
  1. Dependents/Clients
  2. Test Plan
  3. Suggested Test Cases
    1. General
      1. Sections listed in correct order (manual)
    2. Search
      1. Search for panel name (automated)
      2. Search for panel name that matches multiple panels (manual)
    3. Flight Mode
      1. Activate Flight Mode
      2. De-activate Flight Mode
    4. Wi-Fi
      1. Networks listed when on (manual)
      2. Networks not listed when off (manual)
      3. Forget Network (manual)
      4. Connect to hidden Network (manual)
      5. Connect to WPA2 Enterprise network (manual)
    5. VPN
      1. Basics
      2. An Openvpn/PPTP VPN server is available to you for testing purposes
    6. Cellular (Single SIM)
      1. Cellular data full (automated)
      2. Cellular data off (manual)
      3. 2G data only (automated)
      4. Data roaming on (automated)
      5. Data roaming off (manual)
      6. Choose carrier manually (manual)
      7. Choose carrier automatically (manual)
      8. Other carriers shown (automated)
      9. Edit APN
      10. Inspect and change provisioned APN
      11. Create new APN items of all types
      12. Reset the APN configuration
      13. Set the preferred APN item
    7. Cellular (Dual SIM)
      1. Cellular data full (manual)
      2. Cellular data off (manual)
      3. 2G data only (manual)
      4. Data roaming on (manual)
      5. Data roaming off (manual)
      6. Choose carrier manually (manual)
      7. Choose carrier automatically (manual)
      8. Other carriers shown (automated)
      9. Edit SIM name
      10. Change default SIM for calls
      11. Change default SIM for messages
      12. Edit APN
    8. Bluetooth
      1. Bluetooth on (manual)
      2. Bluetooth off (manual)
      3. Bluetooth discovery
      4. Device type icons
      5. Bluetooth discoverability
      6. Bluetooth discoverability (radio)
      7. Pair a Headset (manual)
      8. Other devices
      9. Device page
      10. Disconnecting a device
      11. Forgetting a device
    9. Hotspot
      1. Start a hotspot
      2. Hotspot is hidden for incompatible phones
    10. Background
      1. Set welcome screen background from Ubuntu Art (manual)
      2. Set welcome screen background from gallery (manual)
      3. Set welcome screen background from camera (manual)
      4. Cancel from Preview (manual)
    11. Sound
      1. Silent Mode
      2. Ringer Volume
      3. Ringtone Selection
      4. Ringtone Stop Playing
      5. Custom Ringtone Selection
      6. Message Received Tone
      7. Keyboard Sound
      8. Other vibrations
    12. Language & Text
      1. Display Language
      2. Date & Number Formats
      3. OSK Keyboard Layout
      4. HW Keyboard Layout
      5. Spell checking
      6. Auto completion
      7. Word Suggestions
      8. Auto capitalisation
      9. Keyboard sound
      10. Keyboard sound sync with Sound panel
    13. Reset Phone
      1. Reset Launcher
      2. Erase and Reset Everything
    14. Battery
    15. Brightness
    16. Phone (Single SIM)
      1. Call waiting
      2. Call forwarding
    17. Phone (Dual SIM)
      1. Enable call forwarding
      2. Enable call waiting
    18. Time & Date
    19. Security & Privacy
      1. Swipe Lock
      2. PIN Lock
      3. SIM Unlock (Single SIM)
      4. SIM Unlock (Multi SIM)
      5. Fingerprint ID (using device with fingerprint scanner)
      6. Fingerprint ID (using device without fingerprint scanner)
      7. Location
        1. utopic
        2. 14.09
    20. Notifications
      1. Migration from old Notifications Panel
      2. Apps list shows both Click and Legacy ones
      3. Apps list should be updated after (un)installing apps
      4. App settings should be maintained during app update
      5. Notification settings should be respected by the system
      6. Calendar app special case
    21. Updates
      1. Click updates
      2. Update All
      3. Updated apps can still be launched
      4. Connectivity
    22. About this phone
      1. Wi-Fi address
    23. Wizard
      1. Run Wizard with a SIM card
      2. Run Wizard without a SIM card
      3. Run Wizard and test passcode type
      4. Storage
    24. Launcher
    25. Printing
      1. Configuring a printer
      2. Configuring a network printer (skip if no network printers)
      3. Modifying a printer
      4. Deleting a printer
      5. Setting a default (Skip of you only have one printer, and it is the default already)
  4. Debugging
    1. Bluetooth



Test Plan

This test plan is not supposed to be complete; use it to guide your manual testing so they don't miss big functional areas that are part in the component; also this should be used as guideline to inspire the exploratory testing which should be adapted smartly based on the real content of a MP

Suggested Test Cases

These are some test cases that should be run prior to landing, grouped by the individual panel. Some of these will be automated in autopilot and some will be manual (depending on the difficulty of automating and bandwidth to do that activity). For automated test cases all test cases must be run for each landing. For manual tests, you may exercise your judgement. Err on the side of caution though - if you just touch the UI of one panel then just run that panels test cases. If you touch shared code then run all the tests.


