Test plan for component: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlans/ofono
Component Checklist: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/Checklists/Common
Trunk URL: https://github.com/rilmodem/ofono
Ubuntu Package URL (LP): http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono
Supplementary Services Tests
- At least two additional phones
- An operator that supports the service:
- CLIR: Vodafone (ES) supports it, Pepephone (ES) does not
- CLIP: Vodafone (ES), Pepephone (ES) support it
1. Activation of calling line identity restriction
This test case verifies that activating the Calling Line Identity Restriction (CLIR) supplementary service works.
CLIR must be provided by the operator.
- test-ss [modem] “#31#”
- The output must be:
CallingLineRestriction : Operation [ deactivation ] Status [ enabled ]
- The output must be:
- test-ss [modem] "*#31#"
- The output must be:
CallingLineRestriction : Operation [ interrogation ] Status [ enabled ]
- The output must be:
dial-number [modem] <number>
Phone <number> should receive a call from a private number, that is, the calling number must not be shown.
2. Deactivation of calling line identity restriction
This test case verifies that deactivating the Calling Line Identity Restriction (CLIR) supplementary service works.
CLIR must be provided by the operator.
- test-ss [modem] “*31#”
- The output must be:
CallingLineRestriction : Operation [ activation ] Status [ disabled ]
- The output must be:
- test-ss [modem] "*#31#"
- The output must be:
CallingLineRestriction : Operation [ interrogation ] Status [ disabled ]
- The output must be:
dial-number [modem] <number>
Phone <number> should receive a call and the calling line must be shown on the screen.
Note - there is some suspicion that the behavior of CLIR and the status show may be modem-specific. Please the following bug and pull-request for more details:
3. Interrogation of calling line identity presentation
This test case verifies that we can interrogate the network about the Calling Line Identity Presentation (CLIP) status.
CLIP must be provided by the operator.
- test-ss [modem] “*#30#”
- A line with the status must be shown:
CallingLinePresentation : Operation [ interrogation ] Status [ enabled ]
- A line with the status must be shown: