<> ||<>|| == Team Calendar == We maintain a calendar with the '''[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule|Release Schedule]]''' and all other quality related events on it. You can add the calendar to your favourite calendar program using the ical link below, or view an html version. * '''[[https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/canonical.com_o1icfllckuuh8c162kl8ui0bs8%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics|iCal]]''' * '''[[https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=canonical.com_o1icfllckuuh8c162kl8ui0bs8@group.calendar.google.com|HTML]]''' == Hackfests == During a scheduled hackfest, people gather together and make themselves available for the community to work on a shared goal. A hackfest usually has one main focus, but all kinds of contributions are encouraged during the events. To prepare for the hackfest, schedule free time for the event. On the appropriate Hackfest page, sign up for tasks (you can also just show up and help people with whatever they are working on). If you are planning to work on something that needs a specific setup done, take time to do that before the hackfest to save time on the actual hackfest hours. The QA Team hackfests are organized on the '''[[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-quality|#ubuntu-quality]]''' IRC channel on the Freenode IRC network. A hackfest is an opportunity to learn and get help from other people as well as get loads of work done in a short timespan. We heartily recommend participating! === Upcoming Hackfests === No hackfests scheduled. === Previous Hackfests === * '''[[QATeam/Hackfest/20140715|July 15th, 2014]]''', 1900-2200 UTC * '''[[QATeam/Testdrive/Hackfest|August 10th, 2013: Testdrive]]''', 1000-1600 UTC * '''[[QATeam/Hackfest/20130711|July 11th, 2013]]''', 2200-2300 UTC * '''[[QATeam/Hackfest/20130709|July 9th, 2013]]''', 1800-1900 UTC * '''[[QATeam/Hackfest/20130705|July 5th, 2013]]''', 1300-1400 UTC * '''[[QATeam/Hackfest/20130703|July 3rd, 2013]]''', 1800-1900 UTC * '''[[QATeam/Hackfest/20130613|June 13th, 2013]]''', 1200-2000 UTC * '''[[QATeam/Hackfest/20130604|June 4th, 2013]]''', 1200-2000 UTC * '''[[QATeam/Hackfest/20130523|May 23rd, 2013]]''', 1200-2000 UTC * '''[[QATeam/Hackfest/20130319|March 19th, 2013]]''', 1200-2300 UTC * '''[[QATeam/Hackfest/20130201|Feb 1st, 2013]]''', all day * '''[[QATeam/Hackfest/20121213|December 13th, 2012]]''', all day == Meetings == During 2007-2012, the team held weekly meetings on IRC. The logs for these can be found at [[QATeam/Meetings]].