
Revision 4 as of 2013-04-17 10:23:49

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Pietro Albini

Hello, I'm Pietro Albini, a 14 years old boy, who live in Italy.

I'm a member of the Ubuntu-it LoCoTeam, and I do a lot of works into the LoCo.
Plus I triage some bugs when I have some free time.

About Me

Team Memberships

Future Plans

Now I'm going to take the Ubuntu Membership, and improve my contributes into the BugSquad and Italian LoCoTeam.

When it is open, I help to manage the italian version of AskUbuntu (not yet open).

Contributions to the Ubuntu Community

Ubuntu Italy

Website Team

Ask team

  • Some theme fix
  • Tried to fix some bugs

  • Moral support

Ubuntu-it wiki

Ubuntu-it newsletter

Bug squad

  • Some bugs triaged

