#format wiki #language en == Contact Info == ||<>|| ||'''Links'''|| ||NewJerseyTeam<
>[[ServerTeam| Serverteam]]|| || '''Real Name:''' || Peter van der Does || || '''Launchpad:''' || [[https://launchpad.net/~petervanderdoes|petervanderdoes]]|| || '''Email:''' || <> || || '''Email:''' || <> || || '''IRC:''' || Ganseki on irc.freenode.net || || '''IM Jabber:''' || pvanderdoes (@) gmail.com || || '''IM AIM:''' || petervanderdoes || || '''Ubuntu Forums:''' || [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=371637|Ganseki]] || || '''Public key:''' || [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xE77E8E98&op=index|E77E8E98]] || Feel free to contact me. == About Me == I was born in 1970 in the Netherlands but I immigrated to the US in 2004 after marrying an American girl. I live in New Jersey, Middlesex county. I used to be a Systems Administrator, about 6 years doing Novell Netware and then about 4 years Unix/Linux (HPUX, Redhat, SuSe, Fedora, CentOS, Mandrake). I never really administrated Linux on desktops, just servers and besides the operating system it also involved application administration, like Apache, MySQL etc. Right now I'm a stay home dad, taking care of our two girls. == Ubuntu == I started looking at a variety of distro's as I needed to run Linux on my laptop to remotely support the company I was working for. As I was used to RPM based distro's those were the first ones I looked into. It came down to two choices, Fedora or Suse. I never tried Suse as, even if it is RPM based it's more BSD as System V. After installing Fedora I didn't like it, it was just a little bit to much work to get it running on my laptop. After a couple of months using Fedora I decided to look into Ubuntu. I had time enough as I quit my job to become a stay home dad. I started the CD and low and behold everything just worked, my widescreen, my wireless. This was halfway 2006 and Ubuntu has been on my laptop since. === Memberships === * August 2007 - [[http://www.getdeb.net|GetDeb.net]] * August 2007 - [[NewJerseyTeam| New Jersey Loco Team]] * September 2007 - [[ServerTeam| Server team]] == Interests == * My major interest is computers: From systems administration to programming to web design I like it. Next to the technical aspects of computers I also like the business side, how to implement the right use of a system for a company. * Photography: I have a Nikon D50 with two lenses at the moment. I shoot a variety of subjects, my family being number one. * Golf: Unfortunately I can't seem to have the time to play. == Accomplishments in Ubuntu Community == === GetDeb === I had a list of packages that I build but that was to much of a pain to keep updated :) I tend to avoid creating the following kind packages: * Games: It's not really my interest and there for I can't really get myself to work on it. * Software that use the QT library: I just don't like the look of these programs and again I can't get motivated to created the package. * Non-Gnome: I run Gnome myself and therefor am not interested in other desktops. I don't mind creating non-desktop packages, like git the SCM software I use myself, but it seems there are never requests at Getdeb for that kind of software. === NJ LoCo Team === * Wiki changes === Server Team === * None yet == Goals == I don't have many goals as I rather live day by day but here are a few that I could think of. === Personal Goals === * Get healthier. I have some health issues I want to overcome. * Become an American citizen * Learn Python * Read more books === Ubuntu Goals === * Create a package from scratch. * Do more for the NJ LoCo * Make www.getdeb.net the place to go to for software you want. * See if I can help out the ServerTeam