= Summary = * During the meeting we discussed our current website and what we would like to see added and changed in the future with it. Jacob is trying to move the site to a new server, so changes aren't able to be made quite yet. * Ubucon 2008 was discussed. * Various other topics were discussed. :-) = Meeting Log = {{{ (08:05:03 PM) markyb86: Hello all! (08:05:06 PM) jacob: ello (08:05:08 PM) theidiotthatisme: so hi everyone (08:05:13 PM) tnseditor: hello! (08:05:23 PM) soldierboy: hello (08:05:28 PM) tnseditor: how are you all tonight? (08:05:38 PM) soldierboy: good and cold here (08:05:39 PM) jacob: gooooood, y tu? (08:05:45 PM) markyb86: same here (08:05:48 PM) theidiotthatisme: asi asi (08:05:49 PM) tnseditor: muy bien (08:06:07 PM) soldierboy: guten (08:06:14 PM) tnseditor: brb (08:06:14 PM) markyb86: fromage (08:06:55 PM) tnseditor: back (08:07:00 PM) jacob: that was quick (08:07:03 PM) tnseditor: yes (08:07:11 PM) tnseditor: I just needed to give my mom the phone (08:07:15 PM) jacob: :P (08:08:05 PM) jacob: shoooo.... we startin? (08:08:14 PM) markyb86: I'm ready (08:08:17 PM) tnseditor: okey dokey (08:08:19 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:08:25 PM) jacob: i don't remember the schedule (08:08:26 PM) jacob: :P (08:08:31 PM) tnseditor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/Meetings (08:09:57 PM) jacob: mmkay (08:10:11 PM) theidiotthatisme: mmkay (08:10:13 PM) jacob: so cleanup for last meetin, and ubucon stuff? (08:10:15 PM) theidiotthatisme: :-P (08:10:25 PM) jacob: been a while since we had one (08:10:36 PM) theidiotthatisme: (PS Sorry in advance if I stop responding, internet is bad again) (08:10:41 PM) jacob: or i'm high off of hot tamales (08:10:46 PM) jacob: np theidiotthatisme (08:10:50 PM) tnseditor: Phoenix301: you are here :-p (08:11:43 PM) Phoenix301: im here (08:11:57 PM) Phoenix301: sorta... (08:12:06 PM) jacob: so currently: (08:12:06 PM) tnseditor: just a reminder that there is a tri-loco meeting tomorrow on #ubuntu-us-mi at 8:00 (08:12:15 PM) jacob: ah yes (08:12:22 PM) jacob: i might make it, might not (08:12:27 PM) tnseditor: ok (08:12:28 PM) jacob: depends on how late i get home tomorrow (08:12:44 PM) markyb86: same here (08:12:48 PM) markyb86: I work till 7 (08:12:51 PM) tnseditor: ooo (08:13:13 PM) jacob: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/ = failboat (08:13:17 PM) ***jacob = captain (08:13:26 PM) tnseditor: ? (08:13:53 PM) jacob: the site is empty, mostly due to my lack of updates on it (08:14:00 PM) tnseditor: oh (08:14:17 PM) jacob: the fact that i'm switching servers doesn't help :P (08:14:20 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:15:14 PM) jacob: i've got to get dns for the domain running on linode, and then fire off an email or two to get the details bumped (08:15:18 PM) tnseditor: so, anyone have any ideas for the website?... like any text, graphics, layout, etc? (08:15:45 PM) soldierboy: nada (08:15:59 PM) markyb86: we need some screen shots of gutsy gnome and kde (08:16:03 PM) jacob: for reference: http://chi.ubuntu-us.org/ (08:16:15 PM) jacob: actually that's ironic (08:16:21 PM) markyb86: and maybe we can work on a writeup of all it's pluses (08:16:28 PM) jacob: chicago's site used to be more up-to-date (08:16:32 PM) tnseditor: oh :-p (08:16:34 PM) jacob: now we're winning :P (08:16:37 PM) tnseditor: haha (08:17:17 PM) tnseditor: I think that we could mention the subteams on there and their purpose and then have a link there (08:17:22 PM) jacob: markyb86: yes screenies will be good (08:17:22 PM) tnseditor: like (08:18:16 PM) jacob: tnseditor: thing is, the target audience of loco sites are random people, usually not affiliated with any loco or ubuntu even (08:18:28 PM) jacob: they might be the first thing they see with ubuntu (08:18:32 PM) tnseditor: Education Team- The education team does blah blah blah blah. If you are interested in