Sections listed in correct order (manual)

1. Make sure sections are in the correct order, alphabetical from top to bottom. Network first, then Personal etc, with Orientation Lock and Flight Mode at the top and About this phone and Reset phone at the bottom.

Search for panel name (automated)

  1. Open the search bar.
  2. Enter the text 'Sound'
  3. Ensure that only the 'Sound' panel is listed and that it's under the 'Personal' section.

Search for panel name that matches multiple panels (manual)

  1. Open the search bar.
  2. Enter the text 'Ba'
  3. Ensure that the 'Battery', 'Background' panels are shown under 'System'.

Flight Mode

Activate Flight Mode

  1. Enable the flight mode switch.
  2. Open the network indicator and check that Wi-Fi is disabled.
  3. Check that all SIM slots indicate 'Offline' (this may take a little while)
  4. Open the Wi-Fi Panel and check that Wi-Fi is disabled there.

De-activate Flight Mode

This test requires that flight mode has already been enabled.

  1. Disable the flight mode switch
  2. Open the network indicator and check that Wi-Fi is enabled.
  3. Check that all SIM slots indicate 'Searching' and eventually show the operator name
  4. Open the Wi-Fi panel and check that Wi-Fi is enabled there.


These cases require that there are wireless networks in range. If you want to run those on desktop then you need to run

initctl start indicator-network

to activate the DBus service required.

Networks listed when on (manual)

  1. Ensure that the Wi-Fi toggle switch is on.
  2. Make sure that some wireless networks are shown in the UI.

Networks not listed when off (manual)

  1. Ensure that the Wi-Fi toggle switch is off.
  2. Confirm that no wireless networks are shown in the UI.
  3. Confirm that the Previous networks item is still shown

Forget Network (manual)

  1. Connect to a Wi-Fi network
  2. Select "Previous networks"
  3. Verify that the network you connected to is listed on the page
  4. Select that network
  5. Verify that 'Network details' page is shown and that:
    • Name field matches the name of the network
    • Last connected shows the current date
    • If the network is password protected there is a Password field and a 'Show password' toggle
    • Toggling 'Show password' shows the correct password for the network
  6. Press "Forget network"
  7. Verify that the device is disconnected from the network
  8. Select "Previous networks"
  9. Verify that the network is not shown in the list anymore

Connect to hidden Network (manual)

  1. Select 'Connect to hidden network…'
  2. Enter the SSID and correct password for the network
  3. Toggle 'Password visible' and ensure the password is revealed
  4. Select 'Connect'
  5. Verify that the device connects to the network

Connect to WPA2 Enterprise network (manual)

  1. Tap WPA2 EP network in the indicator
  2. Enter the SSID and the correct authentication details.
  3. Select 'Connect'
  4. Verify that the device connects to the network


If you want to run those on desktop then you need to run

start indicator-network

to activate the DBus service required.


  1. Ensure installed Openvpn/PPTP VPNs are listed.
  2. Tapping on an installed VPN yields some information on the VPN.
  3. Tap “Change” to change the VPN. Make changes and tap “Ok”. Ensure changes are reflected (by changing e.g. the server/gateway).
  4. Manually add a VPN. Set some fake properties and tap “Ok”. The new connection should be listed.
  5. Delete the manually added VPN.

An Openvpn/PPTP VPN server is available to you for testing purposes

  1. Manually add a VPN connection, choose the appropriate type.
  2. Properly configure the VPN connection and tap “Ok”.
  3. Open the indicator and enable the newly added VPN connection.
  4. Ensure the VPN connection functions.

Cellular (Single SIM)

These tests require that the device has a SIM card inserted of a provider that is in the providers database (get a reference). You also need the ofono-scripts package.

Cellular data full (automated)

  1. Disable Wi-Fi.
  2. Enable 'Cellular Data'
  3. Select the '2G/3G (faster)' option from the list of options under 'Connection Type'
  4. Ensure that the cellular data connection is activated and shows 'H' or '3G' after some time (network dependent).

Cellular data off (manual)

  1. Disable 'Cellular Data'
  2. Ensure that the cellular data connection is deactivated.

2G data only (automated)

  1. Enable 'Cellular Data'
  2. In the 'Connection Type' section select '2G only (saves battery)'.
  3. Ensure that the cellular data connection is activated and shows 'E' or '2G' after some time (network dependent).

