||<>|| = Features in Xubuntu 12.04 = The new features and changes for this release of Xubuntu are as following: * The i386 images use a non-PAE kernel. The non-PAE kernel will not be available in future Xubuntu releases. * Some default shortcuts have been changed, added and deleted. See the section 'New default shortcut keys' below for the complete list. * Lots of appearance improvements, including new branding and wallpaper, fixes for Greybird, Ubiquity, Plymouth, LightDM, and Terminal theming * Syncs, updates and patches from Debian and upstream, including xfce4-power-manager, Ristretto and gmusicbrowser * xfdesktop4 updated to support single-click opening and thumbnail support for the desktop * xfce4-settings has been updated to include the new mouse and touchpad dialog * Completely refreshed documentation (12.04.4) To learn more about Xubuntu, navigate to our website at [[http://xubuntu.org/|xubuntu.org]]. == Xubuntu Applications == * Pavucontrol is used instead of xfce4-mixer due to latter not supporting Pulseaudio * The Alacarte menu editor is installed by default and will work with Xfce-related menu items as well <> == New default shortcut keys == The new shortcut keys for window manager are: * '''Alt F5''', maximize window horizontally * '''Alt F6''', maximize window vertically * '''Alt F7''', maximize window horizontally and vertically * '''Alt F8''', stick window (make it appear in all workspaces) The shortcuts for moving and resizing windows have been removed in favor of more powerful mouse gestures. Naturally, if you need these shortcuts, you can enable them from Settings Manager » Window Manager » Keyboard tab. The new shortcuts for applications are: * '''Super W''' for Firefox (think ''Web'') * '''Super M''' for Thunderbird (think ''Mail'') * '''Super F''' for Thunar (think ''Files'') * '''Super T''' for Terminal The aforementioned shortcuts are bound to exo-open launchers. This means they will always open any browser, mail reader, file manager or terminal emulator you have set as the default. Other new application shortcut keys are: * '''Super R''' for Application finder (think ''Run'') * '''Super E''' for Leafpad (think ''Editor'') * '''Super 1''' Gmusicbrowser * '''Super 2''' Pidgin * '''Super 3''' Abiword * '''Super 4''' Gnumeric = Installation = == Overview == Preparing your computer for Xubuntu is now much simpler, with a wider range of disk setup options. Each of these are detailed at length to provide you with a clear understanding of the actions that will take place with your selection. You can now reinstall or upgrade an existing copy of Xubuntu with the Desktop CD installer, provided that your computer is connected to the Internet. == Download == Xubuntu 12.04.4 images can be downloaded from: * http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04.4/ (Xubuntu) ## * http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/precise/ (Xubuntu) == System Requirements == Minimum system requirements for Xubuntu fall roughly between Ubuntu Server and Desktop: * 512 MiB of system memory (RAM) * 5 GB of disk space * Graphics card and monitor capable of 800x600 resolution = Upgrading = == Upgrading from Xubuntu 11.10 == The update manager GUI will offer you 11.10 Xubuntu (it shows as Ubuntu, but updates Xubuntu); Alternatively, launch a Terminal and enter {{{sudo do-release-upgrade}}} = Known Issues = == Graphics and Display == == Applications == == Shortcut keys == * There is a change in how the shortcuts are handled, which will render all shortcuts with the Control key ususable on upgrade. To fix this, you need to update all your current shortcuts with Control: In Settings Manager » Keyboard » tab Application shortcuts, double click on the Shortcut column where it reads and press the (same) key combination. This will change the part to and the shortcut will work again. The other option is to revert the keyboard shortcut settings back to defaults and readd your custom shortcuts. * Some users might experience problems with any other keyboard shortcuts as well. To fix this, you need to revert the keyboard settings back to defaults and readd your custom shortcuts. <> ##= Changes since 11.10 = ## ## * CD Images: [[PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu/XubuntuNew|New Packages]],[[PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu/XubuntuChanged|Version Changes]], [[PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu/XubuntuRemoved|Removed Packages]] ## * Alternate Images: [[PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu/XubuntuAltNew|New Packages]],[[PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu/XubuntuAltChanged|Version Changes]], [[PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu/XubuntAltRemoved|Removed Packages]] ## = Support = Xubuntu 12.04 is a Long Term Support release (LTS) and will be supported for three years per the Xubuntu LTS plan. For support, navigate to the [[http://xubuntu.org/help/|Help -section in the Xubuntu website]] for a full listing of methods to get help.