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  1. Internet.Open Wiki
    1. Summary
    2. Release Note
    3. Use Cases
    4. Assumptions
    5. URLs
    6. Design
    7. Implementation
    8. Test/Demo Plan
      1. Changes in general
      2. UI Changes
      3. Code Changes
      4. Migration
    9. Outstanding Issues
    10. BoF agenda and discussion
      1. Past Meetings:
      2. Next Meeting:
    11. Main Categories ans subcategories
      1. Definitions
      2. Category Table <- SEE THIS ONE FOR AN OVERVIEW
        1. FLOSS DEVELOPMENT: A historical review
          1. History
          2. Movements & Philosophy
          3. Licenses
          4. Projects Overview
          5. Openness tendences
        2. FLOSS Projects: Made on the internet - A technosocial analysis
          1. The power of collaboration
          2. "the Cathedral and the Bazaar" as in contrasting proprietary with open source
          3. GNU/Linux from its begginings until today - As good at the desktop as the server?
          4. Anarchism? (Debian)
          5. Distributions: (Slackware, Debian, Redhat, SuSe, Mandrake (Mandriva), Corel Linux, Ubuntu)
          6. Community building: (Fedora, OpenSuSe, Ubuntu)
          7. GNU/Linux to the masses (Ubuntu)
          8. The future
          9. OLPC and Free software on education (SKoleLinux, DebianEdu, Edubuntu, LinEX)
        3. Internet Infrastructure: Is the Internet possible without FLOSS? - A Technical Approach
          1. Root DNS servers (BIND & NSD)
          2. Apache and the web
          3. Searching the web... The open source way (Google, Yahoo!, Live Search??!!)
          4. Microsoft on the Web
          5. Firefox
          6. Google vs Microsoft?
        4. Desktop vs Web: The platform og the future - A technical and Social overview
          1. The desktop (Open & propietary)
          2. Propietary desktop: MS & Apple
          3. Free Desktop Components:
          4. The Web Browser is the platform: Netscape - too much, too early?
          5. Web 2.0
          6. Gran paradiso and Internet apps online & offline
          7. The web as a netcentric desktop?
          8. The web as the platform of the future
        5. Open Standards: Why are they important?
          1. Protocols (TCP, IP, DNS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP)
          2. Standards (HTML, XHTML, XML)
          3. * Documents (ISO certification : ODT vs OXML)
          4. Content today
          5. Content for the future
        6. Open Hardware: Transparency as the guiding force - Technical Insight
          1. Processors (Sun SParc)
          2. Red One: Film democracy through openness?
          3. Open Phone Adapter: Not just Digium - Connect yourself to the future: VoIP.
          4. Open Phones (OpenMoko & Greenphone)
          5. 3D printers
          6. Open Laptop (System76, Dell, Ubuntu, FreeSoftwareLaptop)
          7. One Laptop Per Child

Internet.Open Wiki



We are going to document data around the Openness of the Internet and its infrastructure. The project itself is going to be an experiment on the use of FLOSS in order to show the openness of the Internet today in a practical way.

To see progress in the project please subscribe to this page (needs a Launchpad/Ubuntu Wiki account).

Release Note

We will be finished within the end of our autumn semester 2007.

After dividing the project into pieces and delegating we shall work on stages.

Use Cases

X wants to have a resource where to find info on this issues. Both technical, historical and theoretical information in one place.


This info is on the internet. We must compile it and index it (here in this wiki). We must have access to a php server (uio servers have php support and use apache)


Open source hardware:


XHTML, XML & CSS must be 100% right and we will use PHP. We will do mostly everything using FLOSS (as Desktop platform and editor).


Test/Demo Plan

Changes in general

We check changes into a central Subversion repository. This makes it easier to collaborate, it automatically creates a log of changes, and if we want to look at a previous state it is easily done. We chose Subversion because it is well-tested on non-Unix platforms.

UI Changes

See following pages as example:

In this way we achieve 100% Strict XHTML 1.0 compliance! Just check them :-)

See the following links for examples on content formated pages:

These are NOT Strict XHTML 1.0 compliant, but they are just XHTML formated parts of the body

The css is the key to organize the page:

Not exactly the same php script, but It shows clearly what we can do with right use of CSS and not using any design AT ALL in our pages. CSS compliance depends alone on the php script on its own (IT IS compliant as of now] and the css files themselves depends which we use, but seem mostly compliant

Idea of the design

Code Changes

SVN comment function to add info on changes. Eventually use the comment tags in the XHTML code if necessary.


Universal site. Just "./" linking (besides external http resources) FF (Gecko), Opera, Safari (KHTML/WebCore) & IE compatible (in that order).

