= General Debugging Tips = See these other pages for more specific troubleshooting: * [[/single-install|Debugging a Single install]] * [[/multi-install|Multi Install Debugging]] * [[/autopilot-install|OpenStack Autopilot Debugging]] * [[/ui|UI Debugging]] == Errors during uninstall == If you see a warning message like this one after running the uninstall command '''sudo openstack-install -u''': {{{ Ubuntu Openstack Installer Uninstalling ...Could not determine install type, was /home/$USER/.cloud-install removed prior to running the uninstallation? }}} It's possible that the ''.cloud-install'' state directory is either missing or corrupted. Here's how to manually uninstall to a clean state: === Manual uninstall a Landscape Autopilot or Multi(MAAS) install === Make sure the nodes are released in the MAAS web ui so that their status is (Ready). Next manually remove the '''~/.cloud-install''' directory: '''sudo rm -rf /home//.cloud-install''' === Manual uninstall a single install === Look at the IPs of the container: '''sudo lxc-ls -f openstack-single-$USER''' The output should be something like this: {{{ ⟫ sudo lxc-ls -f openstack-single-$USER NAME STATE IPV4 IPV6 AUTOSTART ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- openstack-single-ubuntu RUNNING,, - YES }}} Look for the IP route using the ''lxcbr0'' bridge that routes to the container: '''sudo ip route show dev lxcbr0''' The output should be something like this: {{{ ⟫ sudo ip route show dev lxcbr0 proto kernel scope link src via }}} Here, we see that the network is routed via the container's network. This is the route that the installer set up and the one we want to delete. If we don't see a line like that, we can skip this step as the installer did not get to that point. To delete the route: (where $N is whatever you saw above, here it'd be 6) '''sudo ip route del 10.0.$N.0/24''' Finally, remove the container itself: '''sudo lxc-destroy -f -n openstack-single-$USER''' Then to ensure a fully clean re-install, remove ''~/.cloud-install'': '''sudo rm -rf ~/.cloud-install''' that's it for a single install. Nothing else was installed on your system. == Debugging a Juju bootstrap == It's possible to pass the debug flag to a Juju bootstrap through the installer with the following option: '''$ DEBUG_JUJU_BOOTSTRAP=1 sudo -E openstack-install''' Any time you want to expose environment variables to the installer make sure to run with ''sudo -E'' This will essentially append the ''--debug'' option to '''juju bootstrap''' and give you more insight into the juju bootstrap process if problems arise. == Run in Headless mode == Sometimes problems can occur that may be masked by the UI (we're getting better at that we promise 8-)). If this happens we can run the installer in a more synchronous way to further track down the issue. An example is to pass this configuration to the installer to run in a headless mode {{{#!highlight yaml openstack_password: pass http_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128 https_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128 apt_mirror: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ install_type: Single apt_proxy: apt_https_proxy: headless: True }}} '''$ sudo openstack-install -c config.yaml''' This will do a full OpenStack deployment without any user intervention. == Juju Bootstrap timing out == This usually indicates a slow network connection to the outside world. To increase the timeout juju waits for a successful bootstrap you can edit '''/usr/share/openstack/templates/juju-env/maas.yaml''' and increase the following: {{{#!highlight yaml environments: maas: type: maas maas-server: 'http://{{maas_server}}/MAAS/' maas-oauth: '{{maas_apikey}}' admin-secret: "{{openstack_password}}" default-series: {{ubuntu_series}} authorized-keys-path: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub {%- if http_proxy %} apt-http-proxy: {{http_proxy}} {%- else %} apt-http-proxy: 'http://{{maas_server}}:8000/' {%- endif %} lxc-clone: true bootstrap-timeout: 3600 <--- INCREASE this number, default is 10 minutes. }}} Once changed you'll need to perform a fresh installation. Keep in mind that once you upgrade the openstack package that file will be reverted back to it's default.