This page needs to rewritten in spec form. It is currently a dump of my notes linked to from the server-karmic-confconsole blueprint for discussion purposes.

I wrote the notes in October 2008, so they might be a little out of date.

If you have any ideas/comments, either edit this page or contact me at:

Retrospective thoughts

Getting a project like this off the ground is not realistic with the below vaguely sketched out architecture.

A project like this would have a much better chance of becoming a reality if I first:

The proof of concept implementation might go something like this:

What needs to happen to get this going

Touching back with reality for a moment, there is quite a bit of work involved at multiple levels:


Researched over 20 possible candidates

There has been lots of discussion on this issue

From what I understand, Ubuntu feel the same way

Lets face it

While researching what was available, I began imagining the ultimate system, and thought I would sketch out a quick spec describing it.

Any and all thoughts are welcome

Design goals

What its not

What it is


Safely manipulate configuration files (augues)

Modular and extendable architecture (down to the bone)

Support remote administration to scale (soap / xmlrpc / ssh)


Essentially, different projects all building ontop of the core

Layered implementation / Development phases

Single server managment (locally, but remotely accessable)

Single server management (remotely)

Scale up


Pymin (last edited 2009-05-12 09:32:23 by bzq-219-135-118)