Outstanding Issues


BoF agenda and discussion

Past Meetings:

Next Meeting:

Main Categories ans subcategories


The project will focus on three aspects of the "Open Internet" issue: Historical, Technical & Social (abrevaited as H, T & S)

In this Table:




Open Internet

Rubén + Tore


Mikael + Tore


Magnus + Mikael


Rubén + Tore


Magnus + Rubén


Magnus + Mikael


FLOSS developement - H

FLOSS projects - S/T

Internet Infrastructure - T

Desktop vs Web: Platforms - S/T

Open Standards - H/S/T

Open Hardware - T


mc01sc01 +T

The power of collaboration

mc02sc01 +T

Root DNS servers (BIND & NSD)

mc03sc01 +MI

The desktop OS

mc04sc02 +R


Processors (Sun Sparc, IBM Power (Cell?)

mc06sc02 +MA


mc01sc03 +T

The Cathedral & The Bazaar

mc02sc03 +T

Apache and the web

mc03sc03 +MI

Propietary OS

mc04sc01 +T

Protocols (IP, TCP, DNS)

mc05sc02 +MA

Red One: Digital Democracy through openness?

mc06sc01 +MI&MA


mc01sc02 +R

GNU/Linux: 16 years - (Server, Desktop & Mobile markets?)

mc02sc02 +MI

Searching the Web: The Open Source Way (Google, Yahoo!)

mc03sc05 +MI

Free Desktop (Open Components)

mc04sc04 +R

Protocols (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SMB, CIFS, AD)

mc05sc01 +R

One Laptop Per Child Project

mc06sc04 +MA

Project Overview

mc01sc04 +R


mc02sc05 +T

MS & the web

mc03sc02 +MA

Web Browsers

mc04sc03 +T

Standards (HTML, XHTML, XML - Historie, innblikk på trender)

mc05sc04 +MA

Open Phone Adapter (VoIP is not just Digium - Connect yourself to the future)

mc06sc03 +MI

Openness tendency

mc01sc06 +R


mc02sc07 +T


mc03sc02 +MA

Web 2.0

mc04sc05 +T

Documents (ISO cert, ODT vs OXML)

mc05sc03 +R

Open Phones (OpenMoko, Greeenphone)

mc06sc05 +MI


Community Building (Fedora, OpenSuse, Ubuntu)

mc02sc04 +MI

Google vs. MS

mc03sc02 +MA

Offline Web Apps

mc04sc06 +R

Content Today (CreativeCommons, FreedomDefined)

sc05sc04 +MA&R

Open 3D Printer

mc06sc07 +MI


GNU/Lnux to the masses: Ubuntu

mc02sc06 +MI

The Future


WebOS - Netcentric Desktop

mc04sc08 +R


sc05sc05 +R&MA

Open Laptop

mc06sc06 +MA


The Future

mc02sc08 +MI







OLPC and Free Software on education (SkoleLinux, DebianEdu, Edubuntu, LinEX)

mc02sc10 +MI



Web => Future (Social networking, Nett TV)

mc04sc07 +T









FLOSS DEVELOPMENT: A historical review


Movements & Philosophy


Projects Overview

Openness tendences

FLOSS Projects: Made on the internet - A technosocial analysis

The power of collaboration

"the Cathedral and the Bazaar" as in contrasting proprietary with open source

GNU/Linux from its begginings until today - As good at the desktop as the server?

Anarchism? (Debian)

Distributions: (Slackware, Debian, Redhat, SuSe, Mandrake (Mandriva), Corel Linux, Ubuntu)

Community building: (Fedora, OpenSuSe, Ubuntu)

GNU/Linux to the masses (Ubuntu)

The future

OLPC and Free software on education (SKoleLinux, DebianEdu, Edubuntu, LinEX)

Internet Infrastructure: Is the Internet possible without FLOSS? - A Technical Approach

Root DNS servers (BIND & NSD)

Apache and the web

Searching the web... The open source way (Google, Yahoo!, Live Search??!!)

Microsoft on the Web


Google vs Microsoft?

Desktop vs Web: The platform og the future - A technical and Social overview

The desktop (Open & propietary)

Propietary desktop: MS & Apple

Free Desktop Components:

See also ReorganizeUbuntuFlavoursAndForks.

The Web Browser is the platform: Netscape - too much, too early?

Web 2.0

Gran paradiso and Internet apps online & offline

The web as a netcentric desktop?

The web as the platform of the future

Open Standards: Why are they important?

Protocols (TCP, IP, DNS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP)

Standards (HTML, XHTML, XML)

* Documents (ISO certification : ODT vs OXML)

Content today

Content for the future

Open Hardware: Transparency as the guiding force - Technical Insight

Processors (Sun SParc)

Red One: Film democracy through openness?

Open Phone Adapter: Not just Digium - Connect yourself to the future: VoIP.

Open Phones (OpenMoko & Greenphone)

3D printers

Open Laptop (System76, Dell, Ubuntu, FreeSoftwareLaptop)

One Laptop Per Child


Open_Internet (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:49 by localhost)