These notes were taken in the process of learning about track lead planning for both the Ubuntu on ARM and Foundations tracks, for UDS-M in Brussels. Special thanks to Jono Bacon, Pete Graner, and Rick Spencer. == Timeline == * T-70 days: community sponsorship submissions opens * T-45 days: community sponsorship deadline * T-40 days: UDS T-shirt design deadline * T-28 days: manager scheduling kick-off * T-26 days: developers/engineers/session leads brainstorm and generate a list of sessions they would like to see at UDS * T-20 days: for each idea, register a blueprint in Launchpad * T-17 days: review blueprints * T-10 days: Each technical lead/session lead should have a set of blueprints assigned to themselves for the sessions they will be leading * T-3 days: Schedule complete - note that often the schedule requires updates and changes, sometimes even during UDS itself * T-0 days: UDS Starts == Details == ==== T-20 Days ==== * Register blueprints: * * use the agreed naming convention (e.g., foundations- or foundations-) * write a title, summary optional * set yourself as the developer and the track lead as the approver * choose "Propose for Sprint" and select the appropriate sprint ==== T-17 Days ==== * Review the blueprints * go to * track lead and tech lead set priority ==== T-10 Days ==== * Blueprint summaries need to be completed * Stub-out and link full specs ( * Make sure the people you want/need in your sessions are subscribed in the sessions blueprints ==== T-3 Days ==== * Approve blueprints that need to be approved * * Schedule approved blueprints * * click the session name * select the track and associate * go to and click the day you want to schedule a session * drag the session from the right to a free slot in the grid of the main view