=== Agenda - 2007-10-03 === * [[QATeam/Meetings/OsloSprint|Report]] from the testing mini-sprint in Oslo * Selecting topics for UDS * Release Candidate next week - where are we on bugs? * QA team wiki pages * Should this one be merged with UbuntuQA? * How can we make the connections between the teams less confusing? * Agree upon a method for communicating high profile or well known bug reports amongst each other. It should be something that developers can add bug reports that they are working on too. * The bugsquad mailing list might be a good idea so other triagers see it to, the mailing list reports could then be added to a wiki page or vice versa ## * ["/OsloSprint"] ## * ["/WeeklyMeeting20071003"] Meeting Log: [[MeetingLogs/QATeam/20071003]]