## page was renamed from OregonTeam/VerificationApplications/2014 ## page was copied from OhioTeam/VerificationApplications/2013 ## page was renamed from OhioTeam/VerificationApplication2013 {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/189586435/ubuntu-us-or_logo.png | logo | align=left}} Ubuntu Oregon is a !LoCo community which is focused on growing the use of and contribution to the Ubuntu family in the rainy state of Oregon. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Ubuntu who commits to abide by the [[http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/conduct|Ubuntu Code of Conduct]]. Ubuntu Oregon is delighted to present its application for verification at this time. == Key Details == {*} '''Date''': created 30 May 2007 {*} '''Team Contact''': [[wxl|Walter Lapchynski]] <<>> {*} '''Membership''': 27 [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-or/+members#active|active members]], 11 of which are Ubuntu members, as of 14 November 2014 {*} '''Mailing List''': [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-or|ubuntu-us-or on lists.ubuntu.com]] {*} '''IRC''': #ubuntu-us-or on Freenode {*} '''Social Media''': [[https://plus.google.com/103209052804909343382/posts|G+]], [[https://twitter.com/UbuntuOregon|Twitter]], [[http://www.facebook.com/ubuntuoregon|Facebook]], [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=345|Ubuntu forums]] {*} '''Known Active Ubuntu Members''': 7 as of 14 November 2014: [[LaunchpadHome:wxl]], [[LaunchpadHome:sgclark]], [[LaunchpadHome:cody.smith]], [[LaunchpadHome:bkerensa]], [[LaunchpadHome:brian-murray]], [[LaunchpadHome:paddyhayes]], [[LaunchpadHome:tgm4883]] {*} '''Unknown Status Ubuntu Members''': 4 as of 14 November 2014: [[LaunchpadHome:kees]], [[LaunchpadHome:gandelman-a]], [[LaunchpadHome:allison]], [[LaunchpadHome:vorlon]] ## {*} '''Currently Unreached Ubuntu Members''': == Roadmap == {*} '''Reach out to Ubuntu Members''': Just learned there's a [[https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-lococouncil/+junk/ubuntu-membership-checking|script]] to help with this. {*} '''Reach out to all members''': Check on status. {*} '''Get admin access on mailing list''': This is being escalated at time of writing. We need to check and see what the membership is like. Is everyone on the list? If not, why not? {*} '''Re-establish website''': This time with Canonical hosting (of course, verification will be necessary) and syntax (ubuntu-us-or not ubuntu-oregon). {*} '''Blog''': Not sure if it's going to be a single blog that we all contribute to or just use a tag with some sort of aggregation, but we will have a blog. We'll make sure to include Planet Ubuntu aggregation. Work on getting this to the [[https://launchpad.net/loco-team-portal|LoCo portal]], too. {*} '''Clean up wiki page''': Lots of old, outdated information, and not really a good landing page for new people. The [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam|Ohio Team]] has it right. Include a FAQ. {*} '''Updating and expanding marketing materials''': We have a great flyer for the Ubuntu Hours in Salem (our one consistent effort), but our brochure needs to be updated. We have this in our [[https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-or/+junk/promotional-materials/files/head:/Brochures/|Launchpad repo]]. {*} '''Evangelisation effort''': We will disseminate our brochures far and wide! We will work hard to not only encourage Linux users to join, but also reach out the wider community, including schools and businesses that may need what Ubuntu has to offer and/or support with the current system. Document this for future use. {*} '''Ubuntu Hours''': We will work on creating more of these throughout the state, especially in the major cities of Eugene and Portland. In Eugene, someone has offered their office for this purpose. {*} '''LUG infiltration''': We will seek our new members through local LUGs. Already ongoing in Eugene. {*} '''Release party''': We will have a release party this year. Location to be determined. {*} '''Ubuntu Global Jam''': We will host an Ubuntu Global Jam in Eugene this year. We have Lane Community College offering space for this. {*} '''Linux Fest Northwest''': We are registered for a table at the Bellingham, Washington, open source expo. We will likely share this with some other !LoCo. I think this will provide us an interesting opportunity to find out about their experiences and see what we can learn. {*} '''OSCON''': We hope to have a table at the community section of O'Reilly's annual [[htto://oscon.com|Open Source Convention]]. == Experience: 2014 So Far == {*} '''New Team Leader''' - As of July 2014, a transfer of leadership from [[bkerensa|Benjamin Kerensa]] occured. Walter Lapchynski, a long-time resident of Oregon and contributor to the [[Lubuntu|Lubuntu]] community, discovered there was a need and volunteered. This has been a rough transition as the verified status had lapsed, the activities had diminished, the membership had waned, the website registration had expired, and the mailing list and IRC were very quiet. To make matters worse, this was Walter's first experience with !LoCos, so there was a lot of learning. At the time of writing, the following has been accomplished: * access to all the various communication channels * revitalization of the IRC channel and mailing list * regular IRC meetings have been established * a refined logo was created and used to brand Launchpad * plans made for events * deputies have been appointed * the [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-or/ | LoCo portal]] has been cleaned up * the !LoCo portal [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-or/events/|event calendar]] has !LoCo and Linux related events posted to it * locations in Eugene have been established for future events {*} '''23 October Meeting''': After some effort deciding on a date and time to do our meetings, we finally decided on something, making Thursday at 1830 the standard. In [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-us-or/890/detail/|our first meeting]], introductions were made, and the meeting time confirmed. We talked about what we need to do to get reverified and started discussing the notion of doing a release party. {*} '''6 November Meeting''': [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-us-or/900/detail/|Our second meeting]] under the new leadership discussed release parties more and how we could get funding for them. Doing a UOS session was discussed. Some of the ground work for the session was discussed to, like the notion of posting events to the !LoCo portal and revising the marketing material. We also announced that we will have a booth at [[http://linuxfestnorthwest.org|Linux Fest Northwest]]. {*} '''UOS 1411 meet & greet and planning session''': Walter Lapchynski gave a [[http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22372/community-1411-ubuntu-us-oregon/|presentation]] with help from [[LaunchpadHome:sgclark|Scarlett Clark]] and [[belkinsa|Svetlana Belkin]] (who first alerted Walter to the need for leadership) as part of the Community Track. They were, in fact, the only !LoCo worldwide that did so. Walter discussed the history of the team, what its challenges were, how we could address these challenges, and what the future held. {*} '''20 November Meeting''': [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-us-or/903/detail/|Our third meeting]] was basically a recap and a continuation of the UOS session. We discussed further our plans and backup plans for a website and a blog to go with it. ##== Photos == ---- CategoryLoCoTeams