><>|| = Linuxfest Northwest 2007 = {{attachment:LFNW2007-336x260.gif}} = Project Overview = '''Status:''' Work in progress '''Type:''' Event '''Date:''' April 28th - 29th '''Location:''' Bellingham Technical College, 3028 Lindbergh Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98225 [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=3028+Lindbergh+Avenue,+Bellingham,+WA+98225&ie=UTF8&z=15&om=1&iwloc=addr|Map]] or [[http://www.btc.ctc.edu/Welcome/CampusDirectory.html|Driving Directions]] '''Links:''' [[http://pnw.ubuntu-us.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6|Project discussion and feedback]] [[http://www.btc.ctc.edu|BTC Homepage]] [[http://www.linuxfestnorthwest.org/|Linuxfest Northwest Homepage]] == Purpose/Problem Statement == This is a great opportunity to advocate Ubuntu and have some fun with other linux users. == Mission == Advocate Ubuntu and distribute CD's and literature. == Objectives == * Answer questions * Distribute CD's * Provide demo machines for people to try * Provide literature == Communication Plan == Team will utilize our mailing list ''(ubuntu-us-pnw@lists.ubuntu.com)'' and associated [[http://pnw.ubuntu-us.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6|forum site]] for communication. Team will also meet in Bellingham before the Fest begins. '''Project Lead:''' DanShufelt '''Project Team:''' ''DanShufelt, Paul Bartell, Ahmed Osman, and Will Simpson (feel free to join in)'' '''Meeting Details:''' 11 April 2007, 18:00 PST at #ubuntu-pnw, irc.freenode.net. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PNWTeam/Meetings/CurrentAgenda|Agenda]] '''Event Contacts:''' Linuxfest mailing list- fest-list@peakserv.com == Quality Management Plan == Demo Machines will be tested by team members before day viewed by public to ensure applications and information that users will have access to comply with the Ubuntu Code of Conduct as well as any legal restrictions. = Project Outline and Scope = * Planning * Reserve Booth * Obtain media ''(CD's and flyer's)'' * Confirm equipment * Confirm team member participation * Verify team members have made transportation and lodging accommodation's * Setup * Setup booth signage * Plug in and test equipment * Display CD's and flyer's * Project closing * Setup picture archive * Postmortem documentation * Send closing email = Tasks = ||||||||||Status||Description||Owner||Delivery Date||Notes|| ||||||||||Complete||Secure booth||DanShufelt||January 11th, 2007||Filled out online application and received Email verification from Mark Ashworth. We will be provided with a 2x6 foot table, 15 amps of power, and a single DHCP network connection to the Internet.|| ||||||||||Complete||Get Ubuntu media pack||DanShufelt||February 12th, 2007||Received media pack shipment.|| ||||||||||Complete||Get CD's to distribute||DanShufelt||February 5th, 2007||Ordered through [[https://shipit.ubuntu.com/]]|| ||||||||||Complete||Print team business cards||DanShufelt||Estimated to have complete by February 28th, 2007||500 Color business cards printed by [[http://www.VistaPrint.com/]]|| ||||||||||Complete||Print team booth singage||DanShufelt||Estimated to have complete by April 20th, 2007||Ordered 1 [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PNWTeam/projects/lfnw2007/banner|2'x4' color banner]] || ||||||||||Complete||Generate equipment list and verify||Paul Bartell||Need to have done by March 30th, 2007|| equipment list is at [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PNWTeam/projects/lfnw2007/equipment|/equipment]], Confirmed || ||||||||||Complete||Buy blank CD's||DanShufelt||Need to have done by March 30th, 2007||The amount of CD's ordered from ShipIt was small. Bringing blanks and burning CD's will ensure that we will not run out of Dapper CD's and can handout Edgy/xUbuntu CD's as well|| ||||||||||Complete||Verify team members have transpartation and lodging taken care of||DanShufelt||April Team Meeting||Lodging recommendations [[http://www.linuxfestnorthwest.org/lodging.html]]|| ||||||||||Complete||Setup team booth||WillSimpson, Paul Bartell, Walter Neary, Ahmed Osman, and DanShufelt||April 28th, 2007||..|| ||||||||||Complete||Take pictures||Paul Bartell and WillSimpson||April 28th and 29th, 2007||..|| ||||||||||Complete||Record how many CD's are distributed||DanShufelt||April 28th and 29th, 2007||We distributed an estimated 450 CD's|| ||||||||||Deferred||Document user success stories||DanShufelt||April 28th and 29th, 2007||Booth was too busy to accomplish this task.|| ||||||||||Complete||Tear down booth||WillSimpson, Paul Bartell, Walter Neary, Ahmed Osman, and DanShufelt||April 29th, 2007||..|| ||||||||||Complete||Post pictures online||Paul Bartell and WillSimpson||Estimated delivery date of May 5th, 2007||Event Pictures - [[http://willsimpson.org/LinuxFest-NW|Will's Pictures]] [[http://paulbartell.com/pictures/lfnw/|Paul's Pictures]]|| ||||||||||Complete||Summarize lessons learned and produce postmortem documentation||DanShufelt||May 2nd, 2007||''See below''|| ||||||||||Complete||Team/Loco news list email regarding the event||DanShufelt||May 2nd, 2007||Let everyone know how things went.|| = Notes = May 1st, 2007- Linuxfest was awesome! I'll send the email out to the loco team list as soon as we have our pictures online. Scratch that, I just put them up [[http://paulbartell.com/pictures/lfnw/|here]] April 29th, 2007- Event Pictures - [[http://willsimpson.org/LinuxFest-NW|Will's Pictures]] Event Feedback - [[http://pnw.ubuntu-us.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6|Project discussion and feedback]] March 5th, 2007- "I found a deal online that seemed too good to pass up. I ordered colored business cards instead of the black and white ones. They should be delivered in the next couple weeks. -DanShufelt" Please document any expenses that you incur [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PNWTeam/projects/lfnw2007/expenses|here]]. January 11th, 2007 - Table: 2x6 foot table Power: 15 amps Enough room for 2 (maybe 3) demo systems, and distributable media. = Issues = * We didn't bring enough pre-burnt CD's or pre-printed labels. * A file server with all of the ISO's on it would have been a big help. * More table space would have allowed for more people to demo Ubuntu. = Lessons Learned = The largest problem our team faced at this event was caused by under estimating the demand for CD's! By using all of our computers (demo systems and laptops) to burn CD's we were able to satisfy most of the demand. Going forward we should try to plan for increased demand. Next year we should try to order a large amount of pre-made CD's and be prepared to burn plenty more. Perhaps we should consider building a freedom toaster type burn station for the team. This would help ensure that users get to use the demo stations. Another challenge that arose during the fest was the inability to locate ISO images when a a specific type of CD was requested. Next year we should consider configuring a file server so everyone can easily find the image. Lastly going forward I think we should attempt to procure more table space so we can provide an even more diverse set of demo systems and still have space to interact with visitors. Virtualization may be an option for smaller venues. Over all Linuxfest was a HUGE success! I personally think that our team had a strong presence that was amplified by everyone having a great time. Not to mention... This was only our first event! ---- CategoryLoCoTeams