participating click here (link) and also have a link to what they do (08:18:38 PM) tnseditor: true (08:19:32 PM) jacob: so while those would be fine to have on the site, the average joe wouldn't really care how we do things (08:19:35 PM) tnseditor: can you create another page with the teams (that's a static site and not a wiki)? (08:19:40 PM) jacob: they just want to get ubuntu or support (08:20:02 PM) markyb86: We'll need to tell them why they want ubuntu (08:20:07 PM) tnseditor: right (08:20:08 PM) jacob: exactly (08:20:22 PM) markyb86: and also show them why (08:20:22 PM) tnseditor: that could be the first thing, but also have other links on the site (08:20:28 PM) markyb86: yeah (08:20:33 PM) soldierboy: i disagree that the target audience is going to be new users.. (08:20:38 PM) jacob: tnseditor: i can, but i'd rather get the site moved over first to the new server (08:20:44 PM) tnseditor: that's fine (08:20:53 PM) jacob: then i'll hook everyone up with keys and admin access on drupal and whatnot (08:20:58 PM) posingaspopular: theidiotthatisme: triloco tomorrow ;p (08:21:09 PM) posingaspopular: bbl (08:21:13 PM) tnseditor: ok (08:21:23 PM) soldierboy: new users are going to go to ubuntu.com, i think anyone going to our loco site, is going to be interested in finding out what ubuntu ohio loco team is doing (08:21:39 PM) jacob: true, but not always (08:21:51 PM) soldierboy: there's always exceptions, yet (08:21:57 PM) soldierboy: *yes (08:22:02 PM) jacob: a lot of the time we get visitors are for those wanting more "local" support so they can relate better (08:22:06 PM) tnseditor: on the "make a support request" page a link should be given to UF (08:22:22 PM) jacob: hehe, that's another thing (08:22:24 PM) tnseditor: or at least our section on UF (08:22:25 PM) tnseditor: ? (08:22:41 PM) jacob: it goes to the F2F/locosupport module if i remember right, which is old and outdated (08:22:49 PM) jacob: sounds weird to criticize my own project, but hey (08:22:59 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:23:02 PM) jacob: maybe i should release a new locosupport, meh (08:23:48 PM) tnseditor: another thing to have a link to on our website is our past events and event information (08:24:05 PM) tnseditor: that way new people can understand what we have done (08:24:27 PM) jacob: yeah (08:24:42 PM) markyb86: and maybe a roadmap where we want to be in said time period (08:24:54 PM) tnseditor: like upcoming things (08:25:03 PM) tnseditor: such as Ubucon and Ohio Linux Fest 2008 (08:25:04 PM) soldierboy: jacob: do you track search-data on the site? (08:25:06 PM) markyb86: heck yeah and set some goals on it (08:25:28 PM) jacob: soldierboy: let me check (08:25:38 PM) theidiotthatisme: :-) (08:26:07 PM) jacob: "No log messages available." < search terms (08:26:20 PM) soldierboy: hm.. (08:26:35 PM) jacob: i can check referrer stats (08:26:45 PM) jacob: ah crud (08:26:49 PM) jacob: didn't have logging on period (08:26:51 PM) jacob: :-! (08:26:58 PM) soldierboy: well i think it would be useful to design the site around that data... (08:27:00 PM) jacob: that will be another thing to change i guess :D (08:27:02 PM) soldierboy: well, thats out (08:28:04 PM) tnseditor: another link to add on the support center page is the screencast links (08:28:16 PM) tnseditor: like for installing and adding/removing programs (08:28:20 PM) jacob: anyway, i'm prepping mysql to transfer right now, i should have the site pointed at the new server in an hour or so, at which point we can mess around with (08:28:33 PM) tnseditor: ok :-) (08:29:03 PM) theidiotthatisme: Sounds good (08:29:36 PM) tnseditor: brb... (08:29:44 PM) tnseditor: I need to chat with Nature (08:29:47 PM) jacob: lol (08:30:23 PM) soldierboy: * nature :No such nick/channel (08:30:34 PM) soldierboy: :P (08:30:40 PM) theidiotthatisme is now known as nature (08:30:44 PM) nature: :-P (08:30:57 PM) nature is