= python-essential -- batteries excluded = Package name: essential, base? no-batteries, discharged-batteries? Solar Python? == Package Contents == * Dependencies on essential packages only * Same "functionality" as perl-base * Should work without /usr ? * Does package size matter? == Package size == Sizes with batteries included, stripped extension modules, no .pyc and .pyo files: {{{ 1004 bin/ 120 lib/python2.3/lib-old 4 lib/python2.3/site-packages 532 lib/python2.3/encodings 208 lib/python2.3/email 196 lib/python2.3/compiler 20 lib/python2.3/hotshot 80 lib/python2.3/logging 80 lib/python2.3/bsddb 284 lib/python2.3/distutils/command 680 lib/python2.3/distutils 152 lib/python2.3/xml/dom 8 lib/python2.3/xml/parsers 72 lib/python2.3/xml/sax 236 lib/python2.3/xml 32 lib/python2.3/curses 36 lib/python2.3/plat-linux2 1680 lib/python2.3/lib-dynload 6896 lib/python2.3 7952 lib/ }}} === Largest submodules: === * 932kB: unicodedata & encodings * 680kB: distutils * 350kB: pyexpat and xml == Contents, derived from perl-base == perl-base contents and mapping to equivalent python modules ||'''perl-base''' ||'''python-essential'''||'''comments'''|| ||AutoLoader ||\-|| ||B, B\:\:Deparse ||compiler? ||compiler backend, essential?|| ||base ||\- || || ||bytes ||\- ||Perl pragma to force byte semantics rather than character semantics|| ||Carp ||\- |||| ||Config ||sys |||| ||constant ||\- ||perl only|| ||Cwd ||os |||| ||Data\:\:Dumper ||pickle, cPickle ||repr function for non equivalent usage, pprint for formatted output|| ||DynaLoader ||\- |||| ||Errno ||errno |||| ||Exporter ||\- |||| ||Fcntl ||fcntl, os, stat |||| ||fields ||\- ||perl only|| ||File\:\:Glob ||glob, fnmatch, os |||| ||File\:\:Spec ||os.path |||| ||Getopt ||getopt, optparse |||| ||integer ||\- ||perl only|| ||IO || |||| ||IO\:\:Handle ||\- ||builtin functions|| ||IO\:\:Seekable ||\- ||builtin functions|| ||IO\:\:File ||\- ||builtin functions|| ||IO\:\:Pipe ||os, popen2 |||| ||IO\:\:Socket ||socket, _socket |||| ||IO\:\:Dir ||os, os.path |||| ||IO\:\:Select ||select |||| ||IO\:\:Poll ||select |||| ||IPC\:\:Open2 ||popen2 |||| ||IPC\:\:Open3 ||popen2 |||| ||lib ||sys ||sys.path modifications|| ||List\:\:Util ||\- ||builtin functions|| ||locale ||\? ||switch locale for builtins|| ||overload ||\- ||perl only|| ||POSIX ||os, posix |||| ||re ||\- ||alter regexp behaviour|| ||Scalar\:\:Util ||\- ||perl only|| ||SelectSaver ||\- ||perl only|| ||Socket ||socket, _socket |||| ||strict ||\- ||perl only|| ||Symbol ||\- ||perl only|| ||Text\:\:ParseWords ||string ||string methods|| ||Text\:\:Tabs ||string |||| ||Text\:\:Wrap ||textwrap |||| ||utf8 ||\- ||utf8 encoding for sources|| ||warnings ||warnings |||| ||warnings\:\:register ||warnings |||| ||XSLoader ||\- ||perl only|| === List of modules === _socket, cPickle, errno, fcntl, fnmatch, getopt, glob, optparse, os pickle, popen2, select, socket, stat, string, sys, textwrap, warnings === Add === ConfigParser, md5, tempfile, sha, logging, random === List of modules and dependent modules: === StringIO, UserDict, _socket, _sre, array, binascii, cPickle, cStringIO, copy_reg, errno, fcntl, fnmatch, getopt, glob, linecache, marshal, optparse, os, pickle, popen2, posixpath, pwd, re, select, socket, sre, sre_compile, sre_constants, sre_parse, stat, string, strop, struct, textwrap, time, types, warnings === Do not include: === _ssl, pickle, cPickle, === For 2.4, include: === subprocess == Contents, minimum == === What to include === empty === What to exclude === * distutils: package installations only, but: some things like distutils.get_platform used at runtime as well. * encodings & various codecs * + python2.4 adds 800kB for CJK-codecs * different server modules * + SimpleXMLRPCServer, DocXMLRPCServer, CGIHTTPServer, BaseHTTPServer, SimpleHTTPServer, smtpd * network modules not used during system startup * + nntplib, gopherlib, poplib, imaplib * development stuff: * + compiler, parser, pyclbr * + cgitb * + profile, pstats, timeit * + hotshot, _hotshot * + pdb, bdb * + tabnanny * + test, unittest * Tools * + pydoc * Multimedia libs * + audioop * + imageop * + aifc, toaiff * + sunau, sunaudio * + wave * + chunk * + colorsys * + rgbimg * + imghdr * + sndhdr * + ossaudiodev, audiodev, linuxaudiodev (?) * Not essential: * + nis * + user * + this * Deprecated stuff / not used in base lib / not recommended for use * + UserList, UserString * + dl * + reconvert, regex_syntax, regex, regsub, pcre, pre * + TERMIOS, FCNTL === List of modules and dependent modules: === Bastion, ConfigParser, Cookie, HTMLParser, MimeWriter, Queue, SocketServer, StringIO, UserDict, __future__, _codecs, _csv, _curses, _locale, _random, _socket, _sre, _strptime, _symtable, _weakref, _xmlplus, anydbm, array, asynchat, asyncore, atexit, base64, binascii, binhex, bisect, bsddb, cPickle, cStringIO, calendar, cgi, cmath, cmd, code, codecs, codeop, commands, compileall, copy, copy_reg, crypt, csv, curses, datetime, dbhash, difflib, dircache, dis, dumbdbm, dummy_thread, dummy_threading, email, encodings, errno, exceptions, fcntl, filecmp, fileinput, fnmatch, formatter, fpformat, ftplib, getopt, getpass, gettext, glob, grp, gzip, heapq, hmac, htmlentitydefs, htmllib, httplib, ihooks, imp, imputil, inspect, itertools, keyword, linecache, locale, logging, mailbox, mailcap, markupbase, marshal, math, md5, mhlib, mimetools, mimetypes, mimify, mmap, modulefinder, multifile, mutex, netrc, new, opcode, operator, optparse, pickle, pickletools, pipes, pkgutil, platform, popen2, posix, posixfile, posixpath, pprint, pty, pwd, py_compile, pyexpat, quopri, random, re, repr, resource, rexec, rfc822, robotparser, rotor, sched, select, sets, sgmllib, sgmlop, sha, shelve, shlex, shutil, site, smtplib, socket, sre, sre_compile, sre_constants, sre_parse, stat, statvfs, string, stringprep, strop, struct, symbol, symtable, syslog, tarfile, telnetlib, tempfile, termios, textwrap, thread, threading, time, timing, token, tokenize, trace, traceback, tty, types, tzparse, unicodedata, urllib, urllib2, urlparse, uu, warnings, weakref, webbrowser, whichdb, whrandom, xdrlib, xml, xmllib, xmlrpclib, xreadlines, zipfile, zlib === Module dependencies: === https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/pymoduledeps2/ == Contents, delimited by dependencies only == Modules to exclude: * Deprecated Modules (lib-old): addpack, cmpcache, cmp, codehack, dircmp, dump, find, fmt, grep, lockfile, newdir, ni, packmail, Para, poly, rand, tb, util, whatsound, zmod, stringold * Dependencies not in essential: * + _bsddb * + _curses_panel * + readline * + _ssl * + _tkinter, FixTk, Tkconstants, Tkinter * + bz2 * + gdbm * + mpz (removed in 2.4) * Other modules to remove: * + _testcapi * + os2emxpath, ntpath, nturl2path, macurl2path, macpath === List of modules and dependent modules: === BaseHTTPServer, Bastion, CGIHTTPServer, ConfigParser, Cookie, DocXMLRPCServer, FCNTL, HTMLParser, MimeWriter, Queue, SimpleHTTPServer, SimpleXMLRPCServer, SocketServer, StringIO, TERMIOS, UserDict, UserList, UserString, __future__, _codecs, _csv, _curses, _hotshot, _locale, _random, _socket, _sre, _strptime, _symtable, _weakref, _xmlplus, aifc, anydbm, array, asynchat, asyncore, atexit, audiodev, audioop, base64, bdb, binascii, binhex, bisect, bsddb, cPickle, cStringIO, calendar, cgi, cgitb, chunk, cmath, cmd, code, codecs, codeop, colorsys, commands, compileall, compiler, copy, copy_reg, crypt, csv, curses, datetime, dbhash, difflib, dircache, dis, dl, dumbdbm, dummy_thread, dummy_threading, email, encodings, errno, exceptions, fcntl, filecmp, fileinput, fnmatch, formatter, fpformat, ftplib, getopt, getpass, gettext, glob, gopherlib, grp, gzip, heapq, hmac, hotshot, htmlentitydefs, htmllib, httplib, ihooks, imageop, imaplib, imghdr, imp, imputil, inspect, itertools, keyword, linecache, linuxaudiodev, locale, logging, mailbox, mailcap, markupbase, marshal, math, md5, mhlib, mimetools, mimetypes, mimify, mmap, modulefinder, multifile, mutex, netrc, new, nis, nntplib, opcode, operator, optparse, ossaudiodev, parser, pcre, pdb, pickle, pickletools, pipes, pkgutil, platform, popen2, poplib, posix, posixfile, posixpath, pprint, pre, profile, pstats, pty, pwd, py_compile, pyclbr, pydoc, pyexpat, quopri, random, re, reconvert, regex, regex_syntax, regsub, repr, resource, rexec, rfc822, rgbimg, robotparser, rotor, sched, select, sets, sgmllib, sgmlop, sha, shelve, shlex, shutil, site, smtpd, smtplib, sndhdr, socket, sre, sre_compile, sre_constants, sre_parse, stat, statvfs, string, stringprep, strop, struct, sunau, sunaudio, symbol, symtable, syslog, tabnanny, tarfile, telnetlib, tempfile, termios, test, textwrap, this, thread, threading, time, timeit, timing, toaiff, token, tokenize, trace, traceback, tty, types, tzparse, unicodedata, unittest, urllib, urllib2, urlparse, user, uu, warnings, wave, weakref, webbrowser, whichdb, whrandom, xdrlib, xml, xmllib, xmlrpclib, xreadlines, zipfile, zlib CategoryArchive