||<>|| = New Features in Ubuntu Server = The 12.04.1 (codenamed, Precise Pangolin) cycle has focused on deployment, stability and quality. Ubuntu 12.04.1 ships the latest OpenStack release, codenamed Essex, and a new feature called [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MAAS|MAAS]]. In addition the !CharmStore was made available making deployment of centralised charm with Juju easier. A new technology which is available for testing (via a PPA) is [[http://ubuntu.com/cloud/awsome|AWSOME]]. These technologies further position Ubuntu Server as the best OS for scale-out computing. Quality also had a strong focus with continuous integration, deployment and testing of upstream OpenStack commits and automated testing of all Amazon ec2 AMI's from Lucid to Precise. == OpenStack == ##Not a feature -> * [[http://ubuntuserver.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/704/|OpenStack Continuous Integration]] deployed to automate per-commit and SRU testing of OpenStack on Ubuntu. * [[http://openstack.org/|OpenStack]] projects have been updated to the Essex final release. * /bin/false is now the default for the nova user (upgrade transition handled). * New binary package, nova-cert is now needed to decrypt images which removes M2Crypto as a requirement. * Quantum has been divided into quantum and quantum client packages. * Glance has new configuration file structure. * nova uses nova-rootwrap by default, which provides a more fine grained security layer. * openstackx has been removed from horizon. * ajaxconsole has been dropped, in favour of a VNC based solution. * ec2 admin api removed. * Quantum, Melange, and Nova network models have been merged. * Many OSAPI extenstions have been added. * euca-upload-bundle now works with keystone. * !OpenStack components are deployable via Juju Charms. * [[http://wiki.openstack.org/keystone|Keystone]] has been updated to Keystone-light (redux branch). Keystone-light is a new, from scratch rewrite this cycle, replacing the existing upstream source from Oneiric / 11.10. * Glance now requires a manual database migration after upgrade. * The default install of Openstack should be used on a protected network, as many components use http (non-SSL) as a transport, and therefore subject to security concerns. This can be mitigated by post install customisations. * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/CloudArchive|Ubuntu Cloud Archive]] * Canonical’s Ubuntu Cloud archive allows users the ability to install newer releases of OpenStack on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (and the dependencies) as they become available up through the next Ubuntu LTS release. == MAAS == * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MAAS|Metal as a Service]] brings the language of the cloud to physical servers. It makes it easy to set up the hardware on which to deploy any service that needs to scale up and down dynamically. == AWSOME == * [[http://ubuntu.com/cloud/awsome|AWSOME]] (“Any Web Service over Me”) provides IAAS API’s for OpenStack which are also implemented by Amazon EC2, making it easy to deploy and manage cloud services across both Amazon and OpenStack clouds. == Juju == * Juju [[http://jujucharms.com/charms|CharmStore]] now available allowing for deployment of all available charmed services without needing charms local to the environment. * [[https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/subordinate-services.html|Subordinate Services]] added allowing for units of different services to be deployed into the same container and to have knowledge of each other. * [[https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/constraints.html|Machine Constraints]] added offering users the ability to pick the hardware to which their services will be deployed. == Java == * [[http://tomcat.apache.org|Apache Tomcat]] 7.0.26 is available in Universe alongside version 6.0.35 which continues to be the supported version for Ubuntu 12.04. * Please note that Tomcat 7 will replace Tomcat 6 as the supported version of Apache Tomcat in Ubuntu 12.10. * [[http://activemq.apache.org/|Apache ActiveMQ]] 5.5.0 is available in Universe. * [[http://jenkins-ci.org|Jenkins]] 1.424.6 LTS is available in Universe. * [[http://openjdk.java.net/|OpenJDK]] 7 (closely aligned to Oracle Java 7) is available in Universe. * Please note that OpenJDK 7 will become the default Java implementation in Ubuntu 12.10. * [[http://groovy.codehaus.org/|Groovy]] 1.8.6 is available in Universe. * [[http://www.scala-lang.org/|Scala]] 2.9.1 is available in Universe. * [[http://clojure.org/|Clojure]] 1.1.0 is available in Universe. == Virtualisation == * [[http://www.xen.org/|Xen]] is now included and officially supported: * Provides the facility to run Ubuntu as a Xen virtualisation host (dom0) * [[http://libvirt.org/|Libvirt]] integration/Xen domains manageable through libvirt or any frontend that uses libvirt. * Guest installations in HVM mode will use optimized paravirt drivers out of the box. * [[http://lxc.sourceforge.net/|LXC]] improvements include: * The ability for stock 12.04 images to boot in a container * Apparmor protection to increase security * Support for lvm- and btrfs-backed containers * New ubuntu-cloud template for simple creation of containers based on published Ubuntu Cloud images. * [[http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Main_Page|KVM]] (version 1.0) and Libvirt improvements include: * QED (Qemu enhanced disk format) support * AHCI protocol support * Nested guest support for Intel processors (in addition to AMD support) * Public API to invoke suspend/resume on the host from libvirt * STP and VLAN filtering from libvirt * Bandwidth QoS control in libvirt * CPU bandwidth limits support == File System == * [[http://ceph.newdream.net/|CEPH]] client libraries, librbd and librados, have been added to main supporting use with KVM. * CIFS now has file system cache support to improve performance. * Software RAID now supports bad block management (MD). == ARM Support == * [[http://www.open-mpi.org|OpenMPI]] 1.5 for ARM available in Universe. (Bug:889644) * openmpi 1.5 provides improved ARM support. As this is an upstream beta we have not transitioned openmpi in the archive, but instead added a separate openmpi1.5 package for those who wish to use it. * Calxeda ECX-1000 (Highbank) [[ARM/Server/Install#Installing_Precise_.2812.04.29_using_netboot_for_Calxeda_ECX-1000_.28Highbank.29|Support]] == Other == * New [[http://www.zentyal.com/|Zentyal]] packages available in Universe. * These packages are a ''rename'' of the existing ebox packages along with a ''new upstream release'' fixing known issues in the current ebox packages in Ubuntu 11.10. * [[http://www.resara.org/|Resara]], an open source Linux Domain controller and file server based on Samba4, has been added to Universe. * acpid introduced to both Server and Cloud images by default. * [[http://www.opscode.com/chef/|Chef]] 0.8.16 (Bug:948437) and corresponding [[http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Ohai|Ohai]] packages (Bug:948438) removed from precise at the request of !OpsCode. * [[http://www.eucalyptus.com|Eucalyptus]] 2.0.1 (Bug:953405) removed from precise at the request of Eucalyptus. * EC2 migration to S3 complete for all regions. * [[http://blog.canonical.com/2012/06/07/official-ubuntu-images-now-available-on-windows-azure/|Official Ubuntu Images Available on Windows Azure.]] * Windows Azure is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) from Microsoft that includes the ability to manage individual virtual machines. <> = Installation = == Overview == Preparing your computer for Ubuntu is now much simpler, with a wider range of disk setup options. Each of these are detailed at length to provide you with a clear understanding of the actions that will take place with your selection. == Download == Ubuntu Server 12.04 images can be downloaded from a location near you: * http://www.ubuntu.com/download The images can also be found at: * http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.1/ (Ubuntu Server) * http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.1/release/ (preinstalled ARM images, source) * http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/12.04/ (Ubuntu Netboot) == System Requirements == * The minimum memory requirement for Ubuntu Server 12.04 is 128 MB of memory. * The i386 image has a recommended maximum of 16GB of RAM, and a maximum of 8 CPU cores are exposed. == Netboot ARM Server Images == The ARM Netboot images allow you to bootstrap [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Server|Ubuntu Server]] on supported hardware. There are four images available, each for a different type of computer: * Calxeda ECX-1000 Highbank (Hard-Float) netboot server image * Marvell Armada-XP (Hard-Float) netboot server image * Texas Instruments OMAP3 (Hard-Float) netboot server image * Texas Instruments OMAP4 (Hard-Float) netboot server image Detailed installations instructions for the 4 above platforms can be found [[http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Server/Install|here]]. = Upgrade = == From 11.10 to 12.04 == To upgrade from Ubuntu 11.10 on a server system, follow the steps listed below: 1. Install the {{{update-manager-core}}} package (if it is not already installed). 1. Run {{{sudo do-release-upgrade}}} to launch the upgrade tool. 1. Follow the on-screen instructions. Note that the server upgrade is now more robust and will utilize GNU screen and automatically re-attach in case of dropped connection problems, for example. == From 10.04 to 12.04 == It is generally recommended that users of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS wait until the first point release, due in July, before upgrading. To upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a server system before then, follow the steps listed below: 1. Ensure you're up to date with latest updates for Ubuntu 10.04: 1. {{{ sudo apt-get update }}} 1. {{{ sudo apt-get upgrade }}} 1. Install update-manager-core if it is not already installed: 1. {{{ sudo apt-get install update-manager-core }}} 1. Edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=lts. Note: The minumum contents of /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades should be: {{{ [DEFAULT] Prompt=lts }}} 1. Launch the upgrade tool: 1. {{{ sudo do-release-upgrade -d }}} 1. Follow the on-screen instructions. At the end of the upgrade process you will be required to restart the server in order to boot into the new kernel. If you do not have access to the console of the system you are upgrading, you may need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the default boot kernel to the newly installed 12.04 kernel. If this step is not performed your server may attempt to boot into the 10.04 LTS kernel and will hang. NOTE: Upgrading Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, featuring Eucalyptus from 10.04 to this release is discouraged as 12.04 doesn't include eucalyptus, meaning there is not a valid upgrade path. It is recommended to continue with the supported 10.04 release, or convert to Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure, featuring OpenStack. == From other release == Users of other Ubuntu releases need to upgrade first to 11.10, and then to 12.04. For further information on upgrading to 12.04, please see the [[Precise upgrade instructions]]. = Known Issues = <> == Applications == * OpenStack: Nova API does not listen on IPv6 (Bug:850443) * Squid: squid (v2) has been deprecated in favor of squid3. The existing squid package provides a transitional package that will upgrade to squid3. Some config options may not be supported and manual migration of configuration is required. Previous squid.conf is preserved at /etc/squid/squid.conf after upgrade. See the squid 3.1.19 release notes for more information about supported options and syntax: * http://squidcache.cybermirror.org/squid/squid-3.1.19-RELEASENOTES.html#ss6.1 * Users who are using bonded network interfaces may experience a race condition on upgrade which can stop the bonded interface coming up on boot. This may cause problems for those performing remote upgrades. (Bug:974218) ## Fill in based on final images. ##= Changes since 11.10 = ## ## * Server Image: * Alternate Images: [[PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop/ServerNew|New Packages]],[[PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop/ServerVersion|Version Changes]],[[PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop/ServerRemoved|Removed Packages]] ## ##= Changes since 10.04 Ubuntu Server LTS = ## ## * ? add in highlights (with links to where more detailed information can be found) ## ##'''TODO Nick/Mark feel free to add summary here, and cross reference the white paper...''' = Support Terms = * 5 years, Long Term Support.