Data roaming on (automated)

  1. Ensure that the data roaming toggle is turned on.
  2. Check that data roaming is turned on in the phone hardware by running  $ /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems | grep RoamingAllowed  and that the output is  RoamingAllowed = 1 .

Data roaming off (manual)

  1. Ensure that the data roaming toggle is turned off.
  2. Check that data roaming is turned off in the phone hardware by running  $ /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems | grep RoamingAllowed  and that the output is  RoamingAllowed = 0 .

Choose carrier manually (manual)

  1. Click on 'Carrier'
  2. Click on 'Carrier'
  3. Wait for the search to complete.
  4. Choose a carrier from the list.
  5. Wait one minute for registration.
  6. Confirm that the chosen carrier is selected

Choose carrier automatically (manual)

  1. Click on 'Carrier'
  2. Click on 'Carrier'
  3. Select 'Automatically' under 'Choose carrier'.
  4. Check that the expected carrier is shown besides 'Automatic'.

Other carriers shown (automated)

Note: This test requires that mock carriers have been created in ofono, called '' and ''.

  1. Click on 'Carrier' and 'Carrier' to get a list of carriers to choose from
  2. Check that '' is shown.

Edit APN

Ofono (part of the telephony stack) will always automatically provision (create) an APN item for you. It does so using the database found in /system/etc/apns-conf.xml on your system.

Note: If you have not previously changed APN settings, you can safely use the reset functionality to restore APN settings after running these tests. You should, however, back up functioning APN items by backing up /var/lib/ofono/<IMSI>/gprs.

Inspect and change provisioned APN

  1. Click on “Carrier” and “APN”.
  2. Click on the provisioned APN item.
  3. Ensure you can inspect each of the settings in the APN item.
  4. Change the “APN” field to “Foo”.
  5. Click on the tick ✔.
  6. Confirm that the APN item changed.

Create new APN items of all types

  1. Click on “Carrier” and “APN”.
  2. Click + in the header.
  3. Select the type you're currently creating.
  4. Fill the “APN” field. If you're creating an MMS or Internet+MMS context, also fill the “MMSC” field.
  5. Click on the tick ✔.
  6. Ensure the APN item was created.

Reset the APN configuration

  1. Click on “Carrier” and “APN”.
  2. Click “Reset All APN Settings…”
  3. Ensure the APN configuration was reset.

Set the preferred APN item

You can verify this test by either 1) using a functioning APN for data or 2) inspecting the output from /usr/share/ofono/scripts/monitor-ofono while running this test.

  1. Click on “Carrier” and “APN”.
  2. Check an APN item.
  3. Ensure that the APN item is now preferred.
  4. If 1) this was a functioning APN for data, 2) you are not connected to a Wi-Fi network, 3) you have cellular coverage, you should immediately see a symbol representing the cellular connection in the indicator.

Cellular (Dual SIM)

These tests require that the device has two SIM card inserted of a provider that is in the providers database (get a reference). You also need the ofono-scripts package.

Cellular data full (manual)

Repeat this test for both SIM cards.

  1. Click a SIM card item, identifiable by its name and number (or IMSI), under 'Cellular Data'
  2. Select '2G/3G/4G' from the list of options under 'Connection type'
  3. Wait for one minute.
  4. Ensure that the cellular data connection is activated.

Cellular data off (manual)

  1. Select 'Off' from the list of options under 'Cellular Data'
  2. Ensure that the cellular data connection is deactivated.

2G data only (manual)

Repeat this test for both SIM cards.

  1. Click a SIM card item, identifiable by its name and number (or IMSI), under 'Cellular Data'
  2. In the 'Connection type' section select '2G only (saves battery)'.
  3. Query the phone hardware to make sure only 2G data is on by running $ /usr/share/ofono/scripts/get-tech-preference

Data roaming on (manual)

  1. Ensure that the data roaming toggle is turned on.
  2. Check that data roaming is turned on in the phone hardware by running $ /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems # and checking that RoamingAllowed is true

Data roaming off (manual)

  1. Ensure that the data roaming toggle is turned off.
  2. Check that data roaming is turned off in the phone hardware by running $ /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems # and checking that RoamingAllowed is true

Choose carrier manually (manual)

Repeat this test for both SIM cards.

  1. Click on 'Carriers' to get the list of SIM cards and their respective carriers
  2. Click a SIM card item, identifiable by its name and number (or IMSI)
  3. Wait for the search to complete.
  4. Choose a carrier from the list.
  5. Confirm that the chosen carrier is selected.

Choose carrier automatically (manual)

Repeat this test for both SIM cards.

  1. Select 'Automatically' under 'Choose carrier'.
  2. Check that the expected carrier is shown besides 'Automatically'.

Other carriers shown (automated)

Repeat this test for both SIM cards.

