February 20, 2008
We discussed additional partnerships for Ubucon. There is a list at http://www.ubuntu.com/support/commercial/marketplace/northernamerica for potential partners.
Meeting Log
(08:00:10 PM) tnseditor: is anyone here for the meeting? (08:00:18 PM) inoculant: inoc present. (08:00:36 PM) tnseditor: good :-) (08:00:45 PM) Spencerical [n=Spencer@cpe-76-190-147-9.neo.res.rr.com] entered the room. (08:00:49 PM) tnseditor: wb Spencerical (08:01:01 PM) Spencerical: ty (08:03:20 PM) inoculant: so, whats on your mind buddy for tonite? (08:03:32 PM) tnseditor: we were going to talk about Ubucon some more (08:03:40 PM) tnseditor: like if anyone had any more ideas and stuff (08:04:00 PM) inoculant: where is ubucon usually held at? (08:04:08 PM) tnseditor: we've never had one :-) (08:04:18 PM) inoculant: oh, good deal. (08:04:31 PM) inoculant: so, where is it proposed at? (08:04:51 PM) tnseditor: the Hilliard branch of the Columbus Metro Library (08:05:34 PM) tnseditor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/OhioUbucon08 (08:06:33 PM) inoculant: june 15th huh...that should be ok. (08:06:45 PM) tnseditor: that's a tentative date (08:06:51 PM) inoculant: gotcha. (08:07:28 PM) zerhacke left the room (quit: "Leaving"). (08:08:10 PM) inoculant: so, i see alot of pcs in the plan...where all of those coming from? (08:08:24 PM) tnseditor: System 76 is going to let us use some (08:08:34 PM) tnseditor: and probably some personal systems as well (08:08:47 PM) inoculant: gotcha... (08:09:01 PM) inoculant: i could get us patch cables on a temp basis... (08:09:08 PM) inoculant: but im sure everyone can. (08:09:10 PM) linuxcolumbus: why aren't you partnering with local Linux providers? (08:09:26 PM) tnseditor: like ? (08:09:30 PM) tnseditor: LUGs? (08:09:40 PM) linuxcolumbus: There are several on the Ubuntu site. (08:11:23 PM) linuxcolumbus: Amsden Computers, Operating Information Corp, Pantek, User Friendly Information Systems all on http://www.ubuntu.com/support/commercial/marketplace/northernamerica (08:11:59 PM) ***jacob sneaks in the back (08:13:02 PM) ***tnseditor hollers... "Well hello there Jacob! Nice to see you here" (08:13:17 PM) Spencerical: lol (08:13:39 PM) ***jacob replies: "Oh hi there! I was just moving some things around." (08:13:40 PM) inoculant: thats a pretty good idea...theres plenty of contact info for these companies. (08:14:42 PM) linuxcolumbus: That list should be up to date, they just had an update at the end of January. (08:15:16 PM) inoculant: yeah, theres redirects to the websites so it should be easy to contact the several companies in ohio. (08:16:09 PM) inoculant: i could contact them by the weekend if you guys have a game plan of what you would like to say. (08:16:42 PM) tnseditor: I think just ask them for general help (08:16:58 PM) tnseditor: like if they could provide any resources for the event. (08:17:05 PM) tnseditor: and include a link to the wiki page (08:17:06 PM) jacob: "Hello, I am contacting you from the Ohio LoCo team." (08:17:22 PM) jacob: "We are looking for supporters for Ubucon, blah blah blah blah" (08:17:38 PM) inoculant: thanks jacob...i figured that part out....lol (08:17:41 PM) jacob: "To find out more information, visit ubucon-domain-name-to-be-determined-tonight.com" (08:17:45 PM) jacob: :D (08:17:49 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:17:54 PM) linuxcolumbus: hey, thats my domain... (08:17:58 PM) tnseditor: haha (08:18:07 PM) jacob: darn, will have to find another (08:19:40 PM) inoculant: ok, i can call them or e-mail them....my workloads lite for the rest of the week anyway. (08:19:54 PM) tnseditor: thanks inoculant (08:20:16 PM) tnseditor: can you keep track of the companies you have contacted at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/OhioUbucon08 (08:20:34 PM) linuxcolumbus: probably wouldn't hurt to contact all the ones on the NA list (08:20:37 PM) mode (+o jacob ) by ChanServ (08:20:44 PM) mode (-o jacob ) by ChanServ (08:20:44 PM) mode (+o jacob ) by ChanServ (08:20:44 PM) jacob has changed the topic to: Welcome to Ubuntu Ohio! || Meeting tonight at 8! || Ubucon! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/OhioUbucon08 (08:20:44 PM) tnseditor: oh no... (08:20:49 PM) tnseditor: Jacob's at it again :-p (08:20:50 PM) mode (-o jacob ) by ChanServ (08:21:09 PM) jacob: </i fail> (08:21:19 PM) jacob: ping times are rising, connection dying (08:21:25 PM) jacob: so if i stop talking, that's why :P (08:21:29 PM) tnseditor: ok (08:22:39 PM) inoculant: i dont mean to rehash anything that you guys discussed at previous meetings.... (08:22:45 PM) inoculant: but whats the point of ubucon? (08:22:50 PM) tnseditor: but :-p (08:23:04 PM) ***jacob finds wiki page (08:23:06 PM) tnseditor: It has to do with our support (08:23:25 PM) jacob: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubucon (08:23:38 PM) tnseditor: see, we are a group like Alcoholics Anonymous... only for Ubuntu users (08:23:39 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:25:15 PM) jacob: basically, in a nutshell, this is a semi-large gathering of Ubuntu users from Ohio and beyond (08:25:43 PM) jacob: kind of like OLF, but no show floor area and downsized considerably ;) (08:25:46 PM) inoculant: i understand that....but, if its mostly geared towards us, why the...for lack of a better word, "hoopla" (08:26:27 PM) tnseditor: because we are fun people :-po (08:26:29 PM) inoculant: will anyone be there who has no idea what ubuntu is? (08:26:33 PM) inoculant: lol :) (08:26:40 PM) jacob: inoculant: is we play our cards right (08:26:42 PM) jacob: if* (08:26:54 PM) jacob: that is what marketing is all about ;) (08:27:19 PM) jacob: but also look at the other side: Ubucon can also be for the users directly (08:27:20 PM) inoculant: ok, then that makes sense...and how is the marketing getting done....and dont point me to another website. :) lol (08:27:40 PM) jacob: think packaging jams, speeches, the occasional rant on free software (08:27:58 PM) jacob: we should see if we can get Stallman to come :D (08:28:00 PM) linuxcolumbus: Per the suggestion of using the Hillard branch of the Columbus Library, better schedule the room soon. (08:28:22 PM) jacob: out of curiosity, how big is it? (08:28:34 PM) linuxcolumbus: Holds 80 people (08:28:47 PM) jacob: ic (08:29:01 PM) jacob: that would be the only limitation really; size (08:29:22 PM) jacob: I'm not going to complain, 80 would be a great turnout, but what if there is more? (08:29:33 PM) tnseditor: the parking lot :-p (08:29:39 PM) jacob: heh heh (08:29:48 PM) inoculant: its a library, have everyone pick up a book and now were customers. :) (08:29:50 PM) tnseditor: actually (08:30:06 PM) tnseditor: we should just invade HomeTown Buffet :-po (08:30:22 PM) jacob: the CCC would be nice, but of course that would be for thousands of people ;) (08:30:34 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:30:41 PM) jacob: i wonder how much ohio linuxfest paid for that 2-day rent (08:30:45 PM) linuxcolumbus: You can reserve 4 months in advance, so they are still on May. (08:30:57 PM) jacob: linuxcolumbus: the library? (08:31:02 PM) linuxcolumbus: Yes. (08:32:24 PM) inoculant: well, imo....what can we do to motivate the already registered users.... (08:32:43 PM) inoculant: because that should be a big focus. (08:33:10 PM) tnseditor: yes (08:33:49 PM) tnseditor: maybe try to have a more active mailing list (08:34:29 PM) jacob: tnseditor: whenever LP lists go out of beta (hopefully soon) we can mass spa... er, mail everyone on the team (08:34:58 PM) tnseditor: hahahaha (08:35:02 PM) tnseditor: good :-) (08:35:03 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:35:42 PM) inoculant: frankly, im about done with the digest....i doubt the answer isnt more email....but of course, thats just me. (08:36:42 PM) jacob: yeah, i gotta agree it is easy to tone out mailing lists (08:36:54 PM) jacob: especially with the Mute button in gmail ;) (08:37:25 PM) inoculant: its easy for ppl to be left out with so many users...what if it was broken down even smaller.... (08:37:58 PM) jacob: inoculant: it becomes a little harder to maintain when you split up a team :P (08:38:17 PM) jacob: easier to communicate inside the groups, but harder to have the groups communicate (08:38:35 PM) linuxcolumbus: I've got an up-coming educational opportunity if anyone is interested. (08:38:38 PM) inoculant: well, i know...i just mean for jobs, if you said like hey, heres 10 users in the cleveland area, and they have a function to do. (08:38:51 PM) jacob: ah I see more now (08:39:02 PM) jacob: linuxcolumbus: shout it out (08:39:28 PM) inoculant: its easy for ppl to assume that others are going to pick up the slack... (08:40:17 PM) inoculant: so just trying to cut that down. (08:40:17 PM) linuxcolumbus: A local charter school is having a 2 hour program on linux/Ubuntu (xubuntu I think) on the 25th from 4:15 to 6:30. (08:41:16 PM) tnseditor: cool (08:41:52 PM) linuxcolumbus: If anyone wants to attend with me send me an email and I will provide directions --- pat@linuxcolumbus.com (08:42:18 PM) jacob: sounds cool, though I probably can't get there in time :-X (08:42:34 PM) inoculant: likewise...thx for the info though. (08:42:58 PM) linuxcolumbus: I will give some info on this group while I'm there. (08:43:03 PM) linuxcolumbus: and