##(see the SpecSpec for an explanation) ##''Please check the status of this specification in Launchpad before editing it. If it is Approved, contact the Assignee or another knowledgeable ##person before making changes.'' ## ## * '''Launchpad Entry''': UbuntuSpec:foo ## * '''Packages affected''': ||'''Contact Us''': || [[mailto:internet.open@gmail.com|by Email]] || || '''Visit the Project URL''': ||[[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/|Final! Hand-in]] || '''Welcome to the Wiki of the internet.open project!''' <> = Internet.Open Wiki = URL: * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/|SVN root stable]] * Unstable branch not started yet as the project is for the moment done in its frist stage. More to come from the middle of january. == Summary == We are going to document data around the Openness of the Internet and its infrastructure. The project itself is going to be an experiment on the use of FLOSS in order to show the openness of the Internet today in a practical way. To see progress in the project please subscribe to this page (needs a Launchpad/Ubuntu Wiki account). == Release Note == We will be finished within the end of our autumn semester 2007. After dividing the project into pieces and delegating we shall work on stages. ##== Rationale == ##This should cover the _why_: why is this change being proposed, what justifies it, where we see this justified. == Use Cases == X wants to have a resource where to find info on this issues. Both technical, historical and theoretical information in one place. == Assumptions == This info is on the internet. We must compile it and index it (here in this wiki). We must have access to a php server (uio servers have php support and use apache) == URLs == Open source hardware: * DIY 3D printer: http://fabathome.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page * DIY VoIP: http://www.rowetel.com/ (He's got a great blog) * Wikipedia on OSH: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source_hardware * MAKE on OSH: http://www.makezine.com/blog/archive/2007/04/open_source_hardware_what.html == Design == XHTML, XML & CSS must be 100% right and we will use PHP. We will do mostly everything using FLOSS (as Desktop platform and editor). == Implementation == * Stage 1: 11.10.2007 Working infrastructure '''Done''' (Repository, Finish 50% of information compilation on main categories) * Stage 2: 01.11.2007 Project website basics '''Done''' (Layout, all categories finished and "frozen") * Stage 3: 11.11.2007 Content check and XHTML compliance '''Done''' (PHP framework finished and "frozen") * Stage 4: 18.11.2007 Layout formation, CSS compliance and Content compilation '''In Progress'''(Content "frozen", Sitemap / Lexicon done) * Stage 5: 19.11.2007 Project done (hand-in and prepare presentation) * Stage 6: 21.11.2007 Project presentation. == Test/Demo Plan == * '''Stage 1 (done)''' * Pre project finished by the 14.10.2007 * '''Stage 2 (done)''' * Week 43 - Guidance meeting with Kåre - Meeting and redefinition of categories and site map/index of words/projects. Redefined website layout. * Week 44 - PHP changes implemented and new formatting rules. Redefined Index (lexicon) and site map setup started. * '''Stage 3 (Done)''' * Week 45 - PHP content included and validated. JUST 1 php template to rule them all! (FrontPage, MC, SC). Lots of content added and checked. CSS under HEAVY development. * '''Stage 4 (In progress)''' * Week 46 - PHP content included and XHTML validated 100%. Lots of content added. CSS is STILL under HEAVY development: Working on final layout and checking possible alternative, more understandable, layouts. * '''Stage 5 (Not started yet)''' * 15.11.2007 - 19.11.2007 Work on outstanding issues (Critical] - REMEMBER: [[http://folk.uio.no/kaarean/humit1731/admin/prosjektkrav.htm|NB! Prosjektinnlevering innen 19/11 kl 14:00 and we may have to take contact with Kåre]] * '''Stage 6 (Not started yet)''' * 20.11.2007 Work on the project presentation and defense [[http://folk.uio.no/kaarean/humit1731/admin/presentasjon.htm|Guidelines for the Presentation]] === Changes in general === We check changes into a central Subversion repository. This makes it easier to collaborate, it automatically creates a log of changes, and if we want to look at a previous state it is easily done. We chose Subversion because it is well-tested on non-Unix platforms. === UI Changes === * DESIGN: CSS based changes. Color and font design should just be on the CSS code. * STRUCTURE: PHP formatting page with "include" to add content to the XHTML templates. * CONTENT: XHTML based content.