now known as Nature (08:31:02 PM) Nature: :-D (08:31:06 PM) jacob: lol (08:31:14 PM) Nature: Oh, sorry (08:31:22 PM) Nature: oops (08:31:25 PM) Nature: too many nick changes (08:31:27 PM) soldierboy: lol (08:31:30 PM) Nature is now known as theidiotthatisme (08:31:33 PM) theidiotthatisme: yay (08:32:24 PM) theidiotthatisme left the room (quit: "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"). (08:34:46 PM) soldierboy: does the site have to follow the ubuntu template? (08:35:07 PM) jacob: not necessarily, but it essentially is the "standard" for loco teams (08:35:38 PM) soldierboy: bah, we need to set the standard :-D (08:36:06 PM) markyb86: hes right (08:36:20 PM) jacob: there is probably an updated theme engine from canonical, but i'd have to dig a wile to find it :P (08:36:38 PM) tnseditor: back (08:37:12 PM) jacob: anyway tnseditor would get the say on the theme being mr. communication and all ;) (08:37:22 PM) tnseditor: yay! (08:37:24 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:38:20 PM) soldierboy: being a new member of the team and all, I bring an "outsider" perspective to the team (for the time being) and i gotta say, the website doesn't do much for me (08:38:42 PM) tnseditor: it doesn't have a lot of action (08:38:45 PM) jacob: aye, it needs some updatin (08:39:15 PM) soldierboy: what separates it from any other? (other than "ohio" under the logo and links pointing to our forums, etc) (08:39:41 PM) jacob: yeah, true (08:39:54 PM) jacob: we need some ohio-ish picture for the banner (08:40:05 PM) soldierboy: what was that link you gave me tnseditor? the one with the pictures to the linuxfest, i believe those should be front page (08:40:11 PM) soldierboy: or one rather (08:40:17 PM) soldierboy: just showing folks that we do something (08:40:21 PM) tnseditor: Phoenix301: could you do a collage (sp?) think? (08:40:25 PM) tnseditor: *thing (08:41:43 PM) soldierboy: it'll encourage people to get involved, heck it would work for me, i'd think "wow, how cool, the team has a booth at linuxfest representing ubuntu" (08:44:03 PM) soldierboy: um....the defense rests (08:44:16 PM) markyb86: some kids with big glasses will be like "dang, flippin sweet" (08:44:26 PM) jacob: sorry, workin on the transfer :P (08:44:36 PM) markyb86: where can i get a plethora of cds to dish out at work? (08:44:44 PM) tnseditor: I have my glasses made so they will be thinner than what they should be (08:44:47 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:44:49 PM) markyb86: there are about 2000 employees where i work (08:44:51 PM) markyb86: ha (08:44:54 PM) tnseditor: holy cow (08:44:54 PM) jacob: quite a bit (08:44:54 PM) soldierboy: lol (08:44:59 PM) tnseditor: um... (08:45:04 PM) jacob: markyb86: you can try contacting shipit thru the custom form (08:45:11 PM) tnseditor: you can get some from http://shipit.ubuntu.com (08:45:14 PM) markyb86: I know I got 10 lol (08:45:17 PM) jacob: request a somewhat smaller number though (08:45:21 PM) jacob: like 500-ish (08:45:42 PM) soldierboy: i need to connect with geeks at my work too, probably 2000+ as well (08:46:25 PM) tnseditor: they don't necessarily need to be "geeks" though (08:46:27 PM) jacob: sign in to shipit, and then visit https://shipit.ubuntu.com/specialrequest (08:46:34 PM) soldierboy: true (08:46:50 PM) markyb86: ill have to do a writeup and see if I can get like 100 or something (08:46:52 PM) soldierboy: i haven't had much success at converting computer noobs though (08:47:00 PM) soldierboy: usually windows powerusers who are bored (08:47:20 PM) tnseditor: also maybe you could show them Elisa.... (08:47:29 PM) markyb86: everyone at national city can barely distinguish what a monitor is let alone how to "reboot" (08:47:32 PM) tnseditor: http://elisa.fluendo.com/ (08:47:38 PM) tnseditor: haha (08:47:52 PM) soldierboy: yeah, then try to explain linux.... (08:47:58 PM) soldierboy: gah! (08:48:05 