

This specification should outline test cases for the logic and functionality of each state of the installer and the transition between these states. This suite of test cases should be independent and not care if either the installation completes or the functionality of other states of the installer.

Installation functionality is covered in the installation testcases.



Dan Chapman


Ubuntu Member

Approved By


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< position >

Related Documents

Ref #

Document Name



Installer Design - Ubuntu Installation Process


Test Analysis and Specification for Ubiquity

Automated testing for Ubiquity


Ubiquity Test Plan

Ubiquity Test Plan


Installation Test Cases



Initially we will use a simple set of test cases, because ultimately we want to test that the installation is successful over testing logical functionality. Simple test cases are needed in order for the Installation Test Cases to be successful.

Since we are using autopilot to implement these tests we need to assume that no human eyes will be watching the tests when executed, therefore it is essential we have test cases for checking objects are visible, correct size etc, all things we would normally visually test with our eyes.

This document will be a work in progress and more test cases for logical functionality will be added once we have solid stable installation test cases.

State Trasition Diagram

Link to state transition diagram trans_diagram.jpg

Seperating Test Cases

To make testing each state of Ubiquity easier we can separate the UI into two sections. As you can see in the sections below we have objects that are present throughout the installation and objects that a relevant to a particular state of the installer. By separating them like this we can generate test cases for either Section 1, which would be test cases that should be run on every state of the installer, and Section 2 which would be test cases that are only run on a particular state of the installation.

There are situations throughout the install where Section 2 test cases will need to access the objects in Section 1 which should be handled gracefully.

Section 1

Objects that are present throughout the install


Section 2

Each step of the installer is embedded into a page of a GtkNotebook, which we can use to separate each step from each other as well as objects present throughout


Global Test Cases

These are test cases that ideally will be ran on each state of the installer (not including transitioning)

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

On English installs test label values at each state


English Installation Required. Configuration file containing vetted expected values to test against.


Check each visible label

Expected Results:

Expect text value to equal vetted value in configuration file

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

On Non-English installs test label values at each state


Non-English Installation Required.


Check each visible label

Expected Results:

Expect text value to not be empty and is a valid Unicode string

Page Transition Test Cases

For these test cases we should use the page title and the navigation button's sensitive properties to determine we have transitioned states. Ideally it would be easier to check the next page/state becomes visible, but this is not possible due to the visible properties of child pages in a GtkNotebook always being True, regardless of whether the user can see them.

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test case for transition to the next state of the installer


All required user input for the current state has been completed


1. Select 'Continue' button
2. Click 'Continue' button
3. Select page title

Expected Results:

1. button should be sensitive and not greyed out
2. Button's sensitive property becomes False while transitioning
3. Page title eventually changes to the next states title

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test case for transition to the previous state of the installer


Assume we are not on either the 'stepLanguage' or 'stepLocation' states


1. Select 'Back' button
2. Click 'Back' button
3. Select page title

Expected Results:

1. button should be sensitive and not greyed out
2. Button's sensitive property becomes False while transitioning
3. Page title eventually changes to the previous states title

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test case for terminating the installer


Assume we have not gone past either the 'stepPartAsk', 'stepPartAdvanced or 'stepPartCrypto' states


1. Select 'Quit' button
2. Click 'Quit' button
3. Click dialog Quit button

Expected Results:

1. button should be sensitive and not greyed out
2. A dialog is displayed asking “Do you really want to quit the installation now?”
3. The installer gracefully terminates and Ubiquity window closes

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test case for skipping the current step


The skip button is visible for the current step


1. Select 'Skip' button
2. Click 'Skip' button
3. Select page title

Expected Results:

1. button should be sensitive and not greyed out
2. Button's sensitive property becomes False while transitioning
3. Page title eventually changes to the next states title

Welcome Page Test Cases

For the welcome page test cases we need to keep in mind that we will be running English and Non-English test cases side-by-side so at the end of the test case we need to ensure we leave with the required locale selected for the install.

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test case for checking all expected visible objects can be seen




1. Select Language Tree View
2. Check all items in tree view
3. Select release notes label

Expected Results:

1. Visible property is True
2. All items should be visible non empty unicode strings and not contain strange characters
3. Visible property is True

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test case for localisation of the installer works correctly. This is very basic and should be expanded in future.