This test requires that mock carriers have been created in ofono, called '' and ''.

  1. Click on 'Carrier' to get a list of carriers to choose from
  2. Check that '' is shown.

Edit SIM name

Repeat this test for both SIM cards.

  1. Run $ gsettings monitor
  2. Click a SIM card item, identifiable by its name, under 'Edit SIM Name'
  3. Type in 'foo' and click 'OK'
  4. Verify that the SIM name was changed by looking at gsettings monitor's output

The ouput should look simething like this:

sim-names: {'/ril_0': 'SIM 1', '/ril_1': 'foo'}

Change default SIM for calls

Repeat this test for both SIM cards.

  1. Run $ gsettings monitor
  2. Click a SIM card item, identifiable by its name and number (or IMSI), under 'For outgoing calls, use:'
  3. Verify that the SIM name was changed by looking at gsettings monitor's output

The ouput should look simething like this:

default-sim-for-calls: '/ril_1'

Change default SIM for messages

Repeat this test for both SIM cards.

  1. Run $ gsettings monitor
  2. Click a SIM card item, identifiable by its name and number (or IMSI), under under 'For messages, use:'
  3. Verify that the SIM name was changed by looking at gsettings monitor's output

The ouput should look simething like this:

default-sim-for-messages: '/ril_1'N

Edit APN

Same as for Single SIM.


Bluetooth on (manual)

  1. Ensure the Bluetooth toggle is on.
  2. Check that the Bluetooth indicator icon is shown.
  3. Check that the 'Connect a device' field indicates scanning is happening.

Bluetooth off (manual)

  1. Ensure the Bluetooth toggle is off.
  2. Check that the Bluetooth indicator icon is not shown.
  3. Check that the 'Connect a device' field indicates scanning is not happening.

Bluetooth discovery

  1. Ensure the Bluetooth toggle is on.
  2. Wait 10 seconds, ensure a spinner appears next to "Connect a device:" (or "Connect another device:"), and that it stops within 10 seconds.
  3. Ensure devices in range that are set to visible show up in the list under "Connect a device:"
  4. Turn Bluetooth off.
  5. Ensure the spinner next to "Connect a device" stops if it is running.
  6. Ensure the spinner does not restart while Bluetooth is Off.
  7. Turn Bluetooth On.
  8. Ensure the spinner starts spinning again within 10 seconds.

Device type icons

This test requires the new icons from the suru-icon-theme package.

  1. Verify that discovered devices show an icon representing the type of the device.

Bluetooth discoverability

  1. Ensure bluetooth is On, then close the Bluetooth page.
  2. Open the Bluetooth settings page
  3. Ensure it initially reads "Not discoverable" on the second item line, with a spinner.
  4. Ensure the text changes to "Discoverable" and the name of the device instead of a spinner, within 2 seconds.
  5. Turn Bluetooth off.
  6. Ensure the text reverts to "Not discoverable", with NO spinner.

Bluetooth discoverability (radio)

  1. Ensure the Bluetooth toggle is on.
  2. Before starting System Settings, make sure the device is not visible by scanning with another device.
  3. Open System Settings and also verify that the device is still not visible.
  4. Open the Bluetooth screen, and verify that the device is now visible for others (should say 'Discoverable').
  5. Move back to the main system settings page, and verify that the device is not visible anymore.
  6. Repeat the same procedure, but instead of moving back to the main system settings page, just move it to the background and make sure the device is not visible after 3 seconds.
  7. Repeat the same procedure, but instead of moving back to the main system settings page, close system-settings (from the bluetooth screen), and make sure the device is not visible after 180 seconds.

Pair a Headset (manual)

This test requires that a Bluetooth headset is available and has had its pairing mode enabled. The Bluetooth toggle should also be on.

  1. Wait for the headset to appear in the list of available devices.
  2. Click on the headset entry in the list.
  3. Eventually, the chosen headset should be shown under 'Connected Headsets'.
  4. Ensure that a new section titled 'Connect a different headset' is shown, as well as an activity spinner to indicate that more headsets are being searched for.

Other devices

This test requires the use of a bluetooth mouse or keyboard or Android/iOS phone.

  1. Ensure other bluetooth device is set to be visible / is in pairing mode.
  2. Wait for the device to appear in the list under "Connect a device:" or "Connect another device:".
  3. Ensure the device is greyed out and cannot be clicked.

Device page

This test requires a bluetooth headset to have already been paired and connected.

  1. Click the arrow beside the device name, which can be found under the "Connected devices:" list.
  2. Ensure a new page opens, that it reads the Name, Type, Status, Signal Strength or the device.
  3. Ensure the "Connect automatically when detected" switch is checked.
  4. Ensure there is a "Disconnect" button and a "Forget this device" button, and that both are sensitive.

