Available options for Unity


Reveal Mode

Description: Sets the sensitive area for the Launcher reveal.

Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour

Hide Launcher

Description: The Hide Launcher sets the launchers hide behavior.


Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour

Key to show the launcher

Description: The key to show the launcher which by default is the Super key. This will also affect the key used to show the dash (if tapped) and the shortcuts shown when keeping Super pressed.

Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour

Key to put keyboard-focus on launcher

Description: The key to put keyboard-focus on the launcher so you can navigate using your keyboard (default Alt + F1).

Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour

Backlight Mode

Description: The Backlight Mode sets how the icons are back-lit.


Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental

Launcher Animation

Description: The Launch Animation sets how the icons are animation.


Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental

Urgent Animation

Description: The Urgent Animation sets how an icon will inform you of something important.


Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental

Launcher icon size

Description: The Launcher icon size sets the size of the launcher in pixels.

Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental

Hide Animation

Description: The Hide Animation sets how the launcher hide and unhide.


Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental

Devices on Launcher

Description: Key for setting the devices that will be shown on the launcher.


Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/devices/devices-option


Description: This is a list of desktop files that show up in the launcher.

Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/launcher/favorites

Shows on edge

Description: Launcher should show on mouse touching left edge of screen.

Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/launcher/shows-on-edge

Top Panel

Panel Opacity

Description: The Panel Opacity sets the opacity of the panel.

Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental

Key to open the first panel menu

Description: The key to open the first panel menu (default F10).

Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour

Systray whitelist

Description: List of programs that are allowed to put icons in the panel's tray area.


Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/launcher/panel/systray-whitelist

Indicator Datetime

Description: Settings for the time and date indicator.


Where: dconf-editor/com/canonical/indicator/datetime

Sound Indicator

Description: Settings for the sound indicator.


Where: dconf-editor/apps/indicators/sound


Key to execute a command

Description: The key to open a Search Command dash where you can enter a command name you want to execute. (default Alt + F2).

Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour

Dash Blur

Description: The Dash Blur set the blur type of the dash.


Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental

Form Factor

Description: The form factor chosen will affect the size of the Dash.


Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/form-factor

Home Expanded

Description: Whether the home screen of the Dash should be expanded or not.


Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/home-expanded


PowerUsers/Unity/Options (last edited 2011-06-04 14:59:37 by catv-89-132-205-68)