(only local NOT global div definitions, check the PHP script BEFORE you eventually create some) * All STRICT XHTML Tags [[http://www.siteuri.ro/developer/xhtml-tags-alpha.php#'text'|alphabetically]] and [[http://www.siteuri.ro/developer/xhtml-tags-func.php#'text'|by function]] are allowed * Content page name must be formated like this: * For Tittle and text mcXX.php, mcXXscXX.php * For URLs and References mcXXurl.php, mcXXscXXurl.php * For SubCategory menus mcXXsc.php, mcXXscXXsc.php under the '/php/contents' folder (this is a "hack", somebody to fix this?) See following pages as example: * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/indexdemo.php?p=mc01|mc01]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/indexdemo.php?p=mc01sc01|mc01sc01]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/indexdemo.php?p=mc06|mc06]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/indexdemo.php?p=mc06sc03|mc01sc03]] '''In this way we achieve 100% Strict XHTML 1.0 compliance! Just check them :-)''' See the following links for examples on content formated pages: * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/contents/footer.php|Global footer text]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/contents/nav.php|Global Navigation menu text]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/contents/header.php|Global Header text]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/contents/mc06sc.php|mc06 SubMenu organization]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/contents/mc01sc.php|mc01 SubMenu organization]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/contents/mc01sc01sc.php|mc01sc01sc SubMenu organization]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/contents/mc06.php|mc06 text]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/contents/mc06sc03.php|mc06sc03 text]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/contents/mc06sc03url.php|mc06sc03 URLs and references]] '''These are NOT Strict XHTML 1.0 compliant, but they are just XHTML formated parts of the body''' The css is the key to organize the page: * [[http://folk.uio.no/rdgavila/php/php/indexdemo.php?p=mc06|test @ Rubén's]] * [[http://folk.uio.no/torenord/svn/php/indexdemo.php?p=mc06|layout]] '''Not exactly the same php script, but It shows clearly what we can do with right use of CSS and not using any design AT ALL in our pages. CSS compliance depends alone on the php script on its own (IT IS compliant as of now] and the css files themselves depends which we use, but seem mostly compliant''' Idea of the design {{http://folk.uio.no/rdgavila/images/sitelayout.png}} === Code Changes === SVN comment function to add info on changes. Eventually use the comment tags in the XHTML code if necessary. === Migration === Universal site. Just "./" linking (besides external http resources) FF (Gecko), Opera, Safari (KHTML/WebCore) & IE compatible (in that order). == Outstanding Issues == none == BoF agenda and discussion == === Past Meetings: === * 03.10.2007 10.15 Frederikke plassen. Tilstedet: Mikael, Tore & Magnus * 03.10.2007 21.00 irc.freenode.net on #humit1731. Tilstedet: Alle * 04.10.2007 10.00 Café Lille Latte, John Collets Plass. Tilstedet: Alle * 10.10.2007 13.00 Café Lille Latte, John Collets Plass. Tilstedet: Alle * 15.10.2007 15.00 Etter HUMIT1731 forelesning. SB Seminar rom 3. * 24.10.2007 09.00-09.20 Veiledning med Kåre på Blindernv 11 - S.R. 2 * 24.10.2007 09.20-10.00 Etter veiledningsmøte. * 08.11.2007 10.00 Café Lille Latte and 100m skogen - Sprint to write articles and coordinate php & content definition. Tilstedet: Magnus, Mikael, & Rubén === Next Meeting: === * '''08.11.2007 14.00 Café Lille Latte''' - Summary of content progress. Go through the PHP and CSS parts and eventually work together to find a way of finishing the content (eventually cut down some parts). * '''Agenda''' - Vi må gjennomgå følgende punkter: * '''Presentasjonen''' - Sjekke om vi har tilgang til Prosjektor, evt printe ut presentasjonen til de som er der * '''Om prosjektet - siden''' - Ukerapport/Log har jeg utarbeidet på wiki'en, Våre navn kan vi og en drøfting om teoretiske siden av prosjektet * '''Litteratur/kildehenvisninger - siden''' - MÅ HA MED DATO - DETTE KAN BLI KREVENDE - Her kommer mcXXurl, mcXXscXX og evt mcXXref inn i bildet. Her er det verdt å nevne at vi burde kanskje skille URL og referanse (mcXXurl.php og evt en mcXXref.php) slik at vi klarer å sette en dato på URL'ene uten at det går utover referansen som jo er av en annen type kontekst. * '''Referanse''' forstått som: '''

