== Summary == * SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) SRU Activity for the past week (since 2009-09-16) has been very light, my guess is the alpha 6 excitement distracted everybody * Jaunty: 1 new package in -proposed (postgresql-8.3) and 2 packages pushed to -updates (clamav, postgresql-8.3) * Intrepid: 1 new package in -proposed (postgresql-8.3) and 1 package pushed to -updates (postgresql-8.3) * Hardy: 3 new packages in -proposed (linux, linux-ubuntu-modules, postgresql-8.3), and 1 package pushed to -updates (postgresql-8.3) * Dapper: 1 new package in -proposed (postgresql-8.1) and 1 package pushed to -updates (postgresql-8.1) Thanks to Leonel Nunez, tz, and iGEL for testing packages in -proposed this week. * Bugday highlights -- bdmurray (Brian Murray) [ACTION] bdmurray to ping the person setting up the pulseaudio bugday * ISO Testing Tracker improvements -- ara (Ara Pulido) [ACTION] ara to file a bug on ISO tracker lp data [LINK] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-website/+bugs * QA Meetings logs -- ara (Ara Pulido) [ACTION] ara to send an email to ubuntu-qa with the different possibilities for maintaining the meeting logs * Five a day statistics updated [LINK] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/five-a-day/ == Logs == {{{ [18:02] #startmeeting [18:02] Meeting started at 12:02. The chair is ara. [18:02] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [18:02] apologies in advance if I just disappear lug meeting is further a field tonight [18:02] ara: you da man! [18:02] agenda as usual at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings [18:02] [TOPIC] SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [18:02] New Topic: SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) [18:03] SRU Activity for the past week (since 2009-09-16) has been very light, my guess is the alpha 6 excitement distracted everybody [18:03] * Jaunty: 1 new package in -proposed (postgresql-8.3) and 2 packages pushed to -updates (clamav, postgresql-8.3) [18:03] * Intrepid: 1 new package in -proposed (postgresql-8.3) and 1 package pushed to -updates (postgresql-8.3) [18:03] * Hardy: 3 new packages in -proposed (linux, linux-ubuntu-modules, postgresql-8.3), and 1 package pushed to -updates (postgresql-8.3) [18:03] * Dapper: 1 new package in -proposed (postgresql-8.1) and 1 package pushed to -updates (postgresql-8.1) [18:03] Thanks to Leonel Nunez, tz, and iGEL for testing packages in -proposed this week. [18:03] That's all on the SRU front, unless there are any questions. [18:03] sbeattie, is it dapper still maintained? [18:04] ara: yes, dapper's server packages are still maintained. [18:04] sbeattie, ah, ok, but not the desktop, isn't it? [18:04] Correct [18:04] OK. thanks sbeattie :) [18:05] [TOPIC] Bugday highlights -- bdmurray (Brian Murray) [18:05] New Topic: Bugday highlights -- bdmurray (Brian Murray) [18:06] bdmurray, any comments about the last bug day? [18:06] Yes, we made some progress on the bugs without a package. [18:07] Particularly, thanks to jpeddicord and kamus! [18:08] What's the topic for tomorrow's bugday? [18:09] ara: it is supposed to be pulseaudio and a community member is setting it up [18:10] bdmurray, mmm, the page is not there yet [18:10] ara: yes, I see that :-( [18:11] bdmurray, could you approach the community member and check if he or she finally is running it? [18:12] ara: yes, I'll ping them [18:12] [ACTION] bdmurray to ping the person setting up the pulseaudio bugday [18:12] ACTION received: bdmurray to ping the person setting up the pulseaudio bugday [18:13] OK, next one [18:13] [TOPIC] ISO Testing Tracker improvements -- ara (Ara Pulido) [18:13] New Topic: ISO Testing Tracker improvements -- ara (Ara Pulido) [18:13] yes [18:13] I know this is an old, old issue, but there are some improvements that should be easy to fix [18:13] The list that I have (some require some more work) [18:14] lp and report [18:14] Reports working again and better [18:14] • Launchpad data fixed [18:14] • Assign something to yourself [18:14] • Launchpad Open ID [18:14] do you think of anything else? [18:14] assigning works ara [18:14] davmor2, it is on the list :) [18:15] davmor2, or you mean assigning something to someone else [18:15] ? [18:15] ara: I'm saying it works can't understand why it's on the list [18:16] I think she means assign an iso / test to yourself [18:16] bdmurray, that's what I meant [18:16] to show that it is in progress [18:16] e.g. "I plan to work on this test case next" [18:16] a working admin interface, where adding testcases doesn't require writing sql. [18:17] the report working again would be the most useful thing which I think needs the lp data fix in place too [18:17] ara: right with you now [18:17] Is there a bug open about the lp data? [18:17] no idea [18:18] which lp project contains the data of the iso tracker? [18:18] ubuntu-qa-website [18:18] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-website/+bugs [18:18] bdmurray: pass. but it might be that the tracker needs an update to use the data rather then the other way round [18:19] Okay, I'll look into making bugs display information again in the tracker. [18:20] bdmurray, thanks! [18:20] bdmurray: thanks [18:20] I will try to triage the list of bugs a bit [18:20] right need to go sorry [18:20] We should open a bug on it though [18:20] bdmurray, indeed, I'll do it [18:21] ara: great, thanks [18:21] [ACTION] ara to file a bug on ISO tracker lp data [18:21] ACTION received: ara to file a bug on ISO tracker lp data [18:22] [LINK] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-website/+bugs [18:22] LINK received: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-website/+bugs [18:22] OK, last topic in the agenda: [18:22] [TOPIC] QA Meetings logs -- ara (Ara Pulido) [18:22] New Topic: QA Meetings logs -- ara (Ara Pulido) [18:23] The meetings page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings hasn't been updated in a while [18:23] what do you guys think is better to maintain there, only the Mootbot summary? the logs? a human written summary? [18:24] I am worried that people that cannot attend the meeting, never have access to the discussed data [18:24] I think a human written summary would likely be the most useful [18:25] It doesn't need to be long just elaborate on the mootbot summary [18:25] I agree, but it's also he most effort, and as a likely low priority task for whoever decides to take it on, will likely get dropped (as has happened currently) [18:26] Might there be any community members who would be interested in helping out with this? [18:26] mmm, what about copying the mootbot summary, and send a reminder to the owners of the topic to extend a bit theirs? [18:28] I will send an email to the ubuntu-qa list to check with the rest of the community [18:28] sounds good [18:29] [ACTION] ara to send an email to ubuntu-qa with the different possibilities for maintaining the meeting logs [18:29] ACTION received: ara to send an email to ubuntu-qa with the different possibilities for maintaining the meeting logs [18:29] any other topics? [18:30] yes, I've been working with five-a-day stats some recently [18:30] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/five-a-day/ [18:30] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/five-a-day/ [18:31] I've made some changes to the weekly stats and added the daily stats [18:31] blog post to follow sometime soon ;-) [18:32] Nice! [18:34] anything else? [18:34] nope [18:35] OK, let's wrap up [18:35] #endmeeting [18:35] Meeting finished at 12:35. }}}