Disconnecting a device

This test builds on the previous "Device page" test.

  1. Ensure a device is connected.
  2. Open the device page, by clicking the arrow next to the device name.
  3. Click the "Disconnect" button.
  4. Verify that you are sent back to the list of devices and that the selected device moves to the "Connect automatically when detected:" list.

Forgetting a device

  1. Click on a device, to go to the device page.
  2. Click the "Forget this device" button. Ensure the device is disconnected, and disappears from the "Connected devices" list.


Start a hotspot

Note: This test is not possible to do on Mako.

  1. Press button “Set up hotspot”
  2. Enter a name
  3. Enter a password (8 characters or more)
  4. On a different device, scan the network, see that the hotspot is on, join it, transfer data over it
  5. Disable hotspot with the switch
  6. Verify on other device that the network has disappeared
  7. Switch hotspot back on, verify it is on
  8. Switch hotspot back off, verify it is off

Hotspot is hidden for incompatible phones

Note: This test requires a phone on which hotspot does not work (mako, flo, laptop).

  1. Open System Settings
  2. Ensure “Hotspot” is not listed under “Network”.


Set welcome screen background from Ubuntu Art (manual)

  1. Select one of the options from the 'Ubuntu Art' section.
  2. On the preview screen select 'Set'.
  3. Check that the wallpaper has been set to the selected image.

This test requires that an image is stored on the phone and viewable in the gallery application.

  1. Expand the 'Custom' selector and select 'Add an image...'
  2. Choose 'Gallery' from the list of applications.
  3. Select an image from the gallery.
  4. Click the check in the header.
  5. Confirm that the chosen image is shown in the 'Preview'.
  6. Click 'Set'.
  7. Confirm that the wallpaper has been set to the same image that was selected.

Set welcome screen background from camera (manual)

  1. Expand the 'Custom' selector and select 'Add an image...'
  2. Choose 'Camera' from the list of applications.
  3. Snap a photo and click the check near the bottom of the screen.
  4. Confirm that the chosen image is shown in the 'Preview'.
  5. Click 'Set'.
  6. Confirm that the wallpaper has been set to the same image that was selected.

Cancel from Preview (manual)

  1. Select one of the options from the 'Ubuntu Art' section.
  2. On the Preview screen select 'Remove'.
  3. Confirm that the wallpaper has not been set to the selected image.


Silent Mode

1. Enable 'Silent Mode' 1. Make a call to the device and confirm that the ringtone does not play 1. Disable 'Silent Mode' 1. Make a call to the device and confirm that the ringtone does play

Ringer Volume

  1. Set the volume all the way up and make a call to the device.
  2. Confirm that the sound emitted is loud (subjective!)
  3. Set the volume all the way down and make a call to the device.
  4. Confirm that no sound is emitted.
  5. Set the volume in the middle and make a call to the device.
  6. Confirm that the sound can be heard, but is not louder than in the first step.

Ringtone Selection

  1. Under 'Phone Calls' open 'Ringtone'.
  2. Confirm that the list of ringtones looks sensible (about 20 ringtones should be present and in alphabetical order.
  3. Click on a ringtone.
  4. Confirm that the ringtone starts playing.
  5. Click on the back button.
  6. Make a phone call to the device and confirm that the same ringtone is played.

Ringtone Stop Playing

  1. Under 'Phone Calls' open 'Ringtone'.
  2. Click on a ringtone.
  3. Confirm that the ringtone starts playing.
  4. Immediately press the 'Stop Playing' button.
  5. Confirm that the ringtone stops playing immediately.

Custom Ringtone Selection

  1. Ensure you have at least one song in the Music app
  2. Under 'Phone Calls' open 'Ringtone'.
  3. Click on 'Custom Ringtone'
  4. Choose the Music app from the peer picker
  5. Select a song from your library
  6. Confirm that the ringtone starts playing.
  7. Click on the back button.
  8. Make a phone call to the device and confirm that the same ringtone is played.

Message Received Tone

  1. Under 'Messages' open 'Message received'.
  2. Confirm that the list looks reasonable and is listed in alphabetical order.
  3. Click on a tone.
  4. Confirm that it plays.
  5. Send a message to the device and confirm that the same sound is played.

Keyboard Sound

  1. Set the Keyboard sound toggle to On.
  2. Open the keyboard (e.g. by clicking in System Settings search bar) and type.
  3. Confirm that a sound is heard on each keypress.
  4. Set the Keyboard sound toggle to Off.
  5. Open the keyboard and type.
  6. Confirm that no sound is heard each time a key is pressed.

Other vibrations

Test that disabling other vibrations work. Other vibrations covers all vibrations except for those relating to phone calls and messages.

  1. Enable 'Other vibrations'.
  2. Go to the dash and click on an application.
  3. Confirm that the click produced haptic feedback.
  4. Disable 'Other vibrations'
  5. Go to the dash and click on an application.
  6. Confirm that the click did not produce haptic feedback.

Language & Text

Display Language

  1. Click on 'Display...'
  2. Choose 'français (France)' from the list.
  3. Confirm that the button and heading text changes, then click the top button.
  4. Confirm that all text appears to be in French apart from the word 'English' next to 'Agencements du clavier'
  5. Click on 'Afficher la langu...'
  6. Choose 'English (United States)' from the list.
  7. Click on 'Confirm'.
  8. Confirm that all text is in English again.

Date & Number Formats

  1. Click on 'Date & number formats...'

  2. Choose 'English (UK)'
  3. Choose 'Confirm'
  4. Choose 'Restart Now'
  5. On restart, confirm that the time displayed in the indicator doesn't include AM or PM
  6. Alternatively, confirm that 'env | grep LC_' uses 'en_GB.UTF-8' as the current formats locale

OSK Keyboard Layout

  1. Click on 'Keyboard layouts'

HW Keyboard Layout

  1. Click on 'External Keyboard'.
  2. Choose a layout, drag it to the top.
  3. Make sure it's the default layout for new MIR surfaces.

Spell checking

Auto completion

Word Suggestions

Auto capitalisation

Keyboard sound

Keyboard sound sync with Sound panel

Reset Phone

Reset Launcher

  1. Add or change the pinned favorites on the launcher
  2. Verify "Reset Phone" is shown at the bottom of the main settings page
  3. Select "Reset Phone", you'll see two buttons
  4. Select "Reset Launcher", verify you see a confirmation dialog. Including a message informing resetting the launcher requires a restart of the device.
  5. Confirm the reset and reboot the device with the power switch
  6. After restart, confirm the favorites on the launcher do not include your changes

Erase and Reset Everything

  1. Select "Erase & Reset Everything" from the Reset panel

  2. Verify you see the dialog containing a warning that all data on the device will be permanently lost
  3. Confirm the reset by selecting "Erase & Reset Everything" in the dialog, verify the device reboots and resets to the default image


  1. Confirm charging state changes when connecting/disconnecting the charger
  2. Open the battery panel, check the info, switch to dash (or another software), change the device state (charge level, plug/unplugged, ...), focus back settings, the informations should be current


Phone (Single SIM)

Prior to running these tests there should be a SIM card inserted in the device.

Call waiting

  1. Get a shell on the device, using phablet-shell or whatever preferred method is.
  2. Run /usr/share/ofono/scripts/monitor-ofono and watch the output as you peform the following steps
  3. Select "Call waiting" from the phone panel, toggle the switch while watching the output from monitor-ofono. It should look something like this:

 {CallSettings} [/ril_0] VoiceCallWaiting = disabled
 {CallSettings} [/ril_0] VoiceCallWaiting = enabled

Call forwarding

  1. Click 'Call forwarding'
  2. Check 'Forward every incoming call' type in 41444424 and click 'Set'
  3. Ensure all other forwarding options are disabled.
  4. Uncheck 'Forward every incoming call'.
  5. Check each of the conditional forwarding items.

Confirm each setting either by calling your number, or inspect the output from /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems, or watch the output from /usr/share/ofono/scripts/monitor-ofono, which should look something like this:

 {CallForwarding} [/ril_0] VoiceUnconditional = enabled

Phone (Dual SIM)

Prior to running these tests there should be two SIM cards inserted in the device.

Enable call forwarding

Note: This test is dependent on your carrier. Repeat this test for both SIM cards.

  1. Click 'Call forwarding' under a SIM card item, identifiable by its name and number (or IMSI)
  2. Check 'Forward every incoming call' type in 41444424 and click 'Set'
  3. Ensure all other forwarding options are disabled.
  4. Uncheck 'Forward every incoming call'.
  5. Check each of the conditional forwarding items.

Confirm each setting either by calling your number, or inspect the output from /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems

Enable call waiting

Repeat this test for both SIM cards.