Tekst som beskriver noe relevant ved tilkoblingen mellom lenkene og vår mcXX eller mcXXscXX, men som ikke inneholder lenkene

''' i format mcXXref.php og mcXXscXXref.php * '''URL''' forstått som: '''

navn på artikkelen datoforlenkebesøkXX.XX.XXXX, Copyright Notice med >Utgiver og ÅR

''' i format mcXXurl.php og mcXXscXXurl.php * '''Leksikon/ordbok - siden''' - Dette er litt små problematisk, men jeg tenker meg at det blir lett å lage iom at vi har tatt hensyn til mcXXscXX strukturen i tillegg til URL og referansene separert. Så det burde være rimelig enkelt å implementere med PHP, men kan by på storre utfordringer. * '''XHTML & CSS validering''' - Dette ivaretas ved hjelp av PHP strukturen vi har valgt. Allerede implementert i sin helhet. == Main Categories ans subcategories == === Definitions === The project will focus on three aspects of the "Open Internet" issue: Historical, Technical & Social (abrevaited as H, T & S) '''In this Table:''' Top * C+W: Category/Subcategory index textname and Writer(s) * H: Historical * S: Social * T: Technical (when in Category Title) Subcategories * +MA: Magnus * +MI: Mikael * +R: Rubén * +T: Tore * ?: Has to be defined === Category Table <- SEE THIS ONE FOR AN OVERVIEW === ||||||||||||||||||||||||||'''Open Internet'''|| ||'''Rubén + Tore'''||C+W||'''Mikael + Tore'''||C+W||'''Magnus + Mikael'''||C+W||'''Rubén + Tore'''||C+W||'''Magnus + Rubén'''||C+W||'''Magnus + Mikael'''||C+W|| ||||'''FLOSS developement''' - H||||'''FLOSS projects''' - S/T||||'''Internet Infrastructure''' - T||||'''Desktop vs Web: Platforms''' - S/T||||'''Open Standards''' - H/S/T||||'''Open Hardware''' - T|| ||History||mc01sc01 +T||The power of collaboration||mc02sc01 +T||Root DNS servers (BIND & NSD)||mc03sc01 +MI||The desktop OS||mc04sc02 +R||Protocols|| ||Processors (Sun Sparc, IBM Power (Cell?)||mc06sc02 +MA|| ||Movements||mc01sc03 +T||The Cathedral & The Bazaar||mc02sc03 +T||Apache and the web||mc03sc03 +MI||Propietary OS||mc04sc01 +T||Protocols (IP, TCP, DNS)||mc05sc02 +MA||Red One: Digital Democracy through openness?||mc06sc01 +MI&MA|| ||Licenses||mc01sc02 +R||GNU/Linux: 16 years - (Server, Desktop & Mobile markets?)||mc02sc02 +MI||Searching the Web: The Open Source Way (Google, Yahoo!)||mc03sc05 +MI||Free Desktop (Open Components)||mc04sc04 +R||Protocols (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SMB, CIFS, AD)||mc05sc01 +R||One Laptop Per Child Project||mc06sc04 +MA|| ||Project Overview||mc01sc04 +R||Anarchism?||mc02sc05 +T||MS & the web||mc03sc02 +MA||Web Browsers||mc04sc03 +T||Standards (HTML, XHTML, XML - Historie, innblikk på trender)||mc05sc04 +MA||Open Phone Adapter (VoIP is not just Digium - Connect yourself to the future)||mc06sc03 +MI|| ||Openness tendency||mc01sc06 +R||Distros||mc02sc07 +T||Firefox||mc03sc02 +MA||Web 2.0||mc04sc05 +T||Documents (ISO cert, ODT vs OXML)||mc05sc03 +R||Open Phones (OpenMoko, Greeenphone)||mc06sc05 +MI|| ||TEMA|| ||Community Building (Fedora, OpenSuse, Ubuntu)||mc02sc04 +MI||Google vs. MS||mc03sc02 +MA||Offline Web Apps||mc04sc06 +R||Content Today (CreativeCommons, FreedomDefined)||sc05sc04 +MA&R||Open 3D Printer||mc06sc07 +MI|| ||TEMA|| ||GNU/Lnux to the masses: Ubuntu||mc02sc06 +MI||The Future||?||WebOS - Netcentric Desktop||mc04sc08 +R||TEMA||sc05sc05 +R&MA||Open Laptop||mc06sc06 +MA|| ||TEMA|| ||The Future||mc02sc08 +MI||ICANN||?||TEMA|| ||TEMA|| ||TEMA|| || ||TEMA|| ||OLPC and Free Software on education (SkoleLinux, DebianEdu, Edubuntu, LinEX)||mc02sc10 +MI||W3C||?||Web => Future (Social networking, Nett TV)||mc04sc07 +T||TEMA|| ||TEMA|| || ||TEMA|| ||TEMA|| ||TEMA|| ||TEMA|| ||TEMA|| ||TEMA|| || ==== FLOSS DEVELOPMENT: A historical review ==== ===== History ===== * Before FLOSS (Open Code, Propietary Code) * http://www.computerhope.com/history/unix.htm * http://www.dwheeler.com/secure-programs/Secure-Programs-HOWTO/index.html <- Chapter 2. Background * http://digital-domain.net/lug/unix-linux-history.html * http://liw.iki.fi/liw/texts/linux-the-big-picture.html * Richard M. Stallmann & GNU * http://groups.google.com/group/net.unix-wizards/msg/4dadd63a976019d7 * Eric S Raymond & "The Cathedral & The Bazaar" * http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar/ ===== Movements & Philosophy ===== * Free Software (RMS) * Open Source (ESR) * FLOSS * UN through ITU panel give FLOSS support: * [[http://www.itu.int/wsis/docs2/tunis/off/9rev1.pdf|- we reiterate the need to encourage and foster collaborative development, interoperative platforms and free and open-source software, in ways that reflect the possibilities of different software