= July 9, 2008 = = Summary = * Ohio Linux Fest 2008 - CDs from Canonical - Wiimote - System 76 - Shirts? - Donations * Ubucon - Ubucon has been postponed until 2009. * As usual, various other topics :-) = Meeting Log = {{{ (07:24:00 PM) tnseditor: "This meeting is now called to order" (07:24:01 PM) tnseditor: :-D (07:24:05 PM) tnseditor: well (07:24:06 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: about time (07:24:20 PM) Derath: Aside from sorwing off a couple systems, at least one with compiz? (07:24:22 PM) tnseditor: we're only 1 hour and 24 minutes late :-p (07:24:27 PM) tnseditor: yes :-D (07:24:40 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: do we have machines? (07:24:54 PM) tnseditor: I had contacted System 76 and they said they would provide us with some to show off (07:24:57 PM) theidiotthatisme: So far, just what we personally own (07:25:03 PM) theidiotthatisme: and what tnseditor just said (07:25:04 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol (07:25:11 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: awesomecakes (07:25:43 PM) tnseditor: and I think theidiotthatisme had something with that game company (:-p), but that was for ubucon... they would probably do OLF too (07:25:45 PM) mm405416: is this concerning linuxfest '08 (07:25:50 PM) Derath: Hmmm... wonder if s76 would be willing to do some form of discounts for OLF goers or for loco members... (07:26:00 PM) tnseditor: I don't know (07:26:03 PM) tnseditor: maybe (07:26:04 PM) mm405416: oh hey! it is (07:26:08 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: mm405416: yeah (07:26:09 PM) mm405416: sorry, slow tonight (07:26:10 PM) Derath: coupon code or something... (07:26:18 PM) tnseditor: that would be really nice of them (07:26:19 PM) Derath: that'd push both... (07:26:22 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: I know of some good Linux games we could show off (07:26:28 PM) theidiotthatisme: tnseditor: Unfortunately I lost that contact, although I might be able to restablish it, I'm not sure for OLF since they are not ubuntu specific and there will already be gaming booths thre (07:26:33 PM) theidiotthatisme: *there (07:26:40 PM) tnseditor: oh (07:26:43 PM) mm405416: what did you have in mind picard? (07:26:47 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: urban terror? (07:26:55 PM) Derath: I could show off Eternal Lands a bit... lol if my laptop will boot and there's internet access... (07:27:04 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: oh, forgot (07:27:06 PM) tnseditor: and I could show "I have no tomatoes" :-p (07:27:09 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: Derath: no internet (07:27:13 PM) ***tnseditor is a pro :-p (07:27:21 PM) theidiotthatisme: Well if I remember correctly dont forget that they only have I believe one or power strips for a booth (07:27:43 PM) Derath: I should be able to bring a strip if needed (07:27:46 PM) tnseditor: we could bring some others to plug in :-p (07:27:50 PM) ***picard_pwns_kirk uses 2 power strips for his desk alone (07:27:51 PM) dm left the room (quit: "Leaving"). (07:27:52 PM) theidiotthatisme: But since there will be many linux distributions represented, as well linux companies, maybe we should focus on showing Ubuntu specifics? (07:28:01 PM) tnseditor: probably (07:28:10 PM) tnseditor: We could show wubi too (07:28:12 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: restricted drivers manager + add/remove thing (07:28:24 PM) theidiotthatisme: I was thinking about handouts on LoCos with contacts for different LoCo's, copies of that ubuntu magazine, and maybe CD's with ubuntu podcasts on it? (07:28:31 PM) Derath: maybe if we have 4 (or 5) systems, ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, (and I know I'm missing one or two)... (07:28:38 PM) tnseditor: edubuntu (07:28:41 PM) tnseditor: and server (07:28:49 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: we could virtualize (07:28:49 PM) tnseditor: gobuntu if you wanted also (07:29:09 PM) tnseditor: with all that we would have to virtualize :-p (07:29:22 PM) Derath: titim: not a bad idea... contact info for questions/information (07:29:56 PM) theidiotthatisme: Derath: Exactly (07:29:59 PM) Derath: tns: no problem, anything new will be beefy enough to do "normal" stuff in a openbox... (07:30:23 PM) theidiotthatisme: I believe that part of really seperates us is the community and I think showing that strength would be a great help there (07:30:26 PM) Derath: Only thing that would be bad would be games or cpu-intensive apps (07:30:37 PM) Derath: in vms that is (07:30:51 PM) Derath: err, virtualbox, not openbox... sorry (07:31:13 PM) tnseditor: we could make CDs with tutorials (screencasts), links to UF, Ohio loco, etc. (07:31:18 PM) tnseditor: and maybe even some LUGs (07:32:52 PM) mm405416: obviously we're looking to show alot of the practicality behind the system (07:32:59 PM) tnseditor: yes (07:33:06 PM) mm405416: anyone considered just going all out for just one system (07:33:23 PM) tnseditor: we should have 2 and maybe a laptop also (07:33:26 PM) mm405416: maybe include a goofy little tweak, like say using a wiimote with one (07:33:31 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: ooo (07:33:36 PM) tnseditor: that way we could demo a few at a time (07:33:41 PM) tnseditor: wiimote would be really cool (07:33:47 PM) tnseditor: is it hard to set up? (07:33:54 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: there are tutorials online (07:33:57 PM) tnseditor: ok (07:33:57 PM) mm405416: not from what I've gathered (07:33:59 PM) theidiotthatisme: Anyone have a wiimote? lol (07:34:01 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: who here has a wii (07:34:03 PM) tnseditor: I don't :-( (07:34:07 PM) theidiotthatisme: I dont (07:34:20 PM) mm405416: there's alot of tutorials out there already, and last I checked, the software is improving and making things even easier (07:34:45 PM) Derath: I have a wii... actually I won the one that Zenoss was giving away last year (07:34:55 PM) mm405416: lucky dog (07:34:55 PM) tnseditor: lucky (07:34:59 PM) mm405416: I was hoping for that (07:35:05 PM) Derath: lol Hey, I was the 4th pick! (07:35:11 PM) mm405416: nice (07:35:18 PM) mm405416: that truly is lucky (07:35:36 PM) Derath: A little reminder to all: If you're going for a freebie, MAKE SURE TO PUT THE RIGHT EMAIL ADDY!!! lol and make sure it's one you check often (07:36:16 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: lol (07:36:45 PM) mm405416: it seems to me that ubuntu has a strong reputation going as far as stability is concerned, and it's obviously very important to showcase that (07:36:46 PM) Derath: Anyways, back to topic... do we need a wii controller there? (07:36:52 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: Derath: yeah (07:36:55 PM) tnseditor: I think so :-D (07:36:56 PM) tnseditor: :-p (07:36:58 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: do you have a laptop? (07:37:02 PM) mm405416: but I would also love to show that you really can do very exciting things with it (07:37:06 PM) Derath: mm: But how do you "show" stability? (07:37:16 PM) mm405416: haha (07:37:17 PM) tnseditor: I do if I can be there, but I think System 76 would send some (07:37:20 PM) mm405416: valid point derath (07:37:28 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: if so, figure out how to configure it as a mouse (07:37:29 PM) Derath: ppk: Yes, but I wouldn't call it reliable... in the middle of hardware failure I think... (07:37:58 PM) mm405416: I have a couple laptops floating around (07:38:04 PM) mm405416: two dells and a toshiba (07:38:09 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: well, we need one for Derath (07:38:18 PM) theidiotthatisme: I have one I'm bringing for trying software being handed out there O:-) (07:38:20 PM) jacob_ [n=jacob@ubuntu/member/jacob] entered the room. jacob jacob_ (07:38:23 PM) tnseditor: hi jacob (07:38:25 PM) theidiotthatisme: hi jacob (07:38:25 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: because as far as we know, he's the only one with a wii (07:38:29 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: jacob: do you have a wii (07:38:32 PM) jacob_: wow. i'm a complete moron (07:38:38 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol (07:38:39 PM) jacob_: i totally missed that meeting (07:38:42 PM) tnseditor: we were almost all late :-p (07:38:45 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: it just started (07:38:46 PM) theidiotthatisme: No you didn't, it's going on right now (07:38:46 PM) jacob_: sorry about that guys :( (07:38:49 PM) jacob_: oh? (07:38:50 PM) theidiotthatisme: I didn't show up til aftr 7 (07:38:55 PM) jacob_: heh heh (07:38:56 PM) tnseditor: so we began meeting a few minutes ago (7:24) (07:38:57 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: join the party (07:38:57 PM) theidiotthatisme: I was playing The Movies and forgot the time :-( (07:39:06 PM) jacob_: picard_pwns_kirk: yes (07:39:07 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: we're talking about OLF (07:39:15 PM) ***tnseditor got here at 6:38 and was afraid I was late (07:39:19 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: jacob_: do you have a laptop? (07:39:21 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol (07:39:23 PM) ***jacob_ is trying to make do with IRC in pidgin while hardy dual-installs (07:39:26 PM) jacob_: picard_pwns_kirk: yes jacob jacob_ (07:39:34 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: and can you pair said laptop with a wiimote, and configure it as a mouse? (07:39:50 PM) jacob_: picard_pwns_kirk: yes, apt-get install wminput; sudo wminput (07:40:05 PM) tnseditor: that is stinkin' cool :-D (07:40:08 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: can you bring said setup to OLF and do a demo at our booth? (07:40:17 PM) ***tnseditor is going to have to get a wiimote just for that :-p (07:40:22 PM) jacob_: picard_pwns_kirk: i uh spose :D (07:40:28 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: awesomecakes (07:40:29 PM) theidiotthatisme: jacob, I'm using the IRC in opera so dont feel bad lol (07:40:33 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: mm405416: there you go (07:40:46 PM) jacob_: hehe theidiotthatisme (07:40:49 PM) mm405416: if all else fails a super cheap usb bluetooth will work (07:41:05 PM) theidiotthatisme: Okay so for sure we are going to demo the wiimote? (07:41:09 PM) mm405416: ...missing a few words there... (07:41:19 PM) jacob_: if i remember to bring it, heh :P (07:41:44 PM) tnseditor: oh, my loving family decided to go to Columbus today without me (I had to go to class and work) (07:41:49 PM) tnseditor: they went to Easton (07:41:51 PM) tnseditor: grr (07:41:53 PM) jacob_: hehe (07:41:54 PM) Derath: I'll bring my wiimote, and I'll bring my laptop, as far as demo'ing... unsure... (07:42:13 PM) ***jacob_ has Neverball working w/ wiimote (07:42:20 PM) theidiotthatisme: Are you worried about it getting stolen or not sure about doing the demo with it? (07:42:21 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: lol, sweet (07:42:33 PM) theidiotthatisme: I'm only wondering so I can add it to the OLF list to update the Wiki and Website tomorrow :-) (07:42:39 PM) Derath: titim: Not sure the laptop will be alive... lol (07:42:43 