I am a new Ubuntu Edgy Eft (6.10) user. I am trying to permanently switch from Windows after 11 years. I'm switching for the freedom and fun. Initial desktop screenshot.

Age: 31

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado

To do

Ubuntu annoyances

Ubuntu joys

Proprietary software

The whole point of using GNU/Linux is to get away from proprietary software. This is a list of proprietary that I still use and why and plans for Free software replacements.

Nvidia video driver

Maybe I can make do with Intel's graphics chip, which has a fully open source driver, in my next computer.

μTorrent via Wine

I first installed Azureus, which I guess is using GCJ and GNU Classpath. The transfer rate would quickly drop to zero. What's causing this? Perhaps immature network code in GCJ or GNU Classpath? gnome-btdownload works fine, but doesn't have the sophisticated interface that I need. I could installed Sun Java to see if that fixes the networking issue, but that's just substituting one proprietary software for another. I think I'll just use μTorrent via Wine until either GCJ gets better, or Sun Java is fully released as GPL.

Adobe Flash

I tried for a couple days to use the web without installing this plugin. I installed it via Firefox and not a repository, which will probably prevent auto security updates. Keep an eye on GPLFlash.

My uses of Flash: YouTube, Google Reader MP3 audio playing, that's all I can think of for now.


PhillipStewart (last edited 2008-08-06 16:38:37 by localhost)