Ubucon (08:43:19 PM) jacob: awesome (08:43:52 PM) inoculant: i bet there are a whole lot of resources out there if we just got our fellow members more involved. (08:44:57 PM) jacob: aye (08:45:25 PM) inoculant: for instance what i was talking about earlier, it would be neat if you had a group of 10 or 20 ppl that did a little homework about what programs work really well.... (08:45:34 PM) inoculant: kind of like a test bed for others. (08:45:43 PM) inoculant: but its not something that takes up a lot of time, (08:45:52 PM) inoculant: you can do what you can, and let others know when you find something. (08:46:11 PM) inoculant: but at least it gets ppl more involved. (08:46:17 PM) jacob: sure does (08:46:51 PM) jacob: one big marketing wagon though, at least on the web front, is definitely a site (08:47:04 PM) inoculant: i bet some of our fellow peeps have come across some pretty slick stuff, or are running some great programs that we could all benefit from the info. (08:47:06 PM) jacob: so I'd like to bring up the topic of a domain name (08:47:15 PM) tnseditor: ok (08:47:17 PM) jacob: yesh (08:47:41 PM) inoculant: do we have to buy a domain name? (08:47:54 PM) jacob: inoculant: either that or ubucon.ohio.ubuntu-us.org ;) (08:48:00 PM) jacob: i've got the cost covered (08:48:07 PM) jacob: here's the hurdles: (08:48:16 PM) jacob: 1) no use of the word "ubuntu" directly (08:48:32 PM) jacob: 2) preferably has "ohio" in it (08:48:44 PM) tnseditor: ohucon :-p (08:49:02 PM) jacob: so some that come to mind are ohioubucon.org, ohioubucon.com, ubuconohio.org, ubuconohio.com (08:49:19 PM) jacob: and also: ohio-ubucon.org, ohio-ubucon.com, ubucon-ohio.org, ubucon-ohio.com (08:49:26 PM) inoculant: is the site just devoted to ubucon or other stuff as well? (08:49:37 PM) tnseditor: ohioubucon.org (08:49:44 PM) jacob: i'd say just for the purpose of ubucon (08:49:54 PM) jacob: we already have a generic ohio.ubuntu-us.org (08:50:12 PM) inoculant: i like ohioubucon.org too....imo... (08:50:54 PM) Spencerical: I like ubuconohio.org personally based on the order I've been seeing... (08:51:13 PM) jacob: i'm partial to ohio after the ubucon, but that's probably just the fact that I'm used to seeing afterwards (08:51:25 PM) jacob: ie, ubuntu-us.org (08:51:32 PM) jacob: either is fine with me, so duke it out :D (08:51:59 PM) tnseditor: ohioubucon.org :-) (08:53:10 PM) jacob: going once... (08:53:31 PM) jacob: twice... (08:53:43 PM) Spencerical: I like either... (08:53:50 PM) inoculant: come on spence...dont give up that easy! :) (08:53:59 PM) jacob: hehe (08:54:27 PM) jacob: any rebuttals? (08:54:50 PM) jacob: ...and I'm off to make a visit to my domain registrar of choice! (08:55:15 PM) tnseditor: which registrar do you use? (08:55:23 PM) inoculant: where are you hosting it at? (08:55:36 PM) jacob: dreamhost for the registrar, server is at Linode (08:55:39 PM) tnseditor: ok (08:55:54 PM) jacob: and I already hear "why not host at dreamhost as well?" and I have my reasons :) (08:56:11 PM) jacob: ohioubucon.org... here we go (08:56:27 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:56:55 PM) ***jacob clicks thru warning pages (08:57:24 PM) Spencerical: haha (08:57:29 PM) inoculant: just curious, if you guys had to guess how many active peeps we have in ohio what number would you throw out there? (08:57:46 PM) jacob: 500 :D (08:57:55 PM) jacob: there are a lot out there that don't know of this team (08:58:01 PM) jacob: "Great! Your account is all paid up, so you can now register ohioubucon.org!" (gasp) (08:58:07 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:58:24 PM) jacob: "Thank you for registering your domain with DreamHost! " (08:58:29 PM) tnseditor: :-D (08:59:07 PM) jacob: "No, I don't want to host my domain at DreamHost" (08:59:27 PM) jacob: yes, I WOULD like to point the nameservers elsewhere... (08:59:33 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:59:51 PM) jacob: and now to wait for ICANN confirmation. T-10 minutes. (09:00:54 PM) tnseditor: UCANN wait that long :-p (09:01:06 PM) inoculant: i gotta put my son to bed, anything else for me? (09:01:27 PM) jacob: I'd think that's about it, tnseditor? (09:01:33 PM) tnseditor: well (09:01:40 PM) tnseditor: quick announcement (09:01:52 PM) tnseditor: I would like to have a communication team meeting within the next month or so (09:01:53 PM) linuxcolumbus: that was quick (09:01:56 PM) inoculant: i'll let you guys know what i found out about the companies as well. (09:01:59 PM) tnseditor: ok (09:02:02 PM) tnseditor: thanks inoculant (09:02:19 PM) jacob: (speaking of teams, anyone know where DM|/Delvien went off to?) (09:02:37 PM) inoculant: seeya.