PM) markyb86: They cant even learn windows (08:48:06 PM) markyb86: haha (08:48:12 PM) markyb86: thats why I have a job (08:48:25 PM) jacob: :P (08:48:25 PM) soldierboy: is it like a brown windows??? idontgetit! (08:48:35 PM) tnseditor: I think there is actually less to learn with Windows (especially if you don't know Windows) (08:48:53 PM) tnseditor: you don't have to know/worry about viruses, spyware, etc. (08:48:56 PM) soldierboy: sure, but i have a hard time just getting past explaining what linux is (08:49:11 PM) jacob: tnseditor: you mean less to learn _than_ with windows? (08:49:18 PM) markyb86: could install xfce and just use the redmond theme they might not notice (08:49:27 PM) tnseditor: I think there is less you really have to learn with Linux than Windows (08:49:29 PM) tnseditor: I mean... (08:49:30 PM) soldierboy: lol, true (08:49:52 PM) tnseditor: you could learn commands and stuff, but Synaptic makes things easy for installing and uninstalling (08:50:09 PM) jacob: Add/Remove is even easier, it has perty pictures :P (08:50:10 PM) tnseditor: and you don't have to keep every app up to date individually (08:50:13 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:50:14 PM) markyb86: even the add/remove (08:50:16 PM) soldierboy: yeah, i think for computer noobs, if you mimick the windows gui as much as you can, that takes away a lot of the shock (08:50:20 PM) markyb86: ahh jacob beat me (08:50:21 PM) tnseditor: right (08:50:24 PM) jacob: hehe (08:50:26 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:51:03 PM) jacob: just imported the databases... setting up an A record to update the site (08:51:07 PM) soldierboy: have to rename 'text editor' to 'notepad' as well (08:51:18 PM) tnseditor: but with Windows you have to keep Adobe Reader, Flash player, Windows, MS Office, etc. all up to date individually (08:51:26 PM) markyb86: and give firefox the internet explorer icon (08:51:28 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:51:32 PM) soldierboy: lol (08:51:36 PM) tnseditor: "Click on the internet" :-p (08:51:38 PM) markyb86: "WHERES MY E ICON" (08:51:53 PM) soldierboy: "Click to get started.." (08:52:07 PM) tnseditor: "No, you click to open a web browser" (08:52:07 PM) jacob: soldierboy: that tooltip is burned in my mind (08:52:13 PM) tnseditor: *blank stares (08:52:20 PM) soldierboy: and the obligatory aol icon on the desktop as well (08:52:33 PM) jacob: "6 MONTHS FREE - AOL' (08:52:34 PM) soldierboy: even if it does nothing (08:52:38 PM) markyb86: or today I had "My mouse pointer was moving crazy like you tech guys were in there moving my mouse around, i think its because of this new icon i have 'show desktop' was someone in there moving my mouse?" (08:52:47 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:52:51 PM) soldierboy: lol (08:52:52 PM) jacob: heh (08:52:55 PM) markyb86: hahaah (08:53:07 PM) markyb86: I was like, did you say yes to remote assistance before that? (08:53:14 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:53:24 PM) markyb86: "no" so I disabled the track-point and all was well (08:53:43 PM) tnseditor: :-) (08:54:14 PM) soldierboy: i used to be a network technician in the army, and the worst was seeing 800 'new folder' icons on the desktop, i knew i was in for a rough ride... (08:54:22 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:54:26 PM) tnseditor: New Folder (08:54:30 PM) tnseditor: New Folder 1 (08:54:34 PM) tnseditor: .....2 (08:54:35 PM) soldierboy: lol (08:54:35 PM) tnseditor: ....3 (08:55:03 PM) markyb86: oh hell no!! hahahhhaah (08:55:10 PM) Phoenix301: gehehe "from a company that tells you to shut your computer off by clicking start" (08:55:13 PM) markyb86: I know exactly what you mean!! (08:55:29 PM) tnseditor: ... (08:55:36 PM) tnseditor: come Windows CEMeNT! (08:55:42 PM) tnseditor: *comes (08:55:42 PM) jacob: really, i mean would you click "Start" or "System" to