models, notably for education, science and digital inclusion programmes.]] <- Chapter 1 - Tunis Commitment - Point 29 ===== Licenses ===== * What is their purpose? * http://www.opensource.org/docs/osd <- derived from Debians DFSG -> http://www.debian.org/social_contract#guidelines * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * FLOSS Licenses in the real world * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/category * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html * Commecial Use * Apple & Darwin - http://developer.apple.com/opensource/index.html * IBM & Linux * Law enforcement * The court case: SCO vs. IBM, SCO vs Novell - http://www.groklaw.net/ * Content Licenses (Creative Commons) * http://creativecommons.org/about/license/ * Art in the FLOSS world and licenses (?) * http://freedomdefined.org/Definition ===== Projects Overview ===== * Projects * Infrastructural projects * Apache * Linux Kernel * Web projects & platforms * Mugshot * LAMP * Desktop projects & Platforms * (Apache, DNS, FreeBSD, Linux, GNU, Debian, Ubuntu) <- These should be somehow divided in "infrastructural software" & "web/desktop directed software" * http://www.linux.org/people/linus_post.html ===== Openness tendences ===== * Companies (IBM, Sun, RedHat, SuSe, , Corel, Microsoft?) * FLOSS in the enterprise (Google, Amazon) * FLOSS in the desktop * The FLOSS desktop: today & outsight for the future ==== FLOSS Projects: Made on the internet - A technosocial analysis ==== ===== The power of collaboration ===== * The Cathedral (GNU Emacs & GCC) * The Bazaar (Linux kernel) ===== "the Cathedral and the Bazaar" as in contrasting proprietary with open source ===== ===== GNU/Linux from its begginings until today - As good at the desktop as the server? ===== ===== Anarchism? (Debian) ===== ===== Distributions: (Slackware, Debian, Redhat, SuSe, Mandrake (Mandriva), Corel Linux, Ubuntu) ===== ===== Community building: (Fedora, OpenSuSe, Ubuntu) ===== ===== GNU/Linux to the masses (Ubuntu) ===== * http://www.flickr.com/photos/alga/791187049/ * https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2004-September/000000.html ===== The future ===== ===== OLPC and Free software on education (SKoleLinux, DebianEdu, Edubuntu, LinEX) ===== ==== Internet Infrastructure: Is the Internet possible without FLOSS? - A Technical Approach ==== ===== Root DNS servers (BIND & NSD) ===== ===== Apache and the web ===== ===== Searching the web... The open source way (Google, Yahoo!, Live Search??!!) ===== ===== Microsoft on the Web ===== ===== Firefox ===== ===== Google vs Microsoft? ===== ==== Desktop vs Web: The platform og the future - A technical and Social overview ==== ===== The desktop (Open & propietary) ===== ===== Propietary desktop: MS & Apple ===== ===== Free Desktop Components: ===== * Kernel (Linux, OpenSolaris, BSD, Hurd) * GUI (Gnome, KDE, Sugar, Xfce, Fluxbox, Enlightenment, Others) * Applications (Hardware related, Developement apps, Internet apps, Multimedia apps, * Accesibility (Gnome, KDE, Freedesktop.org) * Productivity (OpenOffice, KOffice, Abiword, Others) See also ReorganizeUbuntuFlavoursAndForks. ===== The Web Browser is the platform: Netscape - too much, too early? ===== * http://www.oreilly.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html ===== Web 2.0 ===== * http://www.oreilly.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html?page=5 <- Se kommentarer også ===== Gran paradiso and Internet apps online & offline ===== ===== The web as a netcentric desktop? ===== * http://www.dekoh.com/whydekoh.jsp * http://www.oreilly.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html?page=4 ===== The web as the platform of the future ===== * http://blogs.zdnet.com/Stewart/?p=85 ==== Open Standards: Why are they important? ==== ===== Protocols (TCP, IP, DNS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP) ===== ===== Standards (HTML, XHTML, XML) ===== ===== * Documents (ISO certification : ODT vs OXML) ===== ===== Content today ===== ===== Content for the future ===== ==== Open Hardware: Transparency as the guiding force - Technical Insight ==== ===== Processors (Sun SParc) ===== ===== Red One: Film democracy through openness? ===== ===== Open Phone Adapter: Not just Digium - Connect yourself to the future: VoIP. ===== * [[http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8592|SkypeServer]] ===== Open Phones (OpenMoko & Greenphone) ===== ===== 3D printers ===== ===== Open Laptop (System76, Dell, Ubuntu, FreeSoftwareLaptop) ===== ===== One Laptop Per Child ===== ---- CategorySpec