I, Paride Legovini, apply for Ubuntu Core Developer

Contact Information



PGP key fingerprint

1BD8 86F2 46FD 4908 79D4 E150 5A09 B457 6DE8 080E


paride (Libera, OFTC)


https://launchpad.net/~paride (CoC signed)

Ubuntu Wiki


Who I am

I am an Ubuntu Server Developer and I am part of the Canonical Server Team since January 2019. I'm also a Debian Developer (NM page), maintaining several packages.

My work within the team is split in two main branches, which in good part reflect the team structure. From one side I do QA on the Ubuntu Server distribution, bug triage and general bug work, ISO testing and distribution testing mainly for what concerns the server package set, especially around release time. On the other side I follow the development of cloud-init and of ubuntu-advantage-client, maintaining their test and CI infrastructure, helping the team with the SRU verification efforts and doing bug triage. I used to do the same with curtin, but as the development is now driven by the Foundations team I just maintain the CI infrastructure in Jenkins. I also maintain the team's Jenkins instances, job definitions, worker nodes and development machines.

I have a scientific background: I have a master's degree in Physics from the University of Padua, Italy, and PhD in Geophysics from the University of Bologna, Italy. In my university and research work I always worked on the IT/data analysis/numerical side of things, trying to tie two great passions of mine, but at some point time came to follow the greatest one. I currently live in Padua, about 40km west of Venice.

My involvement

My Ubuntu story

I began using GNU/Linux in the late 90s, mainly Slackware back then. The reason was in good part technical: coming from a DOS/Windows background it gave me unprecedented control on my system, extremely powerful tools (the unix toolchain), and unlimited things to learn. I quickly understood how the possibility to share software and knowledge with others was important, and I began to frequent the local Free Software Users Group and introduced several persons to GNU/Linux. In the following years I also installed and used BSD systems and Debian, but Slackware still was my main distribution.

I switched to Debian in 2004, and the main reason for the switch was ‘apt’: while the Slackware school taught me a lot I didn't want to manually resolve dependencies anymore. At some point I had enough experience to taught some GNU/Linux introductory courses a “student initiative” of my University. I also held seminars at Linux Days and similar events, and contributed founding a (now quiescent) hackerspace.

Since its early releases Ubuntu has been my go-to distribution to introduce less experienced users to GNU/Linux, so I promoted and installed it at large, joining the general effort to help fixing Ubuntu's bug number 1. Who could imagine how history was going to surprise us!

In 2015, after a decade of daily usage, I felt it was time to give back to the Debian community, and I began maintaining my first package, which later became unexpectedly popular. From there my involvement and experience grew steadily and I first became Debian Maintainer and then full Debian Developer. Now I maintain several packages in Debian, including some very popular ones (e.g. iw, irqbalance).

In late 2018 I decided to leave the academia and work full time on software engineering and in early 2019 I joined the Canonical Server Team as QA engineer for Ubuntu Server. The very nature of my role means that my work is made of several scattered contributions; below I'll try to summarize what I believe are the most important ones.

Areas of work

Examples of my work / Things I'm proud of

Upload history (devel)

Uploads to main:

Synchronised packages:

Indirect uploads to main (via Debian):

Uploads to universe:


Upload history (SRU)

Main Inclusion Requests (MIR)

MIR bugs I filed and drove:

One "anti-MIR" I filed to justify why a package doesn't meet the MIR criteria, so no MIR for it, despite the cost of having to maintain a likely long-lived Ubuntu delta to drop a Debian Build-Dep:

Autopkgtest development

I wrote autopkgtests or enabled upstream tests to run as autopkgtests on the installed package for several packages I maintain in Debian:

In Ubuntu I fixed existing autopkgtests and unblocked migrations, see for example:

I also unblocked migrations held by autopkgtest issues by adding britney hints, see the dedicated section below.

Britney hints


I helped with the OpenSSL 3.0 transition by fixing a FTBFS in the strongswan package, see LP: #1946213. The issue was reported and fixed upstream (see https://github.com/strongswan/strongswan/issues/759).

