<> == Overview == Pecha Publisher aims to be a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pecha|pecha]] typesetting and desktop publishing tool. In one sense, we're starting from scratch: * no legacy code base * no open source siblings to provide insights and a baseline * [AnticipatedTech all new technology] But in another way, we've got the excellent lineage of !PechaMaker's community, complete with suggestions from its current developer as well as feature requests from its user base. For a visual overview, be sure to check out the ScreenShots. == Project Links on LaunchPad == * Pecha Publisher project - https://launchpad.net/pecha-pub * Trunk - https://code.launchpad.net/~pecha-pub-devs/pecha-pub/trunk * Code browser - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pecha-pub-devs/pecha-pub/trunk/files * Blueprints (feature planning) - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/pecha-pub * Tickets - https://bugs.launchpad.net/pecha-pub === Documentation === * UserGuide * !DeveloperGuide * DevelopmentDependences * ContributorGuide * CodingStandard * ProjectCredits ==== Design Documents ==== * PechaBasics * AnticipatedTech * ProposedFeatures * Architecture * [ComponentArchitecture Software Components] - how all the software pieces and parts connect to each other * [UserInterfaceLayoutPlan User Interface/Layout Plan] - what it's going to look like, how one will use it * [InformationArchitecture Information Architecture] - menus and their organization * Specifications - feature development plans * SpecTerminology - the terms used in the user interface, documentation, and code should be consistent, and this spec defines said terms * SpecGettextBasedTranslations * SpecFileFormat - includes directory layout definition * SpecDocumnentMetadata - * SpecFileLocking - * SpecProjectBackup - how backups work for .ppf files * SpecDocumnentBackup - how backups and undo work for changes in the individual files that comprise a project * SpecImportExport * SpecDataModel - database tables and relationships needed for all possible data and metadata for a PechaPublisher file * SpecConfigurationData * SpecSessionData * SpecAnnotationData * SpecLayoutData * SpecSchemaMigration ==== Project Management Docs ==== * RoadMap (here's the plan, Stan) * AreasOfExpertise (who's good at what; loosely mapped to "who's responsible for what") === More to Come === As content is added to this wiki, we will update this page with links and information. Stay tuned!