About Me

Hello! I'm Pete Graner and I manage the Ubuntu Kernel Team within Canonical.


Where to find me

Ubuntu Mailing Lists:

Upstream Mailing Lists:



As the Ubuntu Kernel Manger I help manage the work efforts of the following Ubuntu contributors:

Additionally I reviewed the linux-firmware package for proper licensing and as a result had the linux-firmware-nonfree package created.

I serve as the kernel-team interface to the Canonical Legal team for issues such as binary blobs, firmware licenses.

I have ultimate responsibility for the following issues in the Ubuntu Community for the Kernel Team:

LaunchPad Teams

Trade Shows/Ubuntu/Linux Events

I spoke at the following events in 2009 & 2010 on Ubuntu Kernel related topics: (PDF copies of the slides are linked below)

Planned Speaking Events for 2010:


Andy Whitcroft

Pete Graner manages the Ubuntu Kernel Team (of which I am a member) providing overall direction for the team and interfacing with the other Ubuntu teams to coordinate efforts, in particular he owns political and community facets of the Kernel Team. At the Ubuntu Developer Summit he provides support and guidance for the process including guiding sessions. Pete is also a developer in his own right, owning the kernel firmware packages walking the tricky path between openness and the legal requirements of handling binary blobs, allowing us to ship a system which just works. Pete is also a major contributer to the the visibility of the Kernel team travelling to conferences and presenting on the Kernel, commonly at local Linux shows. Overall Pete is a strong contributer to the Ubuntu Kernel and thereby to Ubuntu as a whole and I wholeheartedly back his application for Ubuntu membership.


Pete is absolutely an unsung hero of the Ubuntu community, completely over-deserving of Ubuntu membership! He directs the movements of the vast team that brings you the best Linux kernel in the world of Linux distributions. He has grown that team considerably, recruiting numerous outstanding Linux kernel contributors into Canonical and into the greater Ubuntu community. He's also the anchor of the Ubuntu Allstars, traveling the world with his drum-kit in tow (no easy task, mind you). Pete is most certainly a key contributor to the Ubuntu Community.


Pete is made of awesome. He turned the Ubuntu Kernel team around, and made it the group that it is today.


Pete has single handedly stepped in and given the Ubuntu kernel team a sense of direction and much needed organization. He's made outstanding efforts to build and improve our community involvement by attending numerous LinuxFest events and giving talks regarding the Ubuntu kernel. He's also not afraid to dive in and lend a helping hand technically and has been responsible for helping maintian the linux-firmware and linux-firmware-nonfree packages. I give Pete a big +1 for Ubuntu membership.


Pete had brought a huge amount of value, not only to the kernel team, but to the wider community as a whole. He has made considerable in-road in bringing together a large and wide-spread kernel team, improved the transparency of that team, and has helped to involve the community more and more in the team. I give Pete a hearty +1 for membership. Smile :-)


PeteGraner (last edited 2010-05-28 00:28:19 by pool-98-108-129-180)