PM) tnseditor: Booth at OLF $75 (07:42:43 PM) tnseditor: Laptop for OLF $1,000 (07:42:43 PM) tnseditor: Flinging a Wiimote through someone else's LCD- Priceless (07:42:45 PM) tnseditor: :-p (07:42:46 PM) jacob_: yeah, we'll have to make sure those wiimotes are tethered (07:42:52 PM) jacob_: lol tnseditor (07:43:06 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: hahaha (07:43:08 PM) Derath: I'll bring it, but it has a nasty habit lately of not wanting to boot... video problems, may have burnt out the vid card... (07:43:08 PM) theidiotthatisme: Derath: That's okay, we'll make sure we have a working computer to demo it on, even if I give up my laptop for the day :-P (07:43:17 PM) tnseditor: too bad there won't be a MS display there :-p (07:43:32 PM) ***tnseditor is terrible (07:43:41 PM) theidiotthatisme: As long as you make sure to bring it :-) (07:43:50 PM) jacob_: tnseditor: i was about to say "how do you know" but remembered this is OLF, not etech (07:44:21 PM) tnseditor: As far as I know, MS doesn't make Windows Linux Live Home Edition :-p (07:44:34 PM) theidiotthatisme: Sure they do, Novell Suse :-P (07:44:38 PM) tnseditor: hahaha (07:44:39 PM) tnseditor: :-p (07:44:44 PM) jacob_: ba-dum *chink* (07:44:48 PM) tnseditor: :-D (07:44:49 PM) theidiotthatisme: Sorry cheap shot (07:44:58 PM) Derath: Speaking of MS, I have an off-topic question for after the meeting... (07:45:04 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol okay (07:45:08 PM) tnseditor: just ask now :-p (07:45:10 PM) theidiotthatisme: So vote for wiimote? (07:45:14 PM) tnseditor: go for it (07:45:16 PM) jacob_: +1 (07:45:20 PM) tnseditor: +2 (07:45:21 PM) mm405416: +1 (07:45:21 PM) Derath: aye (07:45:27 PM) thebinaryblob: +1 (07:45:29 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: wiimote++ (07:45:42 PM) theidiotthatisme: Okay, added to the list of... 1 including the wiimote (07:46:03 PM) theidiotthatisme: tnseditor: Will you let me know as soon as System76 sends details of what they are lending? (07:46:09 PM) tnseditor: ok (07:46:10 PM) jacob_: quick potentially dumb question because i'm too lazy to look this up (07:46:15 PM) jacob_: is OLF a 2-day event or ond (07:46:16 PM) tnseditor: I'll have to contact them again (07:46:17 PM) jacob_: one* (07:46:23 PM) tnseditor: I think it is two (07:46:24 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: while ($idea = "awesome") { print "aye"; } (07:46:30 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: one day (07:46:35 PM) tnseditor: (I think it was Friday/Saturday last year) (07:46:36 PM) tnseditor: oh (07:46:42 PM) theidiotthatisme: It's listed as only October 11th so idk (07:46:45 PM) tnseditor: oh (07:46:46 PM) tnseditor: ok (07:46:47 PM) tnseditor: sorry (07:46:48 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: friday was for seminars (07:46:48 PM) jacob_: i know it was two last year... maybe they went back (07:46:55 PM) jacob_: ah kk (07:46:57 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: it was OLFU (07:47:04 PM) jacob_: >.< (07:47:08 PM) Derath: And sunday is tests only, afaik (07:47:08 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: :| (07:47:22 PM) jacob_: ah that's right, they give discounted LPI exams at OLF (07:47:40 PM) Derath: Maybe, no affirmative yet for this year... (07:47:50 PM) theidiotthatisme: yeah (07:47:56 PM) tnseditor: dang.... wiimotes are $40 at newegg (07:47:58 PM) Derath: was planning on taking the exam myself... but life has gotten in the way again (07:48:03 PM) jacob_: if hotel_price < driving_gas_price: (07:48:04 PM) theidiotthatisme: tnseditor: I added demoing system76 systems to the list..... now we have 2 (07:48:04 PM) jacob_: stay_at_hotel() (07:48:08 PM) tnseditor: ok (07:48:16 PM) tnseditor: hotel=more expensive (07:48:16 PM) jacob_: tnseditor: yesh wiimotes aren't cheap (07:48:28 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: hotel_price = driving_gas_price + hotel (07:48:30 PM) tnseditor: they are out of stock too (07:48:35 PM) theidiotthatisme: I'm going to hitchhike there :-D (07:48:38 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol (07:48:42 PM) jacob_: the same, probably (07:48:54 PM) tnseditor: maybe I can drag my family along.... (07:49:01 PM) jacob_: i'm trying to convince our tech school to go there instead of eTech next year (07:49:05 PM) tnseditor: they can drop me off there and then go to the malls :-p (07:49:07 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: wonder if attendance will be down because of gas prices (07:49:18 PM) theidiotthatisme: picard_pwns_kirk: Linux fans? I doubt it (07:49:22 PM) theidiotthatisme: :-) (07:49:26 PM) jacob_: :D (07:49:43 PM) mm405416: it's my goal to convince the rest of the computer electronics people at my college to go with (07:49:52 PM) jacob_: also... traffic around the CCC is absymal... plan ahead! (07:49:53 PM) mm405416: I might be driving alone this year though (07:50:06 PM) mm405416: got a friend to go last year, but he wasn't into it so I had to bail early (07:50:08 PM) theidiotthatisme: mm405416: What part of Ohio are you in? (07:50:09 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: the food around there is expensive too (07:50:16 PM) mm405416: south eastern (07:50:23 PM) mm405416: currently a student of Hocking College (07:50:28 PM) theidiotthatisme: oh okay (07:50:30 PM) tnseditor: wow :-D (07:50:32 PM) theidiotthatisme: I need to find someone NE lol (07:50:34 PM) mm405416: I originally hail from the far east side of columbus (07:50:43 PM) jacob_: SE Ohio: the Verizon roaming area :P (07:50:52 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol (07:50:54 PM) tnseditor: we go down there every year for