+1 Maintenance Status
Proposed Migration
Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/
Last test rebuild (may be out of date): https://people.canonical.com/~doko/ftbfs-report/test-rebuild-20200327-focal-focal.html
Known issues
In progress
Items that are being actively worked on. Please always mention the name / irc nick, who is working on that.
[rbalint] Switch Britney hints to git review
Things to pick from
These are issues that are not yet done, after somebody's rotation/shift ended. Or someone has spotted them but had no chance to work on it. If someone trying to pick them realized that it was resolved by time/someone-else please be so kind and remove the related entries.
- Ongoing transitions
- there are plenty of rust packages stuck in -proposed. Unfortunately the rust packages we sync from Debian are not generally in a consistent state allowing migration (to Debian testing or to the Ubuntu release). If someone takes a look at these, they will probably want to recommend removals of various leaf packages blocking transitions.
- rust-* some test and many "unsatisfiable depends", one needs to check how this was meant to work ...
- the rust packages only build if uploaded in a very precise order, which they were to debian but the debian import freeze messes this up for us
- it's not clear that any of these packages help users of Ubuntu at all, so putting effort into these packages has a low ROI IMO (I == mwhudson)
autopkgtest for r-cran-* is in excuses quite often, this needs to be checked and probably custom test triggers (there also is a whopping 1.8k r-cran-* tests in http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running atm)
- perl micro update 5.30.3 - On Monday there was another upload of 5.30.3-4 and someone overzealously removed all perl tests. Cpaelzer/xnox/Laney re-triggered the tests the results ahve to be re-checked.
- Not ready yet