= OwenMarshall = ##language:en == Owen Marshall == Email: irixman AT gmail DOT com Hi there! I am a 17 year old high school student in America. I have only used Ubuntu for a little while, but I have found that I really suits me well. I hope to be a frequent contributer to this Wiki. I am new at the Wiki game, so don't yell too much if I mess up ;-) I work as a technical support agent at the [[http://www.bardstown.com/|local ISP]] as well as dabble in programming and administration. I also do some technical writing for mozilla.org, and some [[http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/|bugzilla]] grunt work. === Distro Thoughts (as if anyone cares!) === * Redhat: This is the distro we use at work. 9.0 has no package manager, so I have frequently encountered dependency hell. * Debian: Just too old. I struggled to get all my devices to work, and even simple tasks frustrated me. * Gentoo: Lots of work that paid off in the end, but the Portage tree is horribly bloated and takes up too much hard disk space. Plus the compile time was horrible. * Ubuntu: Debian, but fresher. Just Plain Awesome. === Random Ubuntu Thoughts === What is with the new Gnome splash screen? Are the people naked, or does my mind decieve me? Not to say that I am a total prude or anything, but this may get some strange looks from my family ;-) ---- CategoryHomepage CategoryHomepage