+1 maintenance

Per PlusOneMaintenanceTeam/Specs/Priorities dealing with ISO smoke test issues is one of the +1 maintenance duties, and something I've been doing regularly for the Ubuntu Server images since I joined the team.

On helping with migrations, I did "+1 maintenance shadowing" during some weekly rotations. Summary:

As part of doing +1 maintenance I tried to improve the Ubuntu development tooling:

Things I could do better

Plans for the future


What I like least in Ubuntu


If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with @SIG@.

Łukasz Zemczak

Sadly, I can't officially endorse Paride's application as I have not been a sponsor of any of his packages, since otherwise I would wholeheartedly recommend him for the Ubuntu Core Developers team. Paride is a long time Ubuntu release participant, representing the server team on almost every possible Ubuntu release since many years. Whether it's a full Ubuntu release, or an LTS point-release, Paride is always there to make sure the server images for the milestone are working as expected and that all server features are ready. Every time we work together Paride demonstrates great knowledge about Ubuntu and it's ecosystem, always helping out when there's work to be done. I am confident that Paride would make an excellent addition to the core-dev team. -- sil2100 2021-11-24 13:36:48


Sergio Durigan Junior

General feedback

Paride is my teammate in the Ubuntu Server team. Our team is composed of two squads: one (let's call it X) is responsible for taking care of the distro packages. The other (let's call it Y) is responsible for maintaining cloud-init, u-a-tools and other software we ship. Paride helps both squads with his QA expertise, which is great. Talking specifically about squad X, which is also the squad I'm part of, Paride consistently helps us by taking part in our bug triage rotation, and also by fixing packages and doing SRUs.

Specific Experiences of working together

I personally have sponsored a few packages for him and I can say that he is ready to become a Core Developer. He is always very conscious when doing packaging work, concerned about doing things right, and attentive to details. Technically speaking, his contributions are solid and he understands what he has to do in order to achieve a good result. The fact that he is also a Debian Developer certainly contributes to his technical excellence. I'm happy with his knowledge about SRUs, and I like to see that he goes the extra mile when verifying that a certain fix is indeed correct for the bug he's working on.

I personally really like debugging stuff, and I think Paride also enjoys doing that.

On a side note, and not particularly related to Ubuntu packaging work, Paride has also helped a lot in the OCI project by setting up a CI environment for us and also taking part in writing some tests for a few images. Although this does not involve packaging work, it goes to show how much Paride values a test-oriented approach to development, which ultimately benefits Ubuntu a lot.

Areas of Improvement

I think the next steps for him after obtaining his Core Developer status are working on a few large transitions, and also helping with +1 maintenance. I'm looking forward to having his help with the latter!

-- sergiodj 2021-11-17 18:01:00

Christian Ehrhardt

General feedback

I have sponsored a bunch of packages for him and think he is ready to become a Core Developer. He is well-considered and comes with plenty of expertise from Debian.

Specific Experiences of working together

He also participates in our peer reviewing so he has seen and thought into way more uploads than his own already. And TBH for my Debian uploads I consider him one of the common go-to-reviewers. He also shadowed my on a +1 week and was a great help at that.

The Team has ensures to pass him through the ubuntu-special things like seed changes, MIR, SRUs and all such and I'm confident that he is ready for a core-dev role. Furthermore he has my trust to not mis-use those powers and I know him that I'm confident to ask instead of breaking something with his new core-dev powers.

Areas of Improvement

I agree to his listing of QA work, not that he has to grow much but I hope he can combine his experience with Ubuntu's needs to bring some of our tests a bit forward into the future. Also doing more general Archive work would be great, but he already listed +1 Duty on his next steps and I think he'd be great for that.

-- paelzer 2021-11-18 13:44:56

Lucas Kanashiro

General feedback

I work with Paride in the Ubuntu Server team and he's presented himself as a great engineer, capable of handling any issue that might arise. Paride is already a Debian Developer and I really trust him to become a core-dev and help us even more in the Ubuntu community.

