06 20:36:41 <Vor-oh> what of domain?
Dec 06 20:36:45 <jacobmp92> dunno, i dont care either way; if we host with canonical, great, if we dont, great
Dec 06 20:37:10 <Vor-oh> dan, agreed :-D
Dec 06 20:37:27 <PWill> Vor-oh: I'm thinking ubuntu-ohio.org is best
Dec 06 20:37:35 <jacobmp92> just say the word and I can have a site, domain, and SSH open in less than 10 minutes
Dec 06 20:37:40 <Vor-oh> PWill, agreed.
Dec 06 20:37:41 <__lynX> Vor-oh: What domain does Canonical supply us with?
Dec 06 20:37:44 * danbuch929 agrees
Dec 06 20:37:53 <lumpki> ubuntu-ohio.org is good
Dec 06 20:37:55 <Vor-oh> 500mb
Dec 06 20:37:57 <danbuch929> __lynX: you don't wanna know
Dec 06 20:37:58 <jacobmp92> ubuntu-ohio.org sounds good
Dec 06 20:37:59 <danbuch929> :-D
Dec 06 20:38:04 <PWill> Vor-oh: Do we even need the hyphen? How 'bout ubuntuohio.org
Dec 06 20:38:12 <Vor-oh> Keeps with the theme
Dec 06 20:38:15 <PWill> k
Dec 06 20:38:39 <Vor-oh> we can poll this at the forums
Dec 06 20:38:54 <danbuch929> Vor-oh: that'd be more inclusive. good idea
Dec 06 20:39:04 <jacobmp92> took me a while to find the hosting plans site for some reason, but here it is: http://dreamhost.com/hosting.html (level 1)
Dec 06 20:39:46 <PWill> I think we've found our host
Dec 06 20:39:50 <jacobmp92> hehe
Dec 06 20:40:03 * Vor-oh gives manly hug
Dec 06 20:40:13 <danbuch929> zoiks those are good packages... (/me swears he doesn't work for Dreamhost)
Dec 06 20:40:41 <jacobmp92> overselling is a godsend.. they give you the space and hope you don't use it, but if you do they dont care
Dec 06 20:40:57 <jacobmp92> 0.01% of the customers use most of the space
Dec 06 20:41:25 <PWill> We're only gonna use like a gig, max.
Dec 06 20:41:25 <Vor-oh> I'll have to check with trademarks on the domain
Dec 06 20:41:54 <__lynX> Is this all okay with Canonical, btw? We are an officially sponsored group.
Dec 06 20:42:12 <jacobmp92> offtopic: if anyone ever wants to save some $$ on dreamhost in the future, contact me first
Dec 06 20:42:19 <jacobmp92> @lynx, i think its fine
Dec 06 20:42:27 <Vor-oh> _lynx, yes and not yet
Dec 06 20:42:49 <__lynX> Alright. Just making sure. :)
Dec 06 20:43:50 <Vor-oh> so what else of the site?
Dec 06 20:44:24 <jacobmp92> dunno, are we going with ubuntu-ohio.org then?
Dec 06 20:44:39 <danbuch929> jacobmp92: we're waiting on a poll, yes?
Dec 06 20:44:44 <PWill> That's the general consensus, I believe.
Dec 06 20:44:45 <jacobmp92> ah right
Dec 06 20:44:49 <Vor-oh> yep...
Dec 06 20:44:58 <Vor-oh> How long should it be polled?
Dec 06 20:45:14 <danbuch929> 1 wk oughtta do it, yes?
Dec 06 20:45:14 <jacobmp92> 2 days...?
Dec 06 20:45:17 <PWill> Vor-oh: Are you doing it on the forums right now?
Dec 06 20:45:20 <jacobmp92> ok, i was off :-p
Dec 06 20:45:20 <Vor-oh> should we poll how long to poll? ;-)
Dec 06 20:45:21 <danbuch929> hehe
Dec 06 20:45:36 <Vor-oh> no, I'll wait til were done.