  1. Click 'Call waiting' under a SIM card item, identifiable by its name and number (or IMSI)
  2. Check 'Call waiting'

Time & Date

Security & Privacy

Swipe Lock

  1. Click on 'Phone Locking'
  2. Click on 'Lock Security'
  3. Select 'Swipe (no security)'
  4. Press the power button to lock the screen and again to unlock
  5. Swipe the greeter away and confirm that no passphrase or PIN was requested

PIN Lock

  1. Click on 'Phone Locking'
  2. Click on 'Lock Security'
  3. Select '4-digit PIN code'
  4. Enter and confirm a 4-digit PIN
  5. Press the power button to lock the screen and again to unlock
  6. Swipe the greeter away and confirm that a PIN is requested (number pad appears)
  7. Enter the PIN you chose and confirm that the screen is unlocked when the last character is entered
  8. Press the power button to lock the screen and again to unlock
  9. Enter an incorrect 4-digit PIN and confirm that the 'Sorry, incorrect passcode' message is displayed

SIM Unlock (Single SIM)

  1. Ensure SIM is locked
  2. Click on 'SIM Pin'
  3. Click on 'Unlock'
  4. Enter PIN
  5. Confirm that 'Unlock' button changes to 'Change PIN' and text 'Locked' to 'Unlocked'

SIM Unlock (Multi SIM)

Repeat above test for all SIMs.

Fingerprint ID (using device with fingerprint scanner)

  1. Click on 'Fingerprint ID'
  2. Set a passcode
  3. Click on 'Add fingerprint'
  4. Follow the steps to enroll a finger
  5. Enter 'Locking/Unlocking' and choose 'Fingerprint' as method
  6. Lock phone, unlock it using the fingerprint you just enrolled.
  7. Re-enter 'Fingerprint ID' and click on 'Finger 1'
  8. Rename and delete this fingerprint

Fingerprint ID (using device without fingerprint scanner)

  1. Ensure 'Fingerprint ID' is not present in Security panel.
  2. Enter 'Locking/Unlocking' and make sure 'Fingerprint' is not a possible option.


  1. Navigate to the Location sub-page
  2. Verify that switching Location detection selector to "Not at all" is reflected in the Location indicator, and vice-versa
  3. Install the "Google Maps" webapp from the click store
  4. Start "Google Maps" and allow access to your location
  5. Go back to USS > Privacy > Location and verify that "Google Maps" is listed and the enable switch is ON

  6. Verify there is not a "Using GPS, anonymized Wi-Fi and cellular network info" item in the selector
  7. Switch off location access for Google Maps; kill the app and restart it; verify that it can't obtain your location anymore; switch back on, restart the app, verify that it has location access again, and that the settings switch reflects that correctly

  1. Navigate to the Location sub-page
  2. Verify that switching Location detection selector to "Not at all" is reflected in the Location indicator, and vice-versa
  3. Start the "HERE" webapp and allow access to your location
  4. Go back to USS > Privacy > Location and verify that "HERE" is listed and the enable switch is ON

  5. Verify there is a "Using GPS, anonymized Wi-Fi and cellular network info" item in the selector


Note: This test requires new notification settings front/back end available at silo54 (2016-06-24). It should only be executed if testing this silo or after it has landed.

Migration from old Notifications Panel

  1. Navigate to the Notifications sub-page
  2. Make sure to disable notifications for a couple of apps
  3. Update system with new Notifications settings schema
  4. Navigate again to the Notifications sub-page
  5. Make sure that previous disabled apps are still marked as so

Apps list shows both Click and Legacy ones

Both Click and Legacy apps are able to use Notifications and both should be displayed on apps list

  1. Navigate to the Notifications sub-page
  2. Make sure that legacy apps able to use notifications are visible (i.e. system-settings)
  3. Make sure that click apps able to use notifications are visible (i.e. gmail)

Apps list should be updated after (un)installing apps

  1. Navigate to the Notifications sub-page
  2. Change the Notification settings for any app
  3. Uninstall that app
  4. Navigate again to the Notifications sub-page and make sure the app entry was removed
  5. Reinstall that same app
  6. Navigate again to the Notifications sub-page and make sure the app entry is there again
  7. Make sure that everything is enabled for that app (no previous settings change was saved)

App settings should be maintained during app update

  1. Navigate to the Notifications sub-page
  2. Change the Notification settings for any app
  3. Update that app
  4. Navigate again to the Notifications sub-page and make sure settings are unchanged

Notification settings should be respected by the system

Repeat this test for all Notifications type (Sounds, Vibrations, Bubbles and List)

  1. Navigate to the Notifications sub-page
  2. Disable Sounds Notifications for any app
  3. Make sure that notifications for that app does not trigger any sound

Calendar app special case

(2016-06-24) Calendar is using indicator-datetime instead of ubuntu-push to handle Notifications. Please, test it since issues can be founded here and not on the other apps. Repeat this test for all Notifications type (Sounds, Vibrations, Bubbles and List)

  1. Navigate to the Notifications sub-page
  2. Disable Sounds Notifications for calendar
  3. Make sure that notifications for calendar does not trigger any sound


To effectively test updates, you need to first install older versions of click packages. You can download older versions of clicks that were published in the store from a mirror of the click store.

You can see a list of currently installed clicks with "click list". Then browse the mirror by date for to find older versions of a few clicks you already have installed. Download the click package to your device and install with "pkcon install-local"

Suggested clicks:

You can flash older images on your device by remounting the / partition and modify the image number to current minus 10.