Specific Experiences of working together

I sponsored a single package in Ubuntu for Paride:


I do have worked with him doing some QA on the HA stack, where we have been setting up a testbed to test Corosync/Pacemaker clusters and some resources used in this context. Paride is very helpful, providing fixes even when you don't expect them, and he is also careful with every piece of code he writes, which increases the quality of his work. BTW he has made some great reviews which helped to spot some interesting stuff, his debugging/investigation skills are awesome.

This is not too much packaging work but I've seen other people reviewing his work and I know Paride has enough skills to become a core-dev.

Areas of Improvement

I believe Paride already identified some gaps and he's been tackling them, like driving a transition and going through the MIR process. I'd say he needs to get his hands (more) dirty once he gets core-dev rights.

-- lucaskanashiro 2021-11-23 11:58:56

dann frazier

General feedback

I've sponsored a few uploads of simplestreams for Paride - a combination of new upstream releases and SRUs of fixes back to older releases. I wouldn't trust someone to give a full throated endorsement based on that, so this is not one. I'll leave that to others who have worked with Paride more closely and regularly. But I can say that my experiences with Paride's work have been positive. I recall no issues in my reviews of those simplestreams packages. Paride was communicative and responsive to feedback during the process (feedback was about which releases to target, not issues w/ the changes themselves). fwiw, I'm happy to see that Paride is an active Debian Developer Smile :)

Specific Experiences of working together

None other than the above.

Areas of Improvement

I've no suggestions for areas of improvement.

-- dannf 2021-11-25 01:02:25

Bryce Harrington

General feedback

I've worked with Paride as part of the server team for a few years now and trust him to make good judgements with packaging. I agree with other endorsers that he would make a great coredev.

Specific Experiences of working together

Today I've sponsored his exim4 (4.95-2ubuntu2) upload, which reverts a change done by debian. This was well-considered and coordinated with the rest of the server team to ensure the right approach was taken, and the only review feedback I gave was some elaboration in the changelog entry. As usual his packaging work is well-tested and without error.

More broadly, I've interacted with him more via bug reports where he's done triage and/or analysis. He's got a great intuition for isolating causes of problems, and typically any comment from him on a bug will move it forward towards resolution significantly.

Areas of Improvement

As others have also mentioned, gaining some experience with +1 maintenance work would be a perfect match to his expertise with testing. I'd love to see his analytical eye applied to some of our tougher package migration blocks - and in particular improving some of the many DEP8 tests to be more reliable and more effective.

-- bryce 2021-12-01 22:15:59

Utkarsh Gupta

General feedback

I've sponsored a dozen of packages for Paride, be it a regular -devel upload or an SRU or a rebuild or just a case of syncing. I've worked with him for quite some time and in different areas as well, and never have I ever had any problems doing that, mostly because the quality of Paride's work is excellent. The sponsorship process has always been smooth and he got back really timely and quickly whenever I raised something or had any concerns. As others have already noted, Paride is amazing engineer and technically very skilled. He knows his tools and stuff and always gets the work done. Not only is he a great engineer, but he is also a wonderful and a kind person! Big Grin :)

I'm very confident that he's ready for becoming a core dev already and that making him on will be a net win for Ubuntu! \o/

Specific Experiences of working together

As I previously mentioned, I've worked with Paride in the following different areas:

Areas of Improvement

Whatever Paride does, he does well! But that said, I'd be interested to see him participating and leading some major transitions, like the PHP and Ruby transitions. His great debugging and technical skills would make him a great candidate for +1 maintenance, too, so I'd like for him to be involved there as well. But other than that, he's already well versed with the stuff he does. Big Grin :)

-- utkarsh 2021-12-07 07:50:10


As a sponsor, just copy/paste the following template (without the curly braces) above of the === TEMPLATE === line and fill it out.

==== General feedback ====
## Please fill us in on your shared experience.
## (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality?
## How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?)

==== Specific Experiences of working together ====
## Please add good examples of your work together,
## but also cases that could have handled better.
## Full list of sponsored packages can be generated here:
## https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi

==== Areas of Improvement ====


ParideLegovini/UbuntuCoreDeveloperApplication (last edited 2021-12-12 12:15:00 by paride)