Dec 06 20:45:52 * cstudent votes a week
Dec 06 20:45:55 <jacobmp92> 1 week then
Dec 06 20:46:01 <danbuch929> there's no reason why jacobmp92 et al can't start up an LP project for the site in the meantime, right? :-)
Dec 06 20:46:19 <jacobmp92> i can run it off of a subdomain for the moment
Dec 06 20:46:32 <danbuch929> I wouldn't want the web team to get restless :-D
Dec 06 20:46:41 <jacobmp92> lol
Dec 06 20:46:42 <PWill> heh
Dec 06 20:46:58 <danbuch929> we're an impatient bunch, aren't we? :-D
Dec 06 20:47:02 <jacobmp92> I'm signing in to create a quick n dirty subdomain
Dec 06 20:47:06 <jacobmp92> yes we are :D
Dec 06 20:47:16 <PWill> I'm ready to install Drupal and start designing
Dec 06 20:47:18 <PWill> heh
Dec 06 20:47:29 <jacobmp92> woot
Dec 06 20:47:35 <PWill> Are we gonna use the stable Drupal? Or Drupal 5beta?
Dec 06 20:47:43 <danbuch929> PWill, jacobmp92: you'll duke it out over the CMS stuff, right?
Dec 06 20:47:45 <lumpki> use stable i say
Dec 06 20:47:52 <PWill> bah!
Dec 06 20:47:53 <danbuch929> ...and let us know the outcome :-)
Dec 06 20:47:58 <jacobmp92> @dan, i dont care :p
Dec 06 20:48:08 <jacobmp92> drupal is fine, stable or not
Dec 06 20:48:10 <jacobmp92> :-D
Dec 06 20:48:11 <PWill> It's up to me then!
Dec 06 20:48:15 <danbuch929> lol
Dec 06 20:48:23 <PWill> The latest beta is quite stable
Dec 06 20:48:35 <jacobmp92> and has a sexy interface :-D
Dec 06 20:48:41 <PWill> It'll be final within the year's end, I hope
Dec 06 20:48:44 <danbuch929> bah! write the whole thing in Perl from scratch! call us in a year!
Dec 06 20:49:05 <PWill> danbuch929: ha! Perl!? I write in object code.
Dec 06 20:49:18 <jacobmp92> Assembler FTW!
Dec 06 20:49:26 <danbuch929> ROTFL
Dec 06 20:49:32 <danbuch929> enough.... stop.....
Dec 06 20:50:00 <PWill> So Drupal 5 beta 2 it is then?
Dec 06 20:50:13 <jacobmp92> i s'pose
Dec 06 20:50:20 <danbuch929> I likey
Dec 06 20:50:47 <Vor> stupid wifi!
Dec 06 20:50:50 <danbuch929> not to throw a wrench in the ol' works, but has anybody considered the Ubuntu-Python family bond?
Dec 06 20:50:51 <jacobmp92> lol.. nice
Dec 06 20:50:52 <PWill> jacobmp92: Once you get the server up, either you can install, or I can SSH it in: http://drupal.org/files/projects/dru...0-beta2.tar.gz
Dec 06 20:51:07 <jacobmp92> @PWill, will do
Dec 06 20:51:12 <danbuch929> ...as in: possibly using a Python-based-younameit for the site?
Dec 06 20:51:30 <danbuch929> TurboGears, for instance?
Dec 06 20:51:33 <PWill> Pythons are poisonous
Dec 06 20:51:40 <jacobmp92> lol
Dec 06 20:51:43 <danbuch929> hehe... true dat
Dec 06 20:52:04 <lumpki> pythons are constrictors =P
Dec 06 20:52:15 <danbuch929> ...and yet Ubuntu hugs them all day
Dec 06 20:52:16 <PWill> Python is easy, but PHP+MySQL wins
Dec 06 20:52:42 <danbuch929> I concede B-)
Dec 06 20:53:14 <jacobmp92> creating a temporary domain at http://ohioloco.codechunk.net
Dec 06 20:53:28 <Vor> :D
Dec 06 20:54:08 <PWill> hooray
Dec 06 20:54:22 <lumpki> vor, are you sure ubuntu-ohio.org is in line with http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy ?