1. Click on 'Deutsch' in the location tree view
2. Select page title
3. Depending on install,
. a) Click 'English' in the location tree view
. b) Click random Non-English location in location tree view
4. Select page title

Expected Results:

1. 'Deutsch' item's selected property is True
2. Page title text should be 'Willkommen'
3. Clicked tree item is selected
4. If 'English' install page title text will change to 'Welcome' else the page title contains text of the selected language

Connect Wireless Page Test Cases

Test Case Id:


Test Description:



Expected Results:

Preparing Page Test Cases

The statebox's on the preparing page differ depending on power source, disk size and connectivity. A test case is needed for each scenario to determine the correct information is being displayed to the user

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test Case for asserting correct statebox for scenario


Connected to Network and power source, HDD larger than min requirements


1. Select Network Connection Statebox
2. Select sufficient space statebox
3. Select power source statebox

Expected Results:

1. Network Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-yes stock icon
2. Space Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-yes stock icon
3. Power Source Statebox and its children are hidden

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test Case for asserting correct statebox for scenario


Connected to Network and power source, HDD less than min requirements


1. Select Network Connection Statebox
2. Select sufficient space statebox
3. Select power source statebox

Expected Results:

1. Network Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-yes stock icon
2. Space Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-no stock icon
3. Power Source Statebox and its children are hidden

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test Case for asserting correct statebox for scenario


Connected to power source, HDD larger than min requirements and no network connection


1. Select Network Connection Statebox
2. Select sufficient space statebox
3. Select power source statebox

Expected Results:

1. Network Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-no stock icon
2. Space Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-yes stock icon
3. Power Source Statebox and its children are hidden

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test Case for asserting correct statebox for scenario


Not connected to Network, on battery power and HDD less than min requirements


1. Select Network Connection Statebox
2. Select sufficient space statebox
3. Select power source statebox

Expected Results:

1. Network Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-no stock icon
2. Space Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-no stock icon
3. Power Source Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-no stock icon

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test Case for asserting correct statebox for scenario


Not connected to Network, on battery power and HDD larger than min requirements


1. Select Network Connection Statebox
2. Select sufficient space statebox
3. Select power source statebox

Expected Results:

1. Network Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-no stock icon
2. Space Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-yes stock icon
3. Power Source Statebox and its children are visible, containing a gtk-no stock icon

Selecting updates and third-party software is handled by the installation testcases so we should just check they are visible

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test Case for asserting objects are visible




1. Select 'Install Updates' check button
2. Select 'Install Updates' description label
3. Select FOSS disclaimer
4. Select third party check button

Expected Results:

1. Check updates check button is visible
2. Check description is visible
3. Check FOSS disclaimer is visible
4. Check Third part check button is visible

Installation Type Page Test Cases

As this is the point where the installation type is selected, this will be handled in the installation test cases. All we need to do here is test all expected objects are visible.

What objects are visible depends on if the HDD is empty or contains another OS

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test expected objects are visible


No other OS is installed on the HDD


1. Select 'use_device' radio button
2. Select 'use_device' description
3. Select 'use_crypto' check button
4. Select 'use_crypto' description
5. Select 'use_lvm' check button
6. Select 'use_lvm' description
7. Select 'custom_partition' radio button
8. Select 'custom_partition' description

Expected Results:

1. Expect radio button to be visible
2. Expect description to be visible
3 . Expect check button to be visible
4. Expect description to be visible
5 . Expect check button to be visible
6. Expect description to be visible
7. Expect radio button to be visible
8. Expect description to be visible

NOTE: Need to confirm with xnox about expected options for what scenario's with an OS already installed. It would appear some situations with Windows 8 that don't match what the design specification outline. I may be wrong though :-S

Test Case Id:


Test Description:

Test expected objects are visible


Other OS/OS's installed on the HDD


Expected Results:

Encryption Page Test Cases

Test Case Id:


Test Description:



Expected Results:

Advanced Partition Page Test Cases

Test Case Id:


Test Description:



Expected Results:

Location Page Test Cases

Test Case Id:


Test Description:



Expected Results:

Keyboard Layout Page Test Cases

Test Case Id:


Test Description:



Expected Results:

User Info Page Test Cases

Test Case Id:


Test Description:



Expected Results:

Ubuntu One Page Test Cases

Test Case Id:


Test Description:



Expected Results:

Progress Page Test Cases

Test Case Id:


Test Description:



Expected Results:

Completion Dialog Test Cases

Test Case Id:


Test Description:



Expected Results:

QATeam/AutomatedTesting/StateTransitionTestCases (last edited 2014-01-03 12:50:54 by 89-168-6-168)