##=== Welcome to the wiki page of the Ohio Team === ||WELCOME TO UBUNTU OHIO||<|2> {{attachment:logo.png}}|| ||<-2>This is the home page for the '''US Ohio Ubuntu Local Community Team'''. ([[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-ohio|Launchpad Page]]).<
>''The Ohio team focuses on distributing, advertising and demonstrating Ubuntu in the Great State of Ohio. Through the development of our projects we focus on the areas of schools, business and home users.''|| ||<-3>COMMUNICATION|| ||'''IRC''' #ubuntu-ohio on irc.freenode.net:<
> <
>[[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au|Ubuntu-us-oh mailing list]] ||'''Meetings:''' Held each Wednesday <
>Next Meeting: 3 January 8pm Eastern in {{{#ubuntu-ohio}}}.<
>See [[OhioTeam/Meetings|Meetings]] for more info||'''Team Contact:''' StephenStalcup|| ||'''Members:''' <
> See the [[OhioTeam/Members/NewMembers|New Members]] page if you are interested in joining. <
> [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-ohio/|Members List]]<
> ||'''Forums:''' <
> See [[http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/|Ohio Team]] <
>||'''Ubuntu in Ohio:''' <
> New to Ubuntu? See [[OhioTeam/NewUser| New User Support]] | See out site [[http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/|Ohio Team]]|| [[OhioTeam/CDTeam|CD Team]] | [[OhioTeam/CommunicationTeam|Communication Team]] | [[OhioTeam/MarketingTeam|Marketing Team]] | [[OhioTeam/NewUserTeam|New User Team]] | [[OhioTeam/WebTeam|Web Team]] | [[OhioTeam/WikiTeam|Wiki Team]] == Approval Application == [[OhioTeam/ApprovalApplication|Our Application for LoCo Team Approval]] CategoryLoCoTeams