shutdown? (08:56:05 PM) soldierboy: jacob: never really thought of that before, how right you are (08:56:20 PM) jacob: soldierboy: Phoenix301 pointed it out (08:56:43 PM) markyb86: well actually some of the bank branches where i work have nothing on the start menu except bank apps and then they have a reboot icon on the desktop (08:56:45 PM) soldierboy: errr, phoenix i meant, how right you are (08:56:54 PM) Phoenix301: its from a funny video i saw making fun of windows (08:56:59 PM) jacob: lol (08:57:11 PM) Phoenix301: lol (08:57:34 PM) Phoenix301: doh well...so what is this about revamping the website? (08:57:55 PM) soldierboy: oh ya, back to official "bid-ness" (08:57:56 PM) tnseditor: "Combining the best from Windows CE, Windows Me, and Windows NT we've made Windows CEMeNT!" (08:58:31 PM) markyb86: where di you see that? Ill have to look at it (08:58:41 PM) tnseditor: let me find it (08:59:13 PM) markyb86: Hah im using my hoopty with no HD right now so take your time (09:00:47 PM) markyb86: Im pissed, i recompiled the DSL dvd with drivers for my wifi card and when i bootup, the module pcmf502rd doesnt exist in dsl. (09:01:08 PM) markyb86: back to wired lan :-( (09:01:41 PM) markyb86: dsl cd** (09:02:52 PM) tnseditor: http://www.blip.tv/file/340692/ (09:03:13 PM) soldierboy: took ya long enough :P (09:03:15 PM) markyb86 left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection). (09:03:18 PM) tnseditor: sorry :-p (09:03:27 PM) tnseditor: my internet isn't too fast (09:03:32 PM) tnseditor: and I had to google it (09:03:44 PM) soldierboy: mine either (hughesnet) (09:03:51 PM) dsl1658 [n=dsl@cpe-76-190-176-68.neo.res.rr.com] entered the room. (09:04:00 PM) tnseditor: hello dsl1658 (09:04:04 PM) dsl1658 is now known as markyb86 (09:04:07 PM) soldierboy: gah, my iceweasel decided to kill itself (09:04:09 PM) tnseditor: welcome back (09:04:14 PM) tnseditor: that's sad (09:04:17 PM) markyb86: im sorry tns what was that url (09:04:22 PM) tnseditor: http://www.blip.tv/file/340692/ (09:04:53 PM) markyb86: thank you i didnt know switching from jwm to flux killed all open windows (09:05:27 PM) tnseditor: anyways (09:05:36 PM) tnseditor: how about Ubucon? (09:05:49 PM) soldierboy: hhrrm, it seems i have a new problem to fix, iceweasel is closing when i goto that website (09:05:55 PM) soldierboy: is it a video and what format? (09:06:01 PM) tnseditor: flash video (09:06:10 PM) soldierboy: ok (09:06:40 PM) tnseditor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/OhioUbucon08 (09:09:01 PM) tnseditor: anyone know how to contact Canonical? (09:09:11 PM) tnseditor: (for Ubucon) (09:09:34 PM) soldierboy: um...no but i can probably find out (09:09:53 PM) tnseditor: jacob: do you know any contact info for Canonical? (09:10:12 PM) jacob: tnseditor: it's difficult to say the least :D (09:10:27 PM) jacob: http://canonical.com/aboutus/contactus is the best page i've found (09:10:33 PM) tnseditor: oh (09:10:49 PM) tnseditor: do you want to contact them? (09:10:49 PM) soldierboy: yeah, was just looking at that (09:11:09 PM) jacob: bout what? (09:11:19 PM) tnseditor: Ubucon sponsorship (09:11:48 PM) jacob: ah right, you'd have to ask theidiotthatisme for updates on that, i believe he contacted them (09:11:53 PM) tnseditor: oh (09:12:03 PM) tnseditor: ok (09:12:35 PM) jacob: afaik.. it's difficult to contact them to begin with and even harder to get a sponsorship :P (09:12:43 PM) tnseditor: oh (09:12:53 PM) tnseditor: didn't they sponsor stuff at OLF? (09:13:06 PM) jacob: but it's worth a try, i'll have to ask anthony bout it (09:13:10 PM) tnseditor: ok (09:13:12 PM) jacob: i think they sent a bunch of CDs (09:13:26 PM) tnseditor: ok (09:13:30 PM) tnseditor: that would be ince (09:13:31 PM) tnseditor: *nice (09:13:31 PM) jacob: not entirely sure (09:16:34 PM) tnseditor: hopefully tomorrow we can work on partnering with the Chicago and maybe Michigan LoCos (09:17:53 PM) jacob: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+question/22755 (09:17:56 PM) jacob: and now we wait... (09:18:18 PM) tnseditor: *plays Jeopardy song (09:18:51 PM) vorian [n=steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] entered the room. (09:18:55 PM) tnseditor: thanks Jacob (09:18:58 PM) tnseditor: welcome vorian (09:19:00 PM) jacob: yup yup (09:19:25 PM) vorian: jey (09:19:42 PM) tnseditor: hey Vorian, what did Canonical provide for OLF? (09:19:55 PM) vorian: stuff (09:20:11 PM) tnseditor: and, what is the best way to contact them... through their contact page, or ? (09:20:13 PM) vorian: So let me get this straight.... (09:20:17 PM) vorian: We can die here (09:20:19 PM) vorian: We can die in the tunnels (09:20:21 PM) vorian: or (09:20:28 PM) vorian: We can die in the streets? (09:20:30 PM) jacob: AWESOME movie (09:20:45 PM) markyb86: is there a command to reload usb if you plug in a flash drive on the older kernels (09:21:19 PM) jacob: sudo modprobe something... ? :-! (09:21:20 PM) vorian: jacob: it was the weirdest movie I have ever seen (09:21:46 PM) soldierboy: what is the movie? (09:21:52 PM) derspankster left the room (quit: "Leaving"). (09:22:41 PM) vorian: cloverfield (09:23:03 PM) soldierboy: ic (09:23:10 PM) tnseditor: sounds really odd (09:23:45 PM) soldierboy: grossed 46 million this weekend (09:24:00 PM) tnseditor: wow (09:24:41 PM) vorian: it will only grow (09:24:56 PM) vorian: mwahahaha (09:24:58 PM) markyb86: I heard it got a C though (09:25:23 PM) soldierboy: 46 mil is chump change in hollywood (09:25:23 PM) vorian: Make sure to take a Dramamine if you go see it (09:25:35 PM) jacob: definitely (09:25:51 PM) jacob: that, combined the movie was playing on a shaky projector to begin with (09:25:52 PM) vorian: i still feel a bit sea sick (09:26:08 PM) vorian: jacob: the thing I don't understand is this (09:26:29 PM) vorian: was that one space ship at the end or a whole bunch? (09:26:40 PM) jacob: after the camera cut? (09:26:52 PM) soldierboy: well, later all, shower and then to off for me (09:26:57 PM) jacob: see ya soldierboy (09:26:59 PM) soldierboy: *off to bed (09:27:06 PM) tnseditor: adios (09:27:10 PM) vorian: no, right after the are running through the fields of clovers (09:27:19 PM) vorian: they pan up (09:27:22 PM) soldierboy left the room ("Ex-Chat"). (09:27:30 PM) vorian: and there it(or they) are (09:27:37 PM) jacob: vorian: right before the credits or after the credits...? (09:27:38 PM) markyb86: I'll be right back :-( (09:27:47 PM) vorian: before (09:27:52 PM) markyb86 left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection). (09:27:54 PM) jacob: at the carnival (09:28:00 PM) vorian: yeah (09:28:07 PM) jacob: i think it was just one (09:28:10 PM) vorian: silly jacob (09:31:55 PM) markyb86 [n=dsl@cpe-76-190-176-68.neo.res.rr.com] entered the room. (09:32:02 PM) markyb86: ahhh (09:32:50 PM) tnseditor: welcome back markyb86 (09:33:04 PM) LumBuntu_ left the room (quit: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). (09:33:22 PM) LumBuntu_ [n=Lump__@adsl-75-36-11-206.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] entered the room. (09:33:35 PM) tnseditor: wb LumBuntu_ (09:33:55 PM) markyb86: ty (09:43:06 PM) tnseditor: hey (09:43:11 PM) tnseditor: is everyone on the mailling list? (09:43:14 PM) tnseditor: *mailing (09:43:47 PM) jacob: i'd think (09:43:56 PM) tnseditor: just making sure (09:43:59 PM) jacob: that reminds me tnseditor, i gotta set you as list admin (09:44:04 PM) tnseditor: oh (09:44:05 PM) tnseditor: ok (09:44:06 PM) tnseditor: thanks (09:44:21 PM) jacob: hehe.... (09:44:37 PM) jacob: get used to the phrase "requires approval" (09:44:41 PM) vorian left the room (quit: ). (09:44:43 PM) tnseditor: :-p (09:44:56 PM) jacob: and "You have X requests waiting" (09:45:01 PM) tnseditor: I've seen that a few times with someone wanting to join the team }}}