Old Man's Cave (and other parks) and the Wilds (07:50:58 PM) mm405416: very true jacob_ (07:51:05 PM) jacob_: tnseditor: old man's cave is epic (07:51:09 PM) tnseditor: yes it is :-D (07:51:10 PM) theidiotthatisme: Well, what do we say about handing out contact lists for LoCo's? (07:51:21 PM) tnseditor: ok :-) (07:51:34 PM) theidiotthatisme: Promote to get involved with Ubuntu locally :-P (07:51:36 PM) mm405416: there was a LUG here a while back, but it's defunct as of right now (07:51:46 PM) mm405416: theidiotthatisme: sounds good (07:51:54 PM) tnseditor: Lima LUG is meeting regularly again and is working on a new website :-D (07:52:22 PM) Derath: titim: definte contact list a little more: personal contacts, or websites, irc channels, mailing list email addy? (07:52:38 PM) jacob_: COLUG is definitely active from what i heard from the Fedora guy at the 8.04 release party (07:52:52 PM) tnseditor: good (07:53:15 PM) theidiotthatisme: Derath: I would say personal contacts (probably team lead), website, and mailing list (07:53:34 PM) theidiotthatisme: And do a grid of them on paper for handouts (07:53:55 PM) jacob_: [OT] also, nobody let me forget to order our LoCo share of 300 CDs ;) (07:53:58 PM) Derath: hehe well, personally I'd rather leave my email off, as long as that can happen, I'm game for it... (07:53:59 PM) theidiotthatisme: Does anyone know if anyone attends OLF internationally or no? (07:54:06 PM) tnseditor: I thought we could just put them on a CD with some screencasts (07:54:08 PM) theidiotthatisme: jacob: Dont forget to order the CD's (07:54:47 PM) theidiotthatisme: tnseditor: Dont forget then you have to buy and burn the CD's, and people will snatch them up cause they're CD's even if they dont use them (07:54:53 PM) jacob_: theidiotthatisme: i *think* Canonical was there... once (07:55:04 PM) Derath: #gm btw, my lappy (if working) also has a dvd burner, so if someone wants to provide the iso or cd at olf, I'll be more than happen to burn cds as needed (07:55:06 PM) tnseditor: theidiotthatisme: true (07:55:10 PM) theidiotthatisme: jacob: I was wondring so to include international LoCo's or not (07:55:27 PM) theidiotthatisme: Derath: No problem (07:55:32 PM) tnseditor: I don't think you really need to (07:55:33 PM) Derath: if someone can provide blanks (07:55:33 PM) jacob_: also, OT again, but on subject of hotels: http://www.ohiolinux.org/node/245 (07:55:34 PM) PPKbot: Title: Drury Inn Group Rate is Available | Ohio LinuxFest 2008 (at www.ohiolinux.org) (07:55:36 PM) theidiotthatisme: My e button keeps messing up (07:55:51 PM) tnseditor: Drury is nice (07:56:04 PM) tnseditor: we stay at the one in Frankenmuth (MI) when we go to Bronner's (07:56:19 PM) jacob_: they have very nice breakfasts, and they're right on top of the convention center. not too expensive either (07:56:26 PM) jacob_: and free wifi :D (07:56:30 PM) tnseditor: yes (07:56:31 PM) mm405416: incidentally, I neglected to mention I'll be staying at my parents house that weekend, so if help is needed as far as set up, let me know and I can show up early (07:56:54 PM) thebinaryblob left the room. (07:56:57 PM) jacob_: compared to the Hyatt also on top of the CC, which was double expensive, expensive food, and no free wifi. (but school paid for that trip, so i won't complain. :D) (07:57:24 PM) Derath: I'm in Dayton, and afaik I will be getting there a little early as well (around 30 min early) (07:57:36 PM) tnseditor: two queen beds is $109 (07:57:36 PM) thebinaryblob [n=aaron@cblmdm72-241-121-90.buckeyecom.net] entered the room. (07:57:41 PM) tnseditor: wb thebinaryblob (07:58:00 PM) thebinaryblob: accidentaly closed xchat XD (07:58:05 PM) jacob_: :D (07:58:06 PM) ***picard_pwns_kirk lives in dublin, will be able to come early (07:58:27 PM) ***thebinaryblob lives all the way out in Toledo (07:58:49 PM) theidiotthatisme: Okay, so we have 3 items, any other ideas? Recap: Demoing System76 systems, Demoing wiimote, and LoCo handouts (07:58:54 PM) tnseditor: we just went through there on Thursday and Sunday (to and from MI... we also stopped at the zoo on sunday) (07:59:11 PM) tnseditor: we also need to talk about the cost (07:59:15 PM) tnseditor: for the booth (07:59:23 PM) jacob_: ah, right (07:59:23 PM) Phoenix301 [n=tbowerma@cpe-98-31-4-76.woh.res.rr.com] entered the room. (07:59:25 PM) theidiotthatisme: Fundraising! (07:59:25 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: lemonade stand ftw (07:59:27 PM) Derath: will there be stickers again? (07:59:29 PM) jacob_: $75 for a NPO (07:59:31 PM) theidiotthatisme: Anyone have any rich relatives to mug? :-D (07:59:33 PM) tnseditor: oh my gosh... Rachel made it :-o (07:59:42 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: hai Phoenix301 (07:59:43 PM) Phoenix301: :p (07:59:46 PM) jacob_: Derath: i don't think the MI team is still printing those, but "we'll see" (07:59:47 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: give us 75 bucks (07:59:48 PM) tnseditor: Lemonade and snowcone stand :-p (07:59:50 PM) theidiotthatisme: Hi Phoenix301 (08:00:01 PM) Phoenix301: hello people. (08:00:03 PM) ***Derath is thinking... (08:00:04 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: I liked the stickers (08:00:06 PM) mm405416: hey phoenix301 (08:00:07 PM) jacob_: hullo Phoenix301 (08:00:19 PM) Phoenix301: ..hai :p (08:00:20 PM) tnseditor: Rachel is amazed with the hellos L0o (08:00:23 PM) tnseditor: oops :-p (08:00:24 PM) Derath: Hi Phoenix (08:00:45 PM) Phoenix301: wow, john it looks like your position as official greeter has been take :p (08:00:50 PM) tnseditor: nah... (08:00:57 PM) Phoenix301: taken*... (08:00:57 PM) tnseditor: I've greeted everyone else but you :-p (08:01:05 PM) Phoenix301: hahahhaha (08:01:10 PM) ***picard_pwns_kirk can donate (08:01:13 PM) tnseditor: because I greeted you over in MSN :-p (08:01:21 PM) tnseditor: we need a paypal donate button (08:01:22 PM) ***jacob_ can chip in a bit too (08:01:24 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: omg msn (08:01:29 PM) ***picard_pwns_kirk shuns tnseditor (08:01:36 PM) ***tnseditor is transitioning over to gmail and google talk (08:02:18 PM) ***Derath is having a hard time letting go of a 10+ year old hotmail account... (08:02:28 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: Derath: get gmail (08:02:32 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: makes letting go easy (08:02:38 PM) theidiotthatisme: Who wants to do the MSN... I mean donate button on the website? :-P (08:02:39 PM) Derath: I have gmail (08:02:45 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: oh (08:02:52 PM) theidiotthatisme: I have gmail, been using it since 2004 exclusively :-) (08:02:55 PM) jacob_: anywho, anyone in particular want to hold the paypal fund for the donation pool? (08:02:59 PM) mm405416: I've gotta bail for now, gotta pick my fiance up from work, I'll try and jump back on ASAP (08:03:03 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: cya mm (08:03:07 PM) jacob_: later mm405416 (08:03:08 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: mm405416** (08:03:13 PM) theidiotthatisme: I nominate jacob for handling donate button and donations :-P (08:03:18 PM) mm405416 left the room (quit: "http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"). (08:03:19 PM) Derath: problem is that EVERYONE knows my hotmail, and all the lists/purchases/etc all have the hotmail addy and I have forgotten most... hehe (08:03:20 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: seconded (08:03:44 PM) tnseditor: that's most of my problem with switching over (08:03:52 PM) jacob_: theidiotthatisme: i'd be fine with that, *BUT* OLF might want someone of age to handle registrations (08:03:56 PM) jacob_: though i'm not sure tbh (08:04:09 PM) jacob_: depends on how they accept payment... (08:04:28 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: brown bag underneath the tall oak tree in town square (08:04:40 PM) tnseditor: hahaha (08:04:59 PM) theidiotthatisme: If I had a paypal account I would do it, but I dont have one and I dont have a banking or credit card (08:05:10 PM) theidiotthatisme: Soo..... anyone volunteer? (08:05:27 PM) jacob_: i suppose i can collect the donations, will have to just transfer them if needed (08:05:33 PM) tnseditor: well, I would, but I don't know for sure if I can make it. (08:05:50 PM) ***tnseditor has the curse of having to bring the family everywhere with him jacob jacob_ (08:05:55 PM) jacob_: heh heh (08:06:04 PM) tnseditor: jacob_ will be glad to accept donations :-p (08:06:06 PM) theidiotthatisme: tnseditor: Better than bussing to events ;) (08:06:07 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: just drive down yourself (08:06:31 PM) tnseditor: I've never driven that far by myself and my family probably wouldn't let me either (08:06:40 PM) tnseditor: it was a struggle last year for the release party (08:06:56 PM) Phoenix301: i can second that (08:07:07 PM) jacob_: :P (08:07:23 PM) theidiotthatisme: jacob: When does the registration end? (08:07:23 PM) tnseditor: I didn't know I was going until about 3 hours before we left here (about 5 hours before the party) (08:07:27 PM) ***picard_pwns_kirk hands jacob_ a text editor and an SSH client (08:07:41 PM) jacob_: theidiotthatisme: usually not until about september (08:07:51 PM) Phoenix301: i got there and everyone was running around like a chicken with its head cut off.. because until a few hours before it it was a no-go (08:07:56 PM) jacob_: though i'd like us to get registered ASAP if payments aren't due yet (08:08:20 PM) tnseditor: Phoenix301: that's the way it looks before company come over too :-p (08:08:23 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: oh schnap! (08:08:27 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: -dmwaters- {global notice} Good day all, I have a fairly large rotation server that needs to be restarted, about 6000 users. This won't take long, but it will be a bit noisey. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for using freenode! (08:08:28 PM) tnseditor: except for you :-p (08:08:28 PM) theidiotthatisme: jacob_: Well if you collect the money for now even if we have to transer it to make the payment I'll make sure we can (08:08:39 PM) jacob_: that works (08:08:45 PM) jacob_: but we'll have to put this meeting on hold (08:08:51 PM) jacob_: re: dmwaters global notice (08:08:52 PM) theidiotthatisme: jacob: I'm just waiting on 280 dollars from my ex-inlaws so I can open up a bank account lol or if I get this job at Infocision :-) (08:09:03 PM) psyquark left the room (quit: brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net). (08:09:03 PM) Wires left the room (quit: brown.freenode.net irc.freenode.net). (08:09:04 PM) jacob_: netsplits incoming (08:09:10 PM) tnseditor: hooray :-p (08:09:14 PM) theidiotthatisme: huh? (08:09:16 PM) Wires [n=jwires@pool-72-69-136-190.