Opportunistic Developer Workflow


This document is a work in progress for how we can integrate opportunistic development workflow into Ubuntu. Please leave comments in the Comments section below.


In recent months we have seen the development of multiple components that make opportunistic development easier for our community to get involved in. This includes:

This document outlines some integration opportunities for Lucid in building this functionality into the desktop. This will not be shipped with Lucid by default, but we expect to have a single package that enables this functionality in universe.

The goal is to support three primary operations for opportunistic developers

Create a Project


Download a Project


Editing Code

User clicks on project directory to see source.

Committing Code

Code has been edited. Now potential for a commit.

If a Quickly app, buttons already mapped to quickly actions.

If not a quickly app:

Submitting a Merge Proposal

Code is now committed and pushed.

Fix a Bug

Visual UI outline of the fixing a bug process

This is how the bug fixing workflow will work. We start with the normal Ground Control view with the three options:

Main Image

When the user clicks the Fix Bug button the following dialog box appears

Enter a bug number

For the first cut of the feature a bug number is required, but the feature could also be triggered in the following ways:

When a bug number is submitted, Ground Control will check the branch that the bug affects (typically trunk) into your Projects/ directory. You can then go and hack the code:

Hacking on a fix

When a source file in the branch is changed (and ultimately the coder fixes the bug), we now see an Upload Fix button:

Upload Fix

At this point the branch has the fix committed, so the coder clicks the button and then sees this dialog box:

Upload Fix Dialog

This dialog box asks for the following:

When the user clicks the OK button, the following process occurs:

Workflows as Flowchart

Ground Control Workflows


Comments can go here.

OpportunisticDeveloperWorkflow (last edited 2010-10-23 15:32:39 by mail)