#title #ubuntu-us-or: Ubuntu Oregon February Meeting (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OregonTeam/Meetings/CurrentAgenda) Meeting started by bkerensa at 03:03:05 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-us-or/2012/ubuntu-us-or.2012-02-13-03.03.log.html . == Meeting summary == * Open Discussion Global Jam and 12.04 Release Party (bkerensa, 03:04:44) Meeting ended at 03:42:29 UTC. == Votes == == Action items == * (none) == People present (lines said) == * bkerensa (109) * c_smith (57) * tgm4883 (31) * albrigha-droid (8) * blkperl (7) * albrigha (6) * MarkDude (5) * izdubar (4) * meetingology (3) * slangasek (1) == Full Log == 03:03:05 #startmeeting Ubuntu Oregon February Meeting (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OregonTeam/Meetings/CurrentAgenda) 03:03:05 Meeting started Mon Feb 13 03:03:05 2012 UTC. The chair is bkerensa. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 03:03:05 03:03:05 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 03:03:15 Hello Everyone 03:03:22 Who is present for tonight's meeting? 03:03:22 Hello 03:03:34 * c_smith raises hand while being silent 03:03:58 Anyone else present? albrigha? 03:04:03 \o 03:04:08 Present 03:04:27 Ok then... Tonight's meeting should be pretty brief we have to items on the agenda 03:04:32 First is... 03:04:44 #subtopic Open Discussion Global Jam and 12.04 Release Party 03:05:07 So 03:05:20 would those be close enough together to merge them? 03:05:30 No they are seperate events 03:05:32 I'm here! 03:05:35 ah, ok 03:05:42 they both serve different purposes 03:05:43 :) 03:05:47 cool 03:06:00 So I have had initial talks with FreeGeek and Backspace to host our Global Jam 03:06:05 Best to have separate 03:06:37 hmmmm, I'd have to use Google for FreeGeek if I were to plan to come. 03:06:39 per discussion with Steve Langasek we had intended to do bug work in March so with the Global Jam being in the same month I figured our focus for 12.04 Global Jam could be bugfixes and triaging 03:07:03 that would be something I'd definitely push to attend. 03:07:13 It is important to get as many bugs as possible fixed in Ubuntu before release in April 03:07:42 * blkperl is now present 03:08:05 As for the 12.04 Release Party there seems to be a strong consensus for availability being the Saturday following the 12.04 release 03:08:14 that is true. I'd help with reporting bugs if I didn't get a Kernel Panic upon startup after upgrading AND upon booting into the LiveCD of 12.04 03:08:34 based on that I think accepting PuppetLabs offer to host us and provide beverage (including beer) is a good option 03:09:13 bkerensa, I'd definitely know where to go, plus PuppetLabs is an awesome place to have events like this. 03:09:44 I have been trying to expand venue options here in Portland and I may even try to go through the hoops of getting us as an approved workgroup with Collective Agency which is sort of like a co-working space here in Portland but that requires for me to go to monthly meetings and some sort of training and such (which I have not yet decided if it is worth the time) 03:10:03 c_smith: Excellent 03:10:35 I'm really hoping that our global jam and release party have good turn out in comparison to the last global jam and release party we had 03:10:58 bkerensa: PSU can be a venue option 03:11:25 blkperl: Excellent! I love options you will have to put me in touch with someone who can make that a reality :) 03:11:29 we love PSU :) 03:11:37 I'm hoping to make it to more once I don't have to drive an hour to work each day 03:11:43 bkerensa, I thought the last Global Jam (back in August, wasn't it?) had a decent turnout. 03:11:44 I can make it a reality or the PSU-ACM president 03:12:19 tgm4883, albrigha, blkperl, c_smith any thoughts on either the release party or global jam? Anything you would like to see or any questions? 03:12:53 bkerensa, I'd like to see a longer event 03:13:00 how long did the last release party go on? 03:13:04 did it not? 03:13:05 c_smith: It had a very good turnout but I'm always looking to increase turnouts and the Ubuntu Community Team is also pushing for good turnouts for this release cycle 03:13:09 since LTS is coming up 03:13:19 ah, makes sense. 03:13:34 The last event I went to was fairly short IMO 03:13:43 I'll definitely bring some people if I could get someone to help me introduce them to Ubuntu. 03:13:53 tgm4883: I totally agree... I failed on the requested time for our Global Jam last year have already told FreeGeek I want ever minute they are willing to let us use their space 03:14:00 I'm hoping for an all day event 03:14:00 :) 03:14:06 I should have some beer brewing that will be ready for the release party i could bring. 03:14:18 bkerensa, the 7.10 release party was like 6 hours 03:14:19 albrigha: Excellent 03:14:24 kinda hate having to help them with Windows problems that I end up skirting on not knowing what I'm doing. 03:14:35 with people showing up and leaving whenever they wanted 03:14:43 tgm4883: Cool... Yeah we did a Debian/Ubuntu jam event that was pretty much all day till late evening 03:15:01 I would love to start around 10am and go till 7pm/8pm 03:15:02 :) 03:15:02 bkerensa, I'd also like to see some demo stuff if we can 03:15:11 tgm4883: Demo of? 03:15:11 +1 for demo stuff 03:15:18 new LTS features 03:15:20 bkerensa, is it possible to get someone at the Release Party to help me show a few people Ubuntu? 03:15:21 Ahh 03:15:23 Ubuntu TV if it's far enough along 03:15:27 new stuff in 12.04 03:15:34 Ubuntu derivatives 03:15:35 tgm4883: Good idea 03:15:37 perhaps a talk 03:15:58 need a longer event for this sort of thing though as it would all need to be scheduled in advance 03:16:02 I might bring my laptop and a 12.04 CD to have people try it. 03:16:02 tgm4883: Well we do have a LoCo Laptop for booth and I can see what I can come up with 03:16:19 and I would love to have slangasek do a talk 03:16:19 :) 03:16:29 or bdmurray 03:16:36 might bring KDE and XFCE, too. Ubuntu will be on a flash drive, though. 03:16:39 what does slangasek talk about? 03:16:50 tgm4883: Umm Development 03:16:50 :) 03:16:54 heh 03:17:01 ok, so dev in general 03:17:02 He is on the Ubuntu Foundations team at Canonical 03:17:12 he is also on one of the Debian Teams and DD 03:17:14 not sure 03:17:15 bkerensa, is having my laptop booted into a LiveCD for demonstration a good idea? 03:17:19 he could explain that better :P 03:17:20 bd murray is on the bug team last I checked 03:17:21 * slangasek waves 03:17:32 tgm4883: Yes he is the manager for that team 03:17:34 c_smith, booted to a HD is better 03:17:43 but live disk would also be nice 03:18:00 would love to have slangasek and bdmurray come and talk and maybe even adam_g can talk some 03:18:04 perhaps we could have a larger main setup to show off the new 12.04 unity features 03:18:20 I'll have the LiveCD so people don't expect the many apps I install to be default. 03:18:36 Live usb is better 03:18:40 seriously, I have a good deal of paid software I install. 03:18:48 Noises from machine can be distracting 03:18:56 Well I can bring the LoCo laptop and have all variants with 12.04 running 03:18:56 I'd could bring either my desktop or possibly a mythbuntu system 03:18:57 brb 03:18:58 Quicker also 03:19:11 additionally I might consider bringing my flat screen if a Ubuntu TV demo were fruitful 03:19:26 I think PuppetLabs likely has a flat screen or two onsite too 03:19:54 maybe we could even talk shirgall into coming :) 03:19:58 Ill have my laptop 03:20:18 bkerensa, we should probably poke popey or willcooke on that front, perhaps he has something newer that we can demo 03:20:21 Notably the global jam is on March 4th 03:20:22 :) 03:20:33 I can bug popey a bit 03:20:50 Ubuntu TV is doing a big merge right now with the shell and unity 2d 03:20:52 Oh shoot. I wont be in town then. :( 03:20:56 I hope to have a final response from FG this week as to using their space. 03:21:07 albrigha: Blame Jono :P 03:21:13 Lol 03:21:30 back 03:22:16 Another thing we could do is a push for a particular Ubuntu project (eg. Ubuntu Friendly) 03:22:56 I would also like to discuss there ways to get people to warm up to Ubuntu. 03:23:10 and Free Software in general. 03:23:47 that's one topic I'm lacking on. 03:24:35 so the saturday after 12.04 comes out? 03:25:22 hello? 03:27:37 Am i still here? 03:27:37 has the meeting ended already? 03:28:17 is this all my connection, or elsewhere? 03:28:22 hmm 03:28:23 Not sure 03:28:26 ok 03:28:31 I got disconnected it appears 03:28:37 my connection to freenode got disconnected 03:28:38 Me too 03:28:42 anyways 03:28:45 lol 03:28:54 hmmmmm, strange 03:28:56 Ok so Freenode apparently has been under major DDoS for a week now 03:28:58 :) 03:29:02 no idea where we left off 03:29:08 Eww 03:29:09 0_0 that's bad 03:29:14 so any other questions, comments or concerns? 03:29:40 odd 03:29:46 only that I'd like to have a session talking about how to introduce people to Ubuntu and Free Software. 03:29:46 tgm4883: DDoS 03:30:15 c_smith: I could talk on that briefly at the release party perhaps 03:30:20 that's a subject I could use some pointers in, 03:30:35 c_smith: Having CD's is good 03:30:45 I have three spindels of blanks and could burn some 03:30:47 bkerensa, that would be helpful, but to not just me I'm hoping/ 03:31:04 indeed 03:31:08 I'd like a longer event, where we demo and give a talk (or two). Doing installs is also great 03:31:15 but I'm torn between the issue of handwriting the CDs and using Lightscribe. 