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] entered the room. (08:09:16 PM) psyquark [n=psyquark@NW-ESR1-72-49-98-227.fuse.net] entered the room. (08:09:28 PM) jacob_: that's probably not the end of them (08:09:39 PM) jacob_: 3min break, everyone :P (08:09:39 PM) ***tnseditor has saved the convo so far (08:09:45 PM) Phoenix301: whos next *camera pans around room* (08:10:00 PM) ***picard_pwns_kirk spontaneously combusts (08:10:03 PM) ***tnseditor cues up the jaws music (08:10:19 PM) ***tnseditor also gets ready with twilight zone music (08:10:33 PM) tnseditor: speaking of music... (08:10:44 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: sooo... (08:10:44 PM) tnseditor: we watched the fireworks up in Frankenmuth... (08:10:48 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: next on the agenda (08:10:49 PM) jacob_: seems to be all of the splits (08:10:51 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol (08:10:51 PM) tnseditor: they had some of the weirdest music (08:10:52 PM) jacob_: all good (08:10:59 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: ubucon? (08:11:05 PM) tnseditor: well (08:11:13 PM) tnseditor: I think we may put it on hold until 2009 (08:11:17 PM) jacob_: +1 (08:11:20 PM) Phoenix301: yeah (08:11:20 PM) theidiotthatisme: ubucon I think has kind of died into an eventually someday sometime (08:11:22 PM) jacob_: needs moar time (08:11:30 PM) tnseditor: because (I think) we should focus on OLF (08:11:32 PM) theidiotthatisme: I say spring 2009 (08:11:35 PM) jacob_: theidiotthatisme: unfortunately, yesh :P (08:11:56 PM) jacob_: *however* see /topic, bugjam incoming (08:12:01 PM) jacob_: :o (08:12:06 PM) theidiotthatisme: Spring 2009 if co plan it with OLF and continue through (it takes longer having to setup your own venue and stuff) or Fall 2009 if planning after OLF (08:12:12 PM) tnseditor: I don't like bugs in my jam... I throw it out if that happens (08:12:19 PM) jacob_: canonical/ubuntu wants us to do that live... but it doesn't *have* to be (08:12:34 PM) tnseditor: the bug jam? (08:12:45 PM) jacob_: i suggested video conferencing and they were okay with that, even endorsed it at the end (08:12:45 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: what's a bug jam? (08:12:50 PM) Phoenix301: i dont like jam on my bugs, i throw them out if that happens XD (08:12:53 PM) ***tnseditor was about to ask that (08:13:02 PM) tnseditor: Phoenix301: haha (08:13:06 PM) jacob_: picard_pwns_kirk: big fest where everyone goes around reporting and helping with bugs (08:13:13 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: ah (08:13:15 PM) jacob_: they've been reportedly successful (08:13:21 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: PULSEAUDIO PULSEAUDIO (08:13:25 PM) jacob_: :D (08:13:26 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: *cough* (08:13:29 PM) Derath: lol (08:13:29 PM) tnseditor: what can someone like me do? (no real skills):-p (08:13:42 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: tnseditor: focus on the obvious (08:13:50 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: ie: the theme's brown (08:13:55 PM) jacob_: tnseditor: triaging bugs, "drinking from the firehose," marking duplicates, testing bugs, etc (08:14:00 PM) Phoenix301: 1 cup beetles, 2 cups sugar 1 cup pectin.. bring sugar and pectin to a boil, add pulped bugs, let set into bugjam (08:14:02 PM) tnseditor: oh (08:14:24 PM) ***tnseditor can follow recipies (08:14:32 PM) jacob_: anyone here on bugsquad? (08:14:37 PM) tnseditor: drinking from the firehose? (08:14:38 PM) theidiotthatisme: I'm not (08:14:50 PM) Phoenix301: nope (08:14:50 PM) tnseditor: like testing? (08:15:00 PM) ***picard_pwns_kirk isn't (08:15:00 PM) theidiotthatisme: Do we want to hold the bug jam before OLF? And are we doing online or in person? (08:15:05 PM) jacob_: i know vorian's on bugcontrol, being a motu an all (congrats again on that ;)) (08:15:14 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: he's afc (08:15:41 PM) jacob_: theidiotthatisme: still needs to be planned. if things flow right, it could even be a session at olf (08:15:57 PM) tnseditor: Motu sounds like an abbreviation for a bad word/phrase (08:16:10 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: MASTER OF TEH UNIVERSE! (08:16:10 PM) jacob_: "master of the universe"? :P (08:16:19 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: ba dum ba ba! (08:16:20 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:16:28 PM) theidiotthatisme: jacob: I know, was just wondering if it was going to be online or in person? Dont know much about bug jams (08:16:52 PM) jacob_: theidiotthatisme: traditionally, they are in-person events, but i've heard of a team that did one online (08:17:03 PM) tnseditor: we could use ustream :-p (08:17:03 PM) jacob_: theidiotthatisme: and with video sessions, things could be even easier (08:17:05 PM) tnseditor: or skype :-p (08:17:08 PM) jacob_: exactly (08:17:36 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: remember how the last gathering with webcams went (08:17:46 PM) jacob_: lolol (08:17:48 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: :| (08:17:51 PM) jacob_: let's not play that part (08:17:53 PM) tnseditor: shut up :-p (08:17:56 PM) ***thebinaryblob 's webcam doesnt work anyway, stupid microdia chip (08:18:00 PM) jacob_: i mean if *not* an in-person meeting (08:18:01 PM) ***tnseditor still cries about that (08:18:18 PM) ***tnseditor can use his laptop's camera which is lots better (08:18:27 PM) thebinaryblob: :( (08:18:33 PM) theidiotthatisme: jacob: I could attend an online but is harder to travel on nonlarge events because I usually bus greyhound (08:19:02 PM) jacob_: theidiotthatisme: i'm the same with travel issues, so it's definitely still on the board for online (08:19:27 PM) jacob_: bugjam is for another meeting though (i mean technically we're 2 hours into this one lol) (08:19:28 PM) ***tnseditor probably wouldn't be available for a live meeting unless it was in Lima :-p (08:19:43 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol okay we'll set it for the next meeting (08:19:46 PM) tnseditor: ok (08:19:50 