Dec 06 20:54:28 <danbuch929> okay, so any other takers who want in on the web dev will be in touch with jacobmp92, right?
Dec 06 20:54:38 <__lynX> Ubuntu should strengthen its bond with Ruby. :>
Dec 06 20:54:55 <danbuch929> __lynX: .... eventually, eh?
Dec 06 20:54:56 <Vor> we'll check
Dec 06 20:55:01 <lumpki> ok
Dec 06 20:55:06 <PWill> lumpki: I believe that we are in the process of becoming Canonical authorized
Dec 06 20:55:34 <danbuch929> PWill, lumpki: before '07 if we can help it!!!
Dec 06 20:55:36 <ichthyoboy> if we're authorized then it's kosher
Dec 06 20:55:45 <PWill> ha
Dec 06 20:55:59 <__lynX> I am on Windows. Please kill me.
Dec 06 20:56:09 <jacobmp92> lol
Dec 06 20:56:11 <PWill> ha
Dec 06 20:56:21 * ichthyoboy has quit (Remote closed the connection)
Dec 06 20:56:31 <PWill> Why are you in Win?
Dec 06 20:57:00 <PWill> If nobody has already, I can contact Canonical about the domain.
Dec 06 20:57:26 <PWill> Vor or danbuch929: Have either of you done so?
Dec 06 20:57:30 <danbuch929> Vor-oh: so jacobmp92 is Mr. Web, right? (for the forum post)
Dec 06 20:57:34 <danbuch929> PWill: not I
Dec 06 20:57:55 <jacobmp92> i've sent the subdomain thru the servers, I'll contact anyone who wants to work on it as soon as its online :)
Dec 06 20:58:06 <jacobmp92> if anyone else wants to have some fun with it, contact me
Dec 06 20:58:17 <Vor> I thought we should wait for a list and submit the list...
Dec 06 20:58:25 <PWill> huh?
Dec 06 20:58:28 <PWill> Of members?
Dec 06 20:58:40 <Vor> domain names... sorry
Dec 06 20:58:48 <PWill> oh
Dec 06 20:59:00 <jacobmp92> yeah, but this is just the temporary http://ohioloco.codechunk.net subdomain
Dec 06 20:59:20 <jacobmp92> i definitely did not register any top level domains yet :)
Dec 06 20:59:21 <PWill> Well, I can send them a general notice about us planning to reg a domain, and get their permission
Dec 06 20:59:38 <Vor> great!
Dec 06 20:59:48 <danbuch929> PWill: thanks for volunteering!
Dec 06 21:00:34 <Vor> I can't forsee a problem with ubuntu-ohio however
Dec 06 21:00:56 <danbuch929> all webbies: if you're wanting to make an LP project of it, I can point you to some useful peeps
Dec 06 21:00:59 <Vor> or what ever the polls tell us ;-D
Dec 06 21:01:53 <danbuch929> Vor: will you be posting a Thread for discussion of poll candidates first?
Dec 06 21:02:12 <Vor> which pole dan?
Dec 06 21:02:24 <Vor> name?
Dec 06 21:02:26 <PWill> Canonical,
Dec 06 21:02:26 <danbuch929> poll for domain name....
Dec 06 21:02:26 <PWill> I'm representing the Ubuntu-Ohio LoCo ( http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=191 )
Dec 06 21:02:26 <PWill> As a new team, we are getting ready to start a site. As per http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy we felt obligated to obtain your approval to register the TLD `ubuntu-ohio.org`
Dec 06 21:02:40 * Vor-oh has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
Dec 06 21:02:48 <PWill> danbuch929 and Vor: how does that look?
Dec 06 21:03:02 <Vor> looks super! thanks
Dec 06 21:03:03 <danbuch929> PWill: lovely. fire away!
Dec 06 21:03:12 <jacobmp92> looks great
Dec 06 21:03:56 <jacobmp92> quick final tally so I can send out some emails: who is interested in the website development?
Dec 06 21:04:02 <danbuch929> Vor: will we be discussing TLD names in a thread prior to the poll?
Dec 06 21:04:31 <Vor> sure, what do we have so far?