03:31:26 Having CD's or live USB's we can handout would be great, but we'd need a partner for that 03:31:34 Lightscribe is great 03:31:51 I've been told Lightscribe looks too unprofessional. 03:31:52 c_smith: Yes... I think thats one of the biggest disappointments for me in us not being approved by LoCo Council is that they made it a bit harder for us to advocate for Ubuntu 03:32:02 I have a lightscribe sata drive i don't need 03:32:05 since we dont get a big box every release cycle unless were approved 03:32:09 the issue with CD's is that the ISO is 750 MB now 03:32:14 so larger than a CD 03:32:23 tgm4883: Indeed... I have DVD's 03:32:24 Good point 03:32:25 :) 03:32:37 I have a Lightscribe DVD drive in my laptop, but as bkerensa has told me, it looks too homemade. 03:33:11 Well we could print labels 03:33:12 Also on another note someone on Community Council informed me that one good result of our not being approved by LoCo Council is that 03:33:25 essentially they have decided to make their expectations a bit more transparent 03:33:33 otherwise, I'd bring a bunch of DVDs made with the drive, with paper sleeves or jewel cases. 03:33:34 Cool! 03:33:37 and perhaps more fair and equal across the board? 03:33:38 idk 03:33:55 penguins 03:34:16 c_smith: In California they have a foldable origami CD/DVD sleeve for their loco 03:34:21 izdubar, not sure what you are getting at. 03:34:34 I have replicated it but I think I nuked the pdf for it so Ill have to check my backups 03:34:34 :) 03:34:52 Nobody understands izdubar :) 03:34:52 bkerensa, ah, and what about the Lightscribe, still a bad idea? 03:34:57 lol 03:35:07 c_smith: Lightscribe looks better then hand written CD/DVD's 03:35:15 especially if we made a custom design 03:35:19 now what izdubar has something I can label with. 03:35:40 bkerensa, I'll definitely have to get in a hangout with you to brainstorm that. 03:35:57 On another note.... Who is going to UDS or who has applied for sponsorship? 03:36:00 tgm4883: ? 03:36:13 bkerensa, the UDS is in California, correct? 03:36:18 This year yes 03:36:31 dang. 03:36:40 bkerensa, I will have just switched jobs, so will be unable to go 03:36:45 oh 03:36:47 the only way I could attend is if it were to happen in Oregon..... 03:36:58 bkerensa: whats the plan for osbridge? 03:37:02 Well I hope to be at UDS either sponsored or out of pocket this year 03:37:08 trying to get to OSCON myself is a bit of a stretch. 03:37:41 blkperl: Well I talked with Christie and they dont do booths at OSBRIDGE but she did invite me to some sort of FOSS party during the conference 03:37:46 Um, I had friends type while I was out smoking. Its Chris - you know him bkerensa 03:37:49 I have volunteered to help at the event 03:38:05 izdubar: Ahh I know Chris! Smoking is bad for penguins health 03:38:06 :D 03:38:11 Salem is conveniently placed far from most Oregon Ubuntu and Linux events. 03:38:17 xD 03:38:27 :D 03:38:45 izdubar: Any chance to poke O'Reilly about OSCON? During our Ubuntu Hour one of the PLUG people also said that O'Reilly makes it hard on dot org folks because they do approval very last minute. 03:38:56 c_smith: Time to move 03:38:57 :D 03:39:03 or start travelling 03:39:04 :) 03:39:16 bkerensa, do you have Skype? 03:39:21 I will be in Seattle, Oakland, San Diego and Louisville this year alone 03:39:22 :( 03:39:33 and possibly more as I see how the months go 03:39:40 bkerensa, wish I could...... but being in a proctor home makes it kinda hard to. 03:39:45 c_smith: Nope I dont use Skype... Its owned by Microsoft 03:40:06 bkerensa, then do you know if G+ has a share desktop feature? 03:40:13 c_smith: It does 03:40:20 * izdubar can ask some - remind me this week - I will 03:40:55 bkerensa, then I'll have to get in a hangout with you and whomever is interested to try and get some CD/DVD templates for distrobution. 03:41:03 *distribution 03:41:05 Ok well unless people have more suggestions... I will wrap this meeting up and we can finalize the details for global jam via Mailing list and and deal with precise release party details during the next meeting 03:41:21 c_smith: The Ubuntu Community has some already :) 03:41:30 bkerensa, ah, cool. 03:41:37 Final questions, concerns? 03:41:57 1... 03:41:58 other than that, I have nothing else, save for the question of if a time was settled on for the GLobal Jam. 03:42:14 c_smith: Mailing List will have more info 03:42:19 2... 03:42:21 3... 03:42:28 bkerensa, ok, nothing else from me. 03:42:29 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)