PM) theidiotthatisme: So back to OLF or near end of meeting? (08:19:50 PM) jacob_: works for me (08:20:01 PM) jacob_: either.. i've got nothing left to add (08:20:06 PM) tnseditor: hmmmm.... (08:20:15 PM) mode (+o jacob_ ) by ChanServ (08:20:22 PM) tnseditor: I'll start back up with system 76 to let them know we haven't died (08:20:27 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: ahhh (08:20:28 PM) jacob_: how the heck do i /topic in pidgin (08:20:28 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: kicking time (08:20:37 PM) theidiotthatisme: tnseditor: Please do ;) (08:20:40 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: jacob_: edit it at the top (08:20:47 PM) jacob_: picard_pwns_kirk: can't... :( (08:20:52 PM) theidiotthatisme: Let us know what they say :-P (08:20:54 PM) jacob_: oh wait (08:20:57 PM) jacob_: wtf?! you can (08:20:57 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: pidgin = n00b client (08:21:05 PM) tnseditor: I use it all the time :-p (08:21:11 PM) theidiotthatisme: So do I (08:21:12 PM) tnseditor: I will (08:21:14 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol (08:21:17 PM) jacob_: picard_pwns_kirk: i know, i'm in a dual-boot hardy/intrepid setup... it's complicated (08:21:23 PM) jacob_: normally i use xchat (08:21:25 PM) Derath: Oh, and check on the discounts... maybe helpful for me if I have to replace my lappy (08:21:28 PM) jacob_: hence the jacob which is still online (08:21:33 PM) ***thebinaryblob uses gnome-xchat (08:21:43 PM) jacob_ has changed the topic to: Welcome to Ubuntu Ohio! || Ubucon! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/OhioUbucon08 || OLF has a channel on Freenode now ~ #ohiolinux || Lets focus on getting a Bug Jam planned! Ping Vorian or Jacob about prepwork etc... (08:21:51 PM) mode (-o jacob ) by jacob_ (08:21:52 PM) Derath: And may really generate sales for s76 at the same time... (08:21:55 PM) jacob_: >.< (08:22:00 PM) mode (-o jacob_ ) by jacob_ (08:22:01 PM) tnseditor: how about just getting rid of the Ubucon thing (08:22:06 PM) Derath: mention something about there being 2500+ people attending last year... hehe (08:22:13 PM) tnseditor: :-D (08:22:13 PM) jacob_: tnseditor: ah, oops. (08:22:20 PM) mode (+o jacob_ ) by ChanServ (08:22:24 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: it is shameful (08:22:24 PM) tnseditor: let me start a wiki for OLF 08 (08:22:29 PM) jacob_ has changed the topic to: Welcome to Ubuntu Ohio! || OLF has a channel on Freenode now ~ #ohiolinux || Lets focus on getting a Bug Jam planned! Ping Vorian or Jacob about prepwork etc... (08:22:33 PM) mode (-o jacob ) by jacob_ (08:22:36 PM) theidiotthatisme: Would '09 if we do one for next year ;) (08:22:38 PM) mode (-o jacob_ ) by jacob_ (08:22:41 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: we do not want to be reminded of it's shame (08:22:42 PM) jacob_: aye (08:22:44 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:22:54 PM) jacob_: picard_pwns_kirk: it never existed! sshhhhh..... ;) (08:22:59 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol (08:23:15 PM) theidiotthatisme: It happens sometimes, some members had rocky roads :-P (08:23:24 PM) theidiotthatisme: and planning kind of died... (08:23:25 PM) tnseditor: dang (08:23:29 PM) jacob_: yeah (08:23:33 PM) tnseditor: where's the wiki from last year? (08:23:33 PM) theidiotthatisme: BUT, we will try again anothr time :-P (08:23:37 PM) tnseditor: did I kill it? (08:23:42 PM) theidiotthatisme: There's a link to it from the main page (08:23:44 PM) jacob_: tnseditor: the one i just edited out of the topic.. (08:23:48 PM) tnseditor: just got it (08:23:54 PM) tnseditor: found it (08:24:01 PM) tnseditor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/OLF (08:24:03 PM) PPKbot: Title: OhioTeam/OLF - Ubuntu Wiki (at wiki.ubuntu.com) (08:24:05 PM) ***tnseditor is going to update it (08:24:07 PM) tnseditor: :-) (08:24:15 PM) tnseditor: no need to make a new one :-D (08:24:19 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol (08:25:05 PM) tnseditor: same exact day as last year :-)o (08:25:59 PM) theidiotthatisme: Alrighty (08:26:10 PM) tnseditor: theidiotthatisme: can you contact LGP again? (08:26:31 PM) theidiotthatisme: for Ubucon? 09? (08:26:41 PM) tnseditor: maybe for OLF (08:26:42 PM) Derath: Oh... OLF related question: Will there be Ubuntu t-shirts for LoCo members, or general purchase? (08:26:58 PM) theidiotthatisme: Derath: not unless canonical wants to send us something :-P (08:27:07 PM) jacob_: Derath: we'll have to contact Canonical about a group rate on that... so it's possible (08:27:11 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: you guys had nice t-shirts last year (08:27:18 PM) ***tnseditor would love one (08:27:27 PM) Derath: hehe I tried to buy one last year... (08:27:34 PM) jacob_: they just need ordered in advance and delivered somewheres (08:27:40 PM) tnseditor: I'll take an extra large :-D (08:27:58 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: how much are they? (08:28:06 PM) jacob_: not sure (08:28:15 PM) tnseditor: next meeting is July 16? (08:28:17 PM) vorian: did i miss anything? (08:28:21 PM) tnseditor: hi vorian (08:28:22 PM) jacob_: and i refuse to use firefox on here... it hasn't updated from beta5 yet (08:28:26 PM) jacob_: hey vorian (08:28:28 PM) tnseditor: you missed a bunch :-D (08:28:35 PM) vorian: oh (08:28:37 PM) vorian: sorry (08:28:44 PM) tnseditor: here as in Hardy? (08:28:44 PM) jacob_: np (08:28:49 PM) jacob_: tnseditor: yes (08:28:54 PM) tnseditor: vorian: I'll post a log (08:28:56 PM) tnseditor: soon jacob jacob_ (08:29:04 PM) tnseditor: jacob_ it's at the final release (08:29:06 