This signup sheet is to be used for planning release milestone tasks. Milestones are based on: ||'''Milestone'''||'''Date'''||'''Archive and Queue Management''' ||'''Release Notes and Announcement''' || '''Focus Topic Writeup''' || || 11.10 Alpha 1 || June 2, 2011 || Steve Langasek || Kate Stewart || Iain Lane - "Transitions" || || 11.10 Alpha 2 || July 7, 2011 || Martin Pitt || Kate Stewart || Stefano Rivera - "FTBFS cleanup"|| || 10.04.3 || July 21, 2011 || Colin Watson || Kate Stewart || N/A || || 11.10 Alpha 3 || Aug 4, 2011 || Michael Casadevall (mentor: Steve Langasek) || Kate Stewart || Julian - "Creating a Flavor - Lubuntu background" || || 11.10 Beta 1 || Sept 1, 2011 || Martin Pitt || Kate Stewart || ? - "Translations"|| || 11.10 Beta 2 || Sept 22, 2011 || Michael Casadevall || Kate Stewart || ? - "Documentation" || || 11.10 Release || Oct 13, 2011 || Colin Watson || Kate Stewart || N/A ||