><>|| = Western Washington University 2007 = = Project Overview = '''Status:''' Complete '''Type:''' Event '''Date:''' June 8th '''Location:''' Western Washington University, Bellingham Washington '''Links:''' [[http://pnw.ubuntu-us.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=23|Project discussion and feedback]] [[http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2567670855417533885|Presentation Video]] == Purpose/Problem Statement == Introduce people to Ubuntu == Mission == Advocate Ubuntu and distribute CD's and literature. == Objectives == * Setup demo table * Give Speech * Advocate Ubuntu == Communication Plan == Team will utilize our mailing list ''(ubuntu-us-pnw@lists.ubuntu.com)'' and associated [[http://pnw.ubuntu-us.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6|forum site]] for communication. Team will also meet in Bellingham before the Fest begins. '''Project Lead:''' DanShufelt '''Project Team:''' ''DanShufelt and Paul Bartell'' '''Meeting Details:''' 17 May 2007, 18:00 PST at #ubuntu-pnw, irc.freenode.net. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PNWTeam/Meetings/CurrentAgenda|Agenda]] '''Event Details:''' http://www.wwu.edu/techcenter/tech_expo/2007/ == Quality Management Plan == Test demo machines and practice review speech = Project Outline and Scope = * Planning * Obtain media ''(CD's and flyer's)'' * Confirm equipment * Verify team members have made transportation * Create Slides * Setup * Setup tables * Plug in and test equipment * Ensure media is accessible * Project closing * See about obtaining a copy of the recorded session * Postmortem documentation * Send closing email = Tasks = ||||||||||Status||Description||Owner||Delivery Date||Notes|| ||||||||||Closed||Create presentation||DanShufelt||June 1st 2007||[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PNWTeam/projects/wwu2007?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=wwu_present.odp|wwu_present.odp]]|| ||||||||||Closed||Setup tables||Paul Bartell and DanShufelt||June 8th 2007||Looked great but we didn't get any pictures|| ||||||||||Closed||Give speech||DanShufelt||June 8th 2007||Notes|| ||||||||||Closed||Tear down||Paul Bartell and DanShufelt||June 8th 2007||Notes|| ||||||||||Closed||Write "Lessons Learned"||DanShufelt||June 11th||Notes|| ||||||||||Closed||Write an email to the team||DanShufelt||June 11th 2007||Notes|| ||||||||||Closed||Get a copy of the recording||DanShufelt||June 30th 2007|| [[http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2567670855417533885|Presentation Video]]|| = Notes = Presentation Slide Show: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PNWTeam/projects/wwu2007?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=wwu_present.odp|OpenOffice.org]] [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PNWTeam/projects/wwu2007?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=wwu_present.pdf|PDF]] Example videos used: [[http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3161904793006930187&q=ubuntu+mandella|Nelson Mandella Interview]] [[http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1341210584930823491&q=ubuntu+interview+shuttleworth+%3Avideo.google.com|Mark Shuttleworth Interview]] = Issues = * It was difficult to re-engage the audience after the previous presenter lost them. * Dan Shufelt kind of winged the speech; it would only have been better with practice. * Insufficient notice to order more fliers and stickers. * No internet connectivity for demo PC's = Lessons Learned = Overall this project was a huge success. We were accomplished everything we set out to do and were able to make several contacts. There were a few things we could do to further improve our demo computers. In the future we should ensure that our demo computer installation is as close to the default OS install as possible. The demo computer that I brought had Ubuntu and Kubuntu installed in the same partition making for some ugly menus. Toward the end of the day we ran out of labeled CD's. I think this can be avoided in the future by having 500 or so CD's made. Perhaps our largest challenge however was trying to regain the crowds interest (about half the crowd walked out during the first presentation). Next time we give a speech I believe we should have a team of two people on stage. This will allow one person to stay focused on maintaining the crowds interest while the other person runs the slides and demo's features. I really think we need to drum up some ways to really get audience participation... Perhaps we could have small contest or invite the audience to come up and walk them through accomplishing applicable tasks in front of everyone. ---- CategoryLoCoTeams