PM) tnseditor: on here (08:29:07 PM) jacob_: vorian: basically figured out stuff to bring (wiimote demo, laptops, CDs, etc) (08:29:13 PM) tnseditor: here= my laptop running hardy (08:29:17 PM) jacob_: tnseditor: i'm updating :P (08:29:21 PM) tnseditor: ok :-p (08:29:24 PM) tnseditor: good job :-p (08:29:34 PM) jacob_: vorian: also a wee bit of bugjam discussion (08:29:49 PM) tnseditor: next meeting next week? (08:29:54 PM) tnseditor: maybe a status update? (08:29:59 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: woah, 20 bucks for an ubuntu shirt (08:30:26 PM) jacob_: per'aps (08:30:34 PM) tnseditor: I'll put it on the wiki (08:30:50 PM) vorian: jacob_: any takers? (08:30:52 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: oh, white one 15 bucks (08:31:16 PM) ***tnseditor removes the link to Ubucon 2008 on the wiki and replaces it with OLF 2008 link (08:31:20 PM) theidiotthatisme: tnseditor: I'll update the website (08:31:24 PM) tnseditor: ok (08:31:28 PM) jacob_: vorian: for bugjam? there seems to be interest ;) (08:31:29 PM) tnseditor: I'm working on the wiki (08:31:30 PM) theidiotthatisme: So you replaced it with itself? :-P (08:31:43 PM) tnseditor: no... (08:31:43 PM) theidiotthatisme: *looking up* (08:31:51 PM) vorian: excellent (08:32:01 PM) theidiotthatisme: tnseditor: Look up on the IRC lol (08:32:06 PM) theidiotthatisme: oh sorry (08:32:07 PM) tnseditor: OLF in place of Ubucon (08:32:08 PM) theidiotthatisme: Wow I'm tired (08:32:11 PM) tnseditor: haha (08:32:13 PM) theidiotthatisme: Just ignore me (08:32:20 PM) theidiotthatisme: I'm going to sit in my corner now lol (08:32:21 PM) ***tnseditor ignores theidiotthatisme (08:32:29 PM) jacob_: vorian: about doing a *physical* bugjam still needs discussion (vs video-started) but we're gettin somewhere (08:32:35 PM) tnseditor: are you going to cry too or wear a dunce hat? (08:32:46 PM) vorian: excellent-o (08:32:51 PM) theidiotthatisme: dunce hat (08:32:56 PM) theidiotthatisme: So I can throw it at people :-P (08:33:07 PM) jacob_: theidiotthatisme: you'll need pies (08:33:20 PM) vorian: jacob_: did you guys talk about 5-a-day and beating michigan? (08:33:25 PM) tnseditor: I have a lemon crunch one here (08:33:27 PM) Derath: BRB (08:33:27 PM) jacob_: oh ho ho, we didn't (08:33:30 PM) vorian: that could generate some interest (08:33:32 PM) tnseditor: beating MI is always good :-D (08:33:32 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:33:37 PM) theidiotthatisme: vorian: Bout what? (08:33:55 PM) jacob_: we'll have to explain all that at the next meetin (08:33:59 PM) mm405416 [i=4bb421d9@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-7d8e50562b2da8fd] entered the room. (08:34:00 PM) vorian: but the lp admin would have to sign the team up for 5-a-day (08:34:03 PM) tnseditor: wb mm405416 (08:34:03 PM) theidiotthatisme: I think we need lessons about bugs :-P Cause I dont know anything about them (08:34:06 PM) jacob_: basically 5-a-day is "do 5 bugs per day" (08:34:08 PM) mm405416: thanks (08:34:18 PM) jacob_: and MI is winning on participation :P (08:34:36 PM) jacob_: we can get all that started at our meeting/bugjam (08:34:46 PM) theidiotthatisme: Okee dokee (08:35:07 PM) mm405416: I'd have to agree with theidiotthatisme , I wouldn't know where to start (08:35:19 PM) jacob_: no probs, that's what bugjams are for (08:35:28 PM) vorian: werd (08:35:36 PM) vorian: it can be as easy as (08:35:42 PM) vorian: triaging bugs (08:35:50 PM) vorian: marking duplicates (08:36:05 PM) vorian: finding patches from upstream (08:36:12 PM) vorian: making your own patch (08:36:20 PM) theidiotthatisme: vorian: so you gonna teach us then next meeting? (08:36:49 PM) jacob_: (and figuring out what to do when a patch you make breaks something else!) (08:36:54 PM) ***jacob_ is guilty (08:36:58 PM) vorian: haha jacob jacob_ (08:37:20 PM) tnseditor: jacob_ are you the one that killed the vesa stuff in Intrepid? (08:37:20 PM) vorian: diff -Nurp old new > jacob_bork.patch (08:37:23 PM) tnseditor: :-p (08:37:36 PM) jacob_: tnseditor: thankfully not :D i broke apturl dialogs (08:37:39 PM) mm405416: you'll have to forgive me here for having missed part of the meeting, but is bugjam/meeting going to be in person? (08:37:41 PM) jacob_: and they are still broken right now (08:37:43 PM) tnseditor: good going :-p (08:37:48 PM) tnseditor: you should be proud (08:37:50 PM) tnseditor: :-D (08:37:53 PM) jacob_: mm405416: right now, we're not sure (08:38:03 PM) mm405416: ok, thank you jacob_ (08:38:05 PM) theidiotthatisme: mm405416: Not sure (08:38:06 PM) jacob_: when i get time i'll repatch it hehe (08:38:33 PM) vorian: there are alot of different ways to help with bugs (08:38:40 PM) vorian: a_lot (08:38:48 PM) jacob_: +1 (08:39:12 PM) theidiotthatisme: vorian: Is there a link to read until then? Maybe get some practice in on reporting / triaging / marking duplicates or whatever I can do :-) (08:39:21 PM) theidiotthatisme: I have a lot of time until my interview lol (08:39:28 PM) tnseditor: where are you interviewing for? (08:39:55 PM) theidiotthatisme: Infocision (08:40:16 PM) vorian: theidiotthatisme: https://wiki.kubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage (08:40:21 PM) PPKbot: Title: Bugs/HowToTriage - Ubuntu Wiki (at wiki.kubuntu.com) (08:40:29 PM) vorian: wtf (08:40:52 PM) theidiotthatisme: lol (08:41:00 PM) picard_pwns_kirk: wiki.kubuntu.org (08:41:12 PM) Derath: BACK (08:41:15 PM) tnseditor: wb (08:41:20 PM) theidiotthatisme: Hi again! (08:41:39 PM) Derath: ty (08:42:11 PM) vorian: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs (08:42:14 PM) PPKbot: Title: Bugs - Ubuntu Wiki (at wiki.ubuntu.com) (08:42:26 PM) theidiotthatisme: thanks }}}