{{http://peter.antoniac.name/imgs/wiki_92x92.png}} == About me == * Nickname on IRC: {{{thesienfeld old -> pan1nx}}} * Launchpad user: [[http://launchpad.net/~pan1nx|lp:~pan1nx]] since [[http://launchpad.net/~pan1nx#member-since|2006]], Linux User: [[http://counter.li.org/|#242894]], [[https://www.ohloh.net/accounts/10010?ref=Rank|OHLHO Rank]] * Keys: [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x1B75A3EC1744DD73CA9DD9B2F0B2710BE814CCBA|GPG 0xE814CCBA]], [[http://launchpad.net/%7Epan1nx/+sshkeys|SSH]] * [[http://antoniac.name|Homepage]] [[http://blog.antoniac.name|blog]] [[http://floss.pro/pan1nx|i dent here]] [[http://twitter.com/peterantoniac|twitter]] === Positions and memberships === * Senior Specialist in [[http://meego.com|Nokia MeeGo]] (see also [[http://fi.linkedin.com/in/peterantoniac|LinkedIn profile]]) * ex-Assistant Professor in [[http://www.tol.oulu.fi|Information Processing Science]], [[http://www.oulu.fi|Oulu]], Finland * Registered Linux user since Sept. 1996 * Several OSS projects (of which, most polished is [[http://jlibdc1394.sf.net|Java Library for operating DC1394 camera]]) * Member of [[http://www.filosi.fi/|FILOSI]] group == FOSS Contributions == Started using linux since 1994. Saw Linus Trovalds speach in 1995 about Linux OS. Registered Linux user since 1996, when I started with Slakware, to move later to Debian, and using Ubuntu since Hoary, but moved completely since Breezy. Contributed to various projects, advocating Linux and Ubuntu on many occasions. As a University teaching stuff, I have promoted the use of Linux and Ubuntu on several courses and laboratories. Member of FOSS of Finland and Romania !LoCo team. Managing SW development for Mobile devices with `Intel/Moblin/Ultra Mobile Group`. === Work done in upstream === * [[http://libdc1394.sf.net/|libdc1394]] project on SourceForge (upstream) * [[http://jlibdc1394.sf.net/jlibdc1394]] project on SourceForge === Work done in Ubuntu === * managing [[https://launchpad.net/~libdc1394-dev|lp:~libdc1394-dev]] on Ubuntu Launchpad (project admin/bugs/list/packaging/QA/blueprints) * managing [[https://launchpad.net/~coriander-dev|lp:~coriander-dev]] on Ubuntu Launchpad (project admin/bugs/list/packaging) * maintainer of [[https://launchpad.net/~artoolkit-dev|lp:~artoolkit-dev]] debianization on Ubuntu Launchpad (project adming/bugs/list/packaging) * member of Ubuntu-ro RomanianTeam (wiki, IRC supports, etc.) * several contributions to the [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile|lp:~ubuntu-mobile]] (IRC/bugs/debugging) * member of [[https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-beta-testers|lp:~launchpad-beta-testers]] (several bugs contributed and helped fixing) * member of [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol|lp:~ubuntu-bugcontrol]], [[https://launchpad.net/~bugsquad|lp:~bugsquad]] and proud member of [[https://launchpad.net/~5-a-day-participants|lp:~5-a-day-participants]] (triaging bugs, etc.) === Work done in Debian === * contributed to libdc1394-22 packaging (Maintainer is Guus Sliepen) == Degrees == * Philosophy Doctor (PhD) Degree in Information Processing Science, Diploma title "Augmented reality based user interface for mobile applications and services" from [[http://www.oulu.fi|University of Oulu]], Finland == Interests == * Improve SW for Mobile Terminals and Mobile Services in Linux * Mobile Internet Devices (specially [[MobileAndEmbedded|Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded]] and their UI framework) * Programming (low and high-level) * Augmented and Mixed Reality support in Linux * Concurrent Engineering and Agile SW methods for FOSS projects * Computer Networks * Real-time Systems * Wearable Computers * Ubiquitous Devices and Applications == Testimonials == * None shall pass! == Wiki pages contributions == * [[HardwareSupportMachinesLaptopsAcer]], [[InputMethods/SCIM/Setup]], [[LaptopTestingTeam/Acer]], [[LaptopTestingTeam/AcerTravelmate4651LMi]], [[LaptopTestingTeam/Fujitsu]], [[LaptopTestingTeam/FujitsuFMVLP70TV]], [[LaptopTestingTeam/Panasonic]], [[LaptopTestingTeam/PanasonicCFR6]], [[MaemoOnUbuntu/howto]], [[Bugs/Responses]], [[artoolkit]] * More detailed search: [[PeterAntoniac/RelatedPages|here]] ---- {{{#!wiki comment/dotted If I add this links I get really slow page. Related pages: Add the < < and then ... FullSearch(theSeinfeld or 4651LMi or PeterAntoniac or MaemoOnUbuntu/howto or pan1nx) close with > > }}} ---- ---- CategoryHomepage