Francisco Molinero. Madrileño, me podéis leer en Ayudo haciendo traducciones en Launchpad. Mi perfil en Launchpad: Pertenezco a los grupos de trabajo:
About me
I am Spanish, living near Madrid. I was born in 1959 and my current job is to manage the network in a little company. The server and clients are Ubuntu equipped. First time a meet Linux was with Mandriva and after that begin using Ubuntu from Feisty.
- E-mail: paco at byasl dot com
- franciscomol at ubuntu dot com
- IRC: fmolinero on Freenode
Blog (spanish)
Member of the Spanish translation team for Linux Mint
Member of the OSHIP Translator team and OSHIP Development team
Member of the Ubuntu Spanish Translator group since 2007 I work every day in translation and I have been translated thousand of strings
- Giving conferences about free software and Ubuntu
Future plans
- Reach better translation state of Ubuntu in Spanish
- Learn how to make packages
- Collaborate with the Ubuntu Marketing Team
Paco and I work together on the Ubuntu Spanish Translators team, where I have had the pleasure of getting to know him as well as the opportunity to observe him; I must confess that I am in awe of his work. He is an absolutely prolific translator who has made an enormous contribution to the Spanish translation of Ubuntu. He has demonstrated a very strong dedication to our project, and to be honest, I'm not quite sure where we would be without him. -- Evan R. Murphy
Paco is the biggest Ubuntu Spanish Translators contributor. Period. Its activity across all the activities related with translation is absolutely astonishing, in both quality and number. He is one of the main reasons for what Spanish is the best translated language in Ubuntu. He deserves, by large, to be an Ubuntu member. -- RicardoPérezLópez, Ubuntu Spanish Translators team administrator
This guy and their work is amazing, he gave us the first place translating Ubuntu to Spanish. This is the great true. He is a great person, totally dedicated to translations, and always impartial and respectful at the moment of decisions about his fellow teams members and their work. Hey, thanks for the support in our daily work Paco
Julian Alarcon Ubuntu-Co LoCo Team administrator
I've been following the Spanish translation in general and Paco's work in particular for more than two years. Paco has constantly dedicated several hours of work to Ubuntu everyday for years, probably making him one of the top Ubuntu contributors in all areas. His huge contribution has already been stated, but I would like to emphasize that he has always focus on quality based on clear reasoning and common criteria. He is always willing to support and advice newcomers through the Spanish translators mailing list where he is a reference for many of us. I also have the luck to know him personally and I have to say he is a kind, cult and intelligent person that will play a very positive role as an Ubuntu Member. -- Jorge Juan
I am a poet and you can find my work on may blog or directly in my books or