= About me = I am a Kernel Engineer on the [[KernelTeam|Ubuntu Kernel Team]] at Canonical. I was first introduced to Linux back in the early 90's when a high school teacher lent me his copy of Slackware. It was on thirty-three 3.5" disks, and it was quite the chore to get it running on my 486 at the time. I remember the process of downloading a new kernel tarball, and planning an evening or two to configure and compile the kernel. I also remember how much effort it was to manually calculate the modelines to get XFree86 running. My first contribution to open source software happened while I was at university, [[https://github.com/UweOhse/lrzsz/blob/master/THANKS|in the lrzsz software package]]. When I graduated from University, I spent about a decade working on various other Unix's. I worked on network protocols, filesystems, and memory management systems. One day, I asked a friend about was a good Linux distribution would be for me to install as I needed to run some things on my home computer. He recommended Ubuntu. It blew me away how much the installation process had changed and how user friendly it had become. I ended up switching jobs, and I ended up working on device drivers for Linux from 2010 until 2021. My distribution of choice has remained an Ubuntu based distribution. = What I do = I joined Canonical in 2021, and I am on the kernel team. So, I work on Ubuntu kernels. But more specifically, I am responsible for the Ubuntu kernels for Intel systems. = Links = * Launchpad profile: https://launchpad.net/~philcox * Email: philip.cox@canonical.com * IRC: philcox = Activity = https://bugs.launchpad.net/~philcox = Sponsoring = My application for Ubuntu kernel upload rights [[PhilipCox/KernelUploadsApplication]]