Dec 06 21:04:50 <danbuch929> jacobmp92: count on me for backup
Dec 06 21:04:52 <Vor> ubuntu-ohio or ubuntu-oh?
Dec 06 21:04:58 <PWill> ubuntu-ohio.org, ubuntu-oh.org, ubuntuoh.org, ubuntuohio.org
Dec 06 21:05:08 <danbuch929> those two... and those other two...
Dec 06 21:05:13 <Vor> lol
Dec 06 21:05:14 <PWill> ha
Dec 06 21:05:23 <danbuch929> I'll add ubuntu-us-ohio.org (mouthful)
Dec 06 21:05:38 <Vor> check
Dec 06 21:05:39 <danbuch929> for consistency with LP team naming conventions
Dec 06 21:05:59 <__lynX> I would like to add ubunusohtuio.org.
Dec 06 21:06:00 <Vor> good idea, we could like domains...
Dec 06 21:06:10 <jacobmp92> ok, so I have danbuch929 and PWill for contact with the site. Anyone else? (__lynX, didn't you say you wanted to do something with the site?)
Dec 06 21:06:11 <Vor> i meant "link"
Dec 06 21:06:22 <Vor> _lynx should
Dec 06 21:06:27 <lumpki> jacobmp92, i can work on logos and artwork if you need any
Dec 06 21:06:34 <danbuch929> ichthyoboy: are you still up for content dev?
Dec 06 21:06:40 <__lynX> I don't have any time right now. I may be taking a quarter off school, so we'll see what happens after Christmas break.
Dec 06 21:06:42 <ichthyoboy> sure thing...
Dec 06 21:06:45 <jacobmp92> @lumpki, ok, ill add you to
Dec 06 21:07:00 <jacobmp92> @__lynX: ok, never mind :-p
Dec 06 21:07:13 <__lynX> I would to when I get time though. ;)
Dec 06 21:07:35 <jacobmp92> ok, just mail/irc me whenever you want to :)
Dec 06 21:08:29 <rrittenhouse> back..did i miss it?
Dec 06 21:08:31 <rrittenhouse> haha
Dec 06 21:08:33 <danbuch929> jacobmp92: are you willing to send out a general posting to the mailing list, too? possibly a thread on the forum while we're at it?
Dec 06 21:08:51 <jacobmp92> sure, this is just for SSH access info
Dec 06 21:08:59 <danbuch929> yes... sorry :-D
Dec 06 21:09:02 <jacobmp92> lumpki, what's your email?
Dec 06 21:09:09 <jacobmp92> hehe
Dec 06 21:09:19 <lumpki> sean.artman@gmail.com
Dec 06 21:09:27 * danbuch929 impatience gets the best of him
Dec 06 21:09:31 <jacobmp92> ok
Dec 06 21:10:52 <danbuch929> if we're through the bulk of it, I'm afraid I've got to jet... I owe my dear wife some attention :-D
Dec 06 21:11:14 <PWill> Same, if by wife you mean calc homework
Dec 06 21:11:17 <jacobmp92> i believe we're pretty much done
Dec 06 21:11:27 <danbuch929> excellent first meeting!
Dec 06 21:11:34 <jacobmp92> yes it was
Dec 06 21:11:36 <danbuch929> with many more to follow!
Dec 06 21:11:41 <jacobmp92> hopefully
Dec 06 21:11:44 <PWill> heh
Dec 06 21:11:50 <lumpki> next meeting is when?
Dec 06 21:11:56 <jacobmp92> not planned yet :-P
Dec 06 21:12:10 <danbuch929> ...see you all on the forum/list/IRC/etc...! I'm out!
Dec 06 21:12:14 <PWill> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=313977
Dec 06 21:12:28 <PWill> Go there to vote for the domain, once Vor sets it up
Dec 06 21:12:42 * danbuch929 has left #ubuntu-ohio
Dec 06 21:12:43 * cstudent waves bye to dan
Dec 06 21:13:17 <Vor> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=313977
Dec 06 21:13:22 <Vor> happy voting :-)
Dec 06 21:13:33 <jacobmp92> voted :)

OhioTeam/Meetings/2006Dec6 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:50 by localhost)