Available options for Unity
Reveal Mode
Description: Sets the sensitive area for the Launcher reveal.
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour
Hide Launcher
Description: The Hide Launcher sets the launchers hide behavior.
- Never - The launcher will never hide.
- Autohide - The launcher will hide automatically based on time.
- Dodge Windows - The launcher will hide when a window would overlay it.
- Dodge Active Window - The launcher will hide only when an active window would overlay it.
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour
Key to show the launcher
Description: The key to show the launcher which by default is the Super key. This will also affect the key used to show the dash (if tapped) and the shortcuts shown when keeping Super pressed.
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour
Key to put keyboard-focus on launcher
Description: The key to put keyboard-focus on the launcher so you can navigate using your keyboard (default Alt + F1).
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour
Backlight Mode
Description: The Backlight Mode sets how the icons are back-lit.
- Backlight Always On - the icon back light will always be on.
- Backlight Toggles - the icon back light will be on as long as the application is running.
- Backlight Always Off - pretty much the opposite of the first option.
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental
Launcher Animation
Description: The Launch Animation sets how the icons are animation.
- None - no animation will be shown.
- Pulse Until Running - the icon's back light will pulse till it loads up.
- Blink - the icon's back light will blink.
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental
Urgent Animation
Description: The Urgent Animation sets how an icon will inform you of something important.
- None - no animation.
- Pulse - it will pulse.
- Wiggle - it will wiggle.
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental
Launcher icon size
Description: The Launcher icon size sets the size of the launcher in pixels.
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental
Hide Animation
Description: The Hide Animation sets how the launcher hide and unhide.
- Fade on bfb and Slide - fades based on the position of your cursor in the bfb (big funny button - the one in the top left of your panel with the Ubuntu circle of friends on it) and slides.
- Slide only - it will only slide.
- Fade only - it will only fade.
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental
Devices on Launcher
Description: Key for setting the devices that will be shown on the launcher.
- Never - never show devices on the launcher
OnlyMounted - only show devices that are mounted
- Always - also show unmounted devices.
Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/devices/devices-option
Description: This is a list of desktop files that show up in the launcher.
Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/launcher/favorites
Shows on edge
Description: Launcher should show on mouse touching left edge of screen.
Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/launcher/shows-on-edge
Top Panel
Panel Opacity
Description: The Panel Opacity sets the opacity of the panel.
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental
Key to open the first panel menu
Description: The key to open the first panel menu (default F10).
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour
Systray whitelist
Description: List of programs that are allowed to put icons in the panel's tray area.
- [' '] - none
- ['all'] - all programs, or a list of program names.
Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/launcher/panel/systray-whitelist
Indicator Datetime
Description: Settings for the time and date indicator.
- custom-time-format - The format of the time and/or date that is visible on the panel when using the indicator. For most users this will be a set of predefined values as determined by the configuration utility, but advanced users can change it to anything strftime can accept. Look at the man page on strftime for more information.
- locations - Adds the list of locations the user has configured to display in the indicator-datetime menu.
- show-calendar - Puts the monthly calendar in indicator-datetime's menu.
- show-clock - Controls whether the clock indicator appears in the panel or not.
- show-date - Puts the month and the date in the panel along with the time and/or day of the week depending on settings. This setting will be ignored if the time-format value is set to custom.
- show-day - Puts the day of the week on the panel along with the time and/or date depending on settings. This setting will be ignored if the time-format value is set to custom.
- show-events - Shows events from Evolution in indicator-datetime's menu.
- show-locations - Shows custom defined locations in indicator-datetime's menu.
- show-seconds - Makes the datetime indicator show the number of seconds in the indicator. It's important to note that this will cause additional battery drain as the time will update 60 times as often, so it is not recommended. Also, this setting will be ignored if the time-format value is set to custom.
- show-week-numbers - Shows the week numbers in the monthly calendar in indicator-datetime's menu.
- time-format - Controls the time format that is displayed in the indicator. For almost all users this should be the default for their locale. If you think the setting is wrong for your locale please join or talk to the translation team for your language. If you just want something different you can adjust this to be either 12 or 24 time. Or, you can use a custom format string and set the custom-time-format setting.
- timezone-name: Some timezones can be known by many different cities or names. This setting describes how the current zone prefers to be named. Format is "TIMEZONE NAME" (e.g. "America/New_York Boston" to name the New_York zone Boston).
Where: dconf-editor/com/canonical/indicator/datetime
Sound Indicator
Description: Settings for the sound indicator.
- blacklisted-media-players - Each media player which abides by the MPRIS2 spec will automatically appear in the menu. This array should contain the desktop file names (minus .desktop suffix) of applications which do not want to be included in the sound menu.
- global-mute - Initial setting for global mute (mute all) on the menu.
- interested-media-players - Each media player which abides by the MPRIS2 spec will automatically appear in the menu. This array should contain the desktop file names (minus .desktop suffix) of applications which have at some point appeared in the menU. This allows the menu remember and display offlined applications.
- show-notify-osd-on-scroll - When using the mouse scroll-wheel over the indicator-sound icon, the volume changes. Enabling this setting, every scroll volume-change a notify-osd bubble with the updated volume value will be shown (if supported by your notification daemon).
Where: dconf-editor/apps/indicators/sound
Key to execute a command
Description: The key to open a Search Command dash where you can enter a command name you want to execute. (default Alt + F2).
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Behaviour
Dash Blur
Description: The Dash Blur set the blur type of the dash.
- No Blur
- Static - snapshot of the desktop that doesn't get updated (in cases where the drivers can't handle it)
- Realtime - Updating of things behind the dash in real time (Not implemented yet)
Where: CompizConfig Settings Manager/Experimental
Form Factor
Description: The form factor chosen will affect the size of the Dash.
- Desktop uses a fixed sized Dash
- Netbook will always maximize the Dash to screen size
- Automatic decides whether to use Desktop or Netbook based on the screen resolution.
Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/form-factor
Home Expanded
Description: Whether the home screen of the Dash should be expanded or not.
- Expanded
- Not Expanded
Where: dconf-editor/desktop/unity/home-expanded