It is also recommended you do this on a device where system-image-dbus runs.

Click updates

  1. Install an older version of some applications following the directions above.
  2. System Settings -> Accounts -> Ubuntu One -> Remove account…

  3. Reboot
  4. System Settings -> Updates -> Log in

  5. Verify that you can find and install click updates

Update All

  1. Install an older version of some application following the directions above, as well as a system image.
  2. System Settings -> Updates -> Update all…

  3. Verify all items are updated. If this includes a System Image Update, the System Image Update should be applied, and the phone restarted.
  4. After updates have been applied, verify that they appear in the “Previous updates” list.

Updated apps can still be launched

  1. Install an older version of some application following the directions above.
  2. System Settings -> Updates

  3. Update that app to the latest version in the store
  4. Verify you see download statistics while downloading and the status updates from "Downloading" to "Installing" and ultimately the update is removed from the list.
  5. Verify that the app can be launched from the “Previous updates” list.


  1. Launch system-settings
  2. Enable flight mode
  3. Open the Updates panel in settings
  4. Verify message "Connect to the Internet to check for updates"
  5. Disable flight mode
  6. Verify the updates page starts checking for updates.

About this phone

Wi-Fi address

  1. Open "About this phone"
  2. Check that the value of "Wi-Fi address" corresponds to $ ifconfig|grep wlan0


The ideal way to test the wizard after installing the test package is to reset the device, but if this is not possible you can run phablet-config welcome-wizard --enable and restart lightdm.

Run Wizard with a SIM card

Prior to running this test there should be a SIM card inserted in the device.

  1. Launch the wizard
  2. Confirm that languages are displayed in the language selection list and press next to continue.
  3. Enter wireless network details and confirm the network is connected.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Go through the gestures tutorial and open an application to check does the keyboard launch.

Run Wizard without a SIM card

Prior to running this test there should be no SIM card inserted in the device.

  1. Launch the wizard
  2. Confirm that languages are displayed in the language selection list and press next to continue.
  3. Enter wireless network details and confirm the network is connected.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Go through the gestures tutorial and open an application to check does the keyboard launch.

Run Wizard and test passcode type

  1. Launch the startup wizard and select 4-digit passcode as security mechanism
  2. when asked to confirm the passcode, quickly type it again.
  3. finish setup
  4. Lock screen and confirm you are prompted to enter the 4-digit passcode to unlock instead of a password


The "Total storage" size should be the sum of each part.


  1. On a device with a screen larger than 90 GU:
  2. Enter Launcher panel.
  3. Set “Always Show”. Launcher is always shown.
  4. Change Launcher size. Launcher size changes.


Testing will cover four things: configuring a printer, configuring a network printer, modifying, deleting and setting a default printer. Only configuration of network printers has pre-requisites, namely that you have a network printer (or a unconfigured e.g. USB printer).

Configuring a printer

  1. Open System Settings • Printing
  2. Click “+” in the header.
  3. Click “Enter URI”.
  4. Enter the following details:

Printer name




Filter drivers

generic pcl 6 wide margin

  1. Click the first driver in the list.
  2. Click the “✓” and wait to be presented with the list of printers.
  3. Make sure the printer is in your list of configured printers.

Configuring a network printer (skip if no network printers)

  1. Open System Settings • Printing
  2. Click “+” in the header.
  3. Wait for the “Devices” list to be populated.
  4. Click on some device.
  5. Click the first driver in the list, or find a suitable driver.
  6. Click the “✓” and wait to be presented with the list of printers.
  7. Make sure the printer is in your list of configured printers.

Modifying a printer

  1. Open System Settings • Printing • Click on printer to modify
  2. Make some change.
  3. Confirm that a change was made.

Deleting a printer

  1. Open System Settings • Printing
  2. Swipe right, or right click on printer to delete.
  3. Confirm printer was deleted.

Setting a default (Skip of you only have one printer, and it is the default already)

  1. Open System Settings • Printing • Click on printer to set as default
  2. Go to “Policies”
  3. Click "Set as Default"
  4. Confirm the printer is under heading “Default printer”



If you encounter issues on a phone and you feel comfortable using the command line, please collect the following information to augment bug reports:

To include verbose logs to enable more detailed analysis make the following changes...

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo sed -i 's/exec \/usr\/sbin\/bluetoothd/exec \/usr\/sbin\/bluetoothd -d/g' /etc/init/bluetooth.conf

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo sed -i 's/--start/--start --log-level=debug/g' /usr/share/upstart/sessions/pulseaudio.conf

Process/Merges/TestPlan/ubuntu-system-settings (last edited 2